Continuing Trouble

Last week I wrote a blog affirming that becoming a follower of Jesus does not mean life will be trouble free.  In fact, Jesus assured us that in this world we will have trouble.  In hostile environments such as China, Russia or the Middle East, that trouble could be for a life time as believers are targeted for persecution by the state.  And yet even in those environments, it seems that certain seasons produce more trouble than others.

In the west, Christians are not so blatantly targeted but may find more subtle persecution in certain environments such as in universities, the entertainment industry, some corporate environments, families, and so on.  If you live or work in a “Woke” community and verbalize biblical values, you will be opposed and probably censored.  There is a price to be paid for our faith in this world.  We need to be at peace with that reality.

After my last blog, someone asked if trouble was simply going to be their lot for a lifetime.  In the context, it was not trouble from persecution but simply from things in life never working out.  There are believers who seem to face a disproportionate amount of loss and failure which might include a number of deaths in a family in a relatively short time, financial stress even though they work hard, promotions going to less qualified people at the workplace, and constant vehicle breakdowns and expenses around the home that just always keep them under water.  Sometimes it is a disproportionate amount of sickness that makes life hard.  Perhaps, you have known those individuals or families.

I believe it is normal for all believers to have seasons of hardship, but not for that to be the standard of their entire life.  In cases like that, it seems that some kind of curse is operating that gives the devil a legal right to afflict or oppress an individual or family. The idea of curses seems very antiquated to most Americans, but it is a very biblical theme.  In fact, in Deuteronomy 28, God spends a great deal of time explaining to Israel that diligent obedience to the Lord would bring abundant blessings, but persistent disobedience without repentance would bring abundant curses that touched every part of life.  Abundant blessings include health, financial prosperity, fruitfulness from their efforts, blessed relationships, peace from their enemies, and even the promise of rain at the right times to bless their crops.  Curses would bring just the opposite…health problems, financial failure, broken relationships, war, natural disasters, and so forth.

There are several sections in scripture that picture Satan standing before the Lord bringing accusations against God’s people.  As he brought those accusations, he was looking for a legal precedent that would allow him to afflict those people on the basis of their sin or the sins of their fathers or on the basis of words they had spoken or oaths they had taken.  Those things may constitute a curse which the enemy can enforce as long as that curse remains.

When hardship, other than persecution persists, and is clearly over-proportionate to what most believers are dealing with, a curse may be operating.  An unrepented sin may clearly present itself as the probable cause of the curse.  Unforgiveness towards others who have wronged you would be the first thing to search for in your heart.  Other ongoing sins that you are excusing would be the next place to look…sexual sin, materialism, an immoral relationship, gossip, judging others, bigotry, discrimination (especially against Jews), ignoring the poor, idolatry, addictions, violence, abortions, etc. are things that need to be identified, acknowledged, repented of and renounced in order to take away the legal right of the enemy. 

Sins of the fathers (Ex. 20:5) is another thing you must consider.  It is not aways easy to know what our ancestors have done that may have opened the door to a generational curse that can be passed down from generation to generation. Violence, defrauding another, adultery, involvement in the occult in any form, molestations, antisemitism, participation in false religions, etc. can be found in most family lines.

You may research your family history for clues or spend a season in prayer asking the Holy Spirit to reveal the root of the curse operating in your life.  When you sense what it is, then confess it and repent of it on behalf of your bloodline. Then renounce the sin and cancel the curse in the name of Jesus.

Words spoken over us by those who have had spiritual authority over us can also establish a curse.  A parent telling us we will never amount to anything or that we will never be loved or announcing that they wish we had never been born can open the door to sickness, business and relationship failures, etc.  If we said those words over ourselves, they can also establish a curse.  If any words like that that have been spoken, they need to need to be renounced and repented of as well.

Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the root of any curse that may be operating.  It is God’s will to bless his people so if curses predominate instead of blessing, seek to know the root. Have those with prophetic gifts and gifts of discernment pray with you to see what they hear from the Lord as well. Trouble will come our way, but God is also a God of blessing who wants to bless his children even in the midst of trouble. Blessing should be the rule of our lives rather than the exception.  

In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Many have turned their back on Jesus because they believed following him meant they would not have to face trouble or crisis or heart-breaking loss in this world.  When the trouble and trauma came, they felt betrayed by God as if he had not kept his promise to them. I have seen this after someone discovered their spouse had been unfaithful.  I have seen it after the death of a child. I have seen it after healing did not come.  Each one felt betrayed because life did not turn out as they expected and because God did not answer their prayers as they hoped. They had believed for a relatively trouble-free life.

To be sure, there are many promises of blessing, healing, protection, and deliverance in scripture.  However, there are also assurances that those who follow Jesus will experience trouble, persecution, and betrayal in this world.  Some trouble comes from our own bad decisions.  Our walk with Jesus does not exempt us from the law of sowing and reaping.  Bad decisions bring negative outcomes. Some are minor.  Others are catastrophic. David’s adultery with Bathsheba is front and center as evidence.  David repented of his sin but there were still serious consequences from his bad decisions.  The child born to David and Bathsheba died.  His son Absalom conspired to take his thrown.  That son then died in battle.  Because of his repentance, David was forgiven.  His relationship with God was restored.  God walked with him through the consequences, but he still had to deal with the loss and betrayal his sin had triggered.

At other times, we will face trouble and crisis simply because we still live in a fallen world and operate in enemy territory.  Our unseen enemy is very real and works tirelessly to derail us and, if possible, snuff out our faith. Even without his attacks we are broken people living with broken people. Hurts and losses come out of living in a world of broken people with free will. Often it is free will to hurt others.  Sometimes, because the earth has been cursed because of sin, natural disasters will also bring their share of pain.  

What we must remember is that our pain does not come from God but from sin and the accumulation of billions of people reaping what they have sown through their rebellion against God.  Unfortunately, we also reap what others sow…like innocent bystanders being killed because of a drunken drive or a deranged person walking in to a school with an AR15.  

That seems discouraging, but here is the good news.  First of all, we know that God often does protect us and provide for us when things could easily have gone the other way.  He has saved us many times, even when we did not know we were in danger. He does bring healing … sometimes supernaturally and sometimes through the grace of healing.  And yes, he does sometimes deliver us from the consequences of even our own actions and the actions of others…but not always.  However, I have seen time and time again that in our worst moments we are not alone. He brings grace to the moment that sees us through to another day.

And although trouble may come and we may face our worst fears, one promise stands that gives hope to every situation. The apostle Paul declared, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Rom.8:28). The challenge is in accepting that what may be in our eternal best interest is not always what we have in mind. God’s primary commitment to us is to get us across the finish line with our heavenly citizenship intact.  We naturally want everything this side of the funeral to be as smooth as everything in the other side.  We will have seasons like that but we will also have seasons that belong to living in a fallen world. 

All in all, we will get scrapes and bruises in this world that we don’t always understand.  God will not cause those but will use those to shape us, mature us, and prepare us to fulfill the destiny he still has for us.  We may feel like Joseph in an Egyptian prison, but those bitter days prepared him to lead a nation as Pharoah’s second in command.  At other times, we may not sense the good that God is working for us until years later when we look back to see his hand.  Don’t be surprised when trouble comes.  Blessings are promised but so is hardship at times.  God has not forsaken you and his grace will be sufficient.  Ultimately, he is working to get us home with him where there will definitely be no pain or sorrow ever again. 

One of the things I have consistently seen through the years in counseling, deliverance, and in my own life is Satan’s attempt to make us feel disqualified.  Let me explain.  The enemy’s first strategy ys is to keep us from receiving God’s grace though the sacrifice of his Son. In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus explained that, for many, the enemy simply takes the word of God from their hearts before they can believe.  He works hard to keep us from an encounter with God’s word and then works hard to keep us from opening our hearts to God.

Having failed at keeping a man or woman from being touched by God’s word and his Spirit, one of his standard strategies is to make the saved or those close to salvation feel disqualified.  Satan is referred to as the accuser of the brethren.  He accuses us before God, but he also accuses us in our own hearts and minds.  To those close to salvation, he whispers that they need to be better and do better before God will accept them.  They never surrender to Jesus because they don’t feel “good enough.” Perhaps, past sins haunt them and Satan whispers that  they are beyond God’s grace.  Of course, that is a total misunderstanding of grace.  We don’t clean ourselves up so we can come to Jesus, we come to Jesus so he can clean us up.  But in a world of highly conditional love, grace can be a difficult concept to grasp. Satan somehow seems to skew the message of grace so they don’t hear it clearly. Their sense of disqualification keeps them from moving ahead.

Even if a person surrenders to Jesus, Satan continue the accusations.  He will whisper continually that even though we are saved, we are still disqualified from God’s further blessings or from serving him in any significant way.  He reminds of past sins and suggests that we were not sorry enough, did not repent enough, or did not hate the sin enough for God to forgive that sin.  We live as if God is still holding something against us.  The enemy always implies that the blood of Christ is not really sufficient…for us. Feeling as if God is holding something against us, we have little faith that he will answer our prayers, bless us by meeting our greatest needs or deepest desire, or that all the promises in scripture are available to us.  When asked to serve in any significant capacity in the kingdom, we retreat, feeling that we simply don’t measure up.  We may even feel as if God would be angry if we took such a “presumptuous” step.

The truth is that none of us measure up, are “good enough,” or are worthy of His promises based on our own merit and righteousness.  It is only by the blood of Jesus that we can stand in the presence of God and be confident that he will answer our prayers.  Jesus gives us a position in heaven long before our condition matches that.  When we can accept our position as sons and daughters who are seen by God through the lens of his Son’s righteousness, we can then begin to pray with faith and expectation that God will care for us and use us in his kingdom in ways that we could not anticipate.

Faith is certainly based on our view of God and his character, but Satan uses our own doubts, insecurities, and self-image issues to cloud our view of the Father and the complete adequacy of his son’s blood to make us totally acceptable to our Father.  This, I believe, is the primary area in which we must take every thought captive and align our thoughts with the Father’s truth.

Most of us can stand a healthy dose of what God says about us on a daily basis by speaking the things that God has said about those who belong to him.  You can probably Google “Our identity in Christ” and get a great list of scriptures that declare what God has said about his children. When other thoughts enter our minds regarding our standing with God, we need to rebuke those thoughts as lies and speak God’s truth over ourselves.  Old ways of thinking are engrained in our brains and it takes an intentional season of declaring God’s truth over the old thoughts before God’s truth becomes our primary way of viewing ourselves…especially when the enemy keeps whispering our disqualifications to us. 

Sometimes we assume that what we think about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is all that matters. But, all of His truth matters and what he has done for us through the cross is just as significant because our righteousness in Christ and our state of being “new creations” also reflects on God.  The quality of a sculptor’s work reflects on him as a person and God is sculpting us through Christ.  

So…when the accuser of the brethren comes around, recognize him, reject him, and silence him by declaring God’s truth about you in response to the lies he whispers.  Part of our transformation comes from the renewing of our minds and that renewing comes from saturating our thoughts and words with God’s truth.  You are not disqualified but made totally acceptable in Jesus Christ for salvation, blessing and even challenging assignments.

In the 13th chapter of Matthew, the former tax collector records an incident that occurred in Jesus’ home town.  Jesus had been touring Israel, preaching in villages and along the shore of Galilee.  After a season of ministry, he went home and began to preach in the synagogue.  Those who had known him previously were amazed at his teaching and his miracles. Perhaps, they had heard of his healings more than having witnessed them.  

Interestingly, after being amazed, they began to be offended.  The text reads, “Coming to his hometown, he began teaching the people in their synagogue, and they were amazed. “Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?” they asked. “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? Aren’t all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?” And they took offense at him” (Matt. 13:54-57).

Instead of being excited and celebrating what God was doing in the life of the man they had known as a boy, they took offense.  They fell into the trap of not being able to see what a man had become, but only seeing him as he once was.  Jesus had all the markers of a great prophet, but they could only see him as the carpenter’s son.  

Apparently, his teaching with authority felt as if he were talking down to them.  The last sentence in that section said, “And he did not do many miracles there because io their lack of faith.”  Jesus reflected on the experience by saying, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town and in his own home.” Remember that even his own brothers did not believe until after the resurrection.

Perhaps, you have had the same experience trying to share Jesus with your family or old friends.  They may be polite, but still only see you as their child, their sibling, or their old “running buddy.”  It’s hard for parents to see even a grown child as one who can teach them or give direction to their lives.  Even when you are grown you are still their child.  Our siblings fall into the same trap.  It’s hard to submit your heart and intellect to someone you played with in the mud and carried with whom you carried out childhood rivalries. Old friends may be offended because you don’t share in their lifestyle of pursuing sin and pleasure anymore.

If you have a real burden for these people you love and care about, you may feel frustrated or feel like a failure because they won’t hear you.  Jesus gets you! He definitely knows how that feels.  How could anyone turn him down as a prophet with his stellar teaching and amazing miracles?  And yet they did.  We often forget that more people turned Jesus down than accepted him.

Let me encourage you.  Don’t measure your testimony or witness by those in your old circle of friends or even family.  Certainly, we need to share the gospel and tell them how Jesus has changed our lives.  Some will respond and reach out to Jesus.  But if they don’t…continue to love them and let your life be your testimony.  But in addition, pray that the Holy Spirit will birth faith and spiritual hunger in their hearts.  Just as importantly, ask the Lord to bring someone into their life to share the gospel whom they can hear – a peer, someone they look up to, or someone inserted into a circumstance at just the right time.  They may not be able to see us as someone who can give them direction, but we can pray and we can continue to model Jesus for them.  Take heart, Jesus’ entire family came to believe eventually.