By: tomvermillion.com, Categories: blessing,endurance,faith,fear,Kingdom of God,New Jerusalem,victory, Comments Off on Pillar

To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write:

… I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown. Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on him my new name. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. (Rev. 3:7, 11-13)


This letter offers more promises to the faithful who hold on to their faith until the end. One of the constant messages of the book of Revelation is that in order to experience eternal life and to receive your reward you must finish the race. No medals are given to those who step off the track and never cross the finish line. No victor’s crowns are given to the runner who begins the marathon as a whim and then soon tires of the race and goes on to other pursuits. No crowns are given to those who stop as soon as it gets hard – when the hill is steep, the sun is hot, or when wind is against you. You must finish even if you crawl across the finish line.


Endurance is not a trait of modern life for most of us. As soon as the job gets hard we quit. As soon as a marriage enters a difficult season we divorce. As soon as our faith really begins to cost us something we may lay it aside. But the kingdom of God calls us to endure and when we do the King is pleased and in his pleasure he give’s great reward.


Philadelphia was a church that had little strength but had held onto the truths of the faith even as they had experienced the bite of persecution. In the midst of their trials Jesus called to them like a coach from the sideline, “Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown” (Rev.3:11). Then he promises them strength, glory and a permanent place in the kingdom of heaven if they would just hold on until he came. For those in Philadelphia and for all those who hold fast until the end, Jesus promises to make us “pillars in the temple of God.”


Pillars are the strength and glory of a temple. They create space, hold up the roof, and supports glorious art and architecture that can be seen for miles. They let in light and the cooling breeze and are often are seen as works of art in themselves. In the Temple of Solomon, pillars were huge, ornate, and costly. Some were so impressive that they were given names. They were permanent and glorious.


Jesus promises that those who finish the race will be given a permanent place in the temple of God. They will be known for their own strength and glory. They will also clearly belong to God and the city of God, as the names of both will be written on those who endure. In the ancient world, certain cities and kings were so great that the citizens of those cities held special honor wherever they went. They shared in the glory of the king and in the greatness of the city. As citizens of the Heavenly Jerusalem where the Great King rules, we also walk in that glory and power now. How much more will that be true when we are in the physical presence of the King?


Jesus makes one other great promise as well. He promises to write his new name on each of us if we hold on to our faith to the end. He will make us his possession in the New Jerusalem and we will reflect his honor and glory as well. When scripture speaks of “a new name,” it usually implies a new found relationship with the Father or a new order of things in the same way that Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, and Peter were given new names. When the heavenly Jerusalem is finally established on the earth, a new order of things on the earth and in heaven will be established. Jesus will garner even more glory and more titles beyond King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The faithful will share in that glory and will wear the name of their King and his glorious titles throughout eternity. They will have a permanent place in the presence of the Father (in his temple) and although they were scorned on earth, they will be honored in the courts of heaven.


The time is coming and is already here when being a Christian will not be a title of honor and acceptance in this world. There is a real war on Christianity in this nation and across the world. Believers who hold to the truth of God are being painted as intolerant, hatemongers, bigots, and the like. Governments are competing with God to dictate truth, determine morality, define marriage, and decide who lives and dies. Those who love God will be despised by those who despise him. But Jesus says, “Hold on, I am coming soon. And those who do not deny my name will be honored and rewarded in ways they cannot possible imagine. Hold on to what you have so that no one can take your crown!”