Life & Health – God’s Will for You
Life & Health – God’s Will for You
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“In Proverbs 4:20-22 we have the most comprehensive instructions as to how to receive healing:

Attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

The Word of God cannot be health to either soul or body before it is heard, received, and attended to. Notice here that the Words of God are life only to those that “find” them. If you want to receive life and healing from God, take time to find the words of Scripture that promise these results.”(F.F. Bosworth, Christ the Healer, Revell, 9th Edition, p.19).


In this quote from Bosworth’s classic book, Christ the Healer, a primary principle for finding faith for any promise is laid out. It begins with our commitment to the truth of God’s word. Do I believe that the Bible is inspired and that the word and promises of God are true? Most Christians would say they believe but my experience tells me that most of us believe it in principle not in practice. Most of us either believe that the Word is true for others but usually not for ourselves or we believe the word is true except in cases where the straight-forward promises of God are affected by extenuating circumstances – and they are nearly always affected by extenuating circumstances.


We assume that to be the case because we pray and don’t immediately see the results we anticipated and so we calculate that some unknown quirk in heaven kept God from answering our prayer. We assume that for reasons far beyond our understanding it was not God’s will to answer our prayer for healing or a myriad of other things we prayed for even though we have a clear promise in scripture that what we prayed for is something God always wants to do. So we begin to tack on a disclaimer to each prayer which is usually something like, “If it be your will.”That disclaimer immediately reveals that we doubt God’s will for the thing we have been praying about. In the context of healing, that phrase reveals our doubts about God’s real commitment to heal those who ask.


Until we are convinced that it is always God’s heart to heal – especially those who are God’s covenant children through Christ – then we will always pray with a kind of fleshly hope that has little expectation attached (I know this from personal experience). So then, if we want to grow in the gift of healing, we need to spend quality time in the Word looking at the scriptures that demonstrate and declare God’s willingness to heal. We need to live with those scripture until we are convinced that the Word of God clearly declares that truth. In truth, I am as lazy as the next guy so what I really want is for some amazing healer to lay hands on me, impart the gift and the faith, and leave nothing more for me than to head to the nearest rehab clinic and get everyone healed and released in a few hours.


But … would I value the gift, know the Word, and would I have struggled through my questions to find solid rock on which to stand when the winds of doubt begin to blow later?   I find myself wanting God to heal through me to create my faith rather than my faith prompting heaven to heal. I think God is willing to do both but I need to pay the price of prayer, study, and argument to establish the truth in my heart that God is always willing and able to heal because his Word says so. Any prayer standing on less than that assurance is going to tend toward double-mindedness and James tells us that a double-minded person who prays will receive little of what he or she prays for.


To say that God always desires to heal is not the same as saying that healing will always occur. Our free will and fallen nature get in the way of many things that God desires on the earth including healing. But we must start with the conviction that God is willing or we can’t ask in faith. Then if healing doesn’t occur we can begin to look for roadblocks to that healing and by the revelation and wisdom of the Spirit can begin to remove those blocks so that God’s will can be done and his will is healing. So if you are uncertain as to the heart of God in the matter of healing find his promises in the Bible, fix your eyes on those promises, meditate on them, and listen to people who have faith regarding healing not to those who doubt. That is a practical beginning for experiencing life and health in this world and the world to come.