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I am certain you woke up last night wondering how much all the water in the oceans of the world weighs. I was actually sitting on a beach yesterday morning and that question popped into my mind. To my surprise, I found that people have figured that out. Let me give you the short version. There are approximately 315 cubic miles of water that cover the face of the earth. Within one cubic mile, there are 4,168,18,825 cubic meters of water each weighing approximately 2,206 pounds. Multiply that by 315 cubic miles and you get about 1.5 quintillion tons of water on the face of the earth. That is 1.5 followed by 18 zeros. That is immense and unfathomable.


The next sleep-disturbing question that popped into my mind was how many species of animals live in the ocean which led to the question of how many inhabit the entire earth. The answer iseight million, seven hundred thousand species! (Give or take 1.3 million.) That is a new,estimated total number of species on Earth—the most precise calculation ever offered—with 6.5million species found on land and 2.2 million dwelling in the ocean depths. Remember, that isnot the number of animals but the number of species. The new study, published yesterday in the open access journal PLoS Biology, says a staggering 86% of all species on land and 91% of those in the seas have yet to be discovered, described and catalogued. (I have no idea how they determine how many exist that have not been discovered). But again, that is an immense number and not only is the number staggering but the variety of shape, size, physiology, color, etc. is even more staggering. And we have not even discussed the number of plant species nor the innumerable stars and galaxies spinning through space.


What struck me as I looked over an ocean of water that could swallow up anything that challenged it was the immensity of the God who created it all and the courage it took for men to venture out on what seems to be an infinite horizon in tiny boats to face the unknown and see what was on the other side. Both the sea and men who would face it are a revelation of God.


Speaking of that, Paul states, “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse” (Rom.1:20). The creation reveals the creator. The ocean – vast, mysterious, abundant with life, powerful, refreshing, its depths still unknown – speak of our God. Man, made in his image, ventured out on that vastness with courage and a searching heart. That also marks our creator who searches all things and faced Roman torture with immense courage for our sake.


And that God lives in you. Peter says that we are partakers of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4). The word translated as “partakers” means participants or partners. What God has possessed for eternity he is sharing with you right now. His Spirit resides in you – the same Spirit that brooded over the waters of creation and brought order to the chaos. Jesus also dwells in your heart. He is the Word of God and he is the one through whom, for whom, and by whom all these things were created.


Satan labors to make us feel small and insignificant. The smaller we see ourselves the less we will ever attempt for the kingdom of God. The smaller we see ourselves, the less likely it is that we will ever venture out on an ocean of possibilities in the name of Jesus. But the same God who spoke 1.5 quintillion tons of ocean water into existence is the God who has searched for you, found you, and made you his child. How can you be small or insignificant when that God lives in you and is making you into the image of his Son? How can you be small or insignificant when that God has ordained a destiny for you, gifted you, and created angels to minister on your behalf? How can you be small and insignificant when the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work within you?


When we were children we dreamed of performing great exploits – storming castles, slaying dragons, stepping out on the surface of Mars, playing music no one had ever heard, painting pictures that stopped people in their tracks, and winning the game with last minute heroics. God put those dreams in us. He is amazing and heroic and he has made us to be the same in Christ. For many of us, the devil came and stole those dreams but the dream of doing something great and even heroic for the Kingdom of God still exists in heaven. Reclaim it. Ask the Lord to show it to you. Push out across an open sea once more with cannons blazing because that is who you are and that is who you are because that is who He is. Know who you are and be great for God today! And remember, the devil is a liar!