
I continue to find it odd or at least interesting that no physical description of Jesus was given by those who lived with him every day for three years, saw him crucified, and saw him resurrected. I have to believe that the Holy Spirit prohibited them from doing so because any biographer would have been almost compelled to do so in detail. In scripture there is hardly any reference to his physical appearance at all.


Isaiah prophesied of the Messiah and speaking of his physical appearance said, “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him” (Isa.53:2). The post-resurrection accounts in the gospels would tell us that he still had holes in his hands and a tear in his side from Roman spikes and a spear. But other than that, we don’t know if he was short or tall, stocky or thin. We don’t know if he had a great smile or crooked teeth. We tend to assume he was muscular because he was a carpenter/stone mason but we do not know for sure.


In some ways, this omission in scripture may have a downside. It leaves us the freedom to make Jesus in our own image – to imagine him as we think a Messiah should be…often with a worldly slant. Philip Yancey discussed this phenomenon in his book The Jesus I Never Knew. He says, “The first semi-real portraits of Jesus did not come until the fifth century, and these were pure speculation. Until then, the Greeks had portrayed him as a young, beardless figure resembling the God Apollo.” He goes on to say. “I once showed to a class several dozen art slides portraying Jesus in a variety of forms – African, Korean, Chinese – and then asked the class to describe what they thought Jesus looked like. Virtually everyone suggested he was tall (unlikely for a first-century Jew), most said handsome, and no one said overweight…We prefer a tall, handsome, and above all, slender Jesus.” Some ancient traditions suggest that Jesus was hunchbacked or had leprosy. If you are like me, you may find the notion of Jesus as a hunchback or leper somehow offensive…unless you are a hunchback or leper. In that case you would find it comforting. Until some recent Christian films, Hollywood had always portrayed him as the tall, muscular, slender, very handsome Jesus with perfect diction, perfect teeth, a straight nose, and, at times, with blond hair and blue eyes (really unlikely).


The problem with casting Jesus in our own image is that we may also cast his motives, his values, his perspectives, and his character in our own image as well. That could be dangerous because then our standard of comparison will simply be between us and someone just a little more moral than us. Jesus was much and is much more than that.


So why did the Holy Spirit choose to leave out an accurate and detailed physical description of the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world? Why did Jesus appear differently to many of his followers after the resurrection? I’m sure there are layers of reasons for this but I can certainly think of one – our penchant for obsessing over the outward appearance of things and people. When God sent Samuel in search of a replacement for King Saul, he first observed David’s brothers and felt certain that the tall, handsome, muscular brother was surely the next king. After all, he looked so “presidential.” But God gently admonished Samuel and reminded him that God does not look at the appearance of a man but at his heart. David was his choice. Surely God wants us to take on the same perspective.


In John 10, when Jesus described himself as the Good Shepherd, he said that his sheep would recognize his voice not his face. Jesus said in another place that out of the mouth comes the abundance of the heart. In other words, my words – especially in unguarded moments – reveal my heart. The voice or the words of the Shepherd give us a much better take on who he really is than his appearance.


I mentioned to a friend one time how interesting it was to me that God so often chose extreme people in whom to deposit amazing spiritual gifts. Some were not just extreme in commitment but sometimes in appearance. She wisely responded that she thought God did so intentionally to see if we loved truth enough to look past the external appearance of the one delivering it. Maybe that is why Jesus, according to Isaiah, was neither handsome nor presidential in appearance so that it was the content of the man rather than the packaging that drew multitudes to him.


When I was in college, I worked at a publishing company. All kinds of people worked there and of course, as a college student, I was always surveying the new female hires to see if they were pretty and single. One day a new girl came on the floor. She was married but she was also one of the most homely girls I had ever seen. She was tall, very thin with knot knees, stringy hair, crooked teeth, and a long slender neck and slightly drooping shoulders. She wore little to no makeup and I actually felt sorry for her the first time I met her. I was amazed that she was married and had children.   However, as I spent time around her at work, her personality was amazing. She was genuine, positive, totally uncritical, always had a good word for everyone, laughed easily and yet showed genuine compassion for others. In a few months time, I no longer felt sorry for her but actually began to envy her husband. Her inner beauty truly overcame her outward appearance to the point that her physical qualities meant very little to those who knew her. In some small way, I think she and others like her show us the power of Jesus. The gospels don’t give us the physical description because it doesn’t matter.


Look how we worship celebrities and fawn over their appearance – their clothes, their hair, their skin, their teeth, their bodies, their mansions, etc. – ignoring the spoiled, shallow, arrogant, demanding person that is often on the inside. Appearance can and does get in the way of what’s most important. That is a lesson we all need to learn better.


The other stunning thing about Jesus was that not only did he have an amazing heart but always looked at the heart of others rather than their appearance. He was never swayed by fine clothes, palaces, or power. Neither was he put off by a bad reputation, poverty, weakness, brokenness, disease, demons or even leprosy. That, I think, was his power to draw others. If we are to reach people for Jesus we must learn to love them and to love them we must learn to look past the externals. We must see their hearts and minister to their hearts. It is there that Jesus wants to do his work and make his home. May Jesus give each of us the capacity to ignore the wrapping and look diligently to discover what is inside the box.



The Book of Nehemiah is the story of a man who was sent by God to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem that had lain in disrepair for years after the Babylonians had destroyed the city. The walls of a city marked its strength, its size, and its boundaries. They provided protection against all enemies and the more impressive the wall the more impressive were the citizens of a city. The walls of Jerusalem were essentially rubble. So extensive was the damage that no one had bothered to rebuild the walls in years.


By the providence of God, Nehemiah was given permission by King Artaxerxes of Persia to return to his native land and repair the walls. The hostility of the neighboring tribes around Jerusalem was as great then as it is now. They delighted in the ruins of Jerusalem and would have blotted out the Jewish race if it had been in their power to do so. When Nehemiah arrived and began to rebuild the walls, the tribes around them began to strategize ways to prevent the wall from being built. There are three main characters in the story that oppose Nehemiah – Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite, and Geshem the Arab.


When the work began they immediately mocked and ridiculed the effort. Their strategy was discouragement and mocking as they tired to convince the Jews that they were not up to the task and that all their efforts would end in failure (see Neh. 2:19). They also accused them of rebelling against the king by rebuilding the wall. Even though Nehemiah had letters from the king giving him authority to rebuild, the enemies of God kept insisting that his authority was fraudulent. Nehemiah’s response was simple. He declared that God would give them success and that the surrounding tribes had no part or say in or power over what God’s people were doing.


As the story progresses, Sanballat and Tobiah continued to ridicule the work that was being done. They kept pointing out the ultimate impossibility of the task and that what had already been done was inferior and would not stand (Neh. 4:1-3). They kept declaring that even though the Jews might make an effort and a start, ultimately the task would be too hard and what was built would not last. Their efforts would prove to be pointless. Nehemiah simply prayed for strength and victory.


As the wall began to take shape, the enemies of Jerusalem began to panic. “They plotted to come and fight against Jerusalem and stir up trouble against it” (Neh. 4:8). Burt again, Nehemiah prayed and posted a guard against the threat. As fear and discouragement began to creep into the hearts of God’s people, Nehemiah’s response was, “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord who is great and awesome and fight…” His counsel was to get their minds off their own ability or capacity and fix their minds on the strength and power of God who had called them to the task.


Toward the end of chapter 4, the threat of attack had risen so that the people carried building materials in one hand and a weapon in the other. They knew that God might not keep them from conflict but would give them victory over the enemy if they would stand and fight.


In Chapter 6, the wall was completed though the gates had yet to be reset. At that point, Sanballat and Geshem invited Nehemiah to a meeting to ostensibly discuss peace regarding the wall. Peace often means compromise and, in this case, was seen as a ploy to get him away from Jerusalem and simply kill him. Nehemiah’s response was on point. “I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?” Four times they sent me the same message, and each time I gave them the same answer” (Neh.6:3-4). Their response was a threat to slander Nehemiah before the king with a report claiming that not only was Nehemiah rebuilding the wall but was also planning a revolt against Persia and planning to have himself declared king over Israel. Nehemiah could have stopped building and run back to Persia to defend himself, but instead he simply told them that their accusations were untrue and continued to build the wall.


The next ploy of Nehemiah’s enemies was to frighten him with reports that assassins were on the way so that he must leave the work and retreat to a safe place. Nehemiah saw through the scheme and recognized it simply as an intimidation tactic. His response was, “Should a man like me run away?” He knew that, as a leader, if he gave into intimidation and ran the rest of his people would lose heart. Even if he thought the report might be true, he hand to stand and trust God to save him.


In the face of all the intrigue and opposition, the text says, “So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days. When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God” (Neh.6:15-16).


To rebuild the wall in 52 days was a miracle. God didn’t do it for his people but did it with his people and moved them to work through a man he sent to lead them. What I notice in this is that Satan uses the same tactics against each of us when we try to move ahead on assignments or a dream given us by the Lord.


First of all, he mocks and ridicules our idea or the idea that God might do something great through us. His first attempts are always to make us feel unqualified or disqualified to do the work of the Lord. How many things may God have given us to do that we never picked up because we felt unqualified for the task?


Secondly, he impugned their motives. He accused them of having rebellion in their hearts as they began to rebuild. How often does Satan accuse us of having selfish or fleshly motives for the things we want to do for God. If we are spiritual we want pure motives for the things we undertake. To begin to dissect our motives and over- analyze our hearts can create emotional paralysis that side tracks us in the very beginning.


If we push ahead on the thing God has put in our hearts and begin to create something, Satan’s next scheme is to convince us of how inferior our work is and that it will fail and we will be ridiculed by men. We suddenly will see every weakness or imperfection in our attempts to serve God and will begin to feel foolish forever thinking we could accomplish something significant.


If we continue, even in the face of self-doubt, Satan will then offer distractions to get our focus off the call on our lives and onto other things. These will not necessarily be sinful things. In fact, they will probably be good things…but not the one thing God has called you to accomplish. If there has been opposition to the goal you are pursuing for the Lord, those who have opposed you may try to get you to compromise your vision or your dream for the sake of peace.


Finally, if you still continue to push ahead he may try intimidation and place seeds of fear in your mind. You may begin to imagine illness, poverty, the loss of loved ones, the loss of financial security, etc. if you continue your pursuit of a ministry, a career God has called you to, the writing of a book or a song, raising godly children, or life in the mission field.


Nehemiah faced each of those challenges but never waivered from the task. He was sure that God would resource him, protect him, and direct him to fulfill the work God had given him to do. He had insight into the devil’s schemes and knew what it was when it came his way. We need to be wise as well and also aware of his strategies so that we are not deterred by his ploys against us. If you have drifted from a call or a dream that you believe God gave you in the past, take a close look to see if you fell prey to one of the devil’s schemes. Recognize it. Renounce it. Repent of coming into agreement with the enemy and get back to the call and promises of God that once moved you. There is a miracle that God wants to do through each one of us. Blessings in Him today.


For the first 20 or 25 years of my Christian faith, I was taught by good people who loved Jesus that God did not deal in signs, wonders, and miracles in our time. For them the Biblical witness that such things had happened in the past was sufficient. The view was that Jesus and the apostles performed miracles in the 1st Century in order to validate their claims. Miracles validated Jesus as the Son of God and miracles validated the apostles as those who represented him after his death and as those who spoke and wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Once those “validations” had been written down they provided the credentials needed for Jesus and the twelve for future generations and so miracles ceased after the New Testament was written and the miracles were recorded.


Not only were we clearly taught that God no longer operated in the miraculous but also that those who claimed to operate in signs and wonders were either deceived by their own emotionalism or were purposeful deceivers themselves who were simply taking money from the weak and ignorant who still believed in such things.


If any of our fellowship ever attended a healing service it was always with an eye to prove fraud in what was claimed. If a few claimed to be healed then they were viewed as plants by the evangelist or people whose illnesses were actually psychosomatic and, thus, when they “believed” they were relieved of a psychological condition rather than a real illness. Any in wheel chairs or on crutches who did not walk away were solid proof that the healing gifts claimed by the evangelist were fraudulent. Out view was that if the gift truly existed, all would be healed. Since all were not healed, then the gifts no longer operate. Since we never saw healings in our churches, it was easy to believe that God no longer operated through spiritual gifts. It never occurred to us that we might not be seeing healing or any other kind of miracles simply because we had no faith for it and never asked. As James, the brother of Jesus, put it, “You have not because you ask not.”


Even now, many Christians associate the claim of “signs and wonders” with backwoods, superstitious folks like snake-handlers in West Virginia or with “healing evangelists” who ask for money every fifteen minutes and who read letters about miracles that were made up by the public relations staff of the ministry. On rare occasion, these Christians may be confronted by a healing that has been confirmed by doctors to be both real and inexplicable. When asked about the undeniable healing, they will answer that the body and mind are complex and not yet fully understood by science (i.e. God wasn’t involved) or that God heals on rare occasions to give us brief windows into heaven so that we know what good awaits us on the other side. They then rush to affirm again that God rarely does such things. He may do it from time to time but only as a sovereign act and never through men or women who are operating in gifts of the Spirit.


But Mark says this, “Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it” (Mk.16:20). These “signs” were exhibited after the ascension and were done by disciples, not just his apostles. If just telling the stories of what Jesus did when he walked the earth was enough, these disciples could have done just that. They could have done so even more powerfully than we can because many of them were eyewitnesses to the miracles.


An interesting phrase in Mark’s closing comment is, “and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word.” It seems that Jesus had no problem with continuing to work miracles through his disciples as evidence that what he had said about himself was true. It seems that Jesus did not feel as if just telling the stories was all that was needed. Earlier in Mark’s closing chapter he had quoted Jesus as saying, “And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons, they will speak in new tongues, they will pick up snakes with their hands, and when they drink deadly poison it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people and they will get well.”


The natural reading of these verses would never suggest that Jesus meant that those signs would accompany his followers for a few more years and then fade away. These are marks of the kingdom. Jesus preached the kingdom. The pattern has always been for the followers of Jesus to preach the good news of Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God and then demonstrate its reality. The good news of Jesus Christ is that our sins are forgiven in him. The good news of the Kingdom of God is that the forgiveness of our sins provides access to the kingdom of God and access to the kingdom provides the blessings of “on earth as it is in heaven.” God’s provision is available to his children whether they are with him in heaven or still serving on planet earth. Miracles are part of that provision.


When God brought the Hebrews out of Egypt and led them to the Jordan River, twelve spies were sent into the land to confirm what God had said about the land he had promised to Abraham and his descendants. They came back with evidence from the land – huge clusters of grapes, pomegranates, and figs. This evidence was to confirm what God had already told them about Canaan. The intent was to bolster faith. God had told them that the land was a land flowing with milk and honey (an expression of abundance and fertility). Evidence of that truth was brought back and shown to the people so that they might have even more faith in the remaining promises of God. Of course, unbelief took over and instead of focusing on the proof that God’s word is true, they focused on the size of the enemy and their own weakness. Because they did not believe the word of God or the evidence of its truth, they never entered the land.


Signs and wonders are like grapes and figs brought back from Canaan. They are evidence of what else lies in store for those who believe and enter the kingdom through Jesus. Like all signs, they point to a greater reality that is accessible through faith. In addition, signs such as healing, prophecy, and deliverance point not only to the power of God but to his goodness and compassion.


The denomination that I was part of in my early years in the faith made the mistake of believing that Jesus only healed to prove that he was the Son of God. And yet, on many occasions in the gospels, he clearly healed and delivered out of deep compassion and not just to produce evidence that he was Messiah. In fact, he told many whom he had healed to tell no one about what he had done.


Signs and wonders should still accompany the preaching of the gospel and should still be part of the provision that God has laid aside for those who enter the promised land of God’s kingdom. Signs and wonders not only confirm the Word of God but continue to express his love and compassion for the suffering.


I believe the Spirit is awakening the church to these realities today but we still have far to go. The gospel in many places has been reduced to a simple doctrine to be believed intellectually and a call to moral living rather than an opportunity to share a supernatural experience with God.


Experience is always the greater teacher. Miracles allow us to experience God not just hear about him. An old adage says that a man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument. That is true in our faith as well. Of course, every experience must line up with the word of God and be grounded in scriptural truth but what is more consistent in scripture than the intervention of God on behalf of his people with miracles? That principle is at the heart of every great story in the Bible. If we want God to continue to produce great stories in our lives then we will need to ask and believe for miracles. Blessings today.



In his book, When Heaven Invades Earth, Bill Johnson has an interesting take on one element of spiritual warfare. He says, “First, God makes us strong and then he stirs up the devil’s hatred toward us. Why? It’s not because he wants to create problems for His Church. It’s because He likes to see the devil defeated by those who are made in His image, who have a relationship of love with Him by choice. We are His delegated authority. It is His delight to have us enforce the triumph of Jesus.”


I believe that statement is true but there is still a part of me that doesn’t warm up to that truth. I don’t like to be roused from my comfort zone to face an irritating enemy. I don’t like my world being rocked when I have just found the right balance and am peacefully coasting along. I find myself, like Rodney King, asking, “Can’t we all just get along?” Unfortunately, the answer is No. We live in a war zone and will until the King returns to cast the enemy and his angels into the lake of fire.


My problem is that while Jesus came to preach a selfless, other-centered gospel, I too often still make it a self-centered gospel. I too often seek the blessings for myself rather than relentlessly looking for others who need them more than I do. I too often worry about my comfort and security rather than the pain, poverty, and discomfort of those around me. As Americans, we tend to be self-centered consumers looking for a church that ministers to us and meets our needs rather than a church that is sacrificing and kicking down the doors of hell. That kind of self-centeredness robs the kingdom and us individually of both power and joy.


Regarding joy, Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit…” Those who are poor in spirit don’t demand much for themselves and often don’t think of themselves at all. Modern psychologists would say that such a mindset is a sure sign of self-hatred and a sure formula for depression. But Jesus said that those whose focus is primarily on others and not their own glory, happiness, entitlements, etc. are the truly blessed people of the world.


Philip Yancey put it this way. “My career as a journalist has afforded me opportunities to interview ‘stars,’ including NFL football greats, movie actors, music performers, best-selling authors, politicians, and TV personalities. These are the people who dominate the media. We fawn over them, pouring over the minutiae of there lives: the clothes they wear, the food they eat, the aerobic routines they follow, the people they love, the toothpaste they use. Yet I must tell you that, in my limited experience…our idols are as miserable a group of people as I have ever met. Most have troubled or broken marriages. Nearly all are incurably dependent on psychotherapy. In a heavy irony, these larger-than-life heroes seem tormented by self-doubt.


I have also spent time with people I call ‘servants.’ Doctors and nurses who work among the ultimate outcasts, leprosy patients in rural India. A Princeton graduate who runs a hotel for the homeless in Chicago… Relief workers in Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Bangladesh and other repositories of human suffering…I was prepared to honor and admire these servants, to hold them up as inspiring examples. I was not prepared to envy them. Yet as I now reflect on the two groups side by side, stars and servants, the servants clearly emerge as the favored ones, the graced ones. Without question, I would rather spend time among the servants than the stars: they possess qualities of depth and richness and even joy that I have not found elsewhere…Somehow, in the process of losing their lives they find them” (Philip Yancey, The Jesus I Never Knew, p.117-1180.


It seems that Jesus knew what he was talking about and I think, in reflection, that the less we obsess about ourselves, our needs, our wants, our security, the more room we make for God and the love of God that we crave. The more of God we have, the more joy, authority, and even power we have to fight the inevitable wars on this planet against the devil. God does many things to get us to focus on him. He is not an egotist. He simply wants the best for us. When we are full of ourselves or even full of concern for ourselves there is little room for Jesus.


If we truly want to excel in spiritual warfare, then we must fix our eyes on Jesus not on ourselves. Greatness and joy in the kingdom, come when we seek it for others more than ourselves. The cross is the ultimate example of that truth. In the days ahead, it would be a good practice to check my “self-ometer” from time to time to make sure that there is truly room for God. The more of me that is in the tank, the less room there is for the very things I say I want most that can come only from the Father. Sometimes my own self-focus and concern for self is a more formidable enemy than Satan.

Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life. Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk from your lips. Proverbs 4:23-24


The “heart” is the innermost part of our being. It is where our deepest beliefs and convictions reside. They color and flavor every experience we have and every thought produced by our intellect. Scripture often alludes to the heart and tells us to keep watch over it or to guard it.    In the proverb quoted above, Solomon called the heart the wellspring of life. The word in Hebrew means the beginning place or source like a spring from which a river flows. So for us, our heart is a source of life from which everything else flows.


Biblically, it is hard to define the heart when it is used in this context. It is much more than love or emotions or feelings which we assign to “ the heart” in our culture. It is more than the brain or even the subconscious although the Bible tells us that we believe in our hearts. It simply seems to be the depository of all that we truly are. Some of what is there is beyond our perception so David prayed and asked God to search his heart and to show him if anything that offended God was operating in his heart. We are told that even Jesus resides in our heart. So there is a spiritual dimension to our hearts, a faith dimension, and a character dimension. Out of all that, our life flows strong and clear or trickles out like a polluted stream.


What we speak affects our hearts. According to Solomon, any choice to speak perverse or corrupt things affects our hearts. Paul tells us in Romans 10:9-10 that if we confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts that Jesus is Lord, we will be saved. There seems to be a connection in that verse between our speaking and our believing. God has created us in such a way that the things we speak get written on our hearts. But there is a cyclical process that also occurs for Jesus tells us that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks (Mt. 11:34). What we speak repeatedly becomes established in out hearts and then what is in our hearts comes forth in words – especially in unguarded moments. What we store there by the words we speak then reinforces the beliefs or attitudes or desires that are there so that the heart reproduces itself by prompting the words we speak.


Solomon tells us to guard our heart, which is the wellspring of life, by putting away perverse and corrupt talk. Perverse talk is twisted or distorted talk. It is talk with a spin. The devil is a master at spinning a lie so that is sounds like the truth or a plausible explanation. It is the kind of language that deflects blame to others and always justifies the one speaking. However, Jesus tells us to let our “Yes” be “Yes” and our “No” be “No.” He calls for strait talk because when we begin to speak half truths and put spin on our stories to justify ourselves or to hide our own failings in the matter, then it is only a matter of time until we begin to believe our own lies. It is only a matter of time until we begin to minimize or justify our sins rather than confessing them and repenting so that God’s grace and the blood of Christ can cover our sin. If we excuse our sins, then God cannot. If we blame others for our decisions, then he cannot forgive.


Corrupt speech again carries the idea of lies and deception. It is speech is that promotes death. Corruption is decay and decay is evidence of death. Satan is called Beelzebub – the lord of the flies. Flies are drawn to corruption. Ultimately, corrupt speech is speech that disagrees with or opposes God’s truth. Jesus said that his words are Spirit and they are life. The word of God produces life and health. A word that is in opposition to God’s truth produces death and decay.


Whatever we agree with we empower and speaking something brings us into agreement with whatever we spoke. If we speak as God would speak, then we come into agreement with him and empower his word in our lives as we deepen its presence in our heart. If our words do not align with God’s truth, then we are coming into agreement with lies and the father of lies, the devil. We then empower him to operate on our hearts. To guard our words is to guard our hearts and to guard our hearts is to guard our lives. Words matter.


Ask the Holy Spirit and those closest to you, to make you aware of any of your words that are not aligned with God’s truth. When you discover those words simply repent, align yourself with the Father, ask the Spirit to cleanse those lies from your heart, and then begin to speak God’s truth in the matter until that truth is your automatic response. Then you will know that your mind has been renewed in that area and God’s word then will be your words and will begin to produce the life the Solomon points us to.



Years are measured in seasons. In much the same way, life is also lived in seasons. Although there is some continuity as we move from season to season, there can also be great differences and those differences can demand different perspectives, attitudes, and strategies to navigate well. We must navigate three feet of snow and eight-degree temperatures in February in very different ways than we navigate 95 degree heat in August.   One extreme requires a roaring fire while the other begs for air conditioning. One requires heavy clothing and lots of layers while the other demands light, breathable cottons. One season is lived primarily indoors while the other calls us outdoors. Just about the time we get one season figured out another presents itself. That change can be frustrating, but on the other hand, most of us are also eagerly awaiting the variety that a new season brings.


Sometimes, the God who created seasons for a planet spinning in space, may also call us to a new spiritual season as well. Sometimes the call comes at unexpected times for us while for God that time was appointed before the creation of the world. Moses is a prime example. The hand of God was clearly on Moses as a child who was marked for a great destiny. As you recall, to avoid extermination by Pharaoh, Moses had been placed in a waterproof basket and hidden in the bull rushes along the Nile by his Hebrew mother. The daughter of Pharaoh found him in the water and adopted his as her own. He was raised in the palace and given the training and advantages of Egyptian royalty. At some point he became aware of his Hebrew heritage and began to sense that somehow he was to be a major player in delivering his people from slavery. One day, he witnessed an Egyptian beating a Hebrew and in a moment of anger killed the Egyptian and hid his body. Within hours, Moses had been discovered and fled from Egypt to the backwater country of Midian where he married, settled down, and became a shepherd. He fled Egypt at the age of 40 giving up every advantage he had as a son in the royal house. Then for 40 years he lived the quiet, unassuming life of a shepherd.
At the age of 80, however, Moses had an unexpected encounter with God in a burning bush and a new season was thrust upon him. Suddenly, out of nowhere, God picked up the thread of the destiny he had assigned to Moses and called him to return to Egypt and finish the job. Moses was not excited. He had left Egypt confused and afraid with a quick demotion from the palace to the pasture. All he had experienced related to the call that God was resurrecting was failure. He no longer saw himself as a leader or a hero. He simply saw himself as a hapless shepherd destined to live and die living in dusty tents in Midian.


With each excuse Moses offered, God responded that he would go with him. Moses continued to push back. “Who am I to do such a thing? Who will I tell them sent me? What if they won’t believe me. I’m no public speaker. Lord, send someone else.” The text tells us that the Lord began to get angry. He had given Moses every assurance and had even demonstrated a coupe of miracles. More than anything, God kept assuring Moses that he would be with him and enable him every step of the way. God never sets his people up for failure.


So what was Moses’ problem? There are probably several themes that created pushback in Moses about this new season to which he was being called. First of all, he no longer saw himself as a leader or anyone special. He had tasted failure and disappointment forty years earlier and he had no desire to taste that again. Secondly, life was comfortable and predictable. It wasn’t great, but he had adjusted to it and found a sense of security and contentment in what he was doing. Now God was wanting to launch him into the unknown. If he were younger that might appeal to him but he was two-thirds of the way through life. Moses died at 120. He was already 80. For us, if we think we might live to be 90, then two thirds of our life would be 60 years old. Most of us aren’t willing to step into a totally new season at that age. But that is exactly what God was calling him to do.


Even though the call to lead Israel out of Egypt and into the wilderness might seem better suited for a younger man, God seems to be more concerned about character than age. He can impart strength but he waits on us to develop character. The Moses who saw himself as a great leader was arrogant and rash. A man who was humble and had shepherded sheep for 40 years could now shepherd people and would lean on God rather than his own abilities. For Moses, the fullness of time for this new season came after Moses himself had been seasoned.


So what if your season is about to change? What if God is not calling you to the next thing (a continuation of what you have already been doing) but a new thing that is totally different from what you have known before? What if he is wanting to pick up the thread of your destiny that you laid aside years ago. Would you be willing to step into that season that would be full of spiritual productivity and adventure? Or would you, like Moses, find every reason to stay where you are and die peacefully but without having experienced the fullness of God and his glory that Moses discovered after he finally said yes.


We are in a season of acceleration. Maybe it’s an “end-times” thing but global and social changes are happening at an incredible pace. I believe God will be asking many of his people to step into new seasons with him that may be an expansion of what they are already doing or something very different from what they have ever known before.


The world is shifting and God has a hand in it. Every shift will open up new opportunities for his kingdom to expand on earth and he will be looking for people to use in significant and, perhaps, unprecedented ways in those moments. If the call comes will you be available? I ask myself that question as well. Perhaps, if we actually anticipate the possibility we will be much more ready to say yes. Pray about it. Dream about it. Even ask for it…if you dare.


A declaration is the act of speaking or pronouncing God’s word and will over a situation. It is an essential weapon to be used in spiritual warfare.   Jesus modeled that strategy in his showdown with Satan in the wilderness after fasting and praying for forty days.


After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written: “ ‘He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’” Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’” Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.      “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.” Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’” Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him. Matthew 3:2-11


Satan tried to bait Jesus into engaging in a dialogue with him about his rights and privileges as the Son of God on earth. When Adam and Eve allowed themselves to be drawn into a conversation, they were out maneuvered and manipulated. Sin was the outcome. I don’t believe for a second that Satan could bested Jesus at anything but our Savior modeled a better strategy. He simply declared the word of God over each temptation.


The word of God has authority. When we declare God’s word over a situation, it first establishes His authority and, as his delegated representatives, our authority over the circumstance. If you watch any crime show on television, you know that when police show up at a house, they first have to identify themselves as officers of the law or authorized representatives of the law and then they will still need a warrant or probable cause to begin to exercise their authority. The Holy Spirit within us and the name of Jesus on our lips identify us as representatives of the Kingdom of Heaven. A declaration of God’s word demonstrates the extent of our authority over a situation and establishes that the enemy is in violation of God’s law. That violation gives us probable cause to exercise Christ’s authority and issue commands in his name. The enemy is not always a demon but may also be disease, poverty, conflict, etc.


Paul tells us that the word of God is the sword of the Spirit (Eph.6:17), which can function either as a defensive or offensive weapon. The word translated as sword in that passage is not a Roman sword or a broad sword but a dagger. Daggers are used when the fighting is close – hand to hand. So when the enemy closes in, it’s time to pull out the word of God and use it as a weapon. Solomon said, “Reckless words pierce like a sword (Prov.12:18). If the words of a man can pierce, how much more the Word of God which is sharper than any two-edged sword (Heb.4:12). These passages suggest that the word of God declared over the enemy not only establishes authority but may inflict pain as well. When I was being schooled in deliverance, I used to minister with a man who had done deliverance for decades. On occasion, when a spirit was stubbornly hanging on, James would lay his Bible on the back of the person and the spirit would leave as if the word had afflicted the spirit in some way. That didn’t work for me, but it did for James. He probably had more faith in the effect of the Word than I did.


Another important aspect of declaring God’s word over a situation is that it helps to keep us aligned with the word of God. The enemy is skilled at twisting the truth and introducing doubt just as he did with Adam and Eve in the Garden. The tempter himself came to Jesus and tried to lure him into sin. With each temptation, Jesus answered with scripture – “It is written…” Not only was Jesus wielding the sword of the Spirit but he was keeping himself anchored in the truth of his Father’s words. Those words were true and had authority. For Jesus, that settled the matter and it should for us as well. Any lack of confidence on our part regarding our authority or the Lord’s authority in a matter seems to give the enemy a right or at least the ability to continue his assignment.


When ministering deliverance, we always want to establish our position and authority first by declaring the Word of God. We typically begin with a declaration that we are servants and sons of the Most High God who come in the name of Jesus who has all authority in heaven and on earth (Mt.28:18) and a name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue confess that he is Lord (Phil.2:9-11). We also declare that the prince of this world has been condemned by Jesus (Jn.16:11), that we have been given power to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy (Lk.10:19), and that no weapon formed against those who belong to the Lord will prosper (Isa.54:17).   We may declare similar things over sickness as well when we suspect a spirit is involved.


Our words establish both the Lord’s authority and our delegated authority over the enemy like an arrest warrant. They also remind us of who we are in Christ as we begin to deal with the enemy. In addition, these declarations establish the victory that is ours in Christ and remind the enemy that he too must bow the knee to Jesus. If Jesus used declarations of God’s word against the enemy then how much more should we? The word of God declared through our lips over people, nations, and circumstances is powerful and an indispensable part of spiritual warfare.


Paul instructed Timothy, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15). This verse suggests that we are to know and wield the word of God as a craftsman or as one who expertly knows how to use the tools or weapons entrusted to us. Getting the word in us so that the Holy Spirit can pull up the word that we have stored in our hearts whenever the enemy shows up is critical. There is no substitute for time in the Word and the capacity to declare that word over temptation, weakness, or crisis. I’m concerned that too many believers today have substituted good books written by their favorite authors and YouTube sermons for Bible study. Books and sermons are great resources but the Word itself contains the power. Jesus said that his words are Spirit and life. We need all of both that we can get.



Easter is only days away. In a very real sense, Easter is the most significant day of all days for without the resurrection the entire life of Jesus would have been only a gesture of holy living and a presentation of philosophy of life. But, speaking of Jesus, Paul says, “who as to his human nature was a descendant of David, and who through the Spirit of holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead: (Rom.1:4). In other words, it was the resurrection of Christ that established without doubt that he is the Son of God and that he will make good on every promise. Easter does not celebrate the cross but an empty tomb.


The account of the last hours of the life of Jesus is so significant that John gives Chapters 13-20 to those hours. While the other gospels race past the Lord’s Supper and the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus in two or three chapters, John slows the camera to a slow motion version of the story which essentially begins in an upper room where the twelve plus Jesus are gathered for Passover. Jesus expressed that he had longed to share that Passover meal with them. I find that hard to grasp because the conclusion of that meal would launch a brutal evening of betrayal, arrest, abandonment, abuse, perjury, beatings, and insults ending with being spiked to a rough hewn timber full of splinters and hoisted into the air to suffer for the next six hours and then to die.


Yet in the middle of the Passover seder, according to the other gospels, Jesus takes some of the unleavened bread that was commanded for the meal, breaks it, and hands it to the twelve saying that it represented his body which he was about to be given for them. He then took a cup of wine for them to sip and told them that the wine would represent the new covenant in his blood. He indicated that his followers were to take these elements on a regular basis until his return because by dong so they would remember him.


If I put myself in the shoes or rather sandals of the apostles, I think both of those statements would have been very confusing. I’m not sure that they yet grasped that this man who had walked on water and commanded storms would be killed in a few hours. Why eat broken bread to represent this physical body and what is this talk about a new covenant when so may of the prophets had already died defending the covenant God had given to Moses for Israel? After all, wasn’t that what Passover pointed to in the first place – the Exodus, the Red Sea, Sinai, and the Law?


I am convinced that most of us as followers of Jesus still do not fully understand the depths of communion which the Lord established at a simple Passover meal 2000 years ago. I’m certain I don’t and yet it was at the heart of the Christian church and their life together for centuries. The early church came together for fellowship and communion rather than preaching and elaborate praise services. They came together on the first day of the week to share a common meal (the agape meal) in which those who had plenty brought plenty to share with those who had little. That was a practical expression of “Love one another as I have loved you.” Then they would take bread and wine to remember the Lord’s sacrifice until his return.


For them, the cup of the New Covenant must have been a breath of fresh air – especially for the Jewish believers who were suddenly out from under the weight of the Law of Moses with its sacrifices and hundreds of laws defining every move of their lives. Covenants were often established by the shedding of innocent blood (animals) in those days and that was a familiar reference point for those believers. The bread that was broken to represent the body of Christ is more of a puzzle. Of course, it represents the physical suffering he went through for each of us but is there more?


Peter may give us some insight into the “more” of his broken body when he says, “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed. For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls” (1 Peter 2:24-25, emphasis added). The Greek word that is translated “wounds” in this text speaks of the welts, the swelling, and the injuries that would come from a slave being beaten or whipped. That certainly describes the scourging that Jesus endured at the hands of the Romans.


Peter’s words were surely lifted from Isaiah’s writings when the prophet spoke of Messiah saying, “Surely he has borne our infirmities and carried our diseases; yet we accounted him stricken, struck down by God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the punishment that made us whole, and by his bruises we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray” (Isa.53:4).


Isaiah discussed two things that Messiah carried for us at his death – sin and sickness. Many modern translations make “diseases” into “sorrows” but the word consistently means disease or sickness or infirmity throughout the Bible. When one and a half million Israelites came out of Egypt the Bible tells us that no one of them was sick or lame because God’s grace had provided health and healing for the journey. One of the major marks of Christ’s ministry was healing. Through his Spirit he gives gifts of healing to the church and a special command to call for the elders of the church, if anyone is sick, for their prayer of faith and that prayer is promised to bring healing (James 5).


In modern times we have tended to confine the blessings of Christ’s death to the forgiveness of sin and spiritual healing. But God is interested not just in our spiritual life but also in our physical well-being. The wounds or the bruises of Jesus not only purchased our forgiveness but our healing. Because of contemporary theology, we tend to have faith for the forgiveness but not for the healing. David tied those two blessings together when he said, “Praise the Lord O my soul and forget not all my benefits – who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases” (Psm. 103:2). In Matthew 9, we are told of a paralytic that Jesus healed. He began by telling him that his sins were forgiven. When the teachers of the law questioned his right to forgive sins, Jesus said, “Which is easier to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk.’ He then healed the man. The link between forgiveness and healing is seen all through scripture so it should not surprise is that they are linked in the New Covenant as well.


As we take communion, we should reflect not only on the love of Christ demonstrated by the cross and the covenantal forgiveness we have in Jesus, but also the healing that has been purchased for us by his suffering as well. Each time you take the bread, you may want to receive healing in the name of Jesus as part of your inheritance for his world as well as celebrating your forgiveness. Blessings in this life as well as the life to come.




A dear friend of mine and our church died of cancer this week. She was (and is) a great woman of faith with an amazing family of faith. We all believed God for healing. She certainly believed God for healing. She, of course, has received ultimate healing in heaven but that is not what we prayed for. So what do we do when we stand on the scriptures, when we know others who have been healed, and when we believed God for healing but our loved one dies?


Often, our first thought is birthed by our disappointment. We may be disappointed in God or with ourselves. We may feel that God has let us down and didn’t keep his word or that somehow we weren’t enough or didn’t do enough to merit God’s healing for the one we had been praying for so earnestly. I know in moments like these I often default to those feelings and thoughts. It’s very human to do so but not very beneficial nor does it reflect the mind of Christ.


If no one was ever healed of cancer or if we believe that God does not heal today then we would simply write it off as something God doesn’t do. We would simply accept the individual’s death as inevitable and pray for a peaceful passing. But when we have seen people healed or, at least, believe that healing is still for today, we are left not only with the loss but also with a myriad of questions. Often those moments create a crisis of faith.


In the midst of loss, they’re a few things that I hang on to. First of all, I need to stand on what I do know rather than bowing to what I don’t know. I know that God is love. I know that he is good. I know that he is compassionate. I know that he is eternal and unchanging. I know that he is present because he has said he will never leave us or forsake us and, in fact, lives within us.


Whatever my questions are that may go unanswered I must frame my conclusions with the things I do know about the nature of God. If you wonder about who the Father is or what he is like you can look at Jesus. Jesus told Philip that if we have seen him, then we have seen the Father. In this life, believers must be willing to live with some mystery about God’s decisions, answered prayers, seemingly unanswered prayers, why some are healed and some aren’t, etc. God has an eternal perspective that we rarely have. Ultimately, our reward is heaven. As Christians we profess that we long to be in the presence of God. We profess that we are restless as we wait for the return of Jesus. We declare that all we want is to enter his presence and hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” And yet, when a loved one crosses the finish line earlier than we anticipated, we are often upset with God.


There comes a time when we must trust his goodness and his grace and even his judgment over our own. The hard part is navigating the waters of loss when we have believed God for healing without taking offense at God or ourselves. We sometime assume that the loss of our loved one was punishment for something we did or didn’t do. There are times when illness is a result of unrepented sin on the part of the one who is ill but repentance opens up the pathway for healing again. In addition, a scan of the gospels reveals that healing was always about grace rather than merit anyway. Jesus healed some godly people but he also healed many ungodly people. He healed some with great faith and some who had no idea who he was. At times he healed every person in the crowd but at the Pool of Bethsaida he healed only one. Our reasoning finds it hard to explain God’s choices and so faith trusts his nature and his character and believes that all of his choices are grounded in love and compassion. We then give thanks for the time we had with the person we are grieving for and trust God for the future. There are simply some things we don’t know.


The truth is that, as believers, we will see that person again if he or she was also in Christ. For them, the separation will only feel like minutes. Not only that but our loved one is now immersed in perfect health and indescribable joy. We grieve for ourselves and if we let him, God will fill the void with his love and with the love of others he has placed in our lives for moments like this.


As the saying goes, “No one gets out of this world alive…unless the Lord returns.” Death was not God’s doing. Adam and Eve chose it when they chose rebellion. It is now a part of every life and we must trust God with it. The contemporary church is just beginning to embrace the reality of healing again and there is much we still don’t understand.


So again, we need to stand on what we do know rather than bowing to what we don’t know. God has a heart for healing. It is his nature for he said, “I am the God who heals you.” If healing were not in his heart, he would not have given gifts of healing to the church nor would Jesus have made that a touchstone of his ministry. So why are so many not healed? I think the problem is on our end, not his and so we must continue to pray for healing while we learn more of God’s ways regarding that.


The loss of a loved one to sickness can have two effects. We may become discouraged and decide that God does not answer our prayers for healing and so we never ask again or we can determine to press in harder for more faith, greater understanding, and the biblical standard of healing. I have determined to go with the second option and I hope you will too. I have seen many healed. I have also seen many godly people who were not healed. But I am also confident that we will continue to see an increase in healing in the church in the days ahead and an increase in the expectation of healing until we are perplexed when someone is not healed rather than being surprised when they are. Be blessed in him to day and if you are in need of his grace may the God of all comfort and compassion, comfort you in all of your troubles (2 Cor. 1:3-4).




The hand of the Lord was upon me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” I said, “O Sovereign Lord, you alone know.” Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.’ ”


So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them. Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’ ” So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army. Ezekiel 37:1-10


There is an expression among some of our contemporary prophets that “prophetic words don’t tell the future, they create the future.” That may sound arrogant, but not if you understand how God has determined to do his work in this world through his people. Ezekiel is a prime example and the familiar story above illustrates the principle. In a vision, God took Ezekiel to a valley that had probably been the sight of a large military battle. The dead were not buried but simply left where they fell. They had been there a very long time and the elements had stripped away everything but the bones. In the story, God is illustrating what he plans to do with Israel, which by all measures has become spiritually dead.


God could have easily set Ezekiel on a high cliff overlooking the valley so that he could have watched God’s handiwork from afar and reported what he saw. Instead, God made him a vital part of the process. God had already determined what he wanted to do but, once again, would not do it until one of his prophets declared his intentions. It’s as if God is always ready to run a race and will always win, but he will not leave the starting blocks until one his people fires the starting gun. Our words are the starting gun. God told him the words he was to declare, but would not act until Ezekiel was obedient to declare the word of the Lord over the situation. As he did, the Spirit of God began to move and amazing things happened. Where there was once despair, hope emerged. Where there was only death, life appeared. In what was once a sight of defeat and desolation, an army stood.


Remember God’s word to Jeremiah as he called the young man to be a prophet. “Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “Now, I have put my words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant” (Jer.1:9-10). God’s method is to put his words in the mouths of his people and when they declare that word, he will empower his words to create the very thing that is decreed. God’s original intent was to rule the earth through his representatives to whom he had given authority over the works of his hands (Ps.8). I believe God honors that intent by waiting on those to whom he has given authority to release the word over their rightful dominion before he acts.


Since the Spirit of God lives within every believer, every believer can hear the voice of God speaking to him or her. One of our prime directives should be to listen to God intently to discover the very things he wants us to pray or declare or command over a given situation. We have been taught that prayer is our opportunity to persuade God to do what we want him to do. There is probably a time for that but I’m convinced that the rule of thumb is that we have been placed here to declare the words he puts in our mouths and on our hearts. Jesus is our example and he clearly stated that he only did what he saw the Father doing and only spoke what he heard the Father saying. When we do that, we can have absolute faith that our prayers will be answered.


That doesn’t mean that we never initiate a need or a concern. But after having laid our concern or a crisis before the throne, the best approach would then be to ask the Father how he wants us to pray or what he wants us to say over that situation. I must confess that too often I act as if God is there to represent my interests rather than me being here to represent his.


The truth is that we approach just about every situation or need with a very limited view of all the issues and variables that will affect the outcome. We have no idea of what will transpire six months from the time we decide what should be done in a situation. We usually pray for the easiest road rather than the most beneficial road. We have a very short-term view of life rather than the eternal perspective of the God who has no beginning and no end. It stands to reason then that what he would have us do, pray, or declare would be very superior to what we would try to convince him to do.


All of this is why it is so critical for us to learn to hear the Father and to take time to do so on a daily basis. When he puts his words in our mouth, our prayers and declarations can change entire nations. How much more can they affect the individuals and smaller issues most of us deal with? Paul taught us that “those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God” (Rom.8:14). So what does it mean to be led by the Spirit of God? It simply means that we do and say what the Spirit directs us to do and he tells us what he hears the Father saying. That is what makes us sons and daughters of God. You have heard the expression, “like father, like son.” A true son reflects the father in his words, actions, and motives. A father can be seen in a true son so when we pray or declare what the Father gives us, then we are most like him and accurately represent him on the earth. Let’s listen for him before we pray or declare. It is the way of the prophets and the Son and should be our way as well.