Spiritual Boundaries

We have an exceptional residential program in our city for single-parent mothers and their children.  Every year I have the privilege of teaching the mothers a workshop on Boundaries in relationships.  A number of years ago, Henry Cloud and John Townsend wrote the book entitled Boundaries that has become a classic used by counselors in numerous settings. 

Whenever a book begins to have such influence, it is always a good practice to ask whether its contents are consistent with biblical principles.  I have seen books sweep through the American self-help sections of bookstores that are not consistent with biblical principles and, therefore, will eventually lead to bad outcomes.  

Paul spoke to this reality in Galatians when he said, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life” (Gal.6:7-8). In essence, Paul is saying that whenever we consistently follow the impulses of the flesh or the promptings of the world, we will eventually end up in hurtful or destructive circumstances.  Whenever we consistently do things God’s way, we will experience life-giving outcomes.

The concept of boundaries is that we should establish “fences” in our lives that let in the good and keep out the bad.  These “fences” are basically proactive decisions about what I will let into my life and what I will refuse to let into my life.  They are decisions about what I will take responsibility for and what I will insist that others take responsibility for.  They are decisions about where I will draw the line in my actions and in the actions of others.  It is all about what I say “yes” to and what I say “no” to.  

I believe that the idea of intentionally setting boundaries is a very biblical idea and is an essential concept in spiritual warfare.  Joshua told the Israelites, “Choose who you will serve…but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” That is a proactive decision to establish boundaries around your family.  Paul wrote in his second letter to the church at Corinth, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.” “Therefore, come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.” “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty” (2 Cor. 6:14-18).

In this text, God is calling us to decide who we are and to live accordingly.  Because we are children of God and followers of Jesus, there should simply be things we do and things we don’t do, people we enter into agreement with and people we don’t.  Each of those decisions is a boundary. So let’s quickly examine of few of the areas in which God actually commands us to establish boundaries. The spiritual warfare aspect of this is that godly boundaries keep the enemy out of our lives, while the lack of boundaries invite him in.

First of all. God tells us to avoid covenants, agreements, and influential relationships with unbelievers.  This is a principle that is clearly stated in both the Old and New Testaments.  It is worth noting, that the verb modes are command modes, not suggestions for Christian living.

God maintains a clear boundary or line between believers and unbelievers.  He is very clear about who is in the family of God and who is not and about those who have the Holy Spirit living in  them and those who don’t.  We typically don’t see it as clearly as God does and tend to think there are good people out there who are not yet Christians that we might marry, form some kind of alliance with, etc.

God says that those in the kingdom belong to Jesus and those who aren’t in the kingdom belong to Satan.  He sees one as belonging to the light and the other as belonging to darkness.  One is influenced by the Spirit and the other by the demons – knowingly or unknowingly.  His point is that entering onto covenants or agreements with those who belong to Satan gives him access to your life.  When you marry, you also marry your spouse’s family and the in-laws can have a dramatic effect on you for good or bad.  If you enter into a covenant with an unbeliever, Satan becomes an “in-law”  because you have entered into an agreement with his representatives.

We need to keep the door closed on the enemy and give him no openings into our life. Paul warns us in Ephesians 4 not allow the sun to go down on our anger and not to give Satan a foothold, which in Greek means a territory or a place of standing.  His point is that if we nurture anger and unforgiveness, that sin gives the devil a place to accuse us and to gain access to our hearts or mind.  That foothold can then become a stronghold.

Paul then goes on to say that, in addition to avoiding binding relationships or partnerships with unbelievers, we must consider ourselves different and set apart from unbelievers.  This is not a call to arrogance or self-righteousness, but is a matter of knowing he we are in Christ and knowing that we are set apart from all others on this planet.  We are holy by the blood of Christ and are the temple of God so we conduct ourselves in accordance with the Spirit, not the flesh or the world.

He also says that we are to touch no unclean thing.  That means that we do not involve ourselves in idolatry…not just false religion but even the worship of money, power, fame, pleasure, etc. We don’t touch or embrace what is unclean such as pornography, witchcraft, sexual perversion, dishonest gain, lying, stealing, etc. The world and the flesh will rationalize and excuse those things, but we are to establish clear boundaries in our hearts and minds to say “no” to those things and “yes” to the things of God. That kind of alignment with the Father keeps the enemy at bay.

Those who are afflicted and oppressed by demons have opened the door to their presence through sin and some agreement with the world or have had someone in their bloodline do the same. Boundaries are thoughtful and intentional decisions to let the good in and keep the bad out.  They are for our health and safety. They are lines of demarcation that say we will not go there and are no trespassing signs for the enemy.  God is a god of boundaries and, as his people, we should be clear about those boundaries ourselves.   It might be good to even right down our personal boundaries that keep us close to God…what we will do and what we won’t do, who we will make covenants with and who we won’t, so that, when temptation comes, we have already decided what our course will be.  By living that way, God will clearly be a father to us and we will clearly be his sons and daughters.  

Another interesting cultural trend took the spotlight in Scottsdale, Arizona this past weekend.  Hundreds of members of the “Satanic Temple” held a three-day convention there called SatanCon.  Reported, the Satanic Temple had filed a request to present an invocation before the City Council of Scottsdale.  They were refused the right to offer their invocation, so they decided to have a large gathering in Phoenix to demonstrate the quality of their organization in an effort to discredit the City Council for their rejection and refusal to be “inclusive.”

Although the Satanic Temple uses the satanic pentagram and its symbolism and erects statues of Satan (Baphomet) wherever possible, they declare they are not really Satanists but libertarians joining together to do noble works through social activism.  If you check their website, their mission statement sounds like the Rotary Club.  They claim that they do not participate in satanic rituals or sacrifice, but are simply having fun with the satanic symbols and the name. 

The leaders of the Satanic Temple are either whitewashing their real intent or are incredibly ignorant people playing with fire.  Satan is never more in the driver’s seat than when we don’t take him seriously or don’t recognize his activity.  It is amazing how many people, including believers, think of Satan as mythological or mere superstition.  Many main stream Christians would tell you that they believe that both Satan and hell are real, but have no awareness that there is an actual spiritual adversary scheming against their lives and families on a daily basis.  

The great majority of churches in America have no curriculum or training to address spiritual warfare (Eph. 6:12) or the use of divine weapons. (2 Cor. 10:4). Remember, Paul declared that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil in heavenly realms and that divine weapons are required to bring down these demonic strongholds.

If we do not view Satan as a real adversary, he will operate, disrupt, and disable without detection like the invisible man or like a cancer that has not been diagnosed.  I know of several churches that have been divided and rendered ineffective by the strategies of the enemy, but have never identified the real cause of their struggles.  Some of these churches had 2000 members a few years ago but now have only a few hundred in attendance.  They replace their staff over and over, remodel to make the building more attractive, and try to employ the “newest” church growth strategies only to continue to waste away.  Yet, it never occurs to them to enter into prayer and fasting, repentance, cleansing the property of demonic spirits or breaking curses that have given the enemy access to that church for decades.

I personally know of individuals who were former witches in our community, but have now come to the Lord and confessed that they used to sit in Sunday services at influential churches and pronounce curses over the church and the pastoral staff.  Some of those churches have since experienced moral failures by leadership, a loss of passion for the kingdom, serious divisions in their membership, and significantly shrinking numbers.  They continue to look for solutions in the natural realm, but have no idea about how to wage war in the spiritual realm.  

If the members of the Satanic Temple think that Satan is not real, but just a mythological character whose likeness and symbols can be used for fun like Santa Claus, they will soon be co-opted, demonized, and controlled for the purposes of Satan.  If you wear his name and wield his symbols, you belong to him…whether you know it or not.  If they are simply putting up a socially acceptable front, we should not be surprised.  After all, the apostle Paul warned us when he said, “And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness” (2 Cor. 11:14).

The SatanCon in Scottsdale is symptomatic of a culture who does not take evil seriously and is too “sophisticated” to consider Satan to be a real being who truly is our adversary.  It is symptomatic of a culture who no longer believes in the absolutes of good and evil.  It is a culture that no longer believers that there is a God in heaven who judges individuals and nations.  As believers, we cannot afford to be casual or ignorant about the adversary.  We do not have to be afraid because Christ has all authority, but we need to be wise and know when the enemy is involved and how to take action when needed. We all should ask the Lord daily for spiritual discernment and wisdom to know how to wield.  We must learn how to do battle, how to pray for our families, churches, and nation and how to stand against the intrusions of the enemy withthe weapons he has given us through the  victory of Jesus Christ.

How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth…You said in your heart, “I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” Isa. 14:12-14

You were the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you…Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared. You were anointed as a guardian cherub, or so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you. Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, O guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones. Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth.   Ezek. 28:12-17

These two passages from the Old Testament are considered by most to be descriptions of Satan before his fall and the reasons that he was driven from heaven and cast down to planet earth.  One is found as part of a prophecy against Babylon and the other against the King of Tyre.  The point is that, in the same way that Satan was strong and powerful once, but lost his elevated position in heaven because of pride and a desire to take the throne himself, these kings would also be judged because of pride and a heart that exalted themselves above God. 

What we need to notice is that Satan, in his corrupted pride and wisdom, desired to take the place of God in heaven where he would then receive praise and worship.  He was created as a guardian cherub who constantly ministered around the throne of God.  Some believe that he was even the worship leader of heaven.  In his beauty and exalted status, he became jealous of the worship God received and wanted it for himself.  He hasn’t changed. Ultimately, his desire is to be worshipped as God himself, although he is a created being.  

In Matthew 4, when Satan appeared to tempt Christ after 40 days of fasting in the wilderness, his final temptation was that he would give Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if Christ would worship him.  In Revelation 13, the dragon (Satan) raises up a beast that all people are amazed at and we are told that all the people of the earth worshipped the dragon.  Satan’s deepest desire is to redirect worship from God to himself.  Scripture reveals that behind every idol is a demon and so demons receive the worship that men give to idols.  Since demons represent Satan, I’m sure he accepts that as worship to himself.

Worship can be a subtle thing.  It doesn’t have to be men and women cloaked in robes in a candle lit room chanting, “Hail Satan.”  It can be as simple as loving the things he loves.  It can be as simple has agreeing with him about values, priorities, and contorted views of God.  It is as simple as calling evil things good and good things evil.  It can be as simple as pursuing the desires of the flesh rather than the desires of the Spirit.  When we love what God loves and hate what God hates, it is an expression of worship because we have aligned our hearts with His.  When we love what Satan loves and hate what he hates, we also are worshipping him. 

We live in a world that constantly exalts and practices the things of Satan – money, power, illicit sex, homosexuality, transgenderism, abortion, theft, violence, atheism, racism, witchcraft, etc.  We hear the constant drum beat that these things are part of an enlightened, sophisticated culture.  Those who would push back against these new cultural “norms” are labelled unenlightened, bigoted haters.  

Let’s face it, things that shocked and disgusted the average American fifty years ago, hardly raise an eye brow now.  We have been exposed to these things so often by the media, that our sensitivities are dulled.  What was considered gross sin fifty years ago is now “cute” and is, at least, a subplot in every movie or television series. 

This is all designed to normalize such behaviors and, over time, align our values with the enemy’s. After years of conditioning, our hearts start to compromise and, perhaps, begin to give some credibility to the arguments that these things are actually normal and healthy.  It is all a great strategy to align our hearts, values, and priorities with the enemy’s.  His goal is to pervert every holy thing that God created and to draw disciples after himself.  All this is to draw worship to himself.  Service is a form of worship and when we serve Satan by agreeing with him in word or actions, then we are worshipping.

In the arena of spiritual warfare, agreement is a huge issue.  Whomever we agree with, we empower in our lives and invite to come in and sit down.  We live in an age when we must evaluate constantly which direction our heart is leaning.  When you survey scriptures that speak about end times, a major theme is that people, even God’s people, will be deceived by the evil one and drawn away from the kingdom of heaven.  

We must evaluate, on a regular basis, who or what we are worshipping.  What are we pursuing with the most passion? To whom or what are we giving our time and finances?  What are we thinking about, dreaming about, or imagining when we are alone? What offends us or what no longer offends us?  

What in our lives are out of sync with the Word of God and the holiness of God?  These are serious matters.  God may not be as casual about our sin and agreement with Satan as we are.  Let me encourage you to evaluate your worship…not just on Sunday mornings, but on the other six days of the week as well.  We must worship God and him only and lets encourage one another to do so as the return of Jesus draws closer.  

It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.  (Hebrews 6:4-6)

I believe in positive preaching that, like prophecy, is designed to strengthen, comfort and encourage.  But there is also a time to issue warnings to the body of Christ.  Hebrews is a letter both of encouragement and warning.  To set the context, 30-40 years have passed since the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. Persecutions had broken out throughout the Roman Empire.   Several decades had passed and Jesus had not yet returned. Pressure from Jewish friends and families who still kept the Law of Moses was probably applied daily to abandon this “Jesus sect” and return to the Law.  

In the context of those things, there were some believing Jews who were beginning to fall away from the church and drift back to the Law of Moses and the temple services in Jerusalem. Something in us tends to want something more tangible, more concrete, more about us than faith sometimes offer.  These believers were beginning to drift away from the truth that we are saved by grace though faith in Jesus and by no works of our own.  They liked a temple they could touch and smell, sacrifices and “good works” that seemed to put them in control of their relationship with God, and a priesthood that could be religious for them.  Although, the law enslaved men, they wanted to go back to the Law like some in the days of Moses had wanted to go back to slavery in Egypt.

In the face of that “falling away,” the writer of Hebrews penned the warning above. There are only a few things in the New Testament that are deemed impossible, but this letter lists one of those.  The writer says that when a person has been enlightened (when they have been taught the truth); when they have tasted the goodness of God and his salvation and experienced the Holy Spirit and his power…if they fall away…it is impossible for that person to be brought back to repentance.

I don’t believe that the writer is telling us that God won’t receive us again, if we repent.  I believe the warning is that our hearts can become so hardened and so indifferent to the prompting of the Spirit, that there is a point beyond which we will not and cannot repent under any condition.  This letter warns us that we can cross a point of no return in our faith.  It may not be a moment we are aware of.  We may not recognize hoe hardened or indifferent our heart has become after we have quenched and grieved the Spirit for so long.  Many will take up an offense toward God because something in their life did not go as they planned or because some prayer went unanswered.  That offense turns to bitterness and the bitterness to unbelief.  They write God out of their lives like an old boyfriend or girlfriend who was unfaithful. You write them out and then after a few years you simply don’t think about them anymore. 

The apostle Paul revealed a prophecy for the end times in his first letter to Timothy.   He said, “The Spirit clearly says that in later times, some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron” (I Tim. 4:1-2).

In these last days, we are seeing many believers fall away from the faith.  They are rejecting the exclusivity of Jesus as the only way to heaven.  They are embracing compromise in the name of tolerance and calling things good that God calls an abomination (abortion, homosexuality, transsexuality, etc.). They are abandoning the local church to stay home and be Christians as if they can separate the head from the body without consequence.  How many of us live out a casual Christianity that shows up or serves only when it is very convenient?  How many of us trade on God’s grace by participating in sin year after year without repentance, believing that God will excuse our indifference to holiness? If we are honest, how many of us have slipped into a mindset that we will still get to heaven because we are better than most people?  How many of us can truly point to the evidence that Jesus is Lord of our lives as well as Savior?

The warning in Hebrews is that we can be drawn away by false prophets who preach a partial truth or even by prophets of culture.  We can forsake our spiritual family by becoming a faithful member of the “electronic church.” We can easily become casual about Jesus and his holiness.  And we can come to a place we don’t recognize, but at which point, our hearts will no longer respond to God again.  All the time, Satan will be whispering that we are in no danger.

The warning is intended to make us wise so that we keep guardrails up around our faith.  The guardrails are staying in the Word, staying connected to spiritual family, staying accountable to other faithful believers, putting ourselves in positions to hear the truth that most often will be counter-cultural, and practicing confession and repentance so that we maintain a concern about our holiness and invite the Spirit to constantly do his work in us.

We live in dangerous times…especially, in the spiritual realm.  The spiritual roads are slippery, dark, and tricky. Don’t be casual, don’t be a compromiser in the name of tolerance, and don’t disconnect from spiritual family.  When you find yourself being apathetic about Jesus, do something about it.  When you know you have sin in your life, acknowledge it, repent of it, confess it. Never allow yourself to even get close to crossing the point of no return.