Seen a Miracle Lately?
Seen a Miracle Lately?
By:, Categories: faith,miracles,risk, 4 comments

I want to recommend a book to you that has just been released – God’s Double Agent by Bob Fu. The book is his autobiography.  Bob lives in Midland, Texas and directs a non-profit called China Aid Association. China Aid is dedicated to exposing human rights violations in China and works hard to advance the cause of religious freedom there.


I have served on China Aid’s board of directors with Bob for a number of years.  I have traveled to China on two occasions to meet and pray with house church pastors and human rights attorneys that Bob encourages and defends on the World stage.  I want you to know that Bob and those Chinese Christians like him are the real deal.


Without giving the book away, I will just tell you that Bob grew up impoverished in China.  He did not know God and was a student activist in the years of the Tiananmen Square protest.  He became a follower of Jesus after being disillusioned by the failure of student movements in China and the government crackdown on freedom. Eventually he was imprisoned for his faith and escaped to the United States with his wife Heidi after being released.  Since then he has dedicated himself to promoting human rights and freedom of religion in China. The book is his story.


Bob’s story is the story of many believers in China who have risked everything for the kingdom of God and who have paid the price through imprisonment, confiscation of homes and finances, brutal interrogations, house arrests, kidnapping and threats by government representatives, and so forth.


But as you hear their stories, you also hear of the miracles that God has granted them.  Some have experienced supernatural escapes from prison that echo Peter’s escape in the book of Acts when an angel led him out of a Roman prison in the middle of the night. Many have experienced supernatural healings from wounds inflicted by torture and supernatural protection and provision while on the run. If we could detail the stories of the miraculous they would make their own large volume.  Many of those stories cannot be told now because it would put these men and women of faith in the sights of the communist regime again.


Many American Christians remain skeptical about God’s amazing miracles around the world and ask, “If God still moves in miracles like we see in the N.T., why have I never seen one?”  I’ll offer two possibilities.


First of all, perhaps these believers have never really asked for a miracle.  James says, “You have not because you ask not.”  I’ve heard too many prayers asking God to help the doctors do their best to save a loved one.  Why don’t we ask God to save their loved one without the doctors?  So many times we pray for the ordinary and receive it. Doctors are going to do their best with or without the help of Jesus. So many of us have been trained to not believe in the miraculous that we can’t bring ourselves to ask for it even when we are desperate.


A second reason a believer may have never seen a miracle of the “Acts quality” is that they have never put themselves in a place where the power of God was unquestionably needed.  God shows up when his people step out in faith and risk death, imprisonment, failure, or mockery if God doesn’t manifest his power.


In China, simply to be a member of a “non-sanctioned” church places a believer in constant jeopardy.  Most of our brothers and sisters there are helpless before the State.  God has to show up in miraculous form on many occasions for the church to continue to exist and grow.


But even in America, where torture and imprisonment for believing in Jesus is not yet a reality, believers can still step out in faith and put themselves in situations where if God doesn’t come through there will be at least disappointment or embarrassment.


Believe me, it is risky to step into a hospital room full of unbelievers or Christians who don’t believe in miracles and pray for direct, supernatural healing while binding spirits of infirmity at the same time. It is risky to speak to a stranger at Starbucks and tell them you believe God has a word for them and you have a prayer for them.  It is risky to talk to your hell-raising brother-in-law about Jesus.  It is certainly risky to place your faith on the platform when you are running for political office or to speak out against sin in a culture that covers everything with the whitewash of “tolerance.” I know families who have put every penny into a risky business venture because they believed the Lord was directing them to do so.


The list can go one.  But in those moments you need a miracle and when you choose to step into those moments often enough you begin to see God move in power.  Bob Fu and many Chinese believers step into those moments frequently with a kind of reckless abandon. They see miracles.  I personally know many American Christians who will not settle for the ordinary but lay it all on the line by asking for the extraordinary in the presence of unbelievers. They see miracles all the time as well.


If you want to see God move in your life like he moved in the Bible then put yourself in situations where the natural will not get it done. You will desperately need Jesus and he will be faithful to show up.  After all, nobody loves a good miracle more than Jesus.



  • Well said. God Bless Bob Fu, China Aid, and our Christian brothers and sisters all over the world who put everything on the line in faith, taking God at His word that He will supernaturally meet all of our needs. Lord, make us desperate for the move of your hand.

  • I agree with everything in this message, but why not mention exactly what Jesus said as to why healings or miracles happen or did not happen. Jesus rebuked the disciples for their lack of faith when they could not cast out a demon. Almost every time Jesus’ reply to someone seeking healing, was “according to your faith be it unto you” Jesus even said he could not do any miracles there, but only a few healings, because of their unbelief. American Christians do not see miracles because of their lack of faith. I think that is what Jesus would say to the church of America.

    • Terry, good word. The one who receives the miracle does not alway have faith since some were healed who did not even know who Jesus was. But faith was alway involved through those who brought a friend to Jesus by Jesus himself. Our faith must always be in who God is – a God of goodness and grace who always wants what is good for his children. Sometimes, we fail to ask with faith because we continue to assume the miracle will come because of our worthiness and since we feel unworthy – no miracle. Faith is always about believing God and what he says rather than what we feel or what the enemy is whispering. I also think part of the good news is that our faith doesn’t have to be perfect for God to respond. Sometimes we are the man who says, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief.” Thanks for the excellent comment.

  • Thanks Tom for such an inspiring book. It has really helped me while dealing with some VERY difficult issues. You have a way of putting things that make them seem so logical. After reading them I frequently wonder why I never “got it” before. You have really inspired me to vocally bind the devil and depend on God to do a miracle even when things are so bad that it would “take a miracle” to change a person or situation. God always prevails,