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I am sometimes haunted by my lack of faith and the words that Jesus spoke; “It shall be done to you according to your faith” (Mt.9:29). He actually spoke those words in several places. All serious followers of Jesus know how important faith is. “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him” (Heb.11:6).


So…here are my questions: How do I grow in faith? How much is enough faith? Do I have to have perfect faith for a miracle and what is faith anyway?


Lets start with my last question. What is faith? Is it complete confidence that God will answer my prayer as I have offered it? Some say yes. I have heard preachers say that you need to get in your prayer closet, pour over the Word until you get the assurance of a promise in your heart and then pray for healing, blessing, provision, etc. and it will come to you because of your faith. But is faith that drains out overnight really faith? Is faith something I can psyche myself up for and then pray while I’m in that frame of mind or is it something else? And am I praying for what I want or for what God wants?


I don’t know that I have the answers but I have some thoughts. First of all, Jesus is always our model.   He said, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does” (Jn.5:19). Add to that, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us” (1 Jn.5:14). So Jesus asked things according to the Father’s will and he knew his specific will in different situations because he saw or comprehended what the Father wanted to do in those moments.


Let me apply that thought to healing. There are two schools of thought among those who have healing ministries. One is that God’s will is for everyone to be healed, so pray for everyone you encounter with illness or a disability. You can pray with assurance because God is good and wants everyone to be healed. The other school of thought is that God will direct you to individuals he wants to heal and then you pray for that person. You can pray with assurance because God has already shown you that he is ready to heal that individual.


Here’s my problem. I agree with both and see examples of both. There were times when it seemed that Jesus healed whoever he came across and certainly all those who came to him for healing. Then there were times when Jesus would pick one person out of a group of infirm and suffering folks waiting around a pool for healing and heal the one but not the rest. On top of that, the one he prayed for had no idea who he was and therefore had no faith for healing but was healed anyway.


So…how do I have faith for healing or any answered prayer in the midst of those seeming contradictions? First of all, I can know the general will of God from his Word. Does God support healing, provision, protection or deliverance? Of course! Those things are part of his nature. They are revealed by his names. They are also revealed in Jesus who did all those things over and over again and said that if we have seen him we have seen the Father. I can know, in general, what God approves of and supports because of his promises and his nature. So why isn’t every prayer offered according to his will answered? Is it a lack of faith on my part or the recipient’s part or something else?


I can’t always know what brings an immediate answer to prayer or what postpones that answer so how can I pray with perfect faith or even some faith about it? I think the answer is in the object of our faith. Are we expressing faith in our own faith and God’s response to it or do we have faith in the goodness and character of God regardless of what we see with our natural eyes?


I think our faith must lie in God’s goodness, his faithfulness, his mercy, and his love rather than in our own faith or some formula. Faith is confidence in the character of God and, frequently, we must live by faith and not by sight. Remember when Jesus returned to Nazareth and could heal only a few people there because of their lack of faith (Mk. 6:4)?   Was it God’s general will to heal? Yes. Did Jesus have the faith and capacity? Yes. But in this case, those who should have had faith did not believe and that kept God from extending the blessing. It’s not that the people in Nazareth had questions or some doubt, but rather they would not even open their hearts to the possibility when they knew that the God of Israel was a God of miracles.


There are conditions for answered prayers. Conditions that we are unaware of sometimes get in the way. Sometimes, unanswered or postponed prayers are mysteries. In the midst of that, I can still have faith in the goodness and faithfulness of God and know that the problem lies with my lack of understanding rather than with God. And I can ask for more understanding while I choose to trust in his character.  More on faith in my next blog. Be blessed.