Another Gospel

I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! (Gal.1:6-8)


Paul began his letter to the believers in Galatia with a stern rebuke of those who would change the character of the gospel. In the case of Galatia, men had come in after Paul had left to plant other churches and had begun to add works from the Law of Moses to the message of salvation. Paul preached grace through Christ alone while those who came after him preached Jesus plus the keeping of the Law of Moses as the path to salvation. Paul made it clear that to change the character of the gospel was to change it altogether and put the salvation of these believers at risk. The character of the gospel can be changed in other ways as well – by adding or taking away form the message.


Millions of Christians live under a gospel of grace without power. Grace is only half the good news. Power is the rest. A gospel without power is an insufficient gospel and leaves believers far short of God’s intended transformation in their lives. In Luke 4, Jesus stood in a familiar synagogue in Nazareth. There He announced and outlined his three-year mission to the world as He read from the scroll of Isaiah (Isa.61: 1-3). Preach the good news. Heal the brokenhearted. Set captives free. Release prisoners from darkness. Raise the dead. Jesus declared that He was the fulfillment of that text and then spent the next three years demonstrating that mission.


Jesus not only operationalized his mission statement for the kingdom of God on earth but also prepared others to continue the mission after his departure to sit on his throne in heaven. He sent out the twelve and the seventy, and commanded them to do what he had been doing. He then declared to his followers, “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”


We are to do what Jesus did. We are to offer grace and forgiveness of sins through Jesus, but also the transforming power of the kingdom of God. A gospel with power does more than forgive sins. It frees and transforms. For years I have watched faithful, forgiven Christians continue to live in bondage to anger, depression, shame, fear, and lust year after year. They have prayed, cried, repented a thousand times, and sat at the feet of counselors and pastors looking for keys to be set free. At best they have learned to manage their sin or their “issue” but have not truly found freedom. Are they forgiven? Yes. Are they saved? Yes. Are they free? No.


But God’s word says: So, if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed (Jn.8:37). Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Cor.3:18).   It is for freedom that Christ has set us free (Gal. 5:1). Christ’s freedom is not just freedom from condemnation but is freedom form all the things that keep us from being Christ-like – holy, joyful, loving, compassionate, etc. Brokenness and bondage keep us living a life that falls far short of those qualities.


Every time the gospel was preached in the New Testament power and authority was on display along with the grace of God. Power allowed people not just to hear about God’s grace but to also experience it. Experiencing God always has an exponentially greater impact than only hearing about Him. Most churches enable their people to hear about God week after week. Not so many allow them to experience Him as well.


When God’s power is manifested, we experience Him. When we experience Him we are set free and changed. Where significant transformation in the lives and hearts of God’s people has not been profoundly experienced, then, perhaps, an insufficient gospel is being preached. That insufficiency, then, puts some believers’ salvation at risk.  Through the years, I have seen a number of believers give up on their faith and their walk with the Lord because they could not overcome their brokenness or bondage. They felt that God was not hearing their prayers or that they were so defective that even God didn’t care about their struggles. A gospel of power could have set them free. Paul declared, “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power” (1Cor.4:20). God is not content to simply be talked about. He wants to be experienced. May this coming be a year of greater power and “experience”  in the church and in our own lives than we have ever known before.





1 Comment

  • What you wrote about happened to me & I walked away from God. I finally hit rock bottom & had 2 choices: check out of life or get real help (power) from God. I ‘tried’ God again but this time was blunt with him & highly expectant. He has loved on me, trained me, protected me, taught me, & given me vision .& high expectations!
    Now life is great!