Indicators of Spiritual Attack
Indicators of Spiritual Attack
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Clearly, not every obstacle in life is a demonic attack.  Jesus said that in this world we will have trouble.  But Paul also said that we should not be unaware of the devil’s schemes.  Here are some indicators that you or others may be under spiritual attack if these conditions are prolonged.  (Adapted from a teaching  by Jentezen Franklin as well as some additions of my own).

The devil is most effective when these conditions come on us slowly so that we begin to feel that they are arising out of natural conditions. If we were to experience these things suddenly, we would probably see it as spiritual attach.  When these things creep up on us over a period of months, we begin to think it is just our “new normal” and begin to simply live with it rather than fight it.


  1. Your spiritual passion and desires have subsided. You find yourself without the desire to read the Word, pray, worship, attend church, or even serve in your calling without any appare reason.  You are marked by apathy and indifference and can’t seem to shake it.
  2. You are experiencing a season of physical and emotional exhaustion even though you are being reasonably responsible toward your health. Maybe you are experiencing lingering illnesses that are not clearly diagnosed and for which treatments have not been affective.or that treatments have not been affective
  3. You are experiencing a “lack attack” in which everything is breaking down at once or one thing right after another, unexpected expenses keep draining your accounts, unexpected job loss, etc.
  4. You experience constant disruptions and distractions when you try to pray.
  5. You are in a prolonged season of feeling overwhelmed by your circumstances and feelings of hopelessness are beginning to creep in.
  6. Old iniquities and temptations begin to surface again that you have not had to deal with for months or years. The enemy will attack from the last place he had success in your life.
  7. You find yourself pulling away from godly people in your life and feel drawn to people who aren’t committed to Jesus or old friends who are not believers. You find yourself becoming cynical and critical of the church and you are having thoughts that life before Jesus was better than life with Jesus
  8. You find yourself being drawn to things of the world more than things of the kingdom…not things that are sin in themselves but sports, recreation, travel, hobbies, etc. so that those things are getting much more time and attention than the Lord.

When these things are going on you should suspect that you are under demonic attack.  When you sense an attack, take action.

  • Have others stand and pray with you. See Ecc.4:12 / Lev.26:7-8 / Matt. 18:19 / James 5:16
  • Remember that you have been made to outlast the storm because you stand on The Rock.
  • Remember who you are in Jesus. Return to confessing your identity.
  • Begin to confess victory again and speak the word of God over your life.
  • Exercise your authority over demons and circumstances. Luke 10:19
  • Get mad at the devil not at God. God’s plan is to bless you while the enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy.