Facing the Enemy
Facing the Enemy
By: tomvermillion.com, Categories: Uncategorized, 4 comments

We are unquestionably living in the last days.  The renewal of Israel as a nation in 1948 started the countdown of the final days of the last days which actually began at the resurrection and ascension of Jesus when Joel 2 was fulfilled.  On the day or Pentecost as described in Acts 2, the Holy Spirit was put on display in Jerusalem.  The sound of a mighty wind, the appearance of tongues of fire, the gift of tongues, and the sudden boldness of those first followers of Jesus demonstrated that God had once again begun something new.  

The public display was explained by Peter in Acts 2:17 as a “last days” fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel who spoke about God’s Spirit being poured out on all people.  Notice that Peter identified that time frame as the beginning of the “last days” which could also be called the “age of the church.”  Peter preached in the beginning of the last days while we are certainly living toward the culmination of the last days.

Whether we are two years, five years, or fifty years from the return of Christ I am not certain, but I am certain that as that time draws closer, the activity of Satan is becoming more intense. Over the past five years, I have been amazed at the number of believers we have encountered  who were being afflicted by demons and who had begun to recognize demonic activity and oppression in their own lives as spiritual warfare, even though they have had no church background to prepare them to understand that experience.  Those who think Satan cannot afflict the saved or that those coming out of the world can’t bring demonic spirits with them into the church are misinformed. 

When you look through the pages of the gospels, you can see how active Satan was at the first appearance of Jesus.  He is no less active now as he senses the second appearance of Jesus drawing near.  Because of that, it is essential that every follower of Jesus be equipped to battle the forces of darkness with the divine weapons that Paul spoke about in 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 and the armor of God he described in Ephesians 6:10-18.  Remember, Paul said that the real battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Eph.6:12).

The question for us is how do we effectively fight forces in the spiritual realm? The answer is found in scripture.  How did Jesus, the twelve, the seventy, and the early church fight against the kingdom of darkness.  There were a number of weapons they used against demons and the strongholds of Satan, but they all had one foundational experience that set them apart from those who were not equipped.  The foundational experience was an anointing of power and authority that set them above and ahead of all demonic forces in the heavenly realms.

Ever since the Pentecost experience described in Acts 2, that anointing has come through the “baptism of the Holy Spirit.”  In recent decades there has been a great deal of disagreement and misunderstanding about the nature of Holy Spirit baptism.  That disagreement has stretched from positions that deny any present-day miraculous work of the Spirit to positions that are simply unbiblical and weird.  Because this issue of power and authority is so important in the life of the believer, I have decided to do a series on Holy Spirit baptism in which I try to make it biblical, understandable, and desirable.  This serves as the introduction to that series which will begin next week with The Promise of Power.


  • Thanks Tom for doing this series. It’s so important to understand and walk daily in the power and authority that Jesus gave us upon His resurrection and sending of the Holy Spirit.

    God Bless,

  • Tom, I look forward to this series on the Holy Spirit, for He is our teacher and the One who reveals the power and authority we have in Christ!!! Yes, we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers in high places. So important to recognize and employ our authority!
    Celia Harris

  • I am looking forward to your teachings, or series, on The Holy Spirit. Thank You for spending this time & sending the e-mails.

  • Thank you Pastor Tom