Feeling His Pleasure
Feeling His Pleasure
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One of my favorite movies of all time is the 1981 film, Chariots of Fire.  The movie is based on a true story that revolves around two British athletes competing in the 1924 Olympics and is a great study of spiritual motivations.  One of them, Eric Liddell, was a Scottish runner who had a tremendous faith and was destined to die in the mission field in China some years later.  His sister was also a very committed believer who thought that her brother should give up his “foolishness” of running track and get on with the Lord’s work in the mission field. In the movie, she asked him why he ran and he gave a riveting reply.  He said simply, “God made me fast.  And when I run I feel his pleasure.” Liddell believed that if God gave you a talent then you must use it because with every God-given talent there is a divine purpose.


In that one compact statement Liddell offered a profound theology for spiritual gifts in the Christian life. Paul dedicated three chapters to spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12-14.  He mentions them in other letters as well but in this section he gives us a theological grasp of the “charismata” or gifts and their purpose. Paul tells us that the Holy Spirit gives spiritual gifts (capacities or talents) to each believer and each is given to build up the body of Christ.  These are not given randomly by the Spirit but strategically based on the destiny you have been assigned in Christ.  The Psalmist tells us that God was involved in crafting us from the womb.  There he created our inner being and ordained all of our days before one of them came to pass (Ps.139).  In the New Testament, Paul tells us that we are “God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Eph.2:10).


If we connect those texts, we discover that God has established a destiny for each of us that he calls “good works which he prepared in advance.” He has intentionally crafted you with talents, temperament, and spiritual gifts designed to perfectly match that destiny.  We are each born with a personality or temperament unique to our calling.  We all have talents or abilities in the natural realm that can be used for God’s purposes like Eric Liddell’s ability to run.  Once an individual has accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, he receives the Holy Spirit and the Spirit then gives that believer a spiritual gift or gifts that completes his equipping so ta the can fulfill his destiny.


God equips you with gifts and ordains opportunities for you through which you can make an impact for the kingdom of God.  These gifts are typically granted in seed form and must be nurtured and developed to accomplish all that God has ordained for you.  Each time you encounter your ordained opportunities, you have the freedom to step into that opportunity or turn it down.  You can bear fruit or remain barren.


We are told that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work within each of us. Much of the power will be expressed through our spiritual gifts. The question most often asked at this point is, “How do I know what my spiritual gifts are?”  Eric Liddell gave us two great indicators.  What are you good at and do you feel God’s pleasure as you do it?  Another facet of feeling God’s pleasure is simply being aware of any desires for spiritual gifts that he has deposited in your heart.


Paul tells us that we are to “eagerly desire” spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 14:1).  It stands to reason that the Holy Spirit will create a hunger or desire in your heart for gifts that you have been destined to receive.  As the hunger rises, you will begin to think about that gift.  You will begin to ask God for that gift.   You will begin to read about the gift you desire and search out others who have that gift.  You will ask them to help you understand the gift, develop it, and even how to receive it.  Then you will begin to receive opportunities to use that gift and in doing so you will develop that capacity so that it bears fruit.  Then as you use it, you will experience a profound sense of fulfillment – God’s pleasure.


There are all kinds of spiritual gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12-14 and Romans 12 and a few other places in the N.T.  There are many spiritual gifts not even listed in scripture.  Some spiritual gifts have been deposited in you and you eventually notice that something has developed in you that is bearing fruit in the kingdom of God. Others will come as you hunger after them and ask God for a specific gift. Some come through impartation and the laying on of hands by someone who already possesses the gift.  As we eagerly desire gifts, God is willing to give.


Spiritual gifts bear fruit in the spiritual realm.  That realm is eternal so the fruit is eternal.  Some gifts are given for one season of your life and other gifts show up during different seasons.  These spiritual gifts are talents that have been entrusted to you for your destiny.  The “parable of the talents” teaches us that if we are faithful to develop and use these gifts in whatever “good work” God sets before us, God will grant us greater gifts and greater opportunities later.


There is power in these gifts. Not just the gifts of healing, miracles, prophecy, etc. but in all the gifts.  Exercise the ones you already have faithfully while you pray and wait for other gifts you also desire. Make sure your motive for the gift is not power or notoriety for you, but rather a desire to be effective in the kingdom of God.


Don’t be afraid to step out as you develop new gifts. Like everything, it takes time and experience to excel in your gifts.  In one form or another, God made us all fast.  And when we run, we will feel his pleasure.