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The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full (Jn.10:10)


For many followers of Jesus this is a familiar passage and yet the two parts are often quoted separately as stand alone passages. We quote one to characterize the devil. Then we quote the other to talk about the great life Jesus wants us to have. But the power is in the contrast between the two and it was the contrast that Jesus wanted to emphasize.


The nature of the enemy is to rob you of every good thing the Lord has purposed for you. His goal is to take away what is rightfully yours, to destroy what he can’t take, and to take your life if he is able. There is no mercy from the kingdom of darkness and there is no good will of any kind. Anything that comes from the enemy that tastes sweet is simply a chocolate covering for the poison pill inside. Anything that comes from the devil that feels like a blessing is simply bait to get you to step further into his trap so that when he springs the trap there is no escape. That’s what he does; that’s who he is. We need to know that because too many of us think we can bargain with him or play on his playground without consequence.


On the other hand we have Jesus. This scripture is in the context of the Good Shepherd who lays his life down for the sheep. In the midst of that dialogue he tells us that he came so that we might have life and have it abundantly or have it to the full. The word in the original language means superabundant, excessive, over-the-top, so much more than you need, etc. Notice that the enemy is in it totally for himself, for personal power, and for personal revenge. Jesus is in it totally for you and so totally that he died so that you might inherit everything that was his – so that you might live in super-abundance.


That’s great news but most of us don’t feel as if we are living a superabundant, excessive, over-the-top life. There are at least two reasons for that. First of all we hunger after things that have no value in heaven. They are temporary and inferior to everything in the heavenly realm. If we measure abundance by cars, homes, vacations, possessions, power, etc. then we are measuring abundance by the things thrown out in the streets in heaven. Jesus came that we might have true riches – love, acceptance, peace, purpose, his Spirit, communion with the Father, power and authority from on high given to us to invest so that others might also have an abundant life in Christ.


Abundance comes through a state of heavenly blessing resting on us. That blessedness does not come through out achievements but by the grace of God for those whose hope is in Jesus. Remember the beatitudes – blessed are the poor in spirit, the pure in heart, those who mourn, those who are merciful, those who make peace, etc. In the natural realm those qualities are a formula for poverty not abundance. But in the kingdom of heaven they bring favor, peace and a joy that surpasses anything the world can offer. In that state we also are entrusted with spiritual riches, gifts of the Spirit, communion with the Father, his presence and his protection.


The second reason we don’t experience abundance is that we don’t expect it or have faith for it. We continually fall into the trap of believing that God’s blessings are only for those who deserve them – the super-spiritual get the super-abundance. But that is not the nature of God or the kingdom of heaven. Jesus has purchased the abundant life for every believer not just for the over-achievers. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t strive to live for Jesus in extraordinary ways, but the abundant life is what helps us achieve that lofty goal. God is not holding out, he is simply holding on to the riches of heaven until we desire what he has to offer and know that those things, like salvation, come by grace.


If we think money, homes, cars, dream vacations, fame and influence are the abundant life then why do those who have such things line up for rehab centers, live on anti-depressants, and go through marriages like teenagers through pizza? Satan sells snake oil. He promises that all the things above will satisfy your soul once you get them by any means necessary. But that million-dollar feeling that comes from what is temporary by nature is itself temporary and in the morning the pursuit begins all over again.


Jesus offers his abundance for free and his abundance doesn’t leave you thirsty or hungry in the morning. Isn’t what he offers worth pursuing? We begin by giving up our pursuit of worldly things.   Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be given to you. We begin by rethinking what we really want. What every man really wants is love, significance, peace and purpose. We think the things of the world will eventually get us what we truly want and so we pursue while Jesus asks us to simply sit with him and he will give us those things freely. That is the abundant life.