Python – Part 2
Python – Part 2
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Last week I introduced the topic of the spirit of divinationfrom Acts 16 and the Greek background of this spirit that the people of the day called Python.  Spirits with names like these tend to take on the qualities of the animal whose name they share.  The python and other constrictors do not kill by venom but instead squeeze the life out of their victims very often suffocating them before crushing them.  This is a very subtle and yet powerful animal and the spirit of python is as well…often taking its time to crush the spiritual life out of its victims.


Just as the serpent in the Garden drew Adam and Eve away from God’s truth, this serpent will do the same. Once we have been drawn away from God’s truth we become easy targets for other spirits to join in the attack.  Because of the subtle strategies of these serpent spirits, it is imperative that God’s people know the Word of God because it is the only plumb line of truth by which we can objectively measure what is aligned or misaligned with God in the church or in our own lives.


John tells us, “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God” (1 Jn.4:1).  He is warning the church because these spirits will try to establish areas of influence in the church.  I can certainly tell you that over the past 25 years, the hunger to study the Word of God in many churches has been quenched. It is quoted and referred to but rarely truly studied in our day. The truth is that we have churches full of smart but biblically illiterate people who read spiritual books but not the Word, who go where they feel good, and who seek spiritual experiences that are not tested against biblical truth.  I am all for connecting with God emotionally and for spiritual experiences, but they must be tested and can only be tested by the Word and the Holy Spirit who always lines up with the word.  Knowing fragments of truth from the Bible without having some sort of overall understanding of God’s will and God’s ways is like having sections of a protective wall erected but with huge gaps in the middle through which the enemy can easily enter.


Paul warns us in his letter to the Thessalonians that, “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved (2 Thess. 2:9-10).  These spirits that are infiltrating the church will do impressive signs and wonders.  They will be counterfeit not because they are cheap tricks but because the source is not the true God.  If our theology is based on experiences only, we will be easily drawn to power without a filter to know whether we are being taught the truth or led away.


Should we then ban signs and wonders to avoid deception?  No. People are seeking these alternative forms of faith because they are looking for power, healing, prophecy, and so forth that they have not found in their churches.  Spiritual gifts, including the more miraculous gifts, are given for building up the church and must be exercised, perhaps, more now than ever if the church is to be strong and flourish.  We can’t abandon miracles and power to the enemy. We need to do them authentically and biblically…while teaching our people how to test the spirit behind them to see if they are from God.  Paul warned Timothy of this infiltration when he said, “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron” (1 Tim.4:1-2).


Just as the owners of the slave girl in Acts 16 were motivated  by money, influence and power, those who teach doctrines of demons will probably be motivated by the same things. We must be careful with our judgments however because everyone with disagree with is not a false prophet.  Unfortunately, you can go on YouTube right now and find dozens of preachers pointing the finger at other preachers for declaring the doctrines of demons. Typically, they are accusing men whom they have never met nor had a personal conversation with. They don’t know the fruits of their lives or ministries first hand. Division ion the church is one of Satan’s greatest weapons and sometimes we join right in.


Since a large part of the Christian church remains relatively uninformed about spiritual warfare, strategies of Satan, and demonic activity…how will they perceive and combat these doctrines of demons as those presenting them will come presenting themselves as enlightened Christians open to the new things of God? God certainly does new things but they are never contrary to his written word or character.  I think in many ways the break down of denominationalism and allegiances to one slice of the church is a good thing that can lead to unity, but I also believe that because of those break downs and people drifting from church to church or watching the electronic church, they don’t know what they believe and that makes them easy pray for the demonic.


My prayer is that God’s people will get serious again about Bible study, knowing what they believe and why, and will get serious about spiritual warfare in the church because the spirit of python and a multitude of other spirits are still alive on planet earth.  Too often we want to run to the gifts, run to the power, start the healing or deliverance without truly grounding ourselves in the Word. We should not be afraid because he that is in us is greater than anything hell can send our way but we do need to be equipped to fight…more than ever.  Knowing the Word is our first line of defense.  Knowing how to use the Word is just as important because it is the sword of the Spirit.


Next Week – specific indicators of a python spirit and how to pray against it.