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Lately, I’ve been seeing God’s people get hammered by accidents, health issues, untimely deaths, unexpected job loss, home disasters (slab leaks, air conditioners going out, garage door openers failing, appliances breaking down, etc.) and failures in church leadership.  These are the normal pitfalls of living in a fallen world, but sometimes the frequency of these events signals that something out of the ordinary is going on…most likely spiritual warfare. When it keeps happening to month after month after month, it is easy to become weary and wonder where God is and what he is doing about your losses and hardships.  Some days it feels like the enemy is winning and God has left the building.

I’ve been reading through Psalms again in my quiet times and paying special attention to David’s writings. What I see are psalms that declare the goodness of God and thanksgiving for his protection and provision.  In these psalms. David likens God to his fortress, his deliverer, his rock, his shelter, his shepherd and so forth.  David sings the praises of a God whose grace, love, and power shield him from the onslaught of enemies.  There are also psalms in which Davis is lamenting and calling out for God to act on his behalf. In these verses, David seems weary, fearful, and almost abandoned.  However, inevitably the psalm ends with the hope that God will still come to his rescue and deliver him from the present pit he is in

Much of what we know about God comes from retrospect.  We look back at the times we thought would swallow us and then notice the hand of God moving and setting up a moment of victory or deliverance from our enemies. I think David’s psalms declaring “ten thousand may fall at your side but you will not be touched,” come from examining just how he escaped from the terror that he thought would surely devour him. When he saw no way out, a way would unexpectedly appear.  

We need to do the same. We need to notice God’s hand in our past and how he has brough us out of times of loss and despair and set our feet on solid ground again.  Having walked with God’s people for forty years as a pastor, I can tell you myriads of stories about men and women who believed life would never be worth living again, but then found that the grace of God had delivered them and provided joy and meaning again because they did not give up on the goodness of God.

We don’t learn to trust God in the good times because we don’t need to trust him. Everything is going our way and we feel in control of life.  We learn to trust when life is out of control and we are helpless to deliver ourselves.  Then we are confronted with the choice to continue to worship and serve a God who is allowing bad things to happen or to reject God because he is not protecting us from the pain and losses of life.  Those who hold on, see his hand of deliverance and restoration and learn, as David did, that God is our rock and our fortress…even when we can’t see it. When the hard times come, we don’t give thanks for the hard times but we give thanks in the hard times.  We do so because we know God is working to bring us out of the darkness into his warming light once again.  He has done so before so we can believe he will do so again. 

Let me encourage you to spend time tracing the hand of God in your life and in your past hardships.  Write it down. It will give you faith for his goodness in your future…even in the midst of hardship.  Blessings in Him today.