Perspective on Prayer
Perspective on Prayer
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There are many things we get wrong because we are viewing them from the wrong perspective.  It’s like the old saying, “You can’t see the forest for the trees.”  I’m really not certain what that old saying means but I think it’s the idea that sometimes we miss the big picture because we are caught up in the details.  Our spiritual life can be affected by working from the wrong perspective as well.  Sometimes we serve God like beggars rather than sons and daughters of the royal household. From that perspective, we get lost in worry about whether God will provide rather than living in anticipation of how he will provide.


One of our great struggles in prayer is the notion that prayer is about getting God to do what we want him to do.  Our perspective is that we set God’s agenda for our life and then try to persuade him to fulfill that agenda. That is not what Jesus modeled for us.  Jesus taught us to look for what the Father is doing and then join him in the heavenly agenda. “Jesus gave them this answer: I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does’” (Jn.5:19)


Jesus lived with the idea that the Father was the initiator of his daily assignments. Basically he asked God to show him what the agenda was for him that day and then he lived it out.  Much of what the Father directed Jesus to do wasn’t always logical from an earthly point of view.  How many times did Jesus leave the crowds clamoring for more when, from our perspective, he should have stayed while demand for the message was high.  Certainly, confronting the religious establishment wasn’t the way to grow the church; it got him crucified.  Jesus spent his days hanging out with sinners, sick people, the demonized, and the despised.  Our wisdom would have directed us to spend our days building relationships with the rich, the powerful and the influential in order to resource the preaching of the gospel.  My point is that God’s agenda for our days might and probably would look very different from our own blueprint for the next twenty-four hours.


I know theologically we agree with Jesus but practically we (I include myself) still tend to default back to bringing our plans to the Father and asking him to fund what we have imagined. Graham Cooke speaks to this perspective when he says, “Prayer, in its simplest form, is finding out what God wants to do and then asking Him to do it. When we don’t listen before we pray we end up presenting God with options instead of a request. We’ll pray whatever comes to mind instead of entering into communion with Him. Our internal, clamoring agenda gives God a multiple choice prayer…Prayer is praying with God not to God. It is praying with the answer, not to try and find one” (Graham Cooke, Approaching the Heart of Prophecy, p. 103).


If our perspective on prayer was trying to discern the heart and will of God and then asking him to do what he already had in mind, we would be much more like Jesus.  Our goal would be to fulfill his will on earth rather than our own.  I’m not saying that we pray for evil things, we may pray for many good things but those things may not be in sync with God’s purposes for a person, a specific situation,  or even for ourselves.


Our first objection to that way of thinking is that if God already has in mind what he wants to do then why pray at all.  The answer, once again, is found in God’s desire for partnership.  There are many things he wants to do that he will not do until his people pray.  Since we have been given authority on the earth, God honors our authority and does not disempower us by doing what he wants without our involvement or consent. Authority flows from the top down even in a family and when we align our prayers with the Father’s plans we will see much more fruit.


So then how do we know what the Father wants us to pray about?  Many things are constants revealed in the word of God.  We are told to pray for those in authority and to pray for peace.  Paul tells us a number of things for which he constantly prayed – boldness to preach the gospel, the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation, an increase in love, healing for the sick, etc. Those things are always on God’s agenda.  But then we should exam the unselfish desires of our heart.  Have we begun to carry a burden for someone or someplace or some ministry?  God may have well placed on your heart what was already on his heart.  Circumstances often seem to point us to a place where God is already working but is the Spirit provoking us to pray for that or involve ourselves in a situation?


We cannot minister to everyone we encounter in a day or involve ourselves in every opportunity that we hear about.  We can quickly eliminate some things as being ungodly but many things would not be wrong.  We will still need God to direct us to the opportunities appointed to us.  Some plant, some water, and God gives the increase.  We need to know what our role is.  The best way to know is to hear a fresh word from God.  Learning to listen, then pray, then listen, then pray is a tough discipline in this “run and gun” world, but I believe it is what Jesus did on those nights when he went off by himself to pray.


When I think about praying for God’s agenda rather than my own and avoiding selfish prayers, my flesh cries out, “Yeah, but what about me?” When I say that, I discover a lack of trust in me toward the Father.  I somehow don’t quite believe that the desires of his heart for me as well as the rest of the world will bring me joy and meet my needs in better ways than I could ever imagine.  I don’t quite believe that his timetable for me is really suitable.  I don’t quite believe that he is interested in the deepest needs of my being.  I’m afraid that when everyone else’s needs have been met through my service, my own needs will be left undone.  But then I need to go back and read the Spirit’s definition of love in 1 Corinthians 13 and remember that God is love.  All of those qualities of love spelled out in that chapter must be how God feels about you and me and in that character I am assured that God not only wants what’s best for me but also knows what’s best for me.


Maybe we just need to test the waters by asking God what he would have us pray about today or do today and trust that it will lead to blessing and happiness.  Maybe we should just try it for 90 days to see how life flows for us and to see how our relationship with the Father flows.  It’s all a matter of perspective. Is real fulfillment going to be found in God propping up my desires or will it be found in me fulfilling his plans?  With all that he had to do, Jesus never seemed to hurry, worry, or be overwhelmed by life.  That sounds really good. His secret was simply doing what God had for him to do each day and receiving what God had already designated as his.  Trust is the perspective we are looking for and it only comes through experiencing the goodness of God when we are in the center of his will.


Be blessed today.

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