Hearing God Series
Hearing God Series
By: tomvermillion.com, Categories: hearing God,intimacy,prayer,Word of God, Comments Off on Hearing God Series

Today I want to start a mini-series about Hearing God.  I will admit that when I first believed God still spoke to his people I listened for a God-like voice in my head.  I assumed his voice would sound like the voice in Cecil B. DeMIlle’s old movie The Ten Commandments with Charleton Heston as Moses – deep, thunderous, mysterious. So I prayed and listened but never heard that voice. I think many Christians who have hoped to hear God speak may have had similar expectations and found themselves giving up on hearing from the creator of the universe.  But take heart.  God does speak to his people through his written word but also apart from it.  If you are uncertain about hearing God, these blog posts over the next few days may be helpful.


Let me tell you quickly why this is important. It is important because God wants to speak to his children personally like any father. The Bible is like letters from a Father to his family.  He gives the family history and writes down guidelines and wisdom for how the family should live and treat one another.  He even tells them some things about himself. But every parent knows that children are unique and have a unique destiny.  A good father will want to speak to that child personally in ways that his child can receive. He will want to speak to that son or daughter and tell them why they are so special.  He will want to speak into their unique destiny or give them counsel for their unique challenges. God is our Father.  He wants to speak to us as a family but also as individuals.


In addition, many of us carry wounds that are kept from healing by lies that the enemy has sown in our hearts.  Just as Christ verbalized words of healing to those he touched on the earth, emotional healing comes when God speaks to us about our wounds. Hearing or experiencing God in some other direct way is the most healing thing I know.  So…please spend some time reflecting on these next few blogs and consider a life of hearing God.


Hearing God


The majority of churches in America teach that God only speaks to us through His written word – the Bible. Many of us have been taught that God spoke directly to his people only in “Bible times.”  We were taught that all that we can now know is God’s general will for our lives from studying his word.  Then, we are left to discern His specific will for us from biblical principles. However, there are times when we need more.  Sometimes we face critical decisions.  Biblical principles can narrow down our options but sometimes we need specific direction. If we cannot hear from God about that situation, we are on our own.  Sometimes we don’t need direction but we certainly need encouragement or the affirmation of a father.  Even Jesus needed to hear, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.”  Sometimes we just need to hear from God the Father or Jesus the Son.  He is pleased to speak to each of his children and express his love to every son and daughter.


The apostles themselves faced a situation in Acts 1:15-26 in which they needed direction from the Lord.  There we find the apostles searching for another man to replace Judas as one of the twelve.  Jesus had given them the qualifications for one who would be an apostle.  In the end, they had two men who met all the qualifications but there was only one position. The will of God that had already been revealed was not sufficient to make this final decision. The apostles prayed and asked God to give them specific revelation for that one unique situation.  The apostles prayed and cast lots and through that process God directed them to the one man whose heart qualified him to be an apostle.  In our own lives there are times we need a little more than biblical principles.  There are times when we need to hear from God about specific needs or situations.  God is longing to speak to us about those things and many other things as well.


The biblical record is that throughout the centuries God has not only revealed His general will to His people through the written word but over and over he has also revealed His specific will to individuals so that they might step into the destiny He had established for them.    God’s heart, as revealed in the Bible, is very clear.  He wants to speak to His people as a group and as individuals and has gone to great lengths to do so. He wants to reveal not only his will but himself to us because knowing him in a personal way is essential for love, intimacy, and friendship.  God has shown himself to us in numerous ways.

  • Through His creation.  (Rom. 1:20; Ps. 19:1-2)
  • Through His prophets. (Heb. 1:1)
  • Through His Son. (Heb. 1:2)
  • Through His written word. (2 Tim. 3:16)
  • Through direct encounters. (Gen. 18; Ex. 3; Ex. 33:7; 1 Sam. 3)
  • Through the casting of lots and fleeces. (Acts 1:26; Judges 6:36-40)
  • Through dreams and visions. (Acts 2:18)
  • Through circumstances. (1 Sam. 14:6-12)
  • Through visitations by angels. (Matt. 1:20; Luke 1:11, 26, 2:13, etc.)
  • Through His people to one another. (1 Cor. 14:26-33)
  • Through the Holy Spirit by prophetic words, words of knowledge, impressions, tongues and interpretation of tongues, etc. (John 16:13; Rom. 8:14,16)
  • And more….


God wants a relationship with you.  He wants intimacy and for that to occur there must be a dialogue where both parties listen and both speak – sharing their hearts with one another. God has gone to great lengths to do so and continues to share his heart, his will, and his ways with those who will listen.