It is Written
It is Written
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Psalm 119 has 176 verses in it and it reminds me how important the Word of God is to the believer. This psalm was probably written by David although it is not specifically identified as one of his. The man writing the psalm was under attack – not a military assault but a personal attack by those who would destroy him and, perhaps, even take his life. The flavor of the psalm is that the assault has been going on for a very long time – accusation, gossip, slander, traps, etc.


In this psalm, the writer places immense value on the word of God for his hope and his ultimate victory. Let me list just a few of the phrases that he uses:

Blessed are they whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the Lord.

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might nor sin against you.

Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.

Your statutes are my delight, they are my counselors.

Preserve my life according to your word.

Strengthen me according to your word.

Your promise preserves my life.

I have put my hope in your word.

Your statutes are my heritage forever.

Preserve my life according to your laws.

Deliver me according to your promise.


The writer clearly believes that God is discovered in his word and that his word is unbreakable. He believes that the written word of God faithfully represents the character and promises of God that God will not violate. If it is written, then God will be true to his word. His constant reference to the Word is not out of fear that God might forget his promises but is a clear statement of belief that God is always true to his word so we can count on his promises.


Jesus used the phrase, “it is written,” numerous times in the gospel. He quoted scripture as the Word of God that is always true or that must come to pass because it has been written by the God who cannot lie. To me it is also interesting that Jesus always spoke about the word in the present tense – it is written rather than it was written. It carries the same implication as the name that God revealed to Moses about himself. Tell them, “I am.” To speak in the present tense suggests no beginning (past) and no end (future). It suggests that something is an unchanging reality. God is – he always has been and always will be. His written word has the same quality and because of that can be totally believed and acted upon. Of course, God reserves the right to determine how and when a promise will be fulfilled but if it is written, it must be fulfilled.


To get the word of God deep in our hearts is a great weapon against the enemy. To know without doubt what the Lord has promised us disarms the lies, deceptions, and bullying of the enemy. I’ve been around long enough to know that the church in America does not value Bible study and memorization like it used to. Few people carry a Bible to church. When Bibles are misplaced they stay in lost and found for months. Very few come looking for them. Perhaps, they have others, but I suspect it is because there is not much hunger for what is inside.


It is almost as if self-help books and worship CD’s have replaced the Word. There is nothing wrong with a good book or worship CD’s but nothing stands unless it stands on the Word. Jesus constantly referenced the written word as his ultimate authority and the plumb line for his actions and beliefs. He used it as a sword against the enemy when Satan assaulted him. We should do the same.


Spend time in the Word. Chew on it. Memorize it. Discuss it. Study it. Get it in your heart. Like the psalmist, it is your heritage forever. You have inherited God’s promises and statutes. The psalmist says, “With my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth. I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches” (Ps.119:13-14). Take possession of his truth and his promises as yours and know that they open up the storehouses of heaven to you. The Word unlocks greater riches than any the earth can offer.


Let me encourage you to spend time in Psalm 119 to see how much the psalmist valued the Word, the written promises of God, and the wisdom for living embedded in scripture. You will be blessed by doing so.