Waging War
Waging War
By: tomvermillion.com, Categories: Divine Weapons,Holy Spirit,Satan,Spirit of Power,spiritual warfare, Comments Off on Waging War

For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ”

(2 Cor.10:4-6).


These verses are essential to our understanding of spiritual warfare and to our ability to gain victory over the enemy. Even those of us whose church homes are “Spirit-filled” need to be reminded of the truths imbedded in this brief text. We need to be reminded because there is something in us (and me) that constantly wants to default back to the perspectives of the natural man whose eyes are on the world and the solutions the world offers.


In these verses, Paul echoes his thoughts from his letter to the church at Ephesus that our real struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual powers (see Eph. 6:12). Like the proverbial iceberg, the part of the battle we can see is the smaller part. The greater part resides in the unseen realm and because the critical battles are going to be fought in the spiritual realm, worldly weapons and strategies will not save the day. Jesus spoke about his followers being in the world but not of the world. Paul parallels that thought when he says that although we live in the world we do not and should not wage war as the world does. In these few words he alerts us to the fact that even the saved often look to the world for answers before searching out and employing the divine weapons of prayer, declaration, deliverance, confession, repentance, faith and so on.


The truth is that the church as a whole is not well versed in the use of divine weapons. Most believers run to the help the world offers before finally resorting to fasting and prayer and the exercise of spiritual authority which they should have run to first. Think about it. How often do churches refer crumbling marriages to secular “professional” counselors or to counselors who are Christians but who have been trained only in secular approaches to counseling? Does he church not have wisdom to bring healing to these marriages?


For a number of years I served on a visiting committee that helped to evaluate the Marriage and Family Department at a well know Christian university in Texas. Once a year we would meet with graduate students who were finishing the program to ask them about the training they had received and their experience at the school. Year after year we heard positive statements about the faculty and the school but also heard them voice disappointment that they had not really learned how to do Christian counseling with a spiritual emphasis on using the Word, prayer, emotional healing ministered by the Holy Spirit, and spiritual authority exercised by believers over the forces of evil. Nearly every student sensed a need for such training but did not receive it.   The head of the department agreed that such training could be useful but told me on several occasions that in order for their graduates to receive licensing from the state to be a professional counselor, so many state-mandated courses were required that their was no room in the curriculum for the training most students were asking for. Once again, we let the world shape and determine our approach to helping and healing broken people. And once again we act as if the strategies of the world are superior to anything the kingdom can offer.


So, year after year, this Christian university and many others train believers to use the weapons (strategies) of the world but not divine weapons. And yet, Paul clearly states that the weapons of the world are ultimately ineffective. In his letter to the church at Corinth, he scolded the believers there because they were taking each other to court over matters that should have been handled by the church. He said, “Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life! Therefore, if you have disputes about such matters, appoint as judges even men of little account in the church! I say this to shame you. Is it possible that there is nobody among you wise enough to judge a dispute between believers” (1 Cor.6:3-5). The same should be true with marriage issues, emotional healing, and addictions. The church has the wisdom and the power of Jesus Christ deposited in us through the Holy Spirit. The world should be coming to the church to learn how to heal relationships and broken hearts rather than the church going to the world.


I am not opposed to medicine and many things the world offers in terms of therapies and support have some value. I believe the grace of God has given the world doctors and counselors. I’m just saying they inevitably fall short if they don’t address the spiritual realities behind many of our conditions. Worldly strategies teach us to manage our issues rather than gaining victory over them. Divine weapons are the most powerful and most effective approaches to human struggles and yet we often only go to those when we have exhausted everything the world offers.


Paul’s letters remind us that we have the resources of heaven at hand and should always go there first. Where there is bondage or deep wounds that lay havoc to marriages or individual lives, strongholds exist where the enemy has found a opening in our souls and has dig in deeply to exploit our pain and make it worse. Only divine weapons can tear down such strongholds. Let’s remember that the power and strategies of God should be our first approach to every issue and not our last resort after the world has failed us once again.