Devilish Schemes
Devilish Schemes
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The Book of Nehemiah is the story of a man who was sent by God to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem that had lain in disrepair for years after the Babylonians had destroyed the city. The walls of a city marked its strength, its size, and its boundaries. They provided protection against all enemies and the more impressive the wall the more impressive were the citizens of a city. The walls of Jerusalem were essentially rubble. So extensive was the damage that no one had bothered to rebuild the walls in years.


By the providence of God, Nehemiah was given permission by King Artaxerxes of Persia to return to his native land and repair the walls. The hostility of the neighboring tribes around Jerusalem was as great then as it is now. They delighted in the ruins of Jerusalem and would have blotted out the Jewish race if it had been in their power to do so. When Nehemiah arrived and began to rebuild the walls, the tribes around them began to strategize ways to prevent the wall from being built. There are three main characters in the story that oppose Nehemiah – Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite, and Geshem the Arab.


When the work began they immediately mocked and ridiculed the effort. Their strategy was discouragement and mocking as they tired to convince the Jews that they were not up to the task and that all their efforts would end in failure (see Neh. 2:19). They also accused them of rebelling against the king by rebuilding the wall. Even though Nehemiah had letters from the king giving him authority to rebuild, the enemies of God kept insisting that his authority was fraudulent. Nehemiah’s response was simple. He declared that God would give them success and that the surrounding tribes had no part or say in or power over what God’s people were doing.


As the story progresses, Sanballat and Tobiah continued to ridicule the work that was being done. They kept pointing out the ultimate impossibility of the task and that what had already been done was inferior and would not stand (Neh. 4:1-3). They kept declaring that even though the Jews might make an effort and a start, ultimately the task would be too hard and what was built would not last. Their efforts would prove to be pointless. Nehemiah simply prayed for strength and victory.


As the wall began to take shape, the enemies of Jerusalem began to panic. “They plotted to come and fight against Jerusalem and stir up trouble against it” (Neh. 4:8). Burt again, Nehemiah prayed and posted a guard against the threat. As fear and discouragement began to creep into the hearts of God’s people, Nehemiah’s response was, “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord who is great and awesome and fight…” His counsel was to get their minds off their own ability or capacity and fix their minds on the strength and power of God who had called them to the task.


Toward the end of chapter 4, the threat of attack had risen so that the people carried building materials in one hand and a weapon in the other. They knew that God might not keep them from conflict but would give them victory over the enemy if they would stand and fight.


In Chapter 6, the wall was completed though the gates had yet to be reset. At that point, Sanballat and Geshem invited Nehemiah to a meeting to ostensibly discuss peace regarding the wall. Peace often means compromise and, in this case, was seen as a ploy to get him away from Jerusalem and simply kill him. Nehemiah’s response was on point. “I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?” Four times they sent me the same message, and each time I gave them the same answer” (Neh.6:3-4). Their response was a threat to slander Nehemiah before the king with a report claiming that not only was Nehemiah rebuilding the wall but was also planning a revolt against Persia and planning to have himself declared king over Israel. Nehemiah could have stopped building and run back to Persia to defend himself, but instead he simply told them that their accusations were untrue and continued to build the wall.


The next ploy of Nehemiah’s enemies was to frighten him with reports that assassins were on the way so that he must leave the work and retreat to a safe place. Nehemiah saw through the scheme and recognized it simply as an intimidation tactic. His response was, “Should a man like me run away?” He knew that, as a leader, if he gave into intimidation and ran the rest of his people would lose heart. Even if he thought the report might be true, he hand to stand and trust God to save him.


In the face of all the intrigue and opposition, the text says, “So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days. When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God” (Neh.6:15-16).


To rebuild the wall in 52 days was a miracle. God didn’t do it for his people but did it with his people and moved them to work through a man he sent to lead them. What I notice in this is that Satan uses the same tactics against each of us when we try to move ahead on assignments or a dream given us by the Lord.


First of all, he mocks and ridicules our idea or the idea that God might do something great through us. His first attempts are always to make us feel unqualified or disqualified to do the work of the Lord. How many things may God have given us to do that we never picked up because we felt unqualified for the task?


Secondly, he impugned their motives. He accused them of having rebellion in their hearts as they began to rebuild. How often does Satan accuse us of having selfish or fleshly motives for the things we want to do for God. If we are spiritual we want pure motives for the things we undertake. To begin to dissect our motives and over- analyze our hearts can create emotional paralysis that side tracks us in the very beginning.


If we push ahead on the thing God has put in our hearts and begin to create something, Satan’s next scheme is to convince us of how inferior our work is and that it will fail and we will be ridiculed by men. We suddenly will see every weakness or imperfection in our attempts to serve God and will begin to feel foolish forever thinking we could accomplish something significant.


If we continue, even in the face of self-doubt, Satan will then offer distractions to get our focus off the call on our lives and onto other things. These will not necessarily be sinful things. In fact, they will probably be good things…but not the one thing God has called you to accomplish. If there has been opposition to the goal you are pursuing for the Lord, those who have opposed you may try to get you to compromise your vision or your dream for the sake of peace.


Finally, if you still continue to push ahead he may try intimidation and place seeds of fear in your mind. You may begin to imagine illness, poverty, the loss of loved ones, the loss of financial security, etc. if you continue your pursuit of a ministry, a career God has called you to, the writing of a book or a song, raising godly children, or life in the mission field.


Nehemiah faced each of those challenges but never waivered from the task. He was sure that God would resource him, protect him, and direct him to fulfill the work God had given him to do. He had insight into the devil’s schemes and knew what it was when it came his way. We need to be wise as well and also aware of his strategies so that we are not deterred by his ploys against us. If you have drifted from a call or a dream that you believe God gave you in the past, take a close look to see if you fell prey to one of the devil’s schemes. Recognize it. Renounce it. Repent of coming into agreement with the enemy and get back to the call and promises of God that once moved you. There is a miracle that God wants to do through each one of us. Blessings in Him today.