The End of Miracles – Part 4

In this blog, we will finish our discussion of Cessationism which teaches that the miraculous gifts of the Spirit and the miraculous intervention of God ended somewhere around the end of the first century because the “purpose for miracles” had been fulfilled.


One basic rule of biblical interpretation is that you take the natural meaning of a passage unless the context or contradictory passages elsewhere force you to look for another meaning. Any natural reading of the New Testament would never leave the reader with the impression that miracles only had a seventy-year shelf life and would then slip into history.  The natural expectation for most would be that the ongoing life in the church would look like the Book of Acts with miraculous healings, deliverance, angelic visitations, and the dramatic evangelization of new people groups.  However, we are told by Cessationists that the power flowing through the church we read about in the New Testament was soon to be withdrawn and the Holy Spirit was about to be muted.


Miracles that were recorded two thousand years ago, but that are not replicated today in the name of Jesus, simply have the flavor of mythology. However, if those miracles are replicated, then the message about Jesus is reconfirmed to every generation.  I and millions of other Christians believe that God still performs miracles in order to confirm the message preached about Jesus and because he is still a compassionate God who cares about the suffering of people.  Additionally, John tells us that the reason Jesus came was to destroy the works of the devil (1 Jn.3:8) … which apparently were the lost condition of man, illness, infirmity, broken hearts (emotional wounding), demonic affliction, demonic storms, and even premature death because those are the things that Jesus dealt with in his ministry.   Was he only concerned about destroying those works for a few decades in the first century?  Was the church then left without power to oppose a powerful enemy for millennia?  When Jesus said that anyone who had faith in him would do not only the works he did, but even greater works (Jn.14:12), there was no suggestion of a time limit or a brief window of opportunity to do those things. How do we faithfully represent Jesus (which means to re-present) without doing what he did?


There is an illustrative list of spiritual gifts in I Corinthians 12-14, Romans 12, and a list of offices in Ephesian 4:11.  Among those spiritual gifts are mercy, encouragement, administration, wisdom, faith, serving, giving, and leadership.  If these are spiritual gifts, then they were imparted supernaturally by the Holy Spirit.  Spiritual gifts do not come from the natural realm.  They are anointed supernaturally to bear spiritual fruit and to overcome the power of the enemy. If the supernatural gifts of healings, prophecy, miracles, etc. passed away at the end of the first century, then the remainder of the spiritual gifts should have ceased as well because Paul does not differentiate between one kind of gift and another.  To him they are all spiritual gifts (not natural bents or abilities) given by the Spirit to build up the body of Christ. Cessationists believe in the present-day gifts that don’t have such a supernatural flare such as mercy, giving, leadership, etc. but carve out those that demonstrate power and authority over the enemy and claim that God is done with those.  That seems very inconsistent to me. Theologians have created categories of gifts, but Paul never mentioned those categories.


Concerning the 1 Corinthians 13 passage that speaks of certain gifts ceasing, Paul was writing an entire chapter on love.  His premise was that even the most amazing gifts that were not motivated by love, fell short of God’s purposes.  He then said that love never fails but where there are prophecies they will eventually cease, tongues will eventually be stilled, and knowledge will eventually pass away.  He said that we know in part and prophesy in part, but when that which is perfect (complete, mature) shall come, what is in part will disappear. And we will know even as we are known. The Cessationists’ claim is that the “complete” or “perfect” in 1 Corinthians 13:10 is the finished New Testament.  According to this view, once the New Testament was written and compiled, there was no longer any need for miracles or miraculous gifts to validate Jesus or the apostles. I have already addressed that part of the argument.


In the context of his chapter on love, Paul is more likely to be talking about the full maturation of love in the body of Christ or the return of Jesus who himself is perfection and completeness.  I haven’t noticed that the completion of the New Testament has given us full knowledge of everything we didn’t know then. Simply having something in writing does not mean I understand it. Three semesters of calculus in college demonstrates that point.  I had it all in writing, but never really understood it or its applications. If the completed New Testament were the key to full understanding and knowing as we are known, we would all be united in the faith rather than divided over so many points of doctrine.  We would be certain about end-times, which we are not. We would be agreed on spiritual gifts, which we are not.


Ephesians 4:11-16, is an interesting parallel to this passage.  There Paul says that Jesus gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to the church in order to equip the saints for works of service.  Those works are to build up the body of Christ until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature.  Then we will no longer be infants tossed back and forth by every wind of doctrine that blows through the church.


It is likely that Paul is saying the same thing in Ephesians 4 that he did in 1 Corinthians 13.  Notice the parallels:

  • We have all been given spiritual gifts to build up the body of Christ (1 Cor. 13)
  • We have been given apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to equip the saints for works of service that build up the body of Christ (Eph.4).
  • The gifts are needed until that which is perfect, complete, or mature has come (1 Cor.13).
  • The offices are given until we reach unity in the faith and become mature, attaining to the measure of fullness in Christ (Eph.4).
  • As we mature, we need to put away childish things (1 Cor.13).
  • As we mature, we will no longer be infants (Eph.4).


The gifts and the offices are needed until we are all unified in Christ and totally mature in him so that all we do is motivated by love.  It seems most likely that which is perfect, mature, or complete is spiritual maturity, unity, and fullness in Christ.  I don’t think we are there yet.  In addition, even if the completed New Testament were the perfect thingto come, Paul said that prophecies, tongues, and knowledge would pass away, but he did not mention the other gifts.  The remaining gifts include healings, miracles, spiritual discernment, as well as the other “more comfortable gifts.” It is a big leap to include all of the miraculous gifts and to pronounce them to be nullified without a direct word from the apostle.


Finally, the pattern of evangelism that Jesus practiced and commanded his followers to use was to preach the good news and then demonstrate the kingdom through signs and wonders as well as compassionate healings, the restoration of life, and deliverance from demonic affliction.  To dismiss the miraculous gifts of the Spirit is to dismiss the demonstration of the kingdom. Jesus commanded his followers to evangelize the world, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe (or practice) everything he had taught his apostles (Mt.28:18-20).  He taught them to preach the kingdom and them demonstrate it with power.  We are commanded to do the same. Without all the gifts of the Spirit and the miraculous intervention of God, we cannot do what Jesus commanded us to do.


Although Cessationism takes power away from the church, it is in some ways an easier way to live.  You never have to wrestle with the question of why God did not heal a person you prayed for with faith because you don’t expect God to intervene in that way. You feel no responsibility to confront demons because the demonic is not on your radar. You never have to press in trying to hear God because you believe he only speaks through his word. You never have to question why you have not yet received the gift of tongues because you would never ask for that gift in a million years!  On the other hand, you must watch people remain in the grip of addiction, depression, anxiety, and homosexuality for years, only hoping that the secular world of psychology, science, and medicine can cure what Jesus has no apparent cure for.


A belief in the continuing work of the Holy Spirit through all of his gifts and a belief in the miraculous moves of God places more responsibility on us than we sometimes want, but it also enables us to join Jesus in pushing back the borders of darkness and liberating people from every form of bondage.  Yes, it makes the Christian life challenging but also exciting.  It does bring the Book of Acts to life and allows you to experience and see dramatic transformations in the lives of men and women in a few days or weeks rather than in years or decades. And honestly, witnessing the miraculous makes Jesus more real than he could ever be without the miracles.  When we see a miracle, we experience God not just hear about him and experience is the great transformer.  I hope you will be encouraged to pursue a life of miracles because it is biblical and it is the life God has always intended for you.


Blessings in Him.





In my last blog, I stated the primary reasons that Cessationists believe that God no longer performs “miracles” in his church, especially through the gifts of the Spirit.  I want to begin to respond to those reasons in this blog.


First of all, let me address the idea that God no longer works miracles.  A Cessationist believes that God answers prayers but works within the natural order of things rather than doing what is impossible according to natural law. For instance, when a person prays for the perfect job and gets that job, that is not a “miracle,” because God worked within ordinary laws of nature and society to facilitate the answer to that prayer.  However, Jesus walking on water is a miracle because it defies the laws of nature.  Cessationsist don’t believe that God operates in that way anymore and so accept the “ordinary” spiritual gifts of mercy, faith, encouragement, leadership, service, administration etc. but reject the “miraculous” gifts of prophecy, miracles, healings, tongues and so forth because they operate outside the natural order of things.


However, I would assert that if you pray, you believe in miracles. I believe that a miracle occurs anytime God intervenes in the natural order of things.  If you pray at all, asking for protection, provision, favor, etc., you are asking God to intervene in the ways things would pan out if left to themselves.  Otherwise, why would you pray?  You probably don’t pray for the sun to rise in the east in the morning because you anticipate that it will rise in the east without your prayers. You don’t pray for the lights to come on in your house each time to touch a switch because, in the natural order of things, the lights always come on.  So if you pray, you have begun to sense that if left to themselves, the natural order of things is going to bring harm or disappointment to you or your loved ones.


Many of God’s greatest miracles worked within the realm of natural law.  Great catches of fish on Galilee employed only boats, men, nets, and fish which all function in the natural realm.  The timing and location of the fish marked the catch as a miracle.  If you don’t believe in miracles, you would mark it only as a coincidence or a unique, spontaneous convergence of natural forces that prompted the outcome.  A stone hitting an exceptionally large Philistine warrior in the one square inch that would kill him employed only a young man, an ordinary slingshot, and a common stone from a creek bed.  All of that operated within the realm of natural law.  Did God miraculously guide the stone or was it simply dumb luck? God fed his people in the wilderness with quail.  The miracle was that so many quail arrived at the camp at the same time. Was it a miracle or a migratory phenomenon of some sort?  The Bible would call it a miracle.  So…even when we ask God to work within the natural order of things to manipulate time, circumstances, decisions, job availability, favor, a doctor’s performance, etc. we are asking for a miracle. God still performs miracles on behalf of his people on a daily basis but only faith knows the difference between an intervention by God and a curious coincidence.  I believe the scriptures call any intervention by God a miracle.


Now, there are definitely acts of God throughout scripture that defy natural law…the healing of leprosy by a touch, blind eyes spontaneously gaining sight, withered hands growing out in a moment, walking on water, the Red Sea parting, a dead man being raised after four days in the tomb, etc. But those miracles are no harder for God than directing quail, fish, or a stone.  If he does miracles, he does miracles…yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  If he intervenes for his people so that the natural order of things is disrupted or reordered, then a miracle has occurred.


Now, the first argument by Cessationists is that they have never seen an authentic miracle such as we see in the gospels.  Therefore, in their view, miracles no longer occur.  These same believers have never seen an angel or Jesus face-to-face, but would not deny their reality.  So, is it not possible that authentic miracles still occur even if we haven’t seen one personally?  Secondly, I would venture that God has performed miracles in their sight but they filtered them through their unbelief and pronounced them as frauds or natural coincidences. Remember, I served in Cessationsist churches for over 20 years. I remember men and women on several occasions telling our staff and elders of amazing healings.  Tumors disappeared with proof on x-rays and children that had been declared to have severe birth defects by every scientific standard were born whole and healthy. We simply wrote those off as faulty equipment or a poor diagnosis rather than seeing the miraculous hand of God.  Even when we couldn’t deny what we saw, we never announced the healing to the church knowing that there was simply some unknown natural explanation for what had happened.


Part of the reason, these churches have not seen miracles is that they only pray for the ordinary and get what they pray for. I remember when a good Christian doctor asked me to pray that he would do his best work. I told him I believed he would do his best work even if I didn’t pray, but I would pray that God would enable him to do even more than he was capable of on his own.  Even when you see miracles outside the realm of natural law, it takes faith to acknowledge them or, at least, the source. The Pharisees saw much, but discounted the miracles as fraud or as the work of Satan. I suspect that some Cessationists have done the same.


The second argument made on behalf of Cessationism is that Jesus only performed miracles to demonstrate that he was the Messiah, the Son of God.  It is true that the miracles of Jesus testified that he was the Son of God, but he performed many miracles simply out of compassion rather than a need to demonstrate who he was (Mt.9:35-36, 15:32, 20:34; Mark 1:41, etc.). The writers of the gospels seem to go out of their way on numerous occasions to mention that the motive of Jesus for healing individuals or the crowd was compassion rather than publicity.  You would think that same unchanging compassion would still prompt him to relieve the suffering of his people – even through miracles.


In addition, he told many that he healed not to tell anyone about their healing.  Those commands are contrary to the purpose of miracles if we restrict their purpose to evidence that he was the Son of God. If that were the only purpose for miracles, surely he would have told those people to go and tell everyone they could find.   After he returned to the Father, the miracles done by his followers were done in the name of Jesus, which means “by his authority.” Those miracles, performed after his ascension, still demonstrated that Jesus was who he said he was. Present day miracles do the same.


The third argument is that God empowered the apostles to do miracles simply to confirm that they were men approved of God in order to establish their authority in the church and so that their writings would be seen as writings inspired by the Holy Spirit.  Certainly that was part of it, but why give spiritual gifts of healings, prophecy, miracles, tongues, deliverance, discerning of spirits, words of knowledge, etc. to the ordinary members of the church and to those who did not write any of the New Testament such as Philip and Stephen?


In addition, Luke wrote his gospel and the Book of Acts.  Yet, he was not an apostle nor do we have any record of him performing any miracles to demonstrate the inspired authenticity of his writings.  Therefore, miracles were not given only for the purpose of marking Jesus or the apostles as men approved of God because “to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given…” (1 Cor.12:7).


I want to reiterate that believers who attend Cessationsist churches along with their leaders are good people who love Jesus. They were taught or indoctrinated in this theology from birth or as new Christians.  I was in such awe of the men who taught me that I simply accepted their teachings, believing that the parts that didn’t make sense to me then would make sense later as I learned more Bible.  I’m sure they learned this theology in the same way.  The problem is not with the people but with the theology that robs the church of power and leaves people in the grip of Satan.


We will finish our discussion of Cessationism in my next blog.


We are continuing to discuss the theology of Cessationism that has been prevalent among most evangelical, mainstream churches in America and Western Europe for the past 500 years.  Those influenced by this theology hold the position that God worked miracles through men during certain historic seasons of the Old Testament and during the first century, but that miracles ceased to occur toward the end of the first century because they had fulfilled their purpose in establishing the church.  The idea that God has ceased to perform miracles for and through his people is where the term Cessationsist comes from. Its not that God does not answer prayer, but that he works within natural laws and natural processes as he answers prayer.  He no longer speaks to his people directly by his Spirit but only through his written word. He heals through doctors as he helps them to do their best, but does not heal supernaturally or raise the dead. He may quicken a man’s mind so that he learns a foreign language more quickly than others but he doesn’t supernaturally reveal the language as he did to the apostles on Pentecost with the gift of tongues.


If you are in a church that does not pray for supernatural healings, does not minister deliverance, and would never have someone stand in front of the church to prophesy, your pastor or church leaders have more than likely been indoctrinated with this view since they came to faith and were taught by men for whom they had great respect.  For them it is not just a theological position that some hold, but it is doctrinal truth.


Those who hold to this theology deny that God still intervenes in the natural order of things through miracles and especially deny that the Holy Spirit still distributes the “miraculous gifts” of prophecy, healings, tongues, miracles, words of knowledge, etc. I remember attending a meeting several years ago where mainline churches in our city had gathered together to pray for revival.  The second or third night of the meeting, one of the leaders of a large evangelical church came to the microphone with a prayer request.  He reported that a young woman in their church who was widely known and widely loved was in a hospital in Dallas, Texas where she was suffering from end-stage heart disease and had only days left to live without God’s intervention.  He asked if he could pray on her behalf.  I expected a prayer asking for God to heal her heart, but instead the prayer was for God to provide a heart for a heart transplant.  In other words, we prayed for someone to die so she could receive the heart and live. We prayed for God to manipulate the natural order of things so that they swung in her favor, but it never seemed to occur to the pastor to pray for direct, supernatural healing because God “doesn’t do that anymore.”  I’m not at all opposed to heart transplants, but it seems we should always pray for God’s supernatural and perfect healing first.  That is an example of Cessationsist theology.


Their argument for the end of miracles is based on several assumptions.

  1. They have never seen an “authentic” miracle, like we see in the pages of the New Testament, therefore, they know that God no longer performs miracles, especially through men operating in the gifts of the Spirit.
  2. God performed miracles through Jesus to confirm that he was the Son of God.After his resurrection and ascension, the miracles he performed had fulfilled their purpose.
  3. God performed miracles through the apostles, in order to confirm that they were approved by God and that their teachings and writings were, therefore, inspired.
  4. Once the historical record of the miracles of Jesus and the apostles was compiled, the purpose for miracles was fulfilled and miracles ceased.
  5. The primary proof text for this position is found in 1 Corinthians. “Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears” (1 Cor. 13:8-10). The argument is that the perfect thingor perfection is the completed New Testament.  Once the inspired scriptures were penned, there was no further need for the miracles because the Biblical record is sufficient to produce faith that leads to salvation.


There are, of course, other layers of the argument, but these are the main pillars on which this theology rests.  Once you have been taught and convinced of this theology, you are rarely open to any other possibility.  Those who claim to operate in the miraculous gifts are viewed as misled or charlatans ripping off ignorant people in tent meetings or on television. Anything that might hint of an authentic healing is written off as a psychosomatic condition that was relieved by the power of suggestion rather than a true disease being cured. Those who prophesy or speak in tongues are viewed as agents of the devil trying to mislead God’s people and anyone who would teach that the Holy Spirit still operates as he did in the Book of Acts is tagged as a teacher of false doctrine.


In my experience, there are many church leaders and pastors in Cessationist churches who long for more or suspect that God may still do something supernatural and outrageous from time to time, but they are uncertain of their view and keep their thoughts to themselves for the most part rather than risking being labeled as theologically suspect. I served in Cessationist churches for over 20 years and never saw an authentic miracle like you see on the pages of the New Testament (although I have seen many since becoming part of a charismatic or Continuistchurch).  I certainly saw abuses of the gifts of the Spirit and charlatans who were taking the money of desperate people.  Because of my theology, I tended to view all claims of the miraculous through that filter. I rarely traveled outside my own fellowship so I never encountered people I respected who held the view that the Holy Spirit still moves in power among his people.


Since we had no faith for the miraculous we neither asked for miracles nor expected them, so we saw none.  All of these things functioned in a way that only confirmed what we already believed.  Its not that the believers in these churches don’t love God or think he could do mighty works, they simply believe he chooses to no longer act in those ways.  As a result, good people who love God tend to live out a rather  powerless faith because they have no access to the powerful gifts of the Spirit meant to bless the church, evangelize the world, and set people free from all forms of bondage and torment served up by the enemy. Interestingly. in these churches the subject of demons and demonization rarely surfaces.  It may be because they have no answer if they don’t have the power of the Spirit operating today but when someone declares that God no longer works in supernatural ways, he or she tends to dismiss or minimize the supernatural in all forms.  As a result, demons often act without consequence and without opposition in these fellowships.


In my next blog, I will respond to the basic tenants of Cessationism and hopefully help some who read this blog step toward the full ministry of the Holy Spirit knowing that  they are on solid biblical ground when they do so.









A few weeks ago, I attended a meeting of about thirty believers from various fellowships in our area who came together to hear a woman teach about her experiences with deliverance.  Most of these people attend churches where deliverance is not practiced and, in some cases, not permitted.  My sense was that most assumed that their churches did not exercise all the gifts of the spirit nor consider deliverance from demons to be needed or legitimate because they simply had no experience in those spiritual arenas.  To some degree that is true, but it actually goes much deeper than that.


What many believers in mainline evangelical churches (Baptist, Church of Christ, Bible Church, Methodists, Nazarenes, Christian Church, etc.) don’t understand is that there is a formal theology that flatly rejects the notion that God still performs miracles, speaks to men directly, and operates through all the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  That theology is called Cessationism, which holds that the miraculous works of God and especially the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit ceased to operate somewhere around the end of the 1stCentury. Most of their pastors will have been trained in that theology in their seminaries.  Not only were they taught that this view of scripture is the truthbut there is also a great deal of pressure in denominational circles to maintain that “orthodoxy” in the churches they lead.


I think it might be helpful for many believers who read this blog to be given a thumbnail sketch of this theology and a biblical response to it, so I want to do that in this blog and, one or two to follow.


Let me start with some historical context. This theology began to immerge around the time of Martin Luther and the Reformation (1500 -1600).  This was a time when many felt that the Catholic Church was abusing its power, which was immense throughout Europe.  Nations and individuals were beginning to push back against the church’s control and break away from it.  As an individual and priest in the Catholic Church, Martin Luther led the way.


The initial idea was not to break away from the Catholic Church but to reform some of its practices.  However, the Catholics were unbending so that men and nations, such as England, began to break away. At the same time, it was an age of exploration, discovery, and invention.  Science was beginning to make its mark and the intellect of man was beginning to be exalted. By the 1700’s, the “Age of Reason” or “Enlightenment” was in full bloom. Reason and logic, were the foundations of science and began to be seen as the hope and salvation of mankind. Some began to believe that science was the new Savior and that scientific truth was the only real truth that could direct the affairs of men.


You need to remember that in that age, nearly every university in the western world was established to educate pastors and church leaders and to take the gospel into the entire world.  The earliest scientists and philosophers were intellectuals in those seminaries.  Whatever influenced those university leaders would eventually influence the church because they trained and ordained those who would lead their churches.


In that cultural, intellectual environment, many men began to question the miraculous events of the Bible that did not seem reasonable or scientifically plausible,as if God could not or would not act outside of his own created natural laws. Some historians believe that Luther and others denied that God still manifested himself in miraculous ways because the Catholic Church claimed to be stewards of the miracles of God. If miracles were authentic, then God was with the Catholic Church and breaking from the Catholics would seem to be the same as abandoning God.


More than likely, the greatest impulse behind a denial that God still works miracles among men was the fact that the most influential men of that age had not personally seen any miracles.  If you are a church leader, and you have not seen or experienced any of the miracles recorded all over the pages of the Bible, you have a dilemma.  If God is still in the business of doing miracles and you aren’t seeing any…there may be something wrong with you or your doctrine or your denomination that displeases God.


In an age where being scientific and rational was more culturally applauded than having faith in the impossible, the leading religious scholars of the day, opted to find a theology that declared that God was no longer in the business of miracles. They simply declared that the Age of Miracles had ceased, because God’s purposes for his miracles had been fulfilled.  That same theology has been passed down to most mainline churches in the 21stCentury.


In my next blog, we will discuss the purposes the Cessationists have assigned to God’s miracles in the New Testament and why they say miracles or miraculous gifts are no longer needed by the church today. Then we will talk about that!  By the way, I was trained and ordained in a Cessationist fellowship and held those positions for a number of years before God led me to a church that embraces the supernatural works of God.


If you minister to Christians who have been emotionally wounded and demonically oppressed, it doesn’t take long to discover that very few Christians know how to fight in the spiritual realm. Many don’t know how to fight because they have been taught by their churches that there is actually no spiritual realm here on the earth or they have been taught nothing and so come to that unconscious conclusion. For many, there is only earth, heaven, and hell.  In their view, we live on the earth the best life we know how and then we die and go to either heaven or hell which are thought of as spiritual locations far away that ouch us only after death.  Although these churches acknowledge temptation and, perhaps, some angelic activity, they don’t seem to connect the dots that point them to an active, spiritual realm right here on earth.


The spiritual realm on earth is a dimension that is separated from the natural realm by only a thin membrane rather than a location far, far away. When spiritual activity does occur around these believers, they don’t recognize it for what it is and, therefore, the spiritual realm, demons, angels, and moves of the Holy Spirit go unnoticed even though they may be greatly affected by it.  The devil does his best work when he is not recognized like the invisible man moving through a crowd picking pockets while never being seen.


There are many other Christians who definitely believe in the spiritual realm and are very aware of demons and angels. It is amazing how many people see demonic manifestations in their homes. They are often seen as dark shadows and sometimes appear as more terrifying figures. Children see the spiritual realm readily because they haven/t yet been taught to ignore what they see and write it off as imagination. But although they experience demons and recognize them for what they are, they still don’t know how to fight and many don’t even know that they can fight.  They live with fear and anger and sometimes the experience of being choked on their beds with a resignation that there is nothing they can do about it.  Often they are embarrassed to tell anyone for fear that others will think they are crazy.


Many spiritually oppressed people have come to believe that they have no power against the enemy.  Satan loves to intimidate and make claims that no one can deliver a person from his hand.  As we do deliverance, we usually instruct the oppressed individual to command the spirit to leave.  They often beg the spirit to leave or tearfully ask the spirit to leave – which is not at all commanding.  They clearly still believe that the devil has the upper hand and cannot be forced to leave, so they plead with a demon to leave who will never leave unless sternly commanded by the authority of Christ.  When a demon begins to manifest, in that individual, they rarely resist as if they have no power to refuse to cooperate with the unclean spirit.  Again, these believers have never been taught who they are in Christ and how to fight. After a season of ineffective resistance to a spirit, they simply give in to the torment. I have seen this over and over in God’s people.


Knowing how to fight with divine weapons in the spiritual realm should be a part of every believer’s basic discipleship.  Paul tells the church at Ephesus, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms,”  (Eph.6:10-12).


According to Paul, the devil schemes against us and our real struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual authorities in heavenly realms. If we do not disciple our people in the realm of spiritual warfare they will be helpless against these enemies and, for the most part, that is what we see in the church. Many believe that prayer is the answer. So they pray for God to take away the torment but it continues. Because it continues, they give up.


I am not minimizing prayer because it is essential to everything we are and do as believers and is a significant part of spiritual warfare.  But the apostles and the early church were not taught to simply pray for God to remove the enemy, but to confront the enemy in the name of Jesus and command him to come out. God is not helpless to remove the torment but has chosen another way.


God did not instruct the Israelites to sit on the banks of the Jordon River and pray until he drove the enemies of Israel out of the Promise Land.  He told them to cross the Jordan and engage in battle.  His promise was to give them victory but they were to take sword in hand and confront the enemy.  We are to do the same. That is why prayer alone does not always bring freedom. That is why God has given us spiritual armor, the sword of the Spirit, which is his Word, and authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy (Lk.10:17).  We are to resist (oppose, take a stand against, push back) the devil and he will flee from us. And we are to exercise divine weapons to pull down strongholds or fortified places (2 Cor. 10:4).


When believers who have been oppressed by the enemy, finally discover who they are in Christ and discover the authority he has given them to drive out the enemy, they are transformed.  Their faith grows.  Their view of God grows. Their view of Satan shrinks and they are ready to free other captives in the name of Jesus. If you have not been trained in spiritual warfare, find someone to train you.  If you have been trained, then train others.  It is not for a few specialists in the church but for every believer so that they can defend themselves, their families, and push back the borders of darkness as soldiers of the Lord.  We have his authority, we have his power and we have an assignment to establish God’s kingdom on the earth.  The enemy will not go quietly or at our request.  It will take God’s people engaged in spiritual warfare on every front to clear the land. The victory is assured, but only when we confront the enemy in faith, with God going before us.


So how do we overcome fear, anxiety and insecurity?  As I mentioned in Part 1, we are surrounded by fear and those who promote it.  Each day we hear that the polar caps are melting, Iran is developing nukes, and another great depression is just around the corner. We hear about super bugs , identity theft, terrorist cells, China, North Korea, giant asteroids, and a million other things that threaten our safety and security according to every news broadcast and talk show.  Some of those threats are real.  Some are only perceived.  The truth is that I can hardly affect any of those sources of fear. They are out of my control and the real truth about each of those circumstances seems unknowable. The realization of that only increases the fear of many because so much we cannot control could affect us. What I need is to have someone in my life who cares for me deeply and who is bigger, more powerful, and more resourced than any of those issues.


The truth is that every follower of Jesus already has that person in his/her life.  The answer to fear, however, is not the fact of that reality but a genuine belief that it is true for us personally.  That is faith and faith unlocks the resources of heaven.  Faith makes heaven’s peace accessible to us.  Since the answer to anxiety is peace and since peace comes by faith, how then, do we grow in that faith?


First of all, we must believe that God exists. If there is no God, then we are certainly on our own in a dangerous and random universe.  However, if you are a follower of Jesus, you should have already crossed that bridge. The next step, then,  is to believe that God is more than willing to be intimately involved in your life. The key to peace in a world of threats is to believe that God is willing to be involved in your life as much as he was in the lives of Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah, Peter, and Paul. We tend to think that God did great things for his extraordinary people back then, but is not so willing to be involved in our lives because we are ordinary people and really not all that spiritual.


What we forget is that God got involved in the lives of his extraordinary people long before they were any of that. Abraham put Sarah at risk twice because he didn’t believe God could protect him from minor kings through whose land he was passing.  Moses resisted God’s call to greatness at the burning bush episode so much that God became angry.  David was just a red-faced kid tending sheep when he was anointed to be king.  Jacob was a cheater and deceiver when God renamed him Israel.  Rahab was a idolatrous hooker when God called her to be a woman of faith.  Mary Magdalene had seven demons before becoming a notable figure in the little group that followed Jesus around and the twelve were made up of uneducated fishermen, crooked tax collectors, and political terrorists. One gave up Jesus for thirty pieces of silver and they all ran off into the night when Jesus was arrested.


My point is that God got very involved in each of the lives of these unremarkable people before they ever became remarkable. If you have responded to the gospel, then God has already demonstrated his personal involvement in your life. So much so that he lives within you. So get over the idea that he is not willing to be there for you, because he already has been.


Secondly, we need biblical expectations of God’s involvement in our lives. I have talked to many believers who have taken offense at God because they feel he betrayed them at some point in their past.  They felt betrayed because something bad happened to them as a child or as an adult – sickness, death, divorce, abuse, etc. They believed that God had promised to keep bad things from happening to them because they were Christians and so he broke his promise when tragedy hit. Therefore, they don’t expect him to be there for them when the next tragedy strikes.   They still feel as if they are on their own in a very dangerous world.


Some preacher or well meaning evangelist may have told them that once you come to Jesus all your troubles are over, but the Bible never says that.  God never says he will keep you from trouble. What he does say is that he will join you in the midst of your trouble and walk you through it.


Paul declared, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God” (2 Cor.1:3-4).  Notice that the promise is not that God will keep us from trouble but that he will comfort us in our troubles so we can comfort other believers in their troubles. In John 16:33, Jesus said that in this world, we will have trouble. In the 23rd Psalm David wrote that we may well have to walk through the valley of the shadow of death.  He said that God prepares a table for him…but,  in the midst of his enemies.  David faced death on many occasions and was often surrounded by his enemies.  His faith was that God would sustain him as he went through those trials rather than believing that God would keep him from the trials.  Every person of faith in the Bible went through hard times and faced personal tragedies,  but found God in a greater way through those hard times.  Our offense with God is often misplaced.


Thirdly, we must focus on what God has done for us rather than on what we believe he has not done. When David was about to face Goliath, he recounted how God had delivered him from the lion and the bear in the past and so he concluded that God would not fail him in the coming challenge. The scriptures are full of commands to remember what God had done. The command is not a fascination with history but the idea is that whatever God has done in the past, he is willing to do again. Having faith for that is a key to overcoming anxiety.


The next objection is always, “Yes, but…..God didn’t save my marriage or my child died anyway or he didn’t keep my father from molesting me…”  Those are serious and tragic events.  They are part of the trouble we will have in this world.  Where there is free will,there is also the ability to hurt others. According to Isaiah 61, Jesus came to heal broken hearts, set captives free, rebuild ruined lives, etc.  God knows damage has been done. It is the cost of sin in a fallen world, but the promise is that God will take what the enemy has damaged or destroyed and rebuild, restore, and heal.  That knowledge certainty brings peace even in the face of ruin.


Again…I think the big fear is that we are ultimately alone in a hostile world.  Ask the Lord to take you on a tour of your past and show you the evidence of his hand and his grace even in the midst of tragedy and ask him to even show you the grace he extended that you turned down because you were hurt or angry.  If you are a follower of Jesus, know that he has been following you as well. Perhaps, he has been standing in the shadows at times but he has been there to catch you, stand you up again,and to deflect the arrows of the enemy more times than you can know. Ask for a revelation of that truth and a gift of faith.  Ask for the peace of Jesus Christ that surpasses understanding.


Finally, we must be willing to live with mystery at times when things didn’t work out the way we prayed or the way we desperately wanted.  The cross is ultimately the answer because it declares that God is good and that God is love. We must choose that view of
God at times when we can’t understand why something has or hasn’t happened.  At those times, we  must choose to believe that the God who died for me still cares for me – not for people in general, but for me.  Then make his promise that “I will never leave you or forsake you” your answer to every fear the devil sends you way.


For God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7


A spirit of fear is one of the most pernicious spirits in the demonic realm.  We have all heard the axiom that fear is the opposite of faith and if faith produces peace, this fear produces inner turmoil.  Fear, phobias, and anxiety are almost epidemic in America – even among believers.  In a country where we should feel more secure than any other place in the world, our people are full of fear.


Fear is a natural response to danger and often is quite appropriate.  If you are walking through a West Texas field or canyon and hear a distinct rattle, fear is a very appropriate response. It stops you in your tracks, heightens every sense, and usually produces the good judgment to back up slowly.


But fear that becomes a resident in your life is not appropriate.  It robs you of peace, confidence, and a future because you fear moving into the future. It may make you timid and prompt you to stay in the shadows or it may make you an aggressive controller who only feels safe when you are in charge and telling everyone around you what to do. It is the source of worry that Jesus counsels against in Matthew 6.  It robs us of joy, of relationships, and eventually our health.  We often give into it, medicate it, and excuse it because we don’t know what else to do.


The phrase “Don’t be afraid” or “Fear not” is sprinkled throughout the scriptures. If fear were not so prevalent in the human race, God would not have said it so often.  Our first look at fear came immediately after Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden.  They covered themselves and hid.  They were clearly afraid because they were suddenly aware of their nakedness and clearly believed at some level that the love and care of their father had been suddenly removed.  They feared punishment and the prospect of becoming orphans in a dangerous world.


Our current epidemic of fear is based on the same assumptions.  Somewhere in our lives, we had an experience that left us believing that either there is no God and we are on our own in a dangerous world or that God exists, but he is angry or detached, or powerless and we are still on our own in a world that wants to hurt us.   The spirit of fear and an orphan spirit always work together.  One whispers that no one cares for us or is looking out for us and the other prompts us to worry, seek control, and live with a generalized fear (anxiety) that disaster and loss is always in the pipeline.


God speaks to that over and over and the cure is simply faith that God will never leave us nor forsake us (Heb. 13:5). When Moses encountered God at the burning bush, Moses was afraid to return to Egypt. He made every excuse possible for his unwillingness to obey God’s call. God’s consistent answer was that He would go with Moses. God’s presence would ensure his protection and provision. He promised the same to Israel and he promises the same to us.  There are hundreds of such promises in the Bible. The question is whether we will believe them.


Anxiety gets down to what we truly believe about God. Do we believe that he exists? Do we believe that he is good and that he cares about us?  Do we believe that he is willing to involve himself in our lives as our daily bread?  Do we believe he is powerful so that he cam provide our every need and overcome the enemy’s attacks in our life?


We could list all kinds of reasons that we might find it hard to overcome our human experiences and trust God when we have never met anyone else who would not eventually let us down.  But the truth is that we must come to believe God if we are going to live without fear.  That is where a spirit of fear operates.  He whispers that God can’t be trusted.  He whispers that God was there for us in the past but we can’t count on him in the future.  He whispers that God is there for other believers but not for us because we are too defective, too perverse, and too unbelieving.  He simply whispers that, like others, when we need God the most, he won’t be there for us. Not only that but he pervades the airwaves.  The news and the talk shows are full of fear that we are always on the edge of extinction and catastrophe.  When we watch or listen to the pundits, we absorb the fear from our environment. We feel as if the problem is so big or so pervasive that even God can’t deliver us.


So…how do we come to believe God…not just at an intellectual level but in our hearts as well?  How do come to believe that he exists, he loves us, he wants to be actively involved in every second of our lives, and that he is an all-powerful Father who wants the best for us? How do we come to believe that when we have experienced trauma, loss, and betrayal in this life more than once and wonder where was this powerful, loving God when I lost my spouse or my child or contracted MS? I will share some thoughts on all of that in my next blog.




For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10


Discontent  seems to be the prevailing emotional tenor of our day.  A great many people (at least on television and in the social media) seem angry all the time.  They feel as if life has treated them badly. They feel as if they have been cheated and are looking for someone to blame. Something is missing that they can’t quite put their finger on but it leaves them restless and unfulfilled.


Back in the “80’s and 90’s , a major theme of psychology and counseling was the idea of self-actualization.  Broadly, that term referred to a process in which men and women would discover who they were and what life was about for them.  Their goal was to become all that they could be and, in doing so, to find fulfillment in life. Predictably, since this was a concept derived from the world, it was very self-focused and placed personal happiness as the highest priority in the life of any person.  Even if that self-actualization meant the abandonment of marriage and family and other commitments, that could be justified if those responsibilities were getting in the way of the individual’s pursuit of fulfillment.


God is not opposed to us becoming all that we can be.  He is not opposed to us feeling fulfilled in life.  He is not opposed to us seeking excellence or finding great contentment in what we do. The difference is that God is wise enough to know that true fulfillment is never found in a self-focused pursuit of happiness that rejects our responsibilities towards others.  Remember that the two greatest commandments are love God and love others. It was not love yourself above all.


I think Paul’s words in Ephesians gives us some insight into the reality of fulfillment. He begins by saying that we are God’s workmanship.  The word translated as workmanship carry’s with it the idea that you are God’s creative work.  He had a direct hand in determining who you are, how you are wired, and what talents and gifts you possess.  He even had a direct hand in determining your destiny. That thought echoes Psalm 139 where David declared that we are fearfully and wonderfully madebecause God created our inmost being and knit us together in our mothers’ wombs. Knitting suggests design and purpose. I have a daughter who knits. She never just starts knitting yarn randomly without any thought to form or function.  She always has the end in mind at the beginning.  That is how you are made – with God’s purposes for you in mind.


Paul goes on to say that we are created in Christ Jesus.  The purposes God has for every individual will never be fully realized outside of Christ. God’s intent was for every man and every woman to be redeemed through his Son.  The potential for God’s purposes lies dormant within every human until sparked by the Holy Spirit.  Because man is made in God’s image, humans can do amazing things in their own strength and intellect.  But the truth is, they could be even more amazing in Christ where the Holy Spirit takes the natural and upgrades it to supernatural.


In addition, God designed us to do good workswhich he has prepared in advance for us to do.  Good works are any endeavor that reflects the goodness of God, the intellect of God, the redemptive purposes of God, and that draws men closer to their creator.  Those things include achievements in science, the arts, education, business, agriculture, and government, as well as in building great churches and evangelistic ministries. We too often think of the Kingdom of Heaven as something that is expressed on earth only within the confines of church buildings.  But God wants us to disciple nations.  To do so, the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit must be expressed in every part of society.


Who knows better how to heal the body than the one who created it.  Who better to reveal scientific breakthroughs to eliminate cancer and a thousand other things that kill people prematurely every day. God loves to do miracles but he also loves to work through his people to bring breakthroughs in the natural realm for feeding the hungry, eliminating war, educating the impoverished, providing energy to third world nations, and so forth.  God has created us in Christ with those things in mind.  Our prayer is that God’s will would be done on earth as it is in heaven. There is no sickness in heaven, no hunger, no war, no orphans, no dirty water, and so forth. That is God’s will and he wants his people to produce that environment of earth.  Of course, it will never be fully that way until Jesus returns, but we can make deep inroads in correcting the damage that sin and Satan have done on this earth before then.Those things, those opportunities, those good works have been prepared in advance for God’s people to engage in and discover.  They are all potentials waiting for us to embrace and produce by the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  God has placed within his people the answers the world is crying out for.


And here is the kicker.  Men and women will never be all they can be until they find God’s purposes for them. Self-actualization only occurs through God-actualization.  Real fulfillment only comes when we run tin he lane God has assigned us.  We are each uniquely designed for his purposes and there will always be something missing until we are in concert with our design.


One of my favorite moves of all time is Chariots of Fire, which was the true story of two English Olympians of the 1920’s.  One was a Presbyterian minister who competed to bring glory to God.  The other was a man looking for self-actualization – fame, money, accomplishment.  The sister of the minister thought his track career was a distraction from his ministry and a total waste of time.  Finally, in frustration, she asked him why he ran. He said something like, “I run because God made me fast.  And when I run, I feel God’s pleasure.”  That is self-actualization.  That is fulfillment. That is knowing your purpose for that particular season of your life.


When we find God’s design for our lives, we are running in our lane and will feel the pleasure of God.  The world is in desperate search of that feeling. Countless men and women have given up on finding that place and now use all kinds of things to medicate the emptiness.  Solomon said that God has placed eternity in the hearts of men.  He has placed heaven there and it is a longing for such a place that drives men.  What they don’t know, is that there is only one door to heaven and that is Jesus. Purpose, belonging, fulfillment, and feeling the pleasure of a Father is on the other side of that door.


Unfortunately, many believers do not yet know that truth either.  They are in Christ but still think their fulfillment is to be found in the things of the world rather than in the full embrace of God’s purposes for their lives. They are still trying to run in the lanes assigned to others rather than the one assigned to them before the foundation of the world. As the old T.V. sitcom says, “Father Knows Best.” When the world and the church discover that truth, whole nations will become disciples.



I’m reading a book right now by Zack Neese, entitled How to Worship a King. I’ve never been great at worship, so I am trying to grow in that area.  In the opening pages of the book, the author stated his belief that the modern church doesn’t worship God very well…or even at all sometimes.   To make his case, he gave an interesting historical view that I think has merit. Let me quote some of what he wrote.


“How do I know that biblical worship is not commonly in operation in the church? First, we haven’t redeemed what is ours. Almost two thousand years ago Lucifer pulled off the greatest heist in history.  He stole Scripture, worship, and the priesthood from the people of God. Sadly, the leaders of the early church were his unwitting accomplices. This is how he did it: by inspiring well-meaning clergy with a really bad idea. He made them think they had to protect what is Holy (Scripture, worship, priesthood) from what is common (people).”


Neese goes on to talk about how the great divide between clergy and laity became standard practice in the church…first with Catholicism but later with the Reformation churches as well.  With this mindset of protecting the sacred from the common, the regular church member has become a spectator while the “trained professionals” preach and worship with the congregation providing applause.  God’s design, however, is that every member is to be a priest offering up spiritual sacrifices to God on a regular basis. To do less, leaves us with the notion that only a chosen few actually hear from God or have spiritual authority when, in fact, God speaks to all of us and Christ has delegated his authority to every believer.  Our congregations assume their role as spectators and are surprised and even resistant when we ask them to get in the game.


Neese writes about his feelings as a new Christian. “When I was alone with God, I was an important part of the equation.  I ministered to God and he ministered to me, and then we went out and ministered to people together. When I was in church, I felt like I just didn’t matter. Whether I showed up or not made little difference. Someone else did all the ministering, and I just sat there fidgeting. It was as if the congregation’s main role was to provide an audience for the preacher’s performance…He has called us all to be ministers of his grace. And any church setting that does not place a demand on that calling will either cripple us with an ennui and complacency or frustrate us by underutilizing us. That is why many people have fallen asleep in regard to their callings. They have become spectators – watching as other people live God’s dreams for them.” I know this observation is not true for every church, but I believe it is true for many.


I am reminded of Paul’s letter to the church at Corinth when he wrote, “What then shall we say, brothers? When you come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. All of these must be done for the strengthening of the church” (1 Cor.14:21). In the early church, the members ministered to one another on Sundays as well as to God.  What they had heard or learned from the Lord during the week they shared. They fulfilled their roles as priests. It is in the moments that we offer a sacrifice of praise to God, pray with others, teach others, serve others, bless others, share Christ with them, prophecy over them, deliver them from evil, and touch them for healing that we truly feel like an extension of God and, as a result, draw closer to him and his heart.


If we are part of a church that restricts our function as a priest to a great extent, it is hard to draw near.  I do not advocate leaving our churches when they are imperfect or starting little house churches.  I have not seen good fruit from sealing ourselves off from the greater church.  But I would encourage you to become part of a small group somewhere that meets weekly in which everyone can bring a hymn, a word of instruction, a revelation, a prophetic word, a healing prayer, a delivering command, and so forth and minister to one another as God intended.


It is in those settings that we often find our gifts and our passion.  It is in those settings that the presence of God is often thick.  It is in those settings that the Holy Spirit can have his way and not be bound by a pre-planned agenda that must be adhered to. In large churches with multiple services, some of that is unavoidable but we must find ways in which we can regularly fulfill our roles as priests of the most high God.  I want to encourage you to evaluate your spiritual life.  Are you living as a priest?  Are you passionate about your faith?  Are you impacting the lives of other people.  Or have you become a spectator by default.  If so…change it.  The Christian life is not meant to be lived from the stands but out on the field. Blessings in Him.


But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light .  1 Peter 2:9


Many of us find it hard to identify ourselves as priests. If we grew up in mainline evangelical churches such as the Baptists, Churches of Christ, Methodists, Bible Churches, Nazarenes, etc. there were pastors,  but they were not designated as priests.  That kind of distinction between “clergy” and “laity” was minimized.  Pastors did not wear distinct garb marking them as priests and churches where there were distinct roles and dress for priest were probably viewed as “unbiblical” in that regard.


If you grew up Catholic or Episcopalian, you would be familiar with the idea of priests but would still find it difficult to view yourself in that role.  In those churches, the priesthood was reserved for those who had been through rigorous training in seminaries and who knew all the nuances of sacred rituals and church procedures for everything.  These men and women were seen as the spiritually elite who had a unique call on their lives that few could aspire to.


And yet, the New Testament identifies all believers as priests in the kingdom of God. The priests of the Old Testament – Aaron and his sons – were chosen by God and anointed with a holy oil that consecrated them and set them apart for sacred service.  We too have been chosen by God and anointed with the Holy Spirit, who consecrates us and sets us apart for sacred service. The Old Testament priests served in the temple, but now we are the temple of the Holy Spirit.  Only the priests could come into the presence of God on behalf of the people with fear and trembling, but we can come before the throne of grace at anytime with confidence for the presence of God remains with us. We literally live in his presence because we carry his presence. In a sense, each of us is a living ark of the covenantcarrying his law and his presence within us. The priests were tasked with teaching God’s people the will and the ways of God by making the written word understandable to them.  We are commanded to teach one another but, more than that, we are to present the word of God to those who are not yet his people.


Aaron and his sons dressed in white linen garments that marked them as priests. The white linen symbolized purity. We are clothed with Christ (Gal.3:27) and sealed by the Spirit.  We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.


All of this is to say that you possess great standing in the kingdom of God and are set apart from every person on earth who is not a follower of Jesus.  As priests we are authorized to offer up worship, to offer sacrifices, to make the word of God understandable to the world around us, and to represent men before God in our prayers.  Only we can enter the presence of God to do so.


In addition to that, priests were those designated to bestow blessings on men.  In the Book of Numbers we read, “TheLordsaid to Moses, Tell Aaron and his sons, ‘This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them: The Lordbless you and keep you; the Lordmake his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lordturn his face toward you and give you peace.’ ‘So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.’”


As the priests declared a blessing over Israel, God would release the blessing.  We are instructed throughout the New Testament to bless men and not curse them…even our enemies.  We are to bless because it is the Father’s heart to bless and we can bless because we are priests.  Because you are a priest, you may direct the blessings of heaven and God will honor your direction. He has given you authority to bless. Because God always desires to work in partnership with his people, he often waits on us to bless, before he releases the blessing. As priests, it is our privilege and responsibility to pray for people, to bless them, to give them an understanding of God’s word,and to administer the sacraments of the church – communion and baptism.  Because we are all priests, we all have the authority to do those things.


More than anything, as his priests, we are to faithfully represent God before men. In the same sense that ambassadors represent the King, priests represent the Father to men as well as men to the Father. We have a great high priest, Jesus Christ, who will live forever while we serve under him.  Our priesthood is not the Aaronic Priesthood of the Old Testament but, according to Hebrews, we serve under Jesus who is of the eternal order of Melchizedek, a much greater priesthood than that of Aaron  (see Heb. 7:1-21). We also will be priests forever serving with Jesus.  Remember that priests are anointed, consecrated, and set apart from the world for sacred service.  We should live as those who are always about our father’s business and as those who lives are dedicated to those things that are sacred.


Again, you have great standing in the Kingdom of Heaven if you can receive that by faith.  You are made in the image of God and are a child of the King, royalty in the courts of heaven, an ambassador of Christ, and a priest clothed in Christ who is anointed with the Holy Spirit and appointed to represent God to men and men to God. Because of who you are, Christ has given you power and authority over the enemy to do the works that he did and to destroy the works of the devil.


All this has come to us by grace and not by any efforts of our own.  Because of that we should live a life of thankfulness and humility.  We should walk with great confidence but not arrogance. We should be a source of blessing to all those around us and our goal should be to always be about the Father’s business because that is what we were born to do  when we were born again.


To know who you are and to receive that by faith is a great gift and is the key to living the abundant life that Jesus promised. There are many amazing things in heaven with your name on them.  Those things were purchased by the blood of Jesus and he wants you to receive each of those things as your inheritance, but they come to you only by faith – faith in who Jesus is and who you are in Jesus.  Ask the Lord to give you a revelation of who you are in Christ because to know that is about the most essential thing you can discover because you will only become who you believe you are.  Blessings in Him.