Demons in the House
Demons in the House
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I live in conservative West Texas.  We don’t have three hundred year old homes here or ghost walks for folks visiting our part of the world. We don’t have famous haunted hotels or paranormal researchers down the street.  But interestingly, our church does get calls requesting house cleansings from demonic spirits on a fairly regular basis.  Since we get these calls I thought I would do one very practical blog on the topic of demons manifesting in homes and the practice “charismatic” Christians refer to as “cleansings.”


I guess the first questions would be whether demons are assigned to locations since we typically see them trying to establish a place within a person or at least attach themselves to a person.  However, we also know that demons spend a great deal of their time simply tempting believers to serve sin in some part of their lives so that they can establish a legal right to “take up residence” with that individual.


In the book of Revelation, Jesus addresses the church of Pergamum and says, “I know where you dwell; where Satan’s throne is.”   There was a huge altar in that city dedicated to Zeus and many commentators assume Jesus is referring to that pagan temple and it’s altar. He may have been referencing that temple but remember demonic spirits are behind idols and false worship.  Where there is great demonic influence there is great demonic presence and in this case it was a city.  Undoubtedly Sodom and Gomorrah had a vast demonic presence.  The area of Rome around the Coliseum where Christians were tortured and killed must have had that feel.  Most of us have been in cities or parts of cities where the atmosphere feels dark and oppressive and where sunlight doesn’t seem as bright even though there are no clouds. Those are the parts of those cities sold out to sin and those physical locations have a strong demonic presence.


If demons are active in cities and have strongholds that could be referred to as thrones, then they can certainly be attached to other physical locations. It’s not uncommon then for people to begin to notice unexplained manifestations around their homes. Many people think of these manifestations as evidence of haunting by ghosts but these are demonic spirits.  These demonic manifestations can be experienced as demons appearing in the house, voices in the night when no one is speaking, doors being slammed or opened, objects levitating off of tables or fireplace mantles, unexplained footsteps in the house, shadows darting across a room, putrid smells, feelings of fear or terror, a sinister presence, unexplained anger and violence, or any number of other manifestations that harass and torment.


Sometimes these demonic spirits were given access to the location through people practicing occult arts in the home, committing suicide there, through violence, abuse, through acts of sexual immorality or the practice of false religions, etc.  When the inhabitants move on, the spirit stays to afflict whoever comes into the home next.  There are other individuals who seem to carry demonic spirits with them or bring them into the home while visiting.  When these individuals leave, demons may stay. We have had that experience in our own home when people from other parts of the world had stayed with us and worshipped their gods in private in the room where they stayed. When they left, we had to deal with manifestations in our own home that ceased after cleansing it. Members of our church have done many cleansings and without exception the manifestations have ceased and the atmosphere of the home has changed drastically.


Let me list a few simple steps in the process. It’s very much like deliverance for an individual.

  1. Determine if the people in the house are under the Lordship of Jesus. If not, the demons will return when you leave.
  2. Determine if there is any persistent, unrepented sin being practiced by family members – especially in the home and ask them to confess and repent. Otherwise their sins, including unforgiveness, gives the enemy legal access to them and all those in the house.  Children are especially vulnerable.
  3. Ask those who have authority over the house and family to verbally declare their allegiance to Jesus Christ and renounce Satan and the works of Satan.
  4. Ask those who have authority over the house to dedicate and consecrate the home and everything it to Jesus and place it all under his lordship.
  5. Then, in the name and authority of Jesus command any and every unclean spirit to leave the house immediately and never return. We command them to go to the feet of Jesus and receive orders from him.
  6. We then simply go through the house anointing doors and windows with oil and quietly but firmly commanding any spirits in that part of the house to leave and never return.
  7. As we go, we ask the Holy Spirit to show us anything in the house that might give the enemy a right to be there.  Sometimes he highlights souvenirs from overseas that are actually idols or representations of foreign gods.  Books related to false religions or cults, artifacts from ancient tribes that were prayed over in the name of their gods,  etc. Sometimes they are part of the decor – statues of  budah, etc. ) that look sophisticated but  honor false gods.   These types of objects may give demons access to the house. They can be “dumpsterized” or prayed over.  The dumpster is preferable.
  8. We pray for God’s peace to be upon the house and for his angels to keep the enemy away and anything else the Spirit puts on our hearts and we leave.


In essence, we bring everything in the home into alignment with God’s will and declare his Lordship over the house and the property the house rests on. Ultimately, what protects us from Satan is the blood of Christ and the power of his Name that covers us when we are submitted to him.  It is always sufficient for homes or hearts.


The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him. (Psm.34:7)