Heart of God
Heart of God
By: tomvermillion.com, Categories: acceptance,blessing,faith,love of God,mercy, Comments Off on Heart of God

Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the Sovereign Lord. Rather, am I not pleased when they turn from their ways and live? Ezek.18:23


The people of the land practice extortion and commit robbery; they oppress the poor and needy and mistreat the alien, denying them justice. I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none. Ezek.22:29-30


One of the great lies of the enemy that keeps people from God is that God is a vengeful, angry deity sitting on a throne in heaven with a score pad just waiting to pour out his wrath on all those who fail to toe the line. Satan loves to paint God as the explosive, abusive father ready to backhand his kids at the slightest provocation. I believe that Satan whispered something akin to that view into the ears of Adam and Eve a millisecond after they sinned in The Garden. How else would you account for them running and hiding from a Father who had only ever shown them love?


However, that is not the God revealed in the Bible. But, you say, what about all the times he judged Israel and scattered them all over the world and what about the flood that wiped out every human being except for Noah’s little tour group on the ark? I didn’t say that God never judges unrighteousness. After all, he is holy. But what we need to understand is that it is never his heart to do so and it only comes after years of unrepented sin and constant warnings from the Lord.


Like a good father, he always wants what is best for his children. He gives them clear guidelines and spells out the consequences for disobedience long before discipline is ever administered. He does not punish weakness or ignorance but only rebellion and even then he tries to find another way.


In the two passages above, Ezekiel reveals the heart of God in these matters. God takes no delight in the death of the wicked but longs for them to repent so that he can forgive and bless. The book of Jonah revolves around Jonah being sent to Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, who was a sworn enemy of Israel. Assyria was cruel and brutal in its treatment of captives and, yet, before judging this city he sent a prophet to warn the people. When Jonah vehemently objected to God showing mercy to this nation God responded, “But Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city” (Jonah 4:11)? Jonah preached, Nineveh repented, and God withheld judgment. If you look well, that is the pattern throughout the Old Testament. Even before the flood Noah preached repentance for 120 years and God did not open the heavens until “every imagination was evil all of the time”(Gen.6:5).


The second text quoted from Ezekiel is set in the context of Israel’s flagrant sin and rebellion against God that had gone on for years even though God had repeatedly sent prophets to turn their hearts back to Him. But even in the face of unrelenting rebellion God looked for a way to express mercy rather than judgment. His holiness required justice and judgment unless one could be found who would stand before him and plead for mercy on Israel’s behalf as Moses had done in the wilderness. But no one stood and no one interceded for Israel so God was forced to honor his people’s choices and send judgment though it was not his heart to do so. God reveals his heart plainly when he tells us, “Mercy triumphs over judgment” (Ja.2:13).


However, many believers still view God as the angry, stern father who begrudges his children anything beyond the bare essentials and who keeps a belt handy for the slightest infraction. To view God that way hinders everything about our walk with the Lord. If we see God that way we avoid him rather than running to him. We rarely ask in prayer because we think the answer is already “No!” When we do ask, we ask with little faith and pray as if we must persuade God to dispense the smallest of blessings.


But Jesus said, “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father” (Jn.14:9). Jesus was hardly the angry prophet ready to punish every transgression but rather was the Lamb of God ready to forgive every transgression. Jesus was incredibly gentle with sinners and broken hearts and was quick to express love, heal hurts, and restore bodies ravaged by disease. It seems that his most frequent emotion identified in the gospels was compassion and instead of making us pay for our sins he paid the price for us. What we see in Jesus is the Father’s heart as well.


We need to know that. One of our greatest weapons is “believing-prayer,” but how can we believe unless we see the Father as a God quick to forgive, quick to love, and quick to say, “Yes?” How can we come before him with confidence unless we see him as a Father who loves to see us come into his presence even with our imperfections and failings? How can we draw close unless we see him as a Father who longs to put his arms around us even if we have been prodigals? If we can’t see God this way then Satan has sold us a bill of goods designed to keep us far from the one who loves us more than we can imagine. If that is the case, we need to quickly rethink our view of God and know this – God has a heart for you.