Faith? (part 3)
Faith? (part 3)
By:, Categories: faith,miracles,prayer, 1 comment

Faith is first trusting in the character of God. All of his promises and our expectations for those promises rest on His character. When we pray “according to his will,” our first level of prayer is simply asking for things that are aligned with his general values and principles as revealed in scripture. If God commanded a thing in scripture or if his Word calls us to a certain thing then we can always pray for it with the expectation that our prayer pleases the Father and that he is willing to do what we ask. Praying for the salvation of another person is always according to God’s will because God desires that all men should be saved. Praying for a heart that loves my enemies is according to God’s will because Jesus taught me to love my enemies. God always has a heart for those things so I can always pray for those things with an expectation that God will move in response to my prayer.


When I pray, I can expect God to act because of who God is. I must also be open to the possibility when I am praying from his general will and from my own desires that some conditions in the spiritual realm may prevent God from acting on my prayer. That doesn’t mean that God isn’t all-powerful. It means that God has sovereignly placed limitations on himself that allow men to act with free will. I may pray for a person’s salvation and God will work in that person’s life to produce faith and repentance, but ultimately, he will not force his will on that individual. Think of how many people heard Jesus preach and even saw his miracles but refused to believe. Many of the miracles were performed expressly so that men might believe in Jesus, but many still refused.


There is another level of meaning to “according to His will,” however, that allows us to pray with absolute confidence not only in the character of God but also in the outcomes. When we hear the Lord’s voice and he directs us to pray for ourselves or another person for healing, protection, provision, etc. we can pray with absolute confidence because God has already determined to do the thing. He is only waiting for us to pray so that he can release his power into that situation. Learning to hear God and taking time to hear him, even before praying, is going to increase the number of prayers we see answered and will increase our faith for answered prayers and miracles.


Many of us have prayed for miracles and have not seen them or have seen only a few. Because of that, when we do pray we have little expectation of God moving in supernatural ways in response to our prayers. However, if we would seek God in the matters of when to pray and what to pray over a situation, we would see more answers and learn to be more effective in prayer. Wise kings in the Old Testament inquired of God before going into battle. They would ask if they should fight, when they should fight, and how they should fight. God would tell them to go into battle right away or to postpone the encounter. He would also give them a strategy for the battle that insured victory.


We would do well to approach critical situations in our lives and the lives of those we pray for in the same way. As we hear from God, our prayers will be more on target and more effective. Since we are instructed to pray without ceasing, we need to have an ongoing dialogue with the Lord as well.


However, if I haven’t heard from the Lord, it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t pray. If a situation is on my heart and I know that I am praying for something that is consistent with God’s will, then I should pray as I feel led or as my experience directs me. However, if I’m not seeing the hand of God soon, I may want to press in harder and ask God to show me if there is something getting in the way of that prayer being answered. It may just be timing, but spiritual conditions may be getting in the way. For instance, before praying for healing or deliverance, we often ask a person if he is holding bitterness and unforgiveness toward someone who has wounded him. Unforgiveness gets in the way of many prayers being answered. If there is persistent, unrepented sin in the life of an individual that may also get in the way. Even curses give demons a legal right to resist the blessings of God in a person’s life so those things need to be revealed and dealt with before our prayers will have the effect that we desire and that God desires.


I don’t want to give the impression that I have all this figured out. I still jump into prayer without asking God what and how I should be praying. I still go into spiritual battle at times without inquiring of the Lord. He is gracious and frequently moves on my behalf, even when I don’t seek his counsel first. But I am growing in this area and know that hearing from God, before I pray rather than after, is the most effective way to pray and for my faith and understanding to grow.


I need to acknowledge that hearing from God is not always a clear voice in my head. Sometimes it is just a strong feeling or confirmation in my spirit or my heart that God wants to do something. I know some people with a gift of healing who see an “aura” around a person God wants to heal at that moment. Others are alerted in dreams that God wants them to pray for a certain person about a certain thing. God’s direction comes in many forms but the key is to look for that direction as we pray or, even better, before we pray. As we do faith grows. Be blessed today in all that you do.







1 Comment

  • Thank you, Tom, for these thoughts on faith. I am pondering many of these same points as I pray for others needing healing in body, soul & spirit. Trusting God’s character and His unfailing love helps me to release the ‘results’ of my prayers and brings me supernatural peace. I pray for healing but I release the result to God knowing that He desires to heal the soul , spirit and/or the body. Is passing into heaven to receive a perfect body a miraculous healing? Could the ‘thorn in the flesh’ that I ask Him to remove be the blessing that keeps someone’s spirit humble & in a position to depend upon God completely? Does His will mean we are more comfortable and will suffer less in this body? I see that His ‘miracles’ always bring Him glory and make Him the focal point. My prayers and my faith will not compete for the credit of a miracle. We need to be careful not to attribute physical healing to treatments, diets or physical exercise. It is always His choice to heal, whether through medicine, supernatural powers or in His eternal dwelling. Can my selfish flesh and my limited perspective from this earthly vessel ever understand how God’s blessings & miracles may look differently than I desire or expect? I feel that my faith is growing as I am learning to trust God more fully. My prayers are no less fervent but less frantic and more expectant! May God’s miracles draw more souls to Him, encourage the saints and bring joy in the midst of trials.