
Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God, instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. Hebrews 6:1-2


I have always found this section of Hebrews to be interesting and instructive. The writer seems to provide a list of foundational teachings in the early church that he considered essential but elementary. Most churches teach these topics over and over as if these doctrines constitute spiritual maturity but the writer of Hebrews would disagree with that. There are two things in this list that should raise an eyebrow for most evangelical Christians in America: instruction about baptisms and the laying on of hands.


Most churches in western Europe and the U.S. teach a great deal about baptism but not baptisms (plural). Hardly any church teaches anything about the laying on of hands although in the Hebrew letter that doctrine carries as much weight as repentance, faith, baptism and end times (resurrection and judgment). Since these are foundational principles of the church, when these are neglected the church is built on an inadequate foundation and the body suffers as a result.


There are several views of the idea of baptisms but, whatever the view, they should include water baptism which Jesus modeled himself at the hands of John the Baptist and Holy Spirit baptism which Jesus himself promised and delivered after his own resurrection. Just about every denomination practices water baptism in some form. Most believe it is an outward expression of an internal faith and symbolizes cleansing, being born again, death to our old selves, and resurrection to a new life.   It is also serves as a public confession of our faith in Jesus. Through our faith and confession we are granted forgiveness of sins and receive the Holy Spirit to live within us. The primary purpose of the Spirit living within us is transformation. He gives life to our spirits, gives us understanding of spiritual truth, and changes our character and thought processes by bearing his fruit in our lives. All of that is amazing and if that were all we received from the Spirit it would be enough.


However, both John and Jesus spoke of another baptism and commanded his followers to wait in Jerusalem, after his ascension to the Father, until they received power from on high as they were baptized in the Spirit on Pentecost. That power was to equip them for ministry, to do the things that Jesus did to demonstrate the Kingdom of God, and to overcome the power of the enemy. The followers of Jesus were commanded to preach the gospel, heal the sick, cleanse lepers, cast out demons and raise the dead. In addition, Jesus made it clear that he had come to heal broken hearts and set captives free. The gifts of the Spirit have been given to the church to do all that. That flows from an experience the gospels called being baptized in or by the Spirit and was a separate experience from salvation. In John 20:22, we are told that after his resurrection, Jesus breathed on his disciples and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” At that moment the Spirit took up residence within the disciples but afterwards that Jesus told them not to leave Jerusalem until they received power from the Spirit which he said was the baptism that John the baptizer had spoken about.


The church universally practices water baptism but the majority have yet to receive power from another baptism in the Holy Spirit. Because of that, the church is effective at dispensing grace and leading people to initial salvation, but is much less effective at operating in power, healing the sick, setting people free from demonic affliction, prophesying, and demonstrating the Kingdom on earth. Yet, the early church thought that the teaching and practice of baptisms was essential.


The second gaping hole in the practice of most churches is the practice of the laying on of hands. Laying hands on others is typically related to two things: the impartation of spiritual gifts and the power that goes with those gifts and commissioning believers for specific tasks and offices. In that regard, the laying on of hands demonstrates a transfer of authority.


In regard to impartation, several verses give us the flavor of that operation. Paul wrote, “Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you” (1 Tim.4:14). In this verse, Paul is telling Timothy to exercise some spiritual gift that had been imparted to him through a prophetic message as elders had laid hands on him. My sense in this passage is that elders were commissioning Timothy as an evangelist for the church and as a prophetic word was being spoken over him regarding his ministry, the Holy Spirit released a spiritual gift in him that was necessary for his ministry. Where there is an appointing there is an anointing. In this case, the Holy Spirit had directed elders to commission Timothy and then equipped him for the task. In 2 Timothy 1:6, Paul exhorts Timothy to fan into flame a second gift that Paul had imparted to him by the laying on his hands. In the book of Acts we are told, “When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied. There were about twelve men in all” (Acts 19:6-7).


There are numerous other scriptures, but it is clear that God and the Holy Spirit often operate through leaders in the church not just directly. When appointed and anointed leaders sense that God wants a person to receive a spiritual gift, God often prompts leaders to lay hands on that person. As they do, there is an impartation or a passing of both power and authority. We are also told in another place, “While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’ So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off” (Acts 13:2-3).


Someone might argue that laying hands on others is purely symbolic and cultural, but the writer of Hebrews saw it as a foundational practice of the church. The Kingdom of Heaven operates through lines of spiritual authority. The laying on of hands is an expression of that. In 1 Timothy 5:22, Paul warned Timothy not to be hasty in the laying on of hands. In other words, the impartation of power and authority is a real thing so that you do not want to impart gifs or power that to a person or commission a person prematurely. When spiritual gifts run ahead of character and authority runs ahead of maturity a train wreck can be in the making.


Both of these practices – Holy Spirit baptism and the laying on of hands – were foundational to the early church. They were also ways of receiving and distributing power and authority in the church and maintaining lines of spiritual authority so that the faith could be guarded and transmitted. We sometimes cringe at the idea of anyone having authority over us. Certainly, spiritual authority can be abused but so can a lack of accountability. Spiritual authority is a very biblical principle and I believe the axiom is true that to have authority, you must be under authority. Any reading of the New Testament and, especially, the Book of Acts testifies to the fact that God desires to empower his church with supernatural power because the kingdom is not a matter of talk but of power (1 Cor. 4:20). However, the power that God intended to bestow on his church will continue to be limited until these “elementary” practices are renewed universally. Just reflecting on these few verses today.