Your Sword in the Spirit
Your Sword in the Spirit
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I’ve been reviewing a book by Jonathan Welton entitled The School of the Seers. It is a book about the gift of spiritual discernment and the ability to see into the spiritual realm. I know several people with that gift. It manifests in several ways but from time to time or nearly all the time these individuals can see angels, demons, and other symbolic things in the spiritual realm as if having an open vision. Whether what they see is literal or symbolic of something that is literally operating in the spiritual realm is up for debate but God definitely shows them spiritual realities in real time.


Welton says something interesting about words in the spiritual realm that is worth considering. “On one occasion when I was praying for the sick, I saw something unique about the woman I was about to pray for. Before she told me what illness she was suffering with, I saw spears stuck in her from all directions in the spirit realm. They were about ten feet long and literally stuck out of her in every direction….the woman told me she had anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, Epstein Barr virus, and many other similar ailments…Some of the spears had writing on them which explained what they were and how they had arrived there (such as hate, disappointment, and fear).


We spent some time forgiving individuals who had hurt her, releasing word curses, and dealing with many heart issues. As we processed these issues, the spears were being removed by the Spirit…The Lord gave me an insight into why I see so many swords, spears, and other weapons stuck into people in the Spirit. We see in Ephesians 6:17 that when words are in the hands of the Holy Spirit, those words are the sword of the Holy Spirit, “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” Simply stated, in the spirit, words equal swords – so with our mouths we also wield swords….we can use words in a destructive manner which literally stabs and injures others” (Johnathan Welton, The School of the Seers, p. 85-86, Destiny Image Publishing).


We know that that the tongue has the power of life and death, but most of us still tend to only think of hurtful words causing injury in the natural realm by wounding emotions and battering self-esteem. But what if something literally happens in the spiritual realm that effects us in the natural? In his book, Welton said that when people would approach the woman, they would rake the spears which created tremendous pain in her soul. Because of that, she kept her distance from people. After his prayer, and the spears being removed by the Spirit, her physical illness symptoms disappeared and she was able to hug and connect with other human beings without fear of pain.


What if we saw our words in the spiritual realm either literally wounding people or injecting life and strength into them? What if we saw them as slicing and stabbing like swords or spears of the enemy or as pellets of life-giving water splashing over them, healing old wounds and reviving their souls? Would that temper our words? Would that prompt us to always be dispensers of healing instead of pain? James tells us that fresh water should always flow from our mouths rather than salt water. Fresh water gives life to green plants while salt water brings death.


We did a study on James a few weeks ago and looked at the verse instructing us to resist the devil. Developing a habit of always building others up with our words and speaking blessings over them is a powerful way to wield a sword against the enemy. Speaking over ourselves in the same way is also a powerful sword. Spiritual warfare is primarily done with words because words carry power and authority. We should be aware of that 24/7 not just when commanding demons or commanding healing over a person. Ours should be a lifestyle of speaking life, removing spears, and healing the slashes of the enemies swords in every person we connect with.


Sometimes, people wonder why sinners and broken people were so drawn to Jesus. I believe it is because he always spoke life over them and they were drawn to that source of life. Be blessed today and be a constant source of blessing to those around you just as Jesus would do.