The Rest
The Rest
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In his life on earth, Jesus healed only a relatively small number of people on one small patch of the globe.

  • He left the rest of them to us.

In his life on earth, Jesus preached the gospel to a few thousand on the hillsides of Israel.

  • He left the other seven billion to us.

In his life on earth, Jesus cast demons out hundreds of spiritually oppressed Jews.

  • He left the defeat of the tens of thousands remaining servants of darkness to us.

In his life on earth, Jesus went about doing good and condemning  injustice in the world.

  • There is plenty more of that work to be done by us.

In his life on earth, Jesus reached out to the poor and destitute of a very small nation.

  • He left the rest of the starving and naked in the world to us.

In his life on earth, jesus forgave those who nailed him to a cross.

  • He left the rest of those who need to be forgiven to us.

Jesus intends to finish his work.

  • He just intends to do it through us.

How much of what he left for us did we do today?


One other thing…In his life on earth, Jesus died for every lost person who ever lived to will live.

  • He left none of that for us.   That’s the good news.