The Power to Bless
The Power to Bless
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We get lots of warnings about our words…and rightfully so. We all know the proverb, “The tongue has the power of life and death” (Provide. 18:21) and the stern warning from Jesus that on the day of judgment, everyone will have to give account for every careless word he or she has spoken (Matt. 12:36). We tend to focus on the negative effects of the tongue, but perhaps we should focus more on the positive effects or the positive potential of our tongue.

The truth is that words carry power and authority. As followers of Jesus, we have been given authority to represent Him on the earth. As children of the King, our words carry great weight in the spiritual realm and in a sense, direct the activities of heaven. When we pray with faith, things start stirring in the heavenlies. When we declare the word of God over something, we release the powers of heaven to fulfill that word.

Although God is clearly sovereign, in his sovereignty he has decreed that much of what happens on this earth depends on our prayers, declarations, commands, and actions. The psalmist declared, “The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth he has given to mankind” (Ps. 115:16). When he created man, especially Adam and Eve, he gave them dominion (authority) over the earth. They were to rule as his representatives, extending the ways of heaven over the earth. I believe Jesus demonstrated the dominion man once had before he was separated from God by sin. Of course, they sinned and, in doing so, turned that dominion over to Satan.

Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the Law and from the sovereignty of Satan. God, then, relaunched his initial intent to rule the earth through his sons and daughters, as they represent the Great King on this earth. As a result, we have authority and our words have authority. So, let’s consider how our words might bring about tremendous good in the earth.

Most of us are familiar with the Old Testament passage in which God declares, “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desired and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (Isa. 55:11). We get some insight into how this works from the prophet Jeremiah. There, the Lord tells the prophet, “I have put my words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and over throw, to build and to plant” (Jer. 1:9-10).

Jeremiah never led an army or fought a battle, but accomplished those things by declaring the word of God over those nations as God decreed. When God’s word was released by Jeremiah, then the heavenlies got busy making those words a reality. When God’s word goes forth from his lips to ours, and then from our lips over situations and circumstances, that word of God will still fulfill its purpose. We simply need to be Spirit-led to know when to declare God’s will over a person or circumstance. I also believe he gives us some freedom to declare his word and exercise his authority based on our own judgment and discernment as long as our declaration or command is consistent with his word and his ways.

Now consider the power of your words for good. Healing comes when we declare healing with our tongue, just as Jesus did. Demons are driven out when we command them with our tongue in the name of Jesus. Heaven moves on behalf of a person when we verbalize prayers because we represent the Father. When we bless thoughtfully and with faith, we should expect that blessing to manifest because we have standing in heaven.

Remember we are seated with Christ in the heavenly realms (Eph. 2:6). Being seated is a position of authority. We sit with Christ, therefore, we share in his authority. When we encourage, something happens beyond the emotional realm of a person and bears some kind of spiritual fruit because encouragement is one of the spiritual gifts. When we prophecy over a person, we are releasing the Word of God over them just as Jeremiah released that word over nations. It will accomplish God’s purpose. God has given us an amazing position in heaven so that we speak with authority…which is why we need to be very intentional with our words.

Most of us fail to recognize the power of our words and their authority. Our words can release angels in the heavenly realm to bless and protect or, because of our authority, can release demons to fulfill a curse if we speak carelessly. James tells us that we are not to utter curses, but are to be a source of blessing for all those we encounter (James 3:9-11). How much fun can it be to release blessings over people and know that good is coming their way because you have spoken and you have authority in heaven? That knowledge should brighten every day.

Because God has put much of this in our hands, he often wishes to do something but waits on us to declare a thing or pray a thing. He honors the authority he has given us. We have so much more power than we imagine because we forget who we are. It’s true that we need to ask with godly motives, but when we do, we should expect heaven to respond to our lead. You are a designated distributor of God’s blessings and heaven has no supply-chain issues to keep those blessings from manifesting. Know who you are. Speak blessings, healing, freedom, provision, encouragement, destiny, etc. over others and yourself. Speak with faith and purpose. See the good you can sow in the earth and enjoy the good fruit of your words. Oh by the way…be blessed today with the fulfillment of your greatest need.

1 Comment

  • Thanks Tom – for the reminder and the encouragement to speak blessings – over our lives and over others.