Faith? – Part 2
Faith? – Part 2
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In my previous blog, I talked about the nature of faith and, especially, the faith for miracles. One question that always comes up in relation to faith and miracles is, “How much faith is enough faith?” That question seems to be a natural response to several statements made by Jesus in the gospels regarding answers to prayer. To the Roman centurion Jesus said, “Go; let it be done for you according to your faith.” And the servant was healed in that hour” (Mt.8:13, RSVP). To two blind men Jesus said, “According to your faith let it be done to you.”  And their eyes were opened” (MT.9:29). In another place Jesus told his disciples, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” (Mk.11:24).


In these verses and others, Jesus related answered prayers and miracles to the measure of faith one possessed. The question then becomes, “How much is that measure?” Is it some faith, more faith than doubt, or absolute faith that is required? Unfortunately, I think the answer is, “It depends.” For instance, there are several miracles in which a man was healed who had no faith at all because he didn’t even know who Jesus was or what he was about to do. The man born blind in the gospel of John (chapter 9) seemed to be as surprised as anyone that he was seeing. He told the leaders of the Jews that he didn’t know much about the man who healed him; he only knew that he was healed. The lame man at the pool of Bethesda (Jn.5) thought Jesus was going to help him into the water. He had no faith for healing because he wasn’t anticipating healing at the hands of Jesus – and yet he was healed. And then there was the father of the boy who had a demon that kept casting him into fire and water. When Jesus asked the man if he believed that he could heal his son, the father declared, “I do believe, help my unbelief” (Mk.9:24). Here was a man who had some faith that was mixed with some uncertainty. And yet, Jesus healed the boy.


From these examples it seems that perfect faith is not always required for answered prayer or for miracles. Indeed, I question whether we can even have “perfect” faith because as Paul argues in Romans 7, our flesh wars against our spirit. Our flesh will inject doubt and the enemy will whisper doubt even when our spirit believes. Again, I frequently find myself in the position of knowing that God can do anything but not being sure that he will act in a certain circumstance. Knowing that God wills something is not the same as knowing that he will do it in the way and in the timing I desire. God is often willing to do something but does not because the conditions have not been met for answered prayer or a miracle.


James says that we have not because we ask not. So…much of the time asking is a condition for receiving. Sometimes a significant level of faith is required because the person offering the prayer or receiving the miracle should have significant faith because of the opportunities for faith and trust that God has placed in his or her life. To whom much is given much is required. There are simply times when we should have matured in our faith but have not because we have been casual, we have quenched the Spirit, and we have persisted in unbelief. We are double-minded because we have chosen not to do the things that would help us grow in the Lord. James tells us that a double-minded man will not have his prayers answered (James 1:7). On the other hand, those new to the faith or encountering Jesus for the first time are not required to have much faith or any faith to see a miracle or have prayers answered in powerful ways.


Unrepented sin, unforgiveness, double-mindedness, idolatry, etc. can all get in the way of answered prayers and miracles. While knowing that, we must still be careful not to judge or blame someone because, at other times, the reason a miracle does not occur is simply a mystery. I know amazingly godly people who have prayed with great faith for a miracle of healing and have not received it while others with little faith and a ragged life have been healed.


That leaves me again believing that our first position of faith is always in the goodness and faithfulness of God. I can always be sure of that. My second position is an expectation that he will do the very thing I am asking because I know it is consistent with his will and nature. At the same time, I know there are mysteries that surround some circumstances so that I may not see a miracle at that moment. So what do I do in in that circumstance? I continue to trust in the goodness of God and keep praying for the miracle while I ask for a revelation of anything that is getting in the way of that prayer being answered.


In my next blog, I will share some thoughts on growing in faith. Be blessed.