Baptism in the Spirit (Part 6) – Manifestations and Baptism
Baptism in the Spirit (Part 6) – Manifestations and Baptism
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In studying the baptism of the Spirit, we should remember that God often provides normative processes and principles for how he works in people but he is not bound to formulas. As we move through the book of Acts we recognize that there were normative manifestations when the Spirit fell on or filled believers. The gift of tongues seems to have been imparted on several occasions (Acts 2, 10). Sometimes prophecy broke out. Boldness to declare the name of Jesus was almost always a recorded result as well as a host of miracles that demonstrated the kingdom of God and the reality of the King. Each of these manifestations reflected Christ’s statement to his disciples in Acts 1 that they would be baptized with the Spirit and receive power to be his witnesses.


Many charismatic churches today believe that speaking tongues is the single evidence or experience for having been baptized in the Spirit. Many believe that “the baptism” must manifest in tongues, in “falling out” in the Spirit, laughing uncontrollably, weeping uncontrollably, or feeling power surging through your body like an electric current. In my experience, all of these can be manifestations of the power of the Spirit falling on a person but we should not limit or define how the Spirit manifests himself after imparting power for ministry to a believer.


Most of the churches that want to see extreme manifestations of the Spirit as proof of being filled with the Spirit would say that no one could operate in healing, deliverance, prophecy, words of knowledge, tongues, miracles, etc. without being baptized in the Spirit. I would agree that baptism or empowering must come first but not always with extreme manifestations of the Spirit. Certainly, spiritual gifts are bestowed and empowered by the Holy Spirit. But I know many believers who operate powerfully in these gifts but have never “fallen out” in the Spirit or felt electricity surging through their bodies and not all speak in tongues.


In 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12 Paul gives extended teachings on spiritual gifts that include the “power” gifts of tongues, prophecy, healings, knowledge, miracles, interpretations, etc. in the same list as wisdom, mercy, administration, giving, serving, etc. along with teaching, worship, and evangelism and no one would require extreme manifestations of the Spirit before believing that individuals were operating in these gifts. In addition, Paul never suggests that these gifts are given or received in fundamentally different ways.


To be honest, most of us desire an extreme manifestation of the Spirit because it helps us to have faith that the Spirit has truly done something powerful within us for healing or for empowering. However, we must still be willing to live by faith and not by sight even when it comes to receiving from the Spirit. The evidence of the Spirit’s work in us, including baptism, may manifest over time as we recognize an increase in boldness, effectiveness, the ability to hear God, insights into scripture, a hunger for spiritual things, etc. It may also manifest in response to prayers we have offered up year after year for a spiritual gift that we have desired. That gift may begin to manifest in small ways and slowly and then develop as we use the gift rather than exploding on us as tongues did for the believers at Pentecost.


Remember, I do believe that many individuals have those extreme experiences when they receive the baptism of the Spirit but I also believe that the baptism can occur in more subtle forms. In the kingdom, fruit is the best evidence of what we have received and the fruit of new spiritual gifts, an increase in the effectiveness of gifts we already possess, an increase in boldness, or an upgrade in intimacy with the Father is evidence that we have received the baptism or a new filling. Like most things in the kingdom, we receive those things by asking with faith and then being open to how God responds. The gift of tonguesis certainly one evidence of “the baptism” but is not the only evidence. Wherever and however we operate in the power of the Spirit is ultimately evidence that we have received a baptism and, perhaps, subsequent baptisms for fillings.


Again, I believe the baptism of the Spirit is typically used to describe the first time we are infused with power or spiritual gifts but there will be fillings or more immersions in the Spirit to come. I believe we should always hunger for more, pursue more, and ask for more in our lifelong walk with Jesus and in special moments when we need a turbo-charge from the Spirit we may receive an unexpected filling. Be blessed and be baptized. If you want the baptism of the Spirit ask Jesus for it and then receive what he gives you by faith. If you are not satisfied, keep asking.