Healing Prayer
Healing Prayer
By: tomvermillion.com, Categories: curses,Demons,faith,gospel,healing,spiritual gifts, Comments Off on Healing Prayer

As followers of Jesus, most of us have opportunities to pray for the sick or the disabled on a regular basis. If you are in any kind of a small group that is almost certainly the case. It is rare when we don’t know someone with cancer or some other life threatening disease these days as well. If you are like me, you long for a gift of healing in the church that would consistently banish disease with the simple words “Be healed in the name of Jesus.” The truth is, however, that the majority of believers who have prayed for the sick have not seen miraculous or convincing healings in response to their own prayers. As a result, they have begun to shy away from praying for anything more than a cold that will go away on it’s own anyway in a week or two.


One of the things we have been discovering over the past few years is that the best approach to healing prayer is typically not just jumping in and beginning to pray. In the spiritual realm, there are things that can block or greatly hinder healing and if they are not dealt with, the healing won’t occur or the symptoms will soon return. Taking a few minutes to talk about possible roots of the condition can increase the probability of healing significantly. Those who serve in deliverance ministries understand the concept when it come to demons but often forget the principles when praying for healing.


In deliverance ministries, we typically do some kind of interview to determine if a person is saved, if they have faith, if they have not forgiven others, or if some unrepented sin or some trauma has given the enemy a legal right to afflict the person. We would rarely try to minister deliverance without leading them through prayers of forgiveness or repentance or without breaking curses generated by the sins of their fathers or words spoken over them by others. The same process is a “best practice” before praying for healing.


One of the reasons for that approach is that demonic spirits are often involved in the illness or disability of an individual. Think about how many cases of back problems, blindness, deafness, muteness, and even seizures Jesus cured by first casting out a demon. Even secular doctors agree that about 80% of illnesses and conditions are rooted in unhealthy emotions. Fear, anxiety, worry, resentment, bitterness, etc. all promote high blood pressure, heart disease, suppressed immune systems and so forth. Those then lead to disease. Unclean spirits are experts at promoting unhealthy emotions. At a healing conference where Bill Johnson was speaking, I remember him saying that a very high percentage of the people they had healed first needed a spirit of infirmity cast out. If we simply go straight to praying for healing we may miss all those contributors.


For example, on several occasions, Jesus made a point of forgiving a man before healing him. That parallels Psalm 103:3 where David declares, “Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits – who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases” (Ps. 103:2-3). Unrepented sin is an open door to disease. When those sins are forgiven that door is shut and another door is opened to healing. Under the New Covenant, God declares that if we do not forgive those who have sinned against us, then he will not forgive ours sins. Unforgiveness, then, becomes a real hindrance to healing. Other spiritual issues can block or hinder healing in the same way.


We just finished another Freedom Weekend in which we spend the morning asking the Lord to heal emotional wounds in each individual. We then spend the afternoon ministering deliverance to all the attendees. About two years ago we began to finish the day by casting out spirits of infirmity and trauma. We have begun to experience a number of significant healings at each Freedom Weekend – typically at the end of the day. Bad backs, painful knees, stomach problems, vision problems, arthritis, deaf ears, skin disorders, etc. have become common place healings because we have dealt with the spiritual roots of these conditions before we finally pray for healing. Many of those healed have suffered from the conditions for decades and have been to doctors over and over without solutions.


I believe that if we would take the time to address spiritual issues that have led to the condition or that support the condition, our healing rates would be significantly higher. As we have better outcomes for our prayers, our faith will grow and we will see even more healings. Not only would those we pray for be better off physically but also emotionally and spiritually because we took our time to help them clean up things that have hindered their relationship with the Lord. Let me encourage you to minister forgiveness and freedom even before you pray for healing so that nothing can get in the way of what God already wants to do for his people. As you see people healed, you will be encouraged to pray for others rather than standing back in order to avoid another disappointment. Blessings in Him.