The Finger of God
The Finger of God
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But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you.

Luke 11:20

One of the spiritual skills we need to develop is the capacity to recognize the moves of God in our lives on a daily or even hourly basis.  In the Luke passage quoted above, the religious leaders had witnessed the hand of God right in front of them but did not recognize it as such.  Jesus was casting out demons, but the religious elite attributed the deliverance to Satan rather than God.  Even Pharoah’s magicians recognized the finger of God when Aaron struck the dust of Egypt with his staff and turned the dust to gnats (Ex. 8:19), but the Pharisees and Sadducees missed it.  In those moments of deliverance, Jesus not only pointed to God but made it clear that the power of the Father could flick a demon off with his finger as if swatting a bug.

One of the great faith-builders of a believer is the recognition of how often God speaks to them in various ways or intervenes for them in small ways as well as great ways on a regular basis.  King David took note of God’s intervention on his behalf and drew on that record when he needed an upgrade in faith. When Saul questioned his ability to face the Philistine champion Goliath, David responded that, as a shepherd, God had delivered him from a lion and a bear and believed God would do the same for him as he faced the enemy.

I think we often adopt the view that God inly intervenes in big moments of crisis when we are facing the giants of death, cancer, persecution, job loss, divorce, etc.  But God provides our daily bread. Any loving Father wants to bless his children in multiple ways.  In David’s 23rd  Psalm, he praises the Lord for providing abundance in the midst of his enemies and being led through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. But he also he speaks of being led daily to green pastures and still waters.  There is that sense of thanksgiving for his “daily bread” which, perhaps, we take for granted as an ordinary experience of life.  David clearly saw God’s hand in that.  If you believe God provides the ordinary blessings of life on a daily basis, it is easier to believe when giants are knocking on the door.

I heard a preacher say that whatever we are thankful for, heaven provides more of.  That makes sense.  As a parent, I know that when my children were truly thankful and delighted about something, I found ways to make sure they received more of that.  When they had an attitude of entitlement or indifference, I wasn’t so motivated to provide special blessings.

I want to have faith that God is the source of every good thing in my life, so I notice those things and give thanks for those things throughout the day.  Some may think it foolish but I thank God for sunrises that reveal his glory, for sprinkles of rain in a dry land, for parking spaces that are handy, for cars that start, and squirrels that make me laugh. Although my health isn’t perfect, I thank him for the health I do have.  Noticing the hand of God in my everyday life gives me faith for the moments of crisis that come. 

Believing that he is orchestrating my day, makes me more sensitive to encounters with people that may need encouragement or a prayer.  It makes me mindful that I am representing Jesus to those I connect with throughout the day, so I treat them a bit better and speak a better word to them.  Every time I have faith that God is blessing me and revealing himself to me through the “ordinary” circumstances if life, I have more faith for the “giants” that raise their heads from time to time.  My awareness and thanksgiving help me see God as a good God who loves me and consistently wants the best for me.  When hard times appear, I remember that he is not the author of the pain in my life, but is still a good God who will walk me through the fires. 

Let me encourage you to begin and end each day with an eye toward seeing the finger of God in your life.  Most often he is subtle like the “still small voice” in Elijah’s cave.  But when we train our hearts to notice even the “little kisses” from heaven, our faith and our peace will increase.