Python – Part 3
Python – Part 3
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In my last two blogs I laid out the biblical background for the spirit of python which seems to be encountered much more frequently now by deliverance ministries than it was even 20 years ago. This proliferation has most likely been brought on by the emergence of new age practices since the 60’s as well as the growth of satanic organizations and witchcraft in America.  Many Americans dabble in the occult without knowing the dangers or are exposed to it in unintended ways. How many of us when we were young played with Ouija boards, went to palm readers, or participated in séances at sleepovers thinking it was all fun and games?  This spirit can also be passed on generationally from grandparents who practiced white magic or who were involved in Masonic organizations decades ago.  Remember that python is a spirit of divination or witchcraft (Acts 16) which manifests in numerous ways.  The spirit of python can manifest in prophecy, communicating with the dead, and healing at times.  That was the draw at Delphi in the days of Paul.


I want to talk about some of those manifestations in this blog so that you can recognize what you are dealing with in those to whom you may be ministering.  In deliverance, knowing the name of a spirit is much more effective than simply calling out some unclean spirit.


Today, there are those who are demonized by this spirit who prophecy, provide spiritual counseling, speak to the dead, and even heal in the name of Christianity. Often, these individuals manifest uncontrolled jerking and shaking and claim they are under the influence of the Holy Spirit.  This may take some discernment, but as John said, we are to test the spirits because not every spirit is of God.


Those who are impressed by their prophecies and physical manifestations may seek an impartation of the gifts they believe they are witnessing and will receive not only a “gift” but the spirit of python as well.  The spirit is usually a source of significant income for those who allow it to work through them. Prayer, discernment and an observation of the fruit of that person’s ministry may be needed to determine if this spirit and the gifts are from God or not.  This spirit will seem to be a source of blessing at first so that people may believe that God is blessing them, but at some point that spirit will come to collect the bill for services rendered. Jesus has paid the bill for those who serve him, but Satan always comes to collect.


Those who are simply being afflicted by this spirit will exhibit some other manifestations.  Remember that python slowly squeezes the life out of people, organizations, and ministries.  For instance, if a once vibrant Christian has slowly lost his/her passion for the kingdom of God and has become apathetic towards prayer and ministry, this person may be under attack from this spirit.   This usually happens gradually rather than because of some traumatic event so that the person himself cannot explain the loss of passion. If a ministry or business seems to have stalled out with no further growth, even though everyone is still working hard and doing the right things, a python spirit may be coiled around the business or ministry restricting its ability to expand.


On a physical level, breathing disorders (asthma, COPD, chronic pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.) that doesn’t respond well to treatment or that keeps reoccurring may be an indicator of this spirit as his coils try to suffocate his victims.  We did a house cleansing recently where two of the family members had been plagued by breathing problems for several weeks.  Medications had not helped.  The Holy Spirit showed us that a python spirit was in the house so we commanded it to leave.  By the following day, the breathing problems cleared up. Skin problems may also become evident and reflect the molting of skin that a serpent goes through.


This spirit, because it is a spirit of witchcraft, may also manifest in perverse sexual drives and practices. Many pagan religions and cults through the centuries have had very sexualized rituals that included temple prostitutes (male and female), as well as public fertility rights, etc.  Some deliverance ministries suggest that this spirit may manifest in teenage women as a desperation or compulsion to get pregnant by any means and by anyone.


As you begin the deliverance process, you should have the person to whom you are ministering repent of any and all occult involvement for himself or his bloodline and to renounce all forms of witchcraft and divination. He or she should also agree to get rid of any objects in their house related to witchcraft in any form…jewelry, books, movies, music, souvenirs from overseas, even native American artifacts, etc.


When you begin to command this spirit to leave a person, you may find that it does not leave immediately or easily. Not only will it be coiled around a person but may be biting that person as well to maintain a hold.  You should command it not only to uncoil but also forbid it from biting. Often this spirit will hiss at those ministering deliverance and boast that the person belongs to him. On occasion, we have seen people sway like a serpent or fall on the floor and writhe like a snake. Those who are being delivered may complain of difficulty in breathing or pressure on their chest. You should forbid the spirit from restricting the person’s breathing or placing pressure on the chest as you continue to command it to leave.  You may also call on angels to cage this serpent or for the Holy Spirit to restrain the serpent.  You may also want to use the sword of the Spirit on the head of the serpent, as that is typically the best way to rid yourself of a snake.


Sometimes a snake gets in because the spiritual, hedges or walls around the person have fallen into disrepair. Ask the Lord to rebuild those walls and then make sure the person to whom you are ministering knows how to maintain the walls or hedges of protection with time in the word and prayer. As always, we need to keep in mind that not everything is a demon, but we need to be one to the possibility and be ready to minister deliverance when the Holy Spirit points us in that direction.  Hopefully, this has been helpful.