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And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? (Rom.8:28-31)


As we continue moving through Romans 8, Paul continues to reveal God’s purposes in our lives. God is a loving father and loving fathers have hopes and dreams for their children. They also have wisdom that will direct their children to green pastures and still waters if the children will listen. As we move though this entire chapter we are reminded over and over of how much God wants the best for us and how much he works in our lives to bring us into his best. The problem is that we often resist his best and stubbornly continue to go our own way. The devil also wants to derail the Father’s plans for our lives. Because of that, God often finds himself salvaging something good out of a smoking pile of debris.


If you watch much of HGTV or similar channels there are always shows tracking the adventures and misadventures of people who have chosen to remodel old homes. The problem is that the contractors are continually finding issues where do-it-yourselfers, incompetent builders, or corner-cutting contractors have done things that are not up to code or are just jig-sawed together in dangerous ways. The remodelers then have to tear out what has been done poorly and repair the structural damage incurred to do it right at much added time, expense and effort.  God has to do that in our lives from time to time because of our own bungling or someone else’s but he is committed to making all things work together for good. If we cooperate the project goes much better. His effort, beginning with the cross, is spent on those he has called and those who love him.


After saying that, Paul roles out some big theological terms and concepts – foreknowledge and predestination. In simple terms (the only kind I can understand), God knows what our choices will be before we ever make them (foreknowledge) and then works with our choices to make us more like Jesus which is God’s ultimate plan for every believer. The predestination part of the equation is simply ordaining opportunities for us for to perform good works, express faith, and become more like our King. Knowing what someone will do is not predestination in the sense of making the choice for him or her or giving them no real choice. When we go to our favorite Mexican food restaurant in Midland, I already know what my wife will choose from the menu. I could call ahead and have the order waiting for her and I would not be forcing her to eat the Cheese Chile Relleno with everything on it, although I predestined the opportunity for her to choose that item. She could refuse what I arranged and choose something else but since I know her so well, I know she will choose the relleno.


If you are in Christ, then God in his foreknowledge knew that your heart would turn to Jesus and so he called you. God tilled the soil of your heart before anyone planted the Word there but then he put someone in your path to share the gospel with you while the Spirit opened your understanding. You said, “Yes, ” to the invitation. Having been called, you responded, not as God forced you to but as God knew you would. Once you responded he justified you. He declared you sinless in the courts of heaven and, having done that, he glorified you. In the mind of God and the eyes of heaven you are already a glorious son or daughter of the king adding more glory as you serve him and embrace opportunities to do more in the name of Jesus.


This whole chapter chronicles the efforts of God to draw you to himself, save you, make you like Jesus, glorify you, establish an eternal destiny for you and get you home in one piece. And yet, many believers still doubt God’s commitment to them and feel weak and helpless when they find themselves in the crosshairs of the devil. Of all people, we should live with an optimism and a confidence in our purpose and our future. Once again Paul is building up to his thematic declaration, “If God is for us who can be against us?” Many kings and nations have determined to stand against the purposes of God but even those with vast armies at their disposal have been unable to stall his will. Ask Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Herod, Caesar, and a host of others who commanded the greatest armies in the world. Each fell before the purposes of God and we can be sure that those who stand against the purposes of God in our own lives will fall as well if we persist in faith.


I watched Seattle come back against Green Bay this past Sunday after being sixteen points down at the half. By all odds, they should have lost but came back late in the fourth quarter to tie and then won on their first drive in overtime. If you were a Seattle fan the game was amazing, exciting, and memorable. I have to admit that God often waits until late in the fourth quarter to deliver us from our enemies but deliver he does if we continue to remember who he is and who we are in him. Even in death we win. As Paul said, “To be out of this body is to be with Christ” (2 Cor.5:8). Take courage in every circumstance for God is with you and he is certainly for you. Your victory has been predestined.