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In my last blog I discussed the need for all Christians to be equipped for spiritual warfare. I then encouraged readers to find books, churches, or ministries that can equip them in the exercise of “divine weapons,” if their church does not provide such training. I want to suggest some resources, but before I do, let me also offer some wisdom.


The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. (I Tim.4:1-3)


Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. (I John 4:1)


Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. (Acts 17:11)


But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you. (Jn.16:13-14)


First of all, not everything written or taught about spiritual warfare is on target. Some are way off target. There are those who would use spiritual gifts for their own promotion and profit and you need to stay away from those individuals (See Acts 8 regarding Simon the sorcerer). There is always truth mixed in with deception, so be cautious. Jesus said that you will know false prophets by their fruit so look at the ministry, it’s emphasis, whether it points to a man or to Jesus, and whether it seems to care more about money and power or people.


Secondly, consider whether what you are being told or taught is based on sound biblical interpretation. Our experience and methodology should line up with scripture. I’m not saying everything you need to know about spiritual warfare is in the Bible. Methodology is often a matter of culture and experience. For instance, we are not told in detail how to lead others to Christ, only that we are to present the good news. Methodology is left up to us.


But we know whether what we are being taught seems to contradict scripture or line up with scripture or the character of scripture. We know in whose name we are to pray and cast out demons. We know that incantations and magic amulets are not consistent with scripture. We know that channeling, angel worship, and speaking to the dead is forbidden in God’s word. We know that all ministry should point people to Jesus and a holy lifestyle. You get the drift. If a teaching is presented with arrogance or the promise of special knowledge or blessings that no one else possesses or embraces new age approaches to healing and revelation, turn off the channel. So, if you are not familiar with an author, church, or ministry… proceed with caution and consider the fruit and the spirit with which the training is presented.


Thirdly, ask the Spirit to lead you into all truth. If something des not resonate with your spirit or if it troubles you, then proceed with caution. I would suggest that you not dismiss something immediately but pray about it more, study more, ask people you trust about it more. Our discomfort may come from our cessationist teaching or our lack of personal experience more than from an unbiblical or untrue teaching.


Also, be willing to receive some teaching without receiving all teaching. An “unbiblical teaching” may not come from a bad or deceptive heart. None of us can teach beyond our best, current understanding or experience and that changes over time. My first response to the “Toronto blessing” of uncontrollable laughter released by the Holy Spirit was one of skepticism and criticism. Then someone pointed out that “joy” is a fruit of the Spirit. Do I accept all things coming out of Toronto? No, but I don’t dismiss all things from that event either.


Jesus told a parable in which a man planted wheat and, while he slept, an enemy planted weeds in the same field. When the wheat grew, so did the weeds. The servants asked it they should dig up the weeds but the master said to wait so that the wheat would not also be pulled up with the weeds. Sometimes, there are weeds mixed in with the wheat, but the wheat us still good. As you read or receive training, be open to receive some things and reserve judgment on others. Spiritual gifts find different expressions in different people. How some express their gifts may just not fit you, but it may not be a false teaching. In summary, test the spirits, check the fruit, and pray for God’s Spirit to lead you into all truth.


Having said that, let me list some books and ministries that have helped me grow in the area of spiritual warfare. Remember, I don’t necessarily accept everything from these teachers nor do I incorporate everything they do into my ministry to others. I consider the scriptures, ask the Spirit to lead, and wait for confirmation in my Spirit before moving ahead with things that just don’t resonate with my spirit. Paul said. “We know in part and we prophecy in part,” (1 Cor.13:9) so don’t hold people to perfection, but rather gauge the heart and spirit of the teacher, as well, in testing the spirits.


Recommended Books Related to Spiritual Warfare:


  • Intercessory Prayer (Dutch Sheets) – This is a must read about the power and purpose of prayer and will motivate you to pray more with greater intensity and endurance.


  • Approaching the Heart of Prophecy (Graham Cooke) – This is a great book on prophetic gifts and how God speaks to us. You must be able to hear God in moments of spiritual warfare.


  • When Heaven Invades Earth (Bill Johnson) – This is a great book to open you up to the supernatural move of God in our lives today.


  • Born to Be Free (Tom Vermillion) – This book is designed to help people find freedom and maintain freedom from the lies and oppression of the enemy and, I think, maintains a healthy balance in doing so. This book includes chapters on hearing God, our identity in Christ, the authority of believers, and deliverance.


  • Deliverance from Evil Spirits – A Practical Manual (Francis MacNutt) – This is an entire book on deliverance and delves into the theology and methodology of deliverance. Good book.


  • The Essential Guide to Healing (Bill Johnson and Randy Clark) – This is a sound book on healing theology and methodology. It will encourage you to go out and pray for supernatural healing.


  • Authority to Heal (Ken Blue) – This is another excellent book on healing and how to pray for healing. It is an older book but has some things to offer more recent books seem to miss.


  • Drawing Near (John Bevere) – This is a great book about intimacy with God and has one of the best chapters on speaking in tongues that I have run across.


  • Freedom in Christ (Neil Anderson) – This book is almost a classic in the deliverance arena and has been around a number of years – but is a good place to start if you are just learning about deliverance.


  • The Handbook for Spiritual Warfare (Ed Murphy) – This is another extensive book on spiritual warfare and deliverance. Good resource book.


  • Shadow Boxing (Henry Malone) – Very readable book on deliverance. Henry Malone Ministries / Vision Life Ministries also trains and ministers in deliverance.


  • Can You Hear Me? Tuning into the God Who Speaks (Brad Jursak) – This is an excellent book on learning to hear God, which is critical in our growth and in spiritual warfare.



Churches with Freedom Ministries:


These are a few churches that I am aware of that offer healing/deliverance ministries that are balanced and healthy. I’m sure there are many more, but these are a few I am aware of. If you know of others, please reply and I will get those posted. It would be great to develop a directory of churches and ministries who bring a balanced and healthy approach to this arena.


Mid-Cities Community Church – Midland, Tx

Bethel Church – Redding, Ca.

Beltway Park Baptist Church – Abilene, Tx

Gateway Church – North Richland Hills, Tx

Trinity Fellowship – Amarillo, Tx


I hope these resources and cautions will be helpful. Blessings.