Dealing with Demons
Dealing with Demons
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This will be the last blog on demons for a while. Many Christians have received no teaching on the demonic at all or, perhaps, have received inaccurate information so I feel the need to do some teaching on the subject from time to time. The danger is always putting too much emphasis on the enemy or giving him too much credit rather than focusing on the all encompassing power of our Lord.


But, long after the cross, Satan is still referred to as having power on the earth. John says, “We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one” (1 Jhn.5:19).      Paul also speaks of Satan’s continuing power. “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves” (Col.1:13). Most of the world is still under the authority of Satan, the dominion of darkness, because most have not been rescued and brought into the kingdom of Christ. The victory that Christ won over Satan is a victory for those of us in Christ and a potential victory for those still in the hands of Satan. The key for believers is to maintain the victory we have while extending that victory to others.


If we are in Christ and the victory is ours, then how does Satan access believers in order to torment or oppress them? Few of us have trouble believing that we are tempted by Satan every day. The New Testament tells us to put on the armor of God, to be aware of Satan’s schemes against us, to watch out for Satan who prowls around like a lion waiting to devour those who come within his reach, etc. Although we are citizens of heaven and walk in victory, we will still encounter the enemy. As we occupy territory and continue to push back on darkness, the enemy will still resist and still try to take out believers. Think about the Middle East. Even when we were occupying Iraq, enemy snipers still shot at our soldiers and car bombs directed by the enemy still created tragedy. Even though Saddam Hussein was toppled and the victory was ours, we still had to maintain defenses and guard ourselves against attacks of the enemy who were still determined to take back what they had lost.


In the spiritual realm, demons still snipe at believers and try to draw them out of heavenly defenses. The primary way of attacking believers is to draw them into some agreement with Satan in some part of their lives. That’s what Satan did in the Garden with Eve and then with Adam. His lies brought them into agreement with him about the character of God and that agreement cost them (and us) their unique place with the Lord. The prophet Amos said, “How can two walk together unless they are agreed?” The corollary is that when we agree, we are walking together. A kind of unity is established by agreement and, if nothing else, a welcome mat is placed outside our door.


Unbelief, unrepented sin, unforgiveness, dabbling with the things of Satan, buying into his lies, etc. are all forms of “coming into agreement” with the enemy. Believers are not immune. Paul often tells believers to put away those things that open the door for the enemy. He says, “You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.         Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body. In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold” (Eph.4:22-27). Paul is essentially telling believers not to revert to their old ways of thinking and doing or they will eventually give the enemy a foothold – a place in their life. If you invite someone to your home often enough, they may just move in with you. When that happens, a believer can be demonized.


The good news is that Jesus is more powerful than any demon and much more powerful than even Satan himself. Jesus demonstrated that time and again as he cast our demons and so did his followers. For believers, the first step back to freedom is always re-establishing alignment or agreement with the Father. That comes in the form of confession, repentance, a renewal of faith and a heart of obedience, and often a verbal renouncement of sin. Our agreement, even as believers, has given Satan authority to establish a place in our lives. Confession and genuine repentance revokes that authority and then demons can be commanded to leave in the name of Jesus. That is really the deliverance process. The key is true repentance and realignment with the Father. Half-hearted repentance will not get you freedom. Having regained his or her freedom, the believer must then maintain his or her defenses and walk faithfully with the Lord.


I really can’t count how many demons we have driven out of believers. Some come out quickly. Others take a wile depending on their rank and how long they have been attached to that individual or even a family line. The greatest factor, however, is how much that believer wants freedom and how much he or she is willing to trust and surrender every part of their life to Jesus, withholding nothing. James tells us to resist the devil and he will flee. “Resist” is not a word that means a casual dislike or opposition but a great opposition based on a hatred for the things of Satan. When we get there, we will be in a very good place.


The key for believers is to keep the doors and windows of our souls closed to the enemy. Dabbling in bitterness, unforgiveness, pornography, horoscopes, etc. and compromise with the culture are open doors that may eventually give the devil a foothold which can become a stronghold. When that happens, Jesus still has the remedy but it is much better not to go there period. Be blessed and know who you are in Christ today… and don’t forget to put on the armor (Eph.6:11-18)!