Praying Off Target
Praying Off Target
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In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will. (Rom.8:26-27).


This may or may not be a familiar verse to you but it is an incredibly important verse for every believer. In the first place, Paul acknowledges what most of us already know. There are times when we simply need help from the Spirit of God. He helps us in our weakness, our inability, or in our own lack of capacity to face a circumstance. There will be times when we simply don’t have what it takes in our own strength to overcome a temptation, understand a dilemma, or even know how to pray about an issue. When we get to such places, the Holy Spirit comes alongside and helps. Notice that “help” doesn’t mean that he does it for us, but rather he yokes up with us so that we can face a situation together. Believe me, he is pulling most of the weight.


In the context of needing a breakthrough in one of life’s dilemmas such as a martial crisis, a healing, a release from an addiction, or a financial crisis, sometimes we need help. I really like what Dutch Sheets has to say about such a moment in his “must-read” book, Intercessory Prayer. “Have you ever felt an inability in your prayer life to produce results? Have you ever come up against a “mountain” you couldn’t move? … The Lord says in this verse that one of the reasons we have this “inability to produce results” is because we don’t always know how to “pray as we should.” The word “should” here is a very important word. Dei is primarily a legal term meaning ‘that which is necessary, right or proper in the nature of a case; what one must do: that which is legally binding for someone.’ For example, Luke 18:1 tells us, ‘Men ought always to pray and never faint’ (KJV, emphasis added). The verse does not mean, ‘It would be a good idea to pray.’ It is declaring – ‘It is absolutely necessary-binding upon you-that you pray.’”


As you delve into this text, it suggests that we don’t always know what to pray for or how to pray to get the breakthrough we need or that someone else needs. Sometimes, we see the symptoms of a problem but we can’t discern the root-cause, which is really what we need to pray about. For instance, we may be praying for God to set someone free from an addiction but the addiction is the symptom, not the cause. The cause may be a deep sense of shame from a molestation experience as a child. Unless the shame is healed, the person will just find another addiction with which to medicate his or her pain. Maybe a person doesn’t need another job as much as he or she needs a work ethic so that they don’t keep finding themselves unemployed. Maybe we keep asking God to provide a spouse for a single friend when we should be praying for the spiritual growth of our friend so that he or she wouldn’t mess up any marriage God has arranged. In many cases, our prayers may be sincere but may not be on target.


The word “should” or “ought” also suggests that some legality may be an issue in the spiritual realm. Until that is dealt with or revealed by prayer, the enemy may still have a right to oppress the one for whom we are praying. We may not know what the legality is but the Spirit does. There may be curses connected to the sins of the person’s fathers that have come down from generation to generation or word curses that have been spoken over the individual. Maybe there was occult involvement as a child that the person has dismissed as trivial or doesn’t remember (Ouija boards, fortune telling, etc.).   That involvement may still give the enemy a place until these things are confessed, repented of, and renounced. These kinds of legalities operate in the spiritual realm and because we may be unaware of them, our prayers don’t touch them. At other times we are asked to pray for people but are given very little or no information about the prayer need. In all these cases, we don’t know how to pray as we should. What then? Ah…enter the Holy Spirit!!!


As we lift up people and circumstances we can simply ask the Spirit to show us what we need to pray about. A few months ago, a believer I’ll call Emily came into my office. She was suffering from an undefined sickness that was making her weaker and weaker. As we visited, she mentioned a sister who lived in another state who was in a Lesbian relationship with an older woman. Emily explained that she had met her sister’s significant other and that her sister’s friend seemed to feel very threatened by Emily. Through the Spirit, I sensed that the “friend” was a highly controlling woman who was, indeed, threatened by Emily’s influence in her sister’s life. Through some occult involvement she had placed a curse on Emily. When the curse was broken in the name of Jesus, Emily was set free and quickly regained her health. The “spiritual legality” had been taken care of.


At other times, we can yoke ourselves together with the Spirit and pray in the Spirit or in our prayer language (tongues), knowing that the Spirit is praying exactly the right things in the right ways through us. If we have prayed for months without breakthrough, we may simply be missing the target. Remember that the Spirit of God is ready and willing to show us how to pray (a Spirit of wisdom and revelation (Eph. 1:17) or to pray with us as we continue to seek a breakthrough. Don’t leave him out of the equation for he is very willing and very able to help us in our inabilities!