Facing the Impossible

Few of us are ever aware of the provision and power that God offers us when we face impossible circumstances in our lives.  I admit that I am one who often misses it as well.

I love the story of Elisha when he was surrounded by the army of Aram in the small town of Dothan.  The king of Aram was at war with Israel. Each time he set an ambush for Israeli troops, Elisha would receive a word of knowledge from the Lord, warn the leaders of Israel, and the King of Aram’s plans would collapse. His initial thought was that a spy was leaking his battle plans to Israel but one of his captains convinced him that the prophet Elisha was the one informing on the King.

The King ordered a nationwide manhunt for the prophet who was to be found and captured.  Word got back to the king that Elisha had been seen in Dothan in northern Samaria and so he commanded his army to surround the settlement.  We’re told in 2 Kings 6, “When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots surrounded the city. ‘O my lord, what shall we do?’ the servant asked.  ‘Don’t be afraid,’ the prophet answered. ‘Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’ And Elisha prayed, ’O Lord, open his eyes so he may see.’ Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”

Here is the lesson.  If God is for us, who can stand against us?  God is never taken by surprise.  When the King of Aram ordered the capture of Elisha, God had already made provision for Elisha’s victory. The servant was overcome by fear.  Given the chance he would have stolen away in the night and hidden in the hills. Elisha, having faith in both the power and the character of God, stood without fear and saw the provision of God that others could not see.

The Lord had already responded to the need of Elisha and his servant with the power of heaven poised to do battle on behalf of the man of God. The servant was terrified because he had no faith to believe that God would provide a way, even in the most impossible circumstances.  He could not see what God had already made available in this impossible moment.  Elisha, on the other hand, had faith that God would meet his greatest need and had simply been waiting t see how God would do that.  With that faith and anticipation, he could see the provision of God.  In this moment, it was the army of heaven poised to give Elisha victory.  

Apparently, God left the fate of those soldiers in the hands of his prophet who could have called on the angelic army to destroy his enemies.  Instead, he asked the Lord to strike the army blind for a season while he led them to Samaria where they were eventually released. After a demonstration of God’s power on behalf of his people, the text says, “So the bands from Aram stopped raiding Israel’s territory” (2 Kings 6:23).

We will all face our impossible moments when no strength or resource of our own will provide the victory we need. Failing marriages, children bent on self-destruction, financial crisis, advanced cancer, or the overwhelming loss of a loved one. We all come to moments when we feel as if we are surrounded by an overpowering force that we cannot stand against. In the moment, pray Elijah’s prayer for yourself, “O Lord, open my eyes that I might see!  Lord, show me by faith and by your Spirit, the power and provision that you have already made available to me for this impossible moment. For with you nothing is impossible.” In the kingdom of God, those who are with us are always more than those who are with them.

When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first. Matthew 12:43-45

Jesus told this parable as a warning to each of us to constantly monitor the contents of our house…meaning our body, heart, mind, and our spirit. This individual had been demonized by one evil spirit. This was not possession, but one spirit that had been given a assignment against this man or woman. A single spirit typically works to undermine and distort one slice of our life through temptation and lies expressed in persistent or even obsessive thoughts and actions. The unrelenting nature of those thoughts is experienced as bondage. They will continue and typically get stronger until the spirit is cast out.

Deliverance or freedom is an amazing experience, but there is a danger that Jesus warns about. The “house” was vacated by the spirit and some semblance of balance and order returned to the persons life. However, the house was not filled with the word and the Spirit of God, so a spiritual vacuum was created. Because the spirit could not find rest outside of a body, he decided to go back and see if he might find a way back in.

To the demon’s delight, when he returned he found the house empty and the doors unlocked. So more entered in with him, and the person’s condition was worse in the end than in the beginning. I have seen that very thing happen to a few people who have come through our church and ministries. One young woman, especially, comes to mind. She was in her late twenties, sweet, attractive, accomplished and everyone loved her. On the outside everything looked in order, but on the onside she was tormented by insecurities and fear.

She decided to seek God and freedom from torment by going through Free Indeed, an 8-week class and a weekend of healing and deliverance. On the weekend she had some extreme manifestations, but was set free and found a peace she had never known. One of the things she had confessed to her group leaders was that she was in an intimate relationship with a man who was not a believer. She made a commitment to break off the relationship and seek God.

Eight months later she returned to attend Free indeed again. She had gone back to the relationship she had promised to leave and was now more demonized than before. Again, she experienced severe manifestations during deliverance, but was set free. Once more she promised to break off the relationship and serve God. Her group leaders tried to keep in contact with her but found she had gone back to the same man again. This time, however, when they did contact her, she was hostile and no longer had any interest in talking about the things of God. We have not seen her since. As her demonization increased, her desire for godly things decreased. Each time we fail to press into God after deliverance, the enemy gains more access than before.

When a spirit or spirits leave, we must fill our lives, our hearts, and our minds up with the things of God – worship, word, fellowship with other believers, service, etc., or we risk walking around around with an empty house or, at least a vacant room, where the enemy is glad to set up residence. Each time we fail to surrender parts of our lives to Jesus, the enemy gains a greater legal right to afflict us.

In the realm of spiritual warfare, half-heartedness or double-mindedness is a dangerous thing. As we try to stand with one foot in the kingdom of light and the other foot in the kingdom of darkness, we are at risk. There is a wide chasm between the two, so a person cannot keep their balance for long. Eventually he or she will fall. Jesus warns us over and over that divided loyalties are unacceptable. He demands every part of our lives too be surrendered to him. But, when we do surrender, he fills our rooms with the blessings of God’s kingdom.

We need to be cautious when ministering deliverance or receiving deliverance. It is not a game and a great deal is at stake. Sometimes people want to get rid of the torment a demon provides, but not the sin that gives them pleasure. The sin, however, is the open door through which the enemy enters.

Remember the incident in Acts 16 where a young woman with a spirit of divination kept following Paul around Philippi shouting that they were servants of the Most High God. Apparently, the whole thing was very distracting and was, perhaps, an attempt by the spirit to associate itself with Paul and Jesus.

At any rate, the text says that after many days, Paul turned and cast out the demon. Why would he not do that as soon as he encountered the woman? My guess is that he knew the woman might not surrender to Jesus and would then become a person with a vacancy that would be filled with many more spirits, so he restrained himself as long as he could, out of concern for her. We may need to use the same discernment when our first impulse is to set someone free.

So…if you are ministering deliverance, take time to explain the necessity of filling the vacancy with the things of God. Make sure the individual knows what that looks like and the risk of returning to a sin or a relationship that opened the door in the first place. Sometimes our desire to free someone from the enemy makes us rush to deliverance rather than preparing the person to maintain their freedom after they have received it.


Curses are a spiritual reality. Certainly, not everyone has a curse operating against them. In this life we all have tragedies, failures, and losses. It is the nature of living in a fallen world. But more of us than you think have curses operating in our lives and are unaware of it. The curse and the negative outcomes it produces will not go away on its own and has no shelf life. So…determining whether a curse may be operating so that we can nullify the curse is a prudent thing to do.

There are indicators that a curse is operating in the life of an in individual or family. Let me list some of those indicators briefly. You can find all of these in Deuteronomy 28-30.

  • When a family or individual continually suffers business failures or financial lack, even though they are working hard and making reasonably good decisions, a curse may be operating. When you can never seem to get out of debt because another financial demand occurs each time you get close to your goals, you may be dealing with a curse. If you see the same pattern in your family line, it is a very strong indicator.
  • If you experience patterns of chronic, lingering health issues that are difficult to diagnose, keep recurring, or that proven treatments don’t seem to manage, you may be looking at a curse. Again…if there is a history of such things in your bloodline, this can be a strong indicator.
  • If you or your parents or grandparents struggle with depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, despair, confusion, etc. when you have prayed, counseled, and taken treatments, there may be demonic influences operating through a curse.
  • When there is a history of an inability to get pregnant or multiple miscarriages, this may also indicate a curse.
  • When you see patterns of victimization in your life or family where you have been defrauded, passed over for promotions, taken advantage of, harassed, and so forth when you have acted with integrity and done the right things, a curse may be operating.

In general, when you recognize a repeating history of negative outcomes in your life or family line, that are not clearly results of your bad decisions or rebellion, you may need to address the possibility of demonic activity enforcing a curse.

To break or nullify a curse requires a legal transaction in the spiritual realm. The cause of the curse must be removed and then the enemy must be commanded to discontinue the harassment or oppression in your life. Proverbs declares, “Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest” (Prov. 26:2). The cause of a curse can ultimately be nullified through the the blood of Christ. However, we have to take several steps before the blood can be applied.

The basis of any curse being established against us is sin…either our own or the sins of our fathers. That sin must be submitted to the blood of Christ to remove it, so that the enemy cannot use it against us. For sin to be forgiven, it must be recognized, acknowledged, confessed, repented of, and renounced.

I continue to be concerned about how many “believers” are ignorant of God’s word and so are ignorant of their sins. Many believers let culture determine what is right or wrong and simply assume that God will agree with cultural norms. I’m often surprised at how many young couples in church are unmarried, but living together and have no idea that God would have an issue with that. Many believing men think that indulging in porn is not an issue as long as they don’t “act on it.” Believers are prone to make promises or commitments and then ditch them at the last minute because they got a “better offer” and think that breaking commitments or promises is not an issue with the Lord. We make judgments against others and feel no conviction because we feel justified in what we said or thought. We believe the cultural lie that same sex marriage is moral because it is tolerant and so we go along with the moral trend.

I could go on, but we need to be more biblically informed and train our consciences around the word of God rather than cultural values. We may also need to ask the Holy Spirit to inform us of issues we don’t recognize that are giving Satan a legal right to afflict us. King David prayed, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psm. 139:23-24) We need to pray the same prayer on a regular basis. Even if we are unaware that we are sinning, the sin still gives Satan a right to oppress us.

Once we become aware of something in our lives that is not aligned with God’s will, we need to acknowledge that it is sin and that we are responsible for our choices. Too many of us seek to excuse or rationalize what we are doing or blame others rather than simply owning it and confessing it. Any attempt on our part have “our sin” excused, gives the enemy an open door to attack us.

In conjunction with owning the sin, we must confess it…to God and, sometimes to others. If we have wronged others, we may need to confess that to them and ask their forgiveness. The key is found in 1 John 1:9. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” The cleansing takes away the legal right of the enemy to attack us on the basis of that sin. However, unconfessed sin isa weapon the enemy will use against us.

There is also the heart-matter of repentance. Am I just saying the words or do I truly have godly sorrow for my failings and do I intend to do it God’s way from that point forward? Genuine repentance is required before forgiveness is released. In addition, Proverbs declares, “He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy” (Prov. 28:13).To renounce means to declare publicly that you no longer support, agree, or have a connection with something or someone…in this case, the sin and the one who promotes sin. Publicly does not typically mean that we must renounce it in front of the church, but I do need to declare it out loud to God and to the spiritual realm if to no one else.

Once we have recognized, acknowledged, confessed, repented, and renounced a sin in our life or in our bloodline, we can declare verbally that the curse is cancelled and nullified by the blood of Christ and by his authority. We can then cancel the assignment of any unclean spirit that has been afflicting us and command it to leave.

The question remains, what if I don’t know the specific sins of my “fathers” or may still be unaware of my own sin? When Nehemiah was informed of the state of Jerusalem during his exile, he prayed to God that he would be given favor to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the wall. He prayed, “I confess the sins we Israelites , including myself and my father’s family, have committed against you. We have acted very wickedly toward you. We have not obeyed the commands, decrees, and laws you gave your servant Moses…(Neh.1:6-7). He then went on to ask for forgiveness and favor in accomplishing God’s purposes for his people. Daniel also prayed this way regarding the sins of Israel. He said, “we have sinned and done wrong. We have been wicked and have rebelled; we have turned away from your commands and laws…Lord, in keeping with your righteous acts turn away your anger and your wrath…hear the prayers and petitions of your servant” (Dan. 9:5,16,17).

If we specifically know our sin or the sins of our fathers, then confess them specifically. Repent on behalf of your bloodlines and renounce the sins. If not, pray as Nehemiah and Daniel prayed. They were essentially asking God to lift the curse that had been established against them for their sins and to bless Israel once again. We can pray in a similar way for ourselves, our family, and our nation.

In closing, we need to be aware of curses and take them seriously. The blood of Christ has more than enough power to nullify any curse. Indeed, Christ became a curse for us that we might be blessed. But curses aren’t dismissed automatically. We have our part to play through our own repentance and confession and even when the legal right of the enemy has been removed, you will still need to command these rebellious spirits to leave.

So there is the basic reality about curse and how to deal with them. Now that you know, get busy!

In my last blog, I discussed the reality of curses. Curses are a very biblical topic and play a significant role from Genesis to Revelation. The very first curse is established in Genesis 3:14-19 after Adam and Eve sinned. They are a critical part of God’s first covenant with Israel and reveal how he deals with men and nations. Many are spelled out in detail in Deuteronomy 28-30. If you have never read that section you should. In those chapters, God promises abundant blessings if Israel will follow him and abundant curses if they rebel. These curses were established to be spiritual consequences that function as a restraint against sin. From the very beginning, God established the law of sowing and reaping. Paul succinctly summarizes it in Galatians 6:7-8. He writes that a man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh will reap destruction (curses). Whoever sows to please the Spirit will reap life.

When we act in ways that violate God’s law and do so without confession or repentance, we open ourselves up to a curse. If our fathers sinned against God without repentance, those sins can also be used by Satan as legal grounds to afflict us (Ex. 20:5). That is the nature of generational sin and generational curses. If Satan discovers a cause against us – our sin, the sins of our fathers, to the sins of those are in ca covenant with – he can bring an accusation before the Father, and the Father will have to grant him permission to enforce a curse against us.

Satan is constantly looking for something in our lives or bloodline that gives him a legal right to establish and maintain a curse. With that in view, a curse can be defined as a supernatural assignment of the demonic against a person, family, place, organization, or nation that constantly brings about negative outcomes over a sustained period of time. God’s heart is to bless. Satan’s heart is to establish curses that steal, kill and destroy. God’s desire is that we never open ourselves up to the enemy, but justice in the spiritual realm allows Satan to afflict us if he can find a cause.

There are many believers today who are being oppressed or tormented by demonic spirits that have taken an assignment against them based on something that has given them a legal right to do so. Many times, deliverance ministries rush to cast out a demon only to find that it remains or leaves and then returns…because that unclean spirit still has legal grounds to oppress and torment. An essential step in casting out a demon or in breaking a curse is to take away the legal right of the enemy to be present. When that has been accomplished, then we can effectively command the spirit to leave and forbid it to return.

So, what are common open doors for curses in the lives of believers? The Bible lists many….

Idolatry or involvement in false religions. Idolatry is anything we bow down to in place of God. It can be an idol in the traditional sense, but can also be addictions, materialism, power, popularity, a sinful relationship, etc. Many of us have ancestors that did worship false gods, offer human sacrifices, bow down to idols, etc. and that idolatry can be a source of generational curses. (Dt. 5:8-10)

Dishonoring parents. (Dt. 27:16) This sin carried the death penalty under the Old Covenant. Under the New Covenant it can still give the devil a right to torment us.

Injustice and violence, including abortion that was not medically mandated.

Sexual immorality which includes pornography, sex outside the marriage covenant, homosexuality, molestation, incest, etc.

Robbing God of tithes and offerings. (Mal.3:8-9)

Anti-semitism or hatred of Jews. (Gen. 12:3) Individuals of German descent may be affected with generational curses due to the holocaust, etc.

Ignoring the poor. (Pr. 28:27)

Turning our heart away from God, which constitutes unbelief. (Jer.17:5)

Refusing to honor God. (Mal.2:2)

Unforgiveness towards others. (Matt.6:14-15)

Judging others with an attitude of condemnation and self-righteousness. (Matt.7:1-2).

Rebellion. Some sin is from from ignorance, some from weakness. Rebellion knows what God requires and chooses to reject it.

Occult involvement includes witchcraft, psychic readings, astrology, Ouija boards, white magic, black magic, Freemasonry, etc. If parents or grandparents dabbled in those things, their involvement may open the door to a generational curse.

Pride and arrogance. Pride is always an open door for the enemy because God humbles the proud.

There are other causes for curses as well, but these are the most apparent in scripture. We all sin, so are we all going to be cursed? Not necessarily. Sin becomes an open door when it is not quickly dealt with through confession and repentance. If we continue in a sin, fail to forgive, maintain a judgmental attitude toward others, rationalize our rebellion against God’s law, etc. we definitely become prime real estate for a curse. If, however, we quickly acknowledge those attitudes and behaviors as sin and bring those issues before the Lord to be submitted to the blood of Christ, the enemy will have no case against us.

If we are honest with ourselves, we can typically recognize the sin and issues in our own lives. We should deal with those quickly. Of course, we can be blind to some, so we need to ask the Holy Spirit to show us any sin in our lives that we do not recognize. You might even ask believers who know you well to share any thoughts they have about what they see. Some of the more challenging issues that can open the door to curses for us, are the sins of the fathers. Few of us know what our grandparents or great grandparents were involved in, and yet their sins need to be submitted to the blood of Christ as well.

In my next blog, I will talk about how we can determine whether a curse is operating in our lives or family and how to nullify generational curses that we may b e unaware of.

It’s been a while since I wrote about curses on this blog, but I think it is time to do so again. As a technological and “science-based” culture, most people give no credibility to the notion of curses. The idea of curses is typically relegated to fiction and fairy tales. However, it is a very biblical topic and a continuing reality unless you dismiss the reality of a spiritual realm. But even those who believe in a spiritual realm give little thought to curses.

In the church, I frequently see individuals and families who have suffered and failed and experienced loss to an unusual degree for extended periods of time…even for generations…without recognizing that a curse may be operating in their lives for family line. It is also human nature to forget that we collide with a highly active spiritual realm on a daily basis. Part of that realm is working on our behalf. Another part is working tirelessly to undermine our lives and the destiny God has for us as his children.

When the enemy has pushed back against our dreams, our families, our success, our health, or our destiny long enough, we may slip into a mindset that our inability to make headway or experience breakthrough is simply life on planet earth. Once we take on that worldview, we stop fighting and the enemy wins. He is then able to steal our future. As believers, we cannot forget Paul’s admonition to the church in Ephesus…

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians. 6:10-12)

For those who believe we should have no concern about Satan because he is defeated and Jesus protects us, this word from Paul dispels that notion. Certainly, he that is in us is greater than he that is in the world. Certainly Satan has been judged. But we are still involved in an ongoing war to enforce the victory Christ has won and we have a significant role to play in those battles. Otherwise, Paul would have had no reason to issue this warning and directive. Remember that when God brought the Hebrews out of Egypt to the land of Canaan, he did not suddenly eradicate the enemy tribes within the promised land. Instead, he required Israel to fight. The promise was that he would go before them and assure the victory, but they still had to face the enemy and take the land.

The word translated “schemes,” in the passage above, (methodeia) means a logical, systematic and deceptive strategy. The one who is orchestrating this strategy against you is the devil (diabolos), which means slanderer or accuser. The book of Revelation tells us that he (Satan) accuses the brothers and sisters day and night before our God (Rev. 12:10).

How are his accusations and his schemes connected? Through his accusations, Satan is seeking a legal right to afflict or oppress the children of God. The throne of God is established on righteousness and justice (Ps.89:14), which means that the kingdom of heaven operates on a system of divine law that even God submits to because he is submitting to himself and the laws he has established in his own righteousness.

The book of Job is instructive. It opens with Satan coming into the presence of God with accusations against Job. Picture a court room. Satan’s comes in as the accuser, the prosecuting attorney. His complaint was that God had placed a hedge of protection around Job so that Satan could not touch him. His strategy was to bring an accusation against Job, so that the charge would give him a legal right to torment the man. Apparently, the charge was that Job only worshipped God because of the blessings he received rather than because God was worthy of worship regardless of whether life was pleasant or a nightmare. The charge would stand until it was answered in the courts of heaven.

The charge gave Satan the right to change an environment of blessing into a cursed environment in which Job lost children, possessions, and finally his health. In the end, Job relinquished his pride and his sense of self-righteousness and declared God worthy of worship regardless of circumstances. When Job came to that place in his mind and heart, God was able to justify him and dismiss the accusation that Satan had levied against the man. After that, God was free to bless Job again…even more than he had in the beginning. It is always God’s heart to bless his people, but if an accusation stands in the courts of heaven, justice requires that he gives the enemy some access to the one accused.

Satan uses the same strategy against us. He brings accusation against each of us in the courts of heaven. If he can find a legal cause to enforce a curse against us, he will. For some of us, he doesn’t have to look very far. Secret sin, unconfessed sin, unforgiveness, arrogance, gossip, etc. can all give Satan access to us. Solomon said, “Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest (Pr. 26:2). Satan is constantly looking for a something in our lives on which a curse can come to rest. When he finds something, he can oppress and afflict us until the charge is dismissed. That ongoing affliction and oppression is the manifestation of curse that has landed in our lives.

Often, our part in the battle is to discover the issue that is giving the devil the legal right to hinder God’s destiny for our lives or the lives of those we love or care for. Sometimes the cause rests in us…our thoughts, our actions, or our carnal nature. Sometimes it rests in our bloodlines…the sins of the fathers that are passed down to the children to the third and fourth generations. If Satan can find a cause, he can bring the accusation before the Father and if it stands, he may gain legal access to us and our families, our business, our church, and even our community. We can command the enemy to cease his attack and take his hands off, but if he still has a legal right to afflict someone, our commands may go unheeded or the demons we have dismissed will return soon and take up their assignment once more.

I love deliverance, but our task before deliverance should be to determine the issue that is giving the enemy a legal right to afflict us or the one to whom we are ministering, and then to take the issue before the Lord so that he may submit it to the blood of Christ. Once the accusation is dismissed, we can command the enemy to leave and to never return. There are several steps we may need to take in order to have the accusation dismissed and the legal right of the enemy taken away. We will discuss those in next week’s blog.


Show me, O Lord, my life’s end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life.  Psalm 39:4

I don’t know how many of us would pray the prayer of David, quoted above. Most of us want to live as if death is for other people, not for us. We don’t want to contemplate our own death. We don’t want to think about how remarkably short our lives can be our how quickly our years are flying by. And yet, the brevity of life in this world is a constant theme in scripture.

David’s point was not a morbid fascination about his own death, but rather a desire to make every day count because life goes by much faster than we anticipate. Making every day count for eternity is the ultimate wisdom. The illusion that we will live forever creates a mindset that we can put off the most important things until life is more convenient.

We keep thinking we will make that phone call later; we will confront the problem as soon as we get it all figured out; we will really press into our relationship with God as soon as our life slows down; we will mend that relationship at a time when we have more emotional energy. We tend to think that we will get around to the most important things as soon as our career is established, our family is grown, or our relationships are where we want them to be. David’s point was that none of us are promised tomorrow on this planet, so we need to prioritize our lives and do the most important things today…regardless of how inconvenient or difficult it may be.

When we think about it, we probably all know that one of Satan’s great strategies against us is distraction. We just rarely think of it or rarely choose to think of it. There is always something that can take our eyes off the most important things in life. In his “Sermon on the Mount,” Jesus warned us not to be preoccupied with the material things of life – what we will eat, what we will wear, or where we shall live. He clearly stated that our heavenly Father knows that we need these things and, as a good father, will provide all that we need…if we keep our priorities straight. “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you” (Mt. 6:33).

And yet, most of us as believers, still fill our days with worry about those things. We work eighty-hour weeks to provide the “finer things” for our families, stay awake wondering about our 401K’s when the market tanks, buy more car and more house that we need in order to feel good about ourselves, constantly fight over finances with our spouse, chase all over the country every weekend for our kids to play soccer, baseball, or volleyball…so they can feel good about themselves, and then try to squeeze in a little time for Jesus when we can.

The devil’s distractions for believers are typically not sinful things. They are usually good things that we simply give more time and energy to than they deserve. Our problem is that we don’t live with an eternal view. If we are truthful, we might admit that on a day-to-day basis, we may give little thought to spiritual realities. We are prone to only consider spiritual things on Sunday mornings, while we think of this world as all there is, on the other six days of the week. By and far, we spend our time and resources on things that pertain only to this world and not the world to come. However, when we stand before Jesus he will not evaluate our lives based on the size of our house, our vacation destinations, or whether we had a swimming pool. We will not be judged on the basis of whether we drove a Ford or a Lexus. We won’t be praised on the basis of how many miles we logged taking our kids to club ball instead of church.

Again, these are not wrong in themselves but, if we are honest, we often give them a much greater priority than we give the kingdom of heaven. We would probably deny that, but it is true. Our aspirational value is to make Jesus the most important thing in life, but our actual values are revealed by what we do rather than what we should do. Simply add up the time, energy, and money you give to spiritual matters and those you give to material matters and you will get a more accurate perspective of what is truly important to you.

David’s prayer was that he would never lose sight of how fleeting this life can be, so that he would live each day with eternal priorities. That should be our prayer as well. Otherwise, we will die with a long list of good intentions that we never got around to. The illusion is that we will get serious about those more important things…later. Many of those things we put off are promptings from the Holy Spirit. The danger is that we can put those things off long enough that we he stops prompting us. Then, the most important things may go undone altogether.

In my moments of clarity, I want to number my days as David did…making each one count from heaven’s perspective. I don’t always do that, but I find questions are often a good way to help me evaluate my own actual priorities rather than my aspirational priorities and make needed adjustments. Maybe these will help you as well, if you are serious about eternal issues.

1. What is the Holy Spirit prompting me to do that I keep finding reasons to put off?

2. What am I giving my best time, energy, and resources to…other than God?

3. What activities or career issues do I often choose over church, spiritual family, or ministry?

4. If I am honest with myself, have I been more interested in the approval of men lately or the approval of God?

5. If people looked at what I do more than what I say, what would they believe is the primary source of my identity, my significance, and my satisfaction? Would they see it as Jesus Christ or something else?

6. What values am I modeling for my kids with the way I spend my time, money, or energy? Would they see me giving God the first fruits of my life or simply the leftovers?

7. What do I need to change or let go of in order to genuinely live with a view towards eternity rather than the pleasures and promises of this world? What am I lying to myself about?

May we, like David, learn to live each day with God’s priorities so that every day is lived without regret and stores up for us, and our children, riches in heaven.

The Apostle Paul had a fascination with sports. Church tradition suggests that he was anything but athletic, so perhaps he idealized what he was not built for. At different times in his writings he references wrestling, boxing, and, of course, running. Perhaps, this was also influenced by his two year imprisonment at Caesarea Maritima. This was a beautiful city on the Mediterranean Sea where Pontus Pilate lived at times. It was a cultural center but also a place where athletes trained for the Greek Olympic games. it is very likely that Paul spent much of his time watching them train and thinking of parallels between athletes and the spiritual life of believers.

In his second letter to the church in Corinth, Paul wrote, “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize” (1 For. 9:24-27).

Perhaps, Paul had Solomon in mind when he said that he would keep his body or his flesh in check so that he would not be disqualified for the prize. Solomon started out well. When God offered to give him anything he wanted, he didn’t ask for power or wealth but for wisdom to govern God’s people. God was so pleased with his request that he gave him all three because these were gifts that could only be stewarded well by a humble man. In the years ahead he was given power, glory, wealth and wisdom that government officials from around the world came to hear.

The problem was that after years of peace, honor, and getting everything he wanted, his zeal for the Lord wained. The numerous foreign wives he had taken seduced him into worshipping their god’s at the high places of Israel. In the end, Solomon died as a foolish idolator. Many other spiritual leaders in scripture also began well, but faded in their last years. Many of the great evangelists of the 19th and 20th Centuries had the same experience. They had amazing ministries but ended with mental health issues, sexual sin, and financial scandals.

I think there is a profound warning in these examples for all of us who are over 60. At least in America, we are programmed to think in terms of retirement once we get to age 60 0r 65. Others strive hard for early retirement around age 50 or 55. We define retirement as the years in which we get to take our foot off the accelerator, de-stress, and coast to the finish line. It’s a time when we think we should be able to do as we please without answering to a boss or a board. If we have done well financially, we feel satisfied and self-reliant.

Here is the caution. Many people, who have served the Lord well for years, take a retirement stance in the kingdom as well. They unplug from both the office and the church, and go to the lake or go to live close to the grandkids and that orders their lives.. There is certainly nothing wrong with going to the lake or investing in the grandkids…as long as we don’t begin to coast spiritually and develop the mindset that we did our tour of duty in the kingdom and now it’s our time to relax and let others serve.

The apostle Paul would have raised his eyebrows at the thought of taking a twenty year sabbatical from serving in the church or sharing the gospel because it was time to relax. Retirement is an American concept, not a kingdom concept. Paul instructs us to run our race as believers, like one who is running in the Olympics. One of the firs things you learn in competitive track is to never slow down as you complete your final lap and close in on the finish line. You are coached to run as hard as you can, never slowing down, until you are well past the finish line. If you have watched much track and field, you have seen numerous examples of someone in the lead who slows down just a few steps before the finish line only to be passed by another runner or several runners. On several occasions, I have seen runners in the lead who thought the race was won and so slowed down only three strides before the end, only to be passed by several at the last second, so that he or she didn’t medal at all.

The truth is that when I unplug from church, from ministry, and from the weekly fellowship of other believers or when I feel I am spiritually mature enough that I no longer need to be challenged and motivate by sermons or lessons or testimonies, I will start to lose ground spiritually. Spirituality is like a muscle. If I fail to stretch it, tax it, and exercise it on a regular basis, that muscle will atrophy.

Paul’s perspective is that we should all want to finish strong, not coast to the end. God gives us time on this earth and that time is a gift must be stewarded. If we simply use our last twenty years to indulge ourselves because we feel we have earned the right to do so, we may have a hard time explaining how we used that twenty years faithfully to continue to bear fruit for the kingdom.

Believe me, I recognize that as we age we don’t always have the energy or stamina we once had. Paul put it this way. “Although outwardly we are waisting away, inwardly we are being renewed day by day” (2 Cor. 4:16). Paul recognized that the years take a toll physically, but our spiritual life such continue to grow, be enriched, and bear fruit more than ever as we approach the finish line.

There is something spiritually dangerous about our latter years and our latter years are being extended as the average American can expect to live much longer than previous generations. The scriptures and history testify that many (not all) men and women who were amazing in the kingdom of God finished their race poorly. Because of that, we should be thoughtful about those “final-lap” years and intentionally position ourselves to stay connected to a healthy church and to ministries in which we continue to bear fruit.

God has ordained that believers live in connection with one another. We are commanded to love one another, encourage one another, serve one another, pray for one another, admonish one another, etc. If we are not in active relationships with one another in the church, we cannot fulfill those commands. We have a responsibility to the body of Christ to stay actively involved. The writer of Hebrews warns , “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Heb.10:25). I don’t believe the electronic church fits God’s design for our lives and his church unless circumstances will not allow us to leave our homes.

Here is my concern. At a time when the church needs every faithful believer fully engaged, our most mature and potentially most productive people are simply phasing out. I know from personal experience, that if I am away from my spiritual family and my commitment to ministry for any extended period, my spiritual life suffers. I know that if I retire so that I disconnect from the church in meaningful ways, I will not finish strong and when the Lord returns and asks me what I did for Him with the last years of my life he entrusted to me., I may not have an adequate answer.

I simply want us all to finish strong and to think about those years when we will have more time, more resources, and more experience than the rest of the church. What will we do with those? Be prayerful, be thoughtful, and be intentional. As great as Solomon was, he died an idolator. He asked for wisdom to govern God’s people and he was the most politically astute ruler of his age or, perhaps, any age. He should have asked for spiritual wisdom – wisdom to live well for God – because in that he failed. So when we start to make retirement plans, let’s submit those to the Lord and just to our own desires, so that we steward well all that he has given us.

The prophet Isaiah spoke of the coming Messiah when he said, “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners” (Isa.61:1).

As we have just celebrated our national day of independence from British oppression under King George, I want to reflect on the theme of freedom in scripture. The passage from Isaiah above declares that Jesus would have a three point mission when he lived among us. First of all, he would preach good news (the gospel) to the poor. The gospel is a message of freedom from the tyranny of Satan who holds all men in bondage until they respond to the gospel and accept the ransom that Jesus paid for each of us on the cross. In a sense, the gospel gives us positional freedom in Christ. By his blood, we are given a legal standing in heaven that declares we are justified as our sins are forgiven and the record of them in heaven is wiped clean. That is definitely good news and takes away the legal right of Satan to to afflict us and oppress us at his discretion.

However, there is more. Even though we have a legal standing in heaven of righteousness, there is still our fallen nature (the natural man) and our brokenness that must be dealt with. That belongs to the rest of Isaiah 61:1 where the word declares that Jesus will heal broken hearts and set both captives and prisoners free. Nearly every human alive comes to Jesus with a broken heart…obviously some more than others. A broken heart unattended will always limit our ability to be all that Jesus wants us to be.

A broken heart speaks of shattered emotions: shame, rejection, self-condemnation, and even self-hatred. Many of us come to Jesus with the belief that no one can love us because we are unworthy of love. We believe intellectually that God loves us because the Bible says he does, but deep in the hearts of many believers there is still a place that doubts that anyone can love them…not even God.

Even after we are saved, Satan preys on that doubt and reinforces it. A major part of the Holy Spirit’s mission is to give us a revelation of God’s love in our hearts that removes the doubt and silences the accuser. Some receive that revelation in their heart at the moment of salvation. For others, it seems that a process is required. However we receive that assurance, it is still part of Messiah’s mission to heal our broken hearts and restore our identity so that we know we are children of God.

The passage then announces that Messiah (Jesus) is committed to setting both captives and prisoners free. Captives are those who have been victimized by others and experience bondage to shame, fear. and hopelessness. Those are the abused, molested, violated, and abandoned of this world. It is those who were innocent, but traumatized by other broken or evil people in this world. Prisoners are those who are in bondage because of their actions like a those in jail. Sometimes we are in a bad place because of our own decisions. The good news is that Jesus is willing to set both free from their bondage and their brokenness.

That freedom can come in many ways. Sometime accepting the truth of God’s word sets us free from lies that have kept us in bondage. Jesus said, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” Satan’s primary weapon is the lie. Jesus called him the Father of Lies and his strategies always distort the truth about God, the truth about us, and the truth about him. Choosing to give God’s word more authority in our lives than the lies of the enemy or our old beliefs based on those lies is a key to freedom.

Sometimes, freedom only comes through direct confrontation with the enemy. A major element of Jesus’ ministry was delivering people from demonic affliction and oppression. He has given his followers power and authority to do the same. Even though we have been redeemed, we may come into the kingdom with demons already assigned to us by the enemy. Although their legal right to afflict us may have been taken away, sometimes they still must be evicted by the authority and power of Jesus.

What I want to emphasize today is that God is interested in our freedom. That is not a freedom to do as we please, independent of Him, but a freedom from sin, brokenness, and the oppression of the enemy whose only desire is to kill, steal and destroy. It is a freedom to become all that God has destined for us and to find the joy and fulfillment of knowing who we are and walking in that destiny.

All men desire freedom. That is want prompted the American revolution. It is why Ukranians are fighting Russian aggression as you read this. That desire for freedom is an inherent part of being made in God’s image. Satan tries to persuade us that God’s commands are restrictive, oppressive, and totalitarian. Instead, they are the very instructions that will free us from our prisons if we will follow them. God has designed us and crafted us for a unique destiny that, once discovered, can make our lives extraordinary.

The challenge is to embrace the truth that surrendering to God’s will and God’s ways is not oppression, but the open door to a freedom we all desire. Our independence is not independence from God but from the one whose will is to destroy us. Scripture declares that “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom,” and “If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed.” My hope is that we will all recognize the true freedom that Jesus offers and celebrate it each day. Blessings in Him.

This past week, of course, the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade. This ruling did not prohibit abortion, but sent it back to the states for each state to determine what their liberties or restrictions will be concerning abortion. The probability is that many states will greatly restrict abortions and some states will allow abortions up to the moment of birth. I wasn’t surprised by the strong response on each side of this issue , but one thing did surprise me…a little.

Our senior pastor decided to comment on the ruling and several people left, declaring that they do not come to church to hear or participate in politics. They would be back when we decided to just preach the Bible. I suppose this may be a response that’s been groomed by a misguided emphasis on the separation of church and state. Many believers have come to the conclusion that what happens in church should not in any way influence what happens in our culture or government…as if God has not interest in that.

I want to push back against that view in this blog because the next two to three years are going to be politically crazy and will probably determine the fate of America for the foreseeable future. I certainly agree that the government should in no way establish a state church and require Americans to be part of that church. I believe that was the simple intent of the founders when they spoke to that in the constitution. However, that is a very different thing from our efforts to influence culture so that it lines up with the word of God.

Solomon wrote, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people” (Prov. 14:34). The clear message of scripture is that God still judges individuals and nations. If we care about our nation, our communities, our friends and our families, we must be an influence for righteousness. In America, part of that influence is in the ballot box on election days, speaking up at town hall meetings and sharing our thoughts over coffee. Part of that is also lawful influence towards those who make our laws. We are to be salt and light. We are to be leaven in our culture.

Jesus told his followers, “What shall I compare the kingdom of God to? It is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough” (Lk. 13:20).  We are not to coerce people to do it our way or demand that they see everything our way, but we are to influence the people and the culture around us for righteousness.

From Genesis to Revelation, a constant theme emerges. People and nations that submit to the righteousness of God are blessed. Those who do not, are cursed. It is the responsibility of the church to inform God’s people regarding cultural shifts and trends. Scripture has no value it we do not apply it to life. Teaching on the things that politics are influencing is not politics. It is informing God’s people of what God says about the things that politics affects, so that we might respond in a spiritually responsible way to the world around us. To do less is to invite judgment.

According to Deuteronomy 28-30, judgment looks like natural disasters, war, runaway inflation, crop failures, abnormal levels of disease, abnormal numbers of miscarriages, confusion, corrupt and foolish leadership, oppression, failure, defeat, runaway crime, food shortages, and more. If you check the boxes, America is being judged. It is not God’s desire to judge us, but his righteousness demands it. His heart is for us to repent so that he can bless us once again.

When we treat trends in culture, government, or politics as something we should not speak to in church, we communicate silently that God is not interested in those things. But he is very interested. The judgments of God will affect even believers…our children and our grandchildren. If we are not informed, we cannot be an influence for good…we cannot be salt, light, and leaven. We cannot give a good answer to those who disagree with God. I agree that we should not tell people who to vote for, but we should tell them what God stands for and encourage them to align their voice and their vote with those who best represent God’s values.

In the next two years, there will be an onslaught of political activity at its worst. It will be divisive, deceptive, slanderous, and accusatory. We will need help sorting out the truth and knowing what God has to say about the values represented by each party or candidate. I don’t want to stand with Democrats or Republicans. I want to stand with God because whether we do or not as a nation determines whether we will be blessed or cursed.

I hope we will invite our spiritual leaders to give us guidance rather than bering silent or rather than walking out because we are touching the substance of politics. I promise you, Satan is very involved in the political process because it determines the fate of a nation. . If we do not influence that process with the righteous demands of God, this nation will not stand. We, our children, and our grandchildren will pay the price for our silence. Our goal as believers is not to represent one party or another, but to represent God to this nation in every possible way.

Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony” (Rev. 12:10-11).

The apostle John penned this descriptor of Satan in the book of Revelation. He is often called the devil in the New Testament. The word translated from the Greek as “devil” is “diabolou.” It actually means a false accuser or slanderer. It is the nature of Satan to slander and accuse. We discover from John’s words in Revelation that he accuses the people of God day and night. He does so in the presence God.

In the Garden of Eden, Satan, in the form of a serpent, actually slandered God and drew Adam and Eve into agreement with his accusations. In the first chapter of Job, you will find him in the presence of God slandering and accusing Job. In Zechariah 3:1-5, we find a scene where Satan is before the Lord accusing Joshua, the high priest. In Luke 22:31. Jesus said to Peter, “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you s wheat, but I have prayed for you…” I think we can assume that Satan had come into the presence of God to accuse the apostles and maybe, specifically, Peter.

In the courts of God, Satan is persistently trying to gain legal access to afflict or torment believers by bringing accusations against them. Remember, his complaint in Job was that God had protected Job against the assaults of Satan, and the devil was seeking permission to afflict the man. In one sense, that is a different topic than I want to discuss today, but it reveals the nature and strategy of Satan against God’s people.

What I want to emphasize today, is that Satan uses the same strategy against each of us. If he cannot keep us out of the kingdom, then he strives to keep us ineffective in the kingdom. His goal, is to make us feel defective, inadequate, and disapproved of. His goal is to discourage us and make us feel disqualified for the blessings of God. He constantly reminds us of past failures and whispers that whatever we have done for the Lord was not good enough. He fills us with doubt about pleasing God. He pushes us to a legalism that demands we do enough to be saved, be sincere enough to be saved, have enough faith to be saved, and, of course, assures us that we have failed in every department.

In my experience, the flesh gravitates towards legalism which is the idea that we are saved by works and our own righteousness. I know that is true because every religion conceived by man, bases salvation on works and self-righteousness. Only the Holy Spirit reveals a salvation by grace through faith. Paul put is this way. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Eph. 2:8-10).

We are created in Christ to do good works, but we are not saved by those good works. We are not even capable of them until we are saved. Good works are our response to God’s grace rather than the cost of admission into heaven. They are evidence of salvation, but not the means of salvation. They affect our rewards in heaven, but not our presence there. That is the work of Christ and Christ alone, whose righteousness is imputed to us when we believe in God’s goodness towards us.

I find that the concept of grace can be slippery and Satan, through his accusations, often draws us into a sense of failure and condemnation by pointing out past failures and present inadequacies. But the blood of “Christ has a erased our failures in the past and makes up for our inadequacies in the present. We need to be convinced of that when Satan comes accusing.

If you struggle with the concept of grace, let me encourage you to find all the passages you can that underline the truth of God’s grace made available to us through the blood of Christ and spend days meditating on those passages. When Satan reminds us of out past and current failures, the answer is that the accusation may be true, but his premise is false. His premise is that our salvation and God’s love for us is based on our performance. That is a false premise. Both are wholly wholly based on the perfect performance of Jesus and the goodness of God. Maybe the accusations of our shortcomings are true, but it doesn’t matter. That is the good news of Jesus Christ. An understanding of grace is the body armor that protects us from the attacks of the enemy. Saving faith is simply the faith that is convinced of God’s grace through the cross.

If the accuser of the brethren is wearing you out, get hold of grace. Meditate on passages about grace. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a revelation of grace. Read books on grace. (What’s So Amazing About Grace? by Phillip Yancey is a good one.) Hang out with people who have a handle on grace. And don’t stop until you get it.. When you get it, the accuser will be disarmed.