Witches in Church

Some churches are quite comfortable never engaging in spiritual warfare.  They assign the supernatural works of God to no later than the first century and assign demonic activity to the same century.  For these churches, salvation is the forgiveness of sins and the development of good character.  Throw in reasonably good church attendance and occasional tithing and you have the Christian life.  For emotional and physical healing you go to doctors and therapists trained by the world and if you are really spiritual, you go to Christian doctors and therapists who were also trained by the world.  Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted and set captives free.  We send them to clinics.


In many cases, the whole idea of discipleship is simply leading someone to pray the sinner’s prayer and then get him or her to the baptistery.  When that has been accomplished, the work of discipleship is done.  In churches I attended in the past, the sentiment was to shake your hand as you rose from the waters of baptism and then simply  wish you good luck.  Other than serving in the children’s department on Sunday mornings or greeting folks at the door there wasn’t much else.  How exciting.   If you were white, middle class, perhaps, that was sufficient.  When illness or the death of a family member jarred a family’s  world, there was a plethora of casseroles and caring people who took care of the grieving.


But what about the rest of the world?  Who reached out to those molested time and again as children or those defiled in human trafficking rings.  What about those who were abandoned and fell into drugs and heavy sexual addictions to medicate their pain?  What about those who tried to make sense of their pain and find some form of control in their lives and so fell into satanic cults and witches covens looking for power?  Some looked for it the church first but found none,  so they decided to play for the other team. What about those who were seduced by the homosexual culture and fell into lifestyles filled with shame and secrets?


The churches I attended didn’t have many of those folks in the pews because we didn’t know what to do with them and had no power to pull them out of the pain and bondage they were in.  If they came looking, it didn’t take long to know that we might care but we couldn’t help except to encourage them to try the things they had already tried with no lasting success.  Perhaps, we deceived ourselves into believing that those kinds of people were such a small percentage of the population that it didn’t really matter that much and, hopefully, they would find some street ministry run by former gang members or former addicts who could help.


When churches won’t face the reality of Satan still being very active in this world and the reality of demonic oppression and intense spiritual warfare, it does matter. First of all, many of the people already sitting in their pews are racked by demonic oppression and affliction. It is called depression, suicidal tendencies, and anxiety.  Hopefully the drugs will help. The Bible calls these things a spirit of heaviness, a spirit of death, a spirit of fear,and a spirit of bondage. If a spirit is involved, only spiritual warfare will provide a lasting solution.


Francis MacNutt  tells a story of one of those people that Jesus died for who desperately needed help to gain freedom.  She had been involved in a witch’s coven and wanted out. The coven had been desecrating churches and offering blood sacrifices in their rites.  She had approached some church leaders asking for help.  They were not sure if they could even believe her and they offered no help to escape the devil or the coven.  In her anger, she had retaliated against that church.


An interview with the woman went something like the following:


Q:  You told me earlier that one of the reasons you were engaged in the incident was because you were angry with the Church.

A:  Any church.

Q: Where did this anger originate?

A: From their not believing it was real.

Q: And your anger was first directed against (the name of a church)?

A:  Yes.

Q: And the prayer group there?

A:  I wanted to split them up and cause division.

Q: That was three years ago?

A: Yes, and I did.

Q: How did you cause division?

A:  Put thoughts in people’s minds…like, “This stuff isn’t for real.  What’s in it for me? Gossip about each other…not being secretive about each other when they should have been….I directed my anger at church leaders….(she talked bout splitting the leaders and causing one to believe he was homosexual, etc.)

Q: What would you say if someone said you were crazy?

A: I would say, Maybe so, but I know what I’m talking about. If they say I’m crazy, they had better back off, because they are in the line of fire. I know what is real and what isn’t. I know what I’ve been into and they don’t know what they are talking about. If they had seen and felt the power that I have, they wouldn’t be saying that.

Q:  What power do you have?

A: I’d rather not have it.

Q: What power is it?

A: The power of destruction and the power to help.

Q:  The power to help?

A:  The power to help is white magic, the power to destroy is black magic….

A:  So now you want the church to get involved?

Q: I don’t care how they work it out. I want help.  I can’t do it by myself.

(Deliverance from Evil Spirits by Francis MacNutt, p. 64-66)


This woman was in bondage to Satan and she new that the church should be able to help. When they would not or could not, she felt betrayed.  I wonder how many others sitting on our pews or passing through our doors feel betrayed?  If Jesus set people free, shouldn’t his church set people free as well?  If Satanists know that,  why doesn’t his church?  .


As we continue to consider the nature of the demonic realm through the lens of Mark’s gospel, one of the more interesting moments is when the demons enter the herd of swine and they all rush into the water and drown. Mark tells us that after Jesus commanded the demons to leave, they began to plead for mercy. Demons don’t always leave at our first command and some will try to talk you out of the deliverance. Typically they are feigning boldness but are actually terrified of losing their place. Once given permission to enter the herd, destruction quickly followed. If demons look for some kind of body to inhabit, then destroying their hosts seems counter productive because they would be left to wander through arid places again. This suggests what we already know…it is the nature of Satan and his demons to kill, steal, and destroy. They can’t help themselves even if it means looking for another residence.  If you expect anything else from them, you will be mistaken.


They may feign friendship for a while, but in the end they will destroy you.  Demons are glad to bide their time and slowly but progressively take over more of a person’s life.  They often pretend friendship in the beginning and even provide what the host would consider a blessing and a path to happiness – the relationship he or she wanted, financial gain, fame, healing, the promotion, or even the removal of an enemy.  Those who follow demons or worship them as false God’s would not continue to do so unless there were some payoffs in that relationship. Ultimately, however, those spirits will come to collect on the bill and destruction will follow.


The next thing revealed in the account is the immediate change in the man who had been tormented.  Suddenly – within minutes – he is clothed and in his right mind. His problem was not mental illness, but demonic infestation.  All the therapy and drugs in the world would not have set him free.  I’m not saying that all mental illness is demonic but much is and will not bow except to divine weapons.  By the way, where did they get the clothes for the formerly naked demoniac. Some commentators believed that Jesus brought them with him as he already knew the man’s needs.  Mark records that while they were terrified of the storm as they crossed Galilee, Jesus was asleep resting on a pillow or a cushion.  It is possible that the pillow was simply a bag full of clothing that he was carrying for the man that would soon be set free.  Jesus knows every need and can meet every need when suddenly we are separated from the demonic who sometimes has been our provider.


Next we see the response of the people to the healing and restoration of the man. We might have expected them to be excited for the man whose sanity had been restored or to beg Jesus to stay. Surely they had their share of sick and demonized people who needed his touch. Instead, they asked in a demanding way for Jesus to leave immediately.


People fear what they don’t understand and that fear makes them blind to the good they are witnessing.  If you are not used to supernatural moves of God, your response may be fear rather than wonder.  Some people get excited when they see a miracle while others simply get very uncomfortable. They may even ask (or insist) that those who brought the supernatural goodness of God into their midst leave or even declare that the healings or deliverance they are witnessing are of the devil rather than God. That was the response of the Pharisees.


Religious people tend to define what God can do or not do based on their understanding of scripture so that anything outside the fences they have erected is distrusted and dismissed. God certainly will not contradict his word but he doesn’t mind contradicting our understanding of his word. Freedom ministries are not wide spread because they tend to be planted outside of traditional denominational fences even though healing and deliverance helped define the very ministry of Jesus. Our “God in a box” mentality has kept much of the church in bondage for centuries.  I wonder what God will have to say  to those who so zealously protected their box while his sheep remained in bondage?


Finally, as you would expect, the man who had been freed from his bondage by Jesus did not want to leave his side.  I don’t blame him.  I would have been afraid that the former tenants would be looking to return at their first opportunity and I would have assumed that only the presence of Jesus could have kept me free.  Jesus, however, would not let the man get in the boat but simply told him to go and tell others what God had done for him.  We discover the power of testimony in this story.


First, his testimony prepared the soil for Jesus to return at a later time.  On his return to Decapolis months later, crowds would be waiting for him.  The former demoniac did not have a degree in theology but he had a testimony.  But even more than that, the testimony of the man seamed to seal his deliverance. For those set free from Satan, his first attack is nearly always an attempt to persuade the individual that nothing really changed and that the freedom he or she “thought” they had experienced was a deception. If Satan can convince the newly freed believer that he or she is still under his power, then that person will quickly relapse into believing the lies of the enemy and be oppressed again. Testimony not only honors God, but establishes faith in those who hear the testimony as well as in the one who is giving the testimony.


Many churches have a few individuals or couples who minister deliverance in their home or a back room of the church, but their ministry is not mentioned from the pulpit.  Indeed, when is the last time you heard a sermon on demons and deliverance? I know we want to avoid looking weird but the demonic realm, the need for deliverance, and the power of Jesus is not weird…it is a reality that needs to be talked about and testimonies given. Otherwise, thousands of God’s children will never know the freedom Jesus purchased for them.


The question is often asked as to whether we should deliver unbelievers from the power of Satan.  After all, there is some risk involved if the person delivered does not give his life to Jesus.  Remember that Jesus said a demon that had been cast out would return to see if the house (the host) was vacant.  If so, he would return and bring seven others with him more wicked than he was. (Jesus’ words reveal that there are not only levels of authority among demons, but also degrees of wickedness.) This question is probably best decided on a case-by-case basis and the leading of the Spirit.  Not everyone who is delivered will become a follower.  Matthew’s gospel says that there were two demoniacs that Jesus encountered after the storm, but the other gospels mention only one.  I believe that only one was mentioned in the other gospels because that one was known by the church.  He had become a follower of Jesus while the other did not become a follower and simply disappeared into history.  It might be fair to share the benefits and risks of deliverance to an unbeliever before ministering freedom and let him or her decide. Even believers need to be warned to fill up the space left after deliverance with the Spirit of God or they also may be subject to the return of the enemy.


Hopefully, our walk through this account has given you some additional insights into deliverance and the demonic realm or confirmed some things you were already thinking. Dealing with the demonic should be an everyday event in the life of every church as it was with Jesus.  We do not want to become obsessed with the enemy because our obsession should be Jesus.  However, we do need to know his schemes and know how to deal with him as he afflicts those around us.

In his gospel Mark tells a familiar story that can be instructive for us in the ministry of deliverance, so I thought I would make a few observations from the text.  It is a little long for one reading, so I will break it into two parts.


He (Jesus) got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm….They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes. When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an evil spirit came from the tombs to meet him. This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him any more, not even with a chain. For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones.


When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won’t torture me!” For Jesus had said to him, “Come out of this man, you evil spirit!” Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” And he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area. A large herd of pigs was feeding on the nearby hillside. The demons begged Jesus, “Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them.” He gave them permission, and the evil spirits came out and went into the pigs. The herd, about two thousand in number, rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned.


Those tending the pigs ran off and reported this in the town and countryside, and the people went out to see what had happened. When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons, sitting there, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid…Then the people began to plead with Jesus to leave their region. As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed begged to go with him. Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed. Mark 4:39-5:20


As this story opens, Jesus and his disciples were crossing the Sea of Galilee late in the evening.  The topography in that area is such that high winds can funnel through cliffs surrounding the lake and in a moment create hazardous waves or severe thunderstorms can come up quickly and place boats on the water at risk.. On this occasion, all we know is that one of those storms arose quickly so that the boat was taking on water. The disciples were terrified, woke up Jesus, and Jesus rebuked the storm and the waters became peaceful.


One question is why did Jesus decide to leave an area where hundreds were coning to hear him teach and sail five miles across Galilee to an area that had a significant number of non-Jews?  Of course, we could speculate on any number of reasons but Jesus was always so intentional that we can suggest that he crossed Galilee to set the demoniac free.  I have been to Galilee and the interesting thing is that from the place Jesus was teaching, the man for whom he crossed the lake could be heard on a still night as he wailed among the tombs. Compassion, more than likely drove Jesus to make this late evening journey.


With that in mind, we can also speculate that the storm that arose on the lake was demonically inspired. Remember that Satan sent a great storm in from the desert in Job 1:17, which killed the children of Job. Mark also notes that other small boats were traveling with the boat Jesus was in so that they were in danger as well.  Jesus, perhaps, could have miraculously protected his boat from sinking but only stilling the storm would make the others safe.  Sometimes, Satan’s attacks can spawn collateral damage so that others are injured who were not the primary target.


According to Mark’s gospel, Jesus and his disciples beached their boat late in the evening. As soon as they placed their feet on dry ground, the man they had heard screaming across the lake came running to Jesus. The moment had to be eerie.  Here he came naked, dirty, scarred, with pieces of chain hanging from his wrists or ankles.  He undoubtedly smelled like something rotten. Sometimes, when setting people free we will have to deal with things that make us uncomfortable or even disgusting. Vomiting, foul language, disgusting smells, and even bodily discharges may be the price we pay for setting people free.  It goes with the job.


Unexpectedly, the demonized man ran straight to Jesus and the demons began to beg for mercy. Either the demons were compelled to fall at the feet of Jesus because of who he was or there was still just enough of the man left that he sensed Jesus was his last hope. Either way, what we learn immediately is that Jesus has authority over demons. Of course, he had already demonstrated that many times before but not to this extent.  There are clearly levels of demonization revealed in the gospels. In many cases, Jesus cast out a single demon.  Mary Magdalene had seven demons and this man had so many that they identified themselves as legion.  In my experience, demons rarely operate alone but rarely are their hundreds. However, just as a military unit would work together strategically for a common goal, so do demons. The important thing is that whether one or hundreds, they all must bow to the authority of Jesus.


Another thing we see here is that even though he was in the form of a man, Jesus was recognizable in the spiritual realm. In the book of Acts, the demon that the sons of Sceva were trying to cast out in Jesus’ name declared that they knew who Jesus was and knew who Paul was.  We are marked in the spiritual realm as those who belong to Jesus because we are sealed by the Holy Spirit.  Some believers have reputations even among the enemy. If you are a Christian, you are marked. You can’t hide from the enemy so you may as well fight him. And if you are going to fight you should do so with the ferocity that will gain you a reputation among your enemies.


The response of these demons to the presence of Jesus was terror.  That should be the response of any demon to the presence of any follower of Jesus. Authority is the issue in the spiritual realm and Jesus has all authoritywhich he has also delegated to us. They asked Jesus if he had come to torture them before the appointed time. They begged him not to do so. Demons often speak through their hosts.  Sometimes they are threatening and at other times they just keep asserting their right of ownership over the person. Dialoguing with demons is typically not productive because they are liars and expert manipulators.  Any dialogue should probably be kept to a minimum. In addition, demons apparently know that judgment is coming and that their fate is sealed by the blood of Christ. They fear the end but their inescapable nature is still to kill, steal, and destroy. Their next plea was for Jesus not to send them out of the area or the region. This confirms that demons are given territorial assignments and are afraid of failing at those assignments.


It also becomes apparent in this account that these spirits are in search of some kind of body to inhabit – preferably human – but an animal will do. ( Yes – that cat may be possessed after all).  Jesus said that when a spirit comes out of a man he wanders through arid places seeking rest (Matt.12:43).The word translated as “rest” mean to cease striving. That suggests that a demon’s very assignment is to inhabit a body, not just wander around on the earth.  Because of that, these spirits are constantly trying to gain entrance. Therefore, we must guard our hearts and our thoughts so that we do not provide an open door for the enemy.


Interestingly, Jesus did not destroy these demons or send them to hell or the abyss as some deliverance ministries do.   It seems that the world would be a better place if we could assign demons to hell where they could no longer roam the earth, but Jesus did not.  Our practice is to send them to the feet of Jesus for his judgment. Perhaps, they still play some part in God’s purposes or the wickedness of man gives them a right to remain on the earth until Jesus returns. At any rate, Jesus allowed Legion to enter a herd of pigs where chaos ensued!

More Next Week



For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.  2 Corinthians 10:3-6


This is a very well known passage from the writings of Paul, but I’m not sure how many Christians actually know how to use divine weapons or even know what they are.  The Greek word translated as stronghold is an ancient  military term that means a fortified place.  A fortified place implies that someone has intentionally built up defenses to protect something. Strongholds, as Paul uses the term, are well established belief systems deep within us that are opposed to God’s truth.  In the context of Paul’s writing, these strongholds or belief systems actively argue against God’s truth.


The word translated as pretensionmeans anything that arrogantly sets itself up above the word of God.  Anything that wants to exalt itself above God or his word is demonic.  Isaiah, speaking of Satan said, “How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’ But you are brought down to the grave, to the depths of the pit” (Isa. 14:12-15). The word translated as demolishcan also mean “to dethrone.”  These strongholds are built and reinforced by Satan and contain thoughts that always want to argue against and exalt themselves above God’s truth.


Undoubtedly, each of us has to contend with some measure of strongholds in our life.  We are constantly bombarded by the belief systems of the world from childhood as we listen to television, read books, attend secular schools, pick up the strongholds of our parents, etc.  On top of that, we have experiences that establish beliefs about ourselves, God, and life in general and act as filters for every subsequent experience we have. For instance, an abused child will walk away from that abuse believing that something is so defective in him or her that they cannot be loved. Why else would a parent treat them that way? An abandoned child may grow up believing that, sooner or later, everyone they love will leave them.  Others will grow up in homes where whatever they did was “never good enough” and so will always struggle with feelings of incompetence and fears of failing.  Others will experience some disappointment and walk away believing that God doesn’t hear their prayers. These strongholds begin as some childhood conclusion we draw from a hurtful experience but then Satan reinforces those beliefs that oppose God’s truth.


Each of those strongholds will limit a person in life and in relationships. Each of those strongholds produces beliefs contrary to the word of God when it comes to those who are born again and have a destiny in Christ. God says he will never leave us or forsake us.  He tells us that we are more than conquerors in Jesus Christ and that nothing can separate us from his love.  He tells us that he has made us competent and that we can do all things through Jesus.  He tells us that whatever we ask for in the name of Jesus that is aligned with his word will get his full hearing. As long as we have persistent thoughts that are not aligned with God’s truth, strongholds exist that war against and argue against our faith and our obedience.


When believers hear these scriptures enough, they come to believe them on an intellectual level but may not believe them in their hearts.  They tend to believe them for others but not themselves or always have a “Yes, but…” response when called on to believe a promise enough to act on it.


Those belief systems that are buried deep within us are reinforced by the demonic realm at every opportunity.  In the parable of the sower, Satan comes to steal the seed which represents the word of God before it can put down roots and bear fruit. When strongholds exist, the enemy will provide any number of reasons not to believe God’s truth when it is offered. Because these strongholds are places fortified by the lies of the enemy as he operates in the spiritual realm, it takes divine weapons to dismiss the demons that keep rebuilding the walls of those lies and divine weapons to destroy the stronghold.


Counseling and therapies that do not engage the enemy on a spiritual playing field will not be able to truly demolish these spiritual fortifications.  We may learn to manage our issues to some degree or learn coping skills, but that is far from freedom and victory over the issue.  Most churches still send their members out to counselors who do not believe in or have skills in spiritual warfare, although Paul clearly says our struggles are not against flesh and blood but spiritual powers. Even churches that have counselors on staff, typically have counselors who were trained in secular approaches to counseling.  They may pray and offer a scripture but do not know how to confront the enemy and exercise authority to break these strongholds. Because of that, only a small percentage of Christ’s body actually walks in the full freedom that Jesus has purchased for them.


Divine weapons include Spirit-led counseling, the spiritual gifts of discernment, healings, wisdom, revelation, deliverance, prayer, hearing God, and so forth. If you think about it, most strongholds are established as a result of some intense experience or trauma.  Most life-altering transformations also occur as a result of an experience with God –  Moses at the burning bush, Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus, the apostles seeing the resurrected Christ and experiencing the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, Gideon watching an angel ascend in flames, the servant of Elisha seeing chariots of fire all around him, Jewish neighbors seeing Lazarus emerge from his tomb and so forth.  Divine weapons allow us to experience the presence and power of God so that strongholds are discredited, demolished, and them replaced by the truth that comes through encounters with God. It often takes an experience with God to overwrite what we have believed because of an experience with Satan.


In addition, a huge part of destroying strongholds is offering obedience in every part of our life.  Many believers don’t experience freedom because they withhold slices of their lives from God and do not willingly submit to him in the areas of relationships, giving, entertainment, forgiveness, addictions, and so forth.  Each area that remains “unsubmitted” to Jesus is an open door for the enemy to come in and rebuild the very fortifications they are trying to tear down. Paul says, “we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete” (2 Cor. 10:5).  In other words, when we have submitted all of our life to Jesus, then those who oppose us in the spiritual realm and the natural realm will be punished or caused to suffer by God. When we are obedient, demons can be driven out and the strongholds they have defended can be torn down.


I would venture to say that nearly every believer has some stronghold that remains within him or her – myself included. So many strongholds have been with us for so long that we don’t even recognize them.  They seem like a natural part of who we are and the enemy has provided numerous justifications for our beliefs that don’t line up with the Word.


Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any strongholds that exist so that divine weapons can be applied and the stronghold torn down. In its own way, every stronghold is a form of bondage though we may not recognize it is that.  A stronghold is simply a slice of our thought life that has been taken captive by Satan.  Our goal should to surrender every thought to Jesus because surrendering to Jesus truly brings freedom.  An essential part of deliverance is discovering these strongholds and pulling them down. Giving some serious thought to our personal strongholds on a regular basis is also essential to becoming all that he wants us to be.


In my last two blogs I laid out the biblical background for the spirit of python which seems to be encountered much more frequently now by deliverance ministries than it was even 20 years ago. This proliferation has most likely been brought on by the emergence of new age practices since the 60’s as well as the growth of satanic organizations and witchcraft in America.  Many Americans dabble in the occult without knowing the dangers or are exposed to it in unintended ways. How many of us when we were young played with Ouija boards, went to palm readers, or participated in séances at sleepovers thinking it was all fun and games?  This spirit can also be passed on generationally from grandparents who practiced white magic or who were involved in Masonic organizations decades ago.  Remember that python is a spirit of divination or witchcraft (Acts 16) which manifests in numerous ways.  The spirit of python can manifest in prophecy, communicating with the dead, and healing at times.  That was the draw at Delphi in the days of Paul.


I want to talk about some of those manifestations in this blog so that you can recognize what you are dealing with in those to whom you may be ministering.  In deliverance, knowing the name of a spirit is much more effective than simply calling out some unclean spirit.


Today, there are those who are demonized by this spirit who prophecy, provide spiritual counseling, speak to the dead, and even heal in the name of Christianity. Often, these individuals manifest uncontrolled jerking and shaking and claim they are under the influence of the Holy Spirit.  This may take some discernment, but as John said, we are to test the spirits because not every spirit is of God.


Those who are impressed by their prophecies and physical manifestations may seek an impartation of the gifts they believe they are witnessing and will receive not only a “gift” but the spirit of python as well.  The spirit is usually a source of significant income for those who allow it to work through them. Prayer, discernment and an observation of the fruit of that person’s ministry may be needed to determine if this spirit and the gifts are from God or not.  This spirit will seem to be a source of blessing at first so that people may believe that God is blessing them, but at some point that spirit will come to collect the bill for services rendered. Jesus has paid the bill for those who serve him, but Satan always comes to collect.


Those who are simply being afflicted by this spirit will exhibit some other manifestations.  Remember that python slowly squeezes the life out of people, organizations, and ministries.  For instance, if a once vibrant Christian has slowly lost his/her passion for the kingdom of God and has become apathetic towards prayer and ministry, this person may be under attack from this spirit.   This usually happens gradually rather than because of some traumatic event so that the person himself cannot explain the loss of passion. If a ministry or business seems to have stalled out with no further growth, even though everyone is still working hard and doing the right things, a python spirit may be coiled around the business or ministry restricting its ability to expand.


On a physical level, breathing disorders (asthma, COPD, chronic pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.) that doesn’t respond well to treatment or that keeps reoccurring may be an indicator of this spirit as his coils try to suffocate his victims.  We did a house cleansing recently where two of the family members had been plagued by breathing problems for several weeks.  Medications had not helped.  The Holy Spirit showed us that a python spirit was in the house so we commanded it to leave.  By the following day, the breathing problems cleared up. Skin problems may also become evident and reflect the molting of skin that a serpent goes through.


This spirit, because it is a spirit of witchcraft, may also manifest in perverse sexual drives and practices. Many pagan religions and cults through the centuries have had very sexualized rituals that included temple prostitutes (male and female), as well as public fertility rights, etc.  Some deliverance ministries suggest that this spirit may manifest in teenage women as a desperation or compulsion to get pregnant by any means and by anyone.


As you begin the deliverance process, you should have the person to whom you are ministering repent of any and all occult involvement for himself or his bloodline and to renounce all forms of witchcraft and divination. He or she should also agree to get rid of any objects in their house related to witchcraft in any form…jewelry, books, movies, music, souvenirs from overseas, even native American artifacts, etc.


When you begin to command this spirit to leave a person, you may find that it does not leave immediately or easily. Not only will it be coiled around a person but may be biting that person as well to maintain a hold.  You should command it not only to uncoil but also forbid it from biting. Often this spirit will hiss at those ministering deliverance and boast that the person belongs to him. On occasion, we have seen people sway like a serpent or fall on the floor and writhe like a snake. Those who are being delivered may complain of difficulty in breathing or pressure on their chest. You should forbid the spirit from restricting the person’s breathing or placing pressure on the chest as you continue to command it to leave.  You may also call on angels to cage this serpent or for the Holy Spirit to restrain the serpent.  You may also want to use the sword of the Spirit on the head of the serpent, as that is typically the best way to rid yourself of a snake.


Sometimes a snake gets in because the spiritual, hedges or walls around the person have fallen into disrepair. Ask the Lord to rebuild those walls and then make sure the person to whom you are ministering knows how to maintain the walls or hedges of protection with time in the word and prayer. As always, we need to keep in mind that not everything is a demon, but we need to be one to the possibility and be ready to minister deliverance when the Holy Spirit points us in that direction.  Hopefully, this has been helpful.






Last week I introduced the topic of the spirit of divinationfrom Acts 16 and the Greek background of this spirit that the people of the day called Python.  Spirits with names like these tend to take on the qualities of the animal whose name they share.  The python and other constrictors do not kill by venom but instead squeeze the life out of their victims very often suffocating them before crushing them.  This is a very subtle and yet powerful animal and the spirit of python is as well…often taking its time to crush the spiritual life out of its victims.


Just as the serpent in the Garden drew Adam and Eve away from God’s truth, this serpent will do the same. Once we have been drawn away from God’s truth we become easy targets for other spirits to join in the attack.  Because of the subtle strategies of these serpent spirits, it is imperative that God’s people know the Word of God because it is the only plumb line of truth by which we can objectively measure what is aligned or misaligned with God in the church or in our own lives.


John tells us, “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God” (1 Jn.4:1).  He is warning the church because these spirits will try to establish areas of influence in the church.  I can certainly tell you that over the past 25 years, the hunger to study the Word of God in many churches has been quenched. It is quoted and referred to but rarely truly studied in our day. The truth is that we have churches full of smart but biblically illiterate people who read spiritual books but not the Word, who go where they feel good, and who seek spiritual experiences that are not tested against biblical truth.  I am all for connecting with God emotionally and for spiritual experiences, but they must be tested and can only be tested by the Word and the Holy Spirit who always lines up with the word.  Knowing fragments of truth from the Bible without having some sort of overall understanding of God’s will and God’s ways is like having sections of a protective wall erected but with huge gaps in the middle through which the enemy can easily enter.


Paul warns us in his letter to the Thessalonians that, “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved (2 Thess. 2:9-10).  These spirits that are infiltrating the church will do impressive signs and wonders.  They will be counterfeit not because they are cheap tricks but because the source is not the true God.  If our theology is based on experiences only, we will be easily drawn to power without a filter to know whether we are being taught the truth or led away.


Should we then ban signs and wonders to avoid deception?  No. People are seeking these alternative forms of faith because they are looking for power, healing, prophecy, and so forth that they have not found in their churches.  Spiritual gifts, including the more miraculous gifts, are given for building up the church and must be exercised, perhaps, more now than ever if the church is to be strong and flourish.  We can’t abandon miracles and power to the enemy. We need to do them authentically and biblically…while teaching our people how to test the spirit behind them to see if they are from God.  Paul warned Timothy of this infiltration when he said, “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron” (1 Tim.4:1-2).


Just as the owners of the slave girl in Acts 16 were motivated  by money, influence and power, those who teach doctrines of demons will probably be motivated by the same things. We must be careful with our judgments however because everyone with disagree with is not a false prophet.  Unfortunately, you can go on YouTube right now and find dozens of preachers pointing the finger at other preachers for declaring the doctrines of demons. Typically, they are accusing men whom they have never met nor had a personal conversation with. They don’t know the fruits of their lives or ministries first hand. Division ion the church is one of Satan’s greatest weapons and sometimes we join right in.


Since a large part of the Christian church remains relatively uninformed about spiritual warfare, strategies of Satan, and demonic activity…how will they perceive and combat these doctrines of demons as those presenting them will come presenting themselves as enlightened Christians open to the new things of God? God certainly does new things but they are never contrary to his written word or character.  I think in many ways the break down of denominationalism and allegiances to one slice of the church is a good thing that can lead to unity, but I also believe that because of those break downs and people drifting from church to church or watching the electronic church, they don’t know what they believe and that makes them easy pray for the demonic.


My prayer is that God’s people will get serious again about Bible study, knowing what they believe and why, and will get serious about spiritual warfare in the church because the spirit of python and a multitude of other spirits are still alive on planet earth.  Too often we want to run to the gifts, run to the power, start the healing or deliverance without truly grounding ourselves in the Word. We should not be afraid because he that is in us is greater than anything hell can send our way but we do need to be equipped to fight…more than ever.  Knowing the Word is our first line of defense.  Knowing how to use the Word is just as important because it is the sword of the Spirit.


Next Week – specific indicators of a python spirit and how to pray against it.




We are living in a schizophrenic age in America where materialism abounds, atheism is trending, and science is seen as the great savior of mankind.  At the same time there has probably never been a greater hunger for the supernatural – psychic hotlines, Kundalini yoga, Wicca, spitiual healing clinics, and movies of all kinds about the paranormal, sorcery, and the living dead. On one hand, we deny the reality of the spiritual realm while at the same time being immensely fascinated by the realm we say we don’t believe in. This hunger and fascination confirms that a material world will only satisfy human longings  to a point, then we compulsively look for something more.


There is real danger in all of this because uniformed Christians are being drawn into hybrids of Christianity and occult practices such as psychic counseling, yoga, reiki healing, eastern philosophies, and eastern forms of meditation. . Many believers are being told that there is no harm in these forms of exercise, counseling, meditation and spiritual healing and that God is blessing it all.  Much of the yoga and spiritual healing forms talk about energy rather than spirits, but these ancient forms of exercise, meditation and healing have been designed to open the doors to spirits that were pursued in pagan rituals. Christians are seeking these “new” forms without understanding the door they are opening for demonic spirits.  Just because a session opens with a prayer in the name of Jesus, does not mean that everything that occurs after that is from the Father.


In Acts 16:13-18, there is an interesting account of Paul being followed by a young slave girl who was controlled by a spirit of divination while he preached in Philippi.  The text says, “Once when we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit by which she predicted the future. She earned a great deal of money for her owners by fortune-telling.  This girl followed Paul and the rest of us shouting, ‘These men are servants of the most high God, who are telling you the way to be saved.’  She kept this up for many days.  Finally, Paul became so troubled that he turned around and said to the spirit, ‘In the name of Jesus I command you to come out of her!’  At that moment the spirit left her.”  Of course, trouble soon followed because the money she had been making for her owners was suddenly cut off.  The text raises some interesting question and provides some valuable insights for believers today in this areas of Christian/occult hybrids.


First of all, the spirit in the girl was a spirit of divination.  It could predict the future, at least to a great enough degree that people believed it was authentic. The Greek word for the spirit is “pythona.” Today it is often referred to as a python spirit and we are seeing more and more of this spirit in deliverance and house cleansing sessions. Jesus spoke of spirits taking that form in Luke 10 where he said,. “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”  This spirit takes on the qualities and strategies of a python and just as a python in the natural realm wants to crush the breath out of its victims, this spiritual python wants to crush God’s breath, the Holy Spirit, out of its victims.


The Greeks believed  that a great serpent or dragon called Python had once protected a hill with an opening into the earth at Delphi. In Greek  mythology, Apollo had killed the serpent and dumped his body into an open crevice where it continued to rot for centuries.  Delphi, in southern Greece, became a center for prophecy, healing, and fortune telling.  People would travel from all over that part of the world to get a word from the priestess of Delphi called Pythia and pay her lots of money for the privilege.. She would essentially sit over a fissure in the ground and breath fumes that placed her in an ecstatic state during which the “spirit of python” was supposed to speak through her.  The fumes were thought to be from the rotting corpse of the great serpent as his spirit still inhabited the place.  Girls like the one in Acts 16 were thought also to be under the influence of the ancient spirit called Python.


This spirit is identified as a demonic spirit in Acts 16, posing as a spirit of prophecy or fortune-telling. Notice that the spirit first arrived as Paul and his company were going out to pray.  One of the strategies of this spirit is to distract us from developing an intimate relationship with God though prayer. This spirit will crush or dampen our desire to pray and spend personal time with the Lord.  He will also offer an array of distractions.


Secondly, serpents are known for their cunning and stealth. In Genesis 3, we are told that the serpent was more crafty that any of the other animals God had made. He was crafty enough to seduce Adam and Eve into rebellion against the commands of God.  This spirit is subtle and invades a life or home slowly so that its target is almost unaware of its movement.


In Philippi, this serpent spirit said all the right things as he declared that Paul and his company were men of God and were showing people how to be saved.  Why would a demonic spirit even do that? In doing so, he was deceptively associating himself with Christ in the minds of those who heard Paul’s preaching. Because he seemed to be aligning himself with Paul, it was possible that those who would seek to follow Jesus might assume that it was the Holy Spirit speaking through the girl rather than a demonic spirit.  In that way, after Paul left to preach in another city, he could lead many believers astray under the guise of being a spirit sent by God.  That is exactly what is happening in these hybrid Christian/Eastern religious practices that are being adopted by believers.


It’s curious that Paul put up with the girl for “many days,” but eventually, troubled in his spirit, he cast out the demon. Perhaps, he knew that when he did set her free, there would be a huge uproar in the city that would then prevent him from continuing to preach the gospel there, and that is exactly what happened. The point is that demonic spirits can say the right things and appear to be aligned with God while they find ways to infiltrate the church and the lives of individual believers.   Pythons and other constrictors can slowly approach a victim that is not paying attention and then slowly squeeze the life out of that victim little by little.  When the victim recognizes he is in danger, it is too late to escape the coils of the snake. Satan has done that to many believers through the centuries.  There is a “new age” Christianity that is gaining traction that will be a hybrid of Christianity and the occult, but will all be presented as offering new spiritual pathways  to God. These spirits may even manifest in prophecy and healing today as they did at Delphi two thousand years ago. This spirit seems to be one of the most active spirits in the European and American church today. So, how doe we indeed notify it and what do we do after that?  We will talk about those indicators and solutions in Part 2 next week.

Clearly, not every obstacle in life is a demonic attack.  Jesus said that in this world we will have trouble.  But Paul also said that we should not be unaware of the devil’s schemes.  Here are some indicators that you or others may be under spiritual attack if these conditions are prolonged.  (Adapted from a teaching  by Jentezen Franklin as well as some additions of my own).

The devil is most effective when these conditions come on us slowly so that we begin to feel that they are arising out of natural conditions. If we were to experience these things suddenly, we would probably see it as spiritual attach.  When these things creep up on us over a period of months, we begin to think it is just our “new normal” and begin to simply live with it rather than fight it.


  1. Your spiritual passion and desires have subsided. You find yourself without the desire to read the Word, pray, worship, attend church, or even serve in your calling without any appare reason.  You are marked by apathy and indifference and can’t seem to shake it.
  2. You are experiencing a season of physical and emotional exhaustion even though you are being reasonably responsible toward your health. Maybe you are experiencing lingering illnesses that are not clearly diagnosed and for which treatments have not been affective.or that treatments have not been affective
  3. You are experiencing a “lack attack” in which everything is breaking down at once or one thing right after another, unexpected expenses keep draining your accounts, unexpected job loss, etc.
  4. You experience constant disruptions and distractions when you try to pray.
  5. You are in a prolonged season of feeling overwhelmed by your circumstances and feelings of hopelessness are beginning to creep in.
  6. Old iniquities and temptations begin to surface again that you have not had to deal with for months or years. The enemy will attack from the last place he had success in your life.
  7. You find yourself pulling away from godly people in your life and feel drawn to people who aren’t committed to Jesus or old friends who are not believers. You find yourself becoming cynical and critical of the church and you are having thoughts that life before Jesus was better than life with Jesus
  8. You find yourself being drawn to things of the world more than things of the kingdom…not things that are sin in themselves but sports, recreation, travel, hobbies, etc. so that those things are getting much more time and attention than the Lord.

When these things are going on you should suspect that you are under demonic attack.  When you sense an attack, take action.

  • Have others stand and pray with you. See Ecc.4:12 / Lev.26:7-8 / Matt. 18:19 / James 5:16
  • Remember that you have been made to outlast the storm because you stand on The Rock.
  • Remember who you are in Jesus. Return to confessing your identity.
  • Begin to confess victory again and speak the word of God over your life.
  • Exercise your authority over demons and circumstances. Luke 10:19
  • Get mad at the devil not at God. God’s plan is to bless you while the enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy.

In my last blog I talked about the dangers of compromise in our spiritual lives.  I referenced Solomon in that blog but I think he deserves a closer look than we were able to give him then.


By all accounts, Solomon stunned the world as the King of Israel.  His wealth, his wisdom, his knowledge, and his strategies were legendary even in his own day. He was the son of King David and God had promised David that there would always be one of his descendants on the throne of Israel as long as those descendants followed the commands of God. When Solomon was a young king, he experienced a visitation from God who told him he would grant whatever request he offered.  In a moment of brilliance, Solomon asked for wisdom to rule God’s people.  Because he asked for wisdom rather than wealth, power, or long life, God graciously promised him all those things as well as wisdom.  In a sense, the words of Jesus were fulfilled that if we seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, all the other things needful for life will be given to us.


Solomon began his reign in a stellar fashion.  He secured the kingdom from his enemies, he built the magnificent temple for God that his father David had envisioned, and he built his own palace that amazed all who saw it.  His wisdom was known throughout the Middle East and other kings came or sent envoys just to ask him questions.  God gave him victory in every battle and eventually peace on his borders.


One famous visitor was the Queen of Sheba who said, “The report I heard in my own country about your achievements and your wisdom is true. But I did not believe these things until I came and saw with my own eyes. Indeed, not even half was told me; in wisdom and wealth you have far exceeded the report I heard. How happy your men must be! How happy your officials, who continually stand before you and hear your wisdom! Praise be to the Lordyour God, who has delighted in you and placed you on the throne of Israel. Because of the Lord’s eternal love for Israel, he has made you king, to maintain justice and righteousness” (1 Kings 10:6-9).  She was amazed at everything she saw and, as it should be, his giftedness directed her to give glory to his God.


Solomon surpassed every expectation that anyone could have ever imagined for his reign.  And yet, he died as a failure. The text says, “King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women… They were from nations about which the Lordhad told the Israelites, “You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods.” Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love. He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray. As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lordhis God, as the heart of David his father had been. He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molech the detestable god of the Ammonites. So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the Lord; he did not follow the Lordcompletely, as David his father had done. On a hill east of Jerusalem, Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the detestable god of Moab, and for Molech the detestable god of the Ammonites. He did the same for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and offered sacrifices to their gods.  The Lordbecame angry with Solomon because his heart had turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice. Although he had forbidden Solomon to follow other gods, Solomon did not keep the Lord’s command” (1 Kings 11:1-10).


The question for us becomes, “How could the wisest man in history who had two personal visitations from the Lord and who knew well the promise that God had made to David about faithful sons, lose his way?”


First of all, Solomon asked for wisdom to rule Israel.  That may not be the same as spiritual wisdom.  We can ask God to give us wisdom for business, creativity for the entertainment industry, a best selling book, a mind for science, and many other things that will advance us in this world, but spiritual wisdom to know how things operate in the heavenly realm can be another thing. One type of wisdom is tied to the affairs of this world while the other is tied to the eternal realm.  The silence and submission that promoted Jesus in heaven, got him crucified on earth.


Secondly, years of amazing success and people bowing before you can cause anyone to forget God…I don’t care who you are. Somewhere in Solomon a seed of self-sufficiency and pride was planted, watered and grew.  The time came when he didn’t fear God or see him as the only true and living God.  Many great spiritual men have fallen because they became “stars” and “celebrities” within the church.  They believed their own press and refused to be accountable to others.  David made some huge mistakes but he still had men and prophets who would speak into his life to warn him and even confront him. Solomon seemed to have no one who could speak to him.


Thirdly, he eventually surrounded himself with unbelieving wives which opened the door to Solomon himself being demonized to the extent that he worshipped the most perverse of the pagan Gods…even those to whom children were sacrificed. The word of God clearly prohibited taking foreign wives and making foreign alliances. And yet, Solomon ignored those laws.  Paul declares the same for us in 2 Corinthians 6 when he commands us not to be yoked together with unbelievers.  Solomon had a weakness for women but excused it and fed it until it consumed him.


We need to be honest with ourselves about our weaknesses and vulnerabilities and we need to build guardrails around ourselves in those areas with prayer, confession, and accountability to some people we trust and respect.  These people must always have our permission to ask questions and give correction when needed.


To excuse, minimize, or justify those weaknesses is an open door to the enemy and if we play the game long enough, we will be deceived.  I am certain Solomon himself fell into that trap. I’m sure he didn’t give into the pleadings of his foreign wives at first.  He most likely tried to evangelize them and point out the greatness of his God for years.  But if we surround ourselves with unbelievers long enough, they will inevitably wear us down and we will be drawn to their way of life…little by little…. but drawn, all the same. One good apple placed in a barrel with rotten apples, will not make them healthy, but the one placed there will become rotten as well. Jesus hung out with sinners as ministry, but surrounded himself with those seeking God the rest of the time.


I’m also confident that Solomon’s wealth and success convinced him that God was all right with his foreign wives and foreign alliances.  That can be the danger of success and we all need to be aware of that danger. God is longsuffering, but his patience should not always be taken as approval.  We need spiritual wisdom to know the difference.


So pray for spiritual wisdom more than wisdom to succeed in this world. Be honest with your vulnerabilities and build guardrails for yourself including some who know what is going on in your life. Watch your relationships with unbelievers and do not open the door for the enemy.  If you find one open, shut it because even Solomon in all his glory finished his life as a failure.




For God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7


A spirit of fear is one of the most pernicious spirits in the demonic realm.  We have all heard the axiom that fear is the opposite of faith and if faith produces peace, this fear produces inner turmoil.  Fear, phobias, and anxiety are almost epidemic in America – even among believers.  In a country where we should feel more secure than any other place in the world, our people are full of fear.


Fear is a natural response to danger and often is quite appropriate.  If you are walking through a West Texas field or canyon and hear a distinct rattle, fear is a very appropriate response. It stops you in your tracks, heightens every sense, and usually produces the good judgment to back up slowly.


But fear that becomes a resident in your life is not appropriate.  It robs you of peace, confidence, and a future because you fear moving into the future. It may make you timid and prompt you to stay in the shadows or it may make you an aggressive controller who only feels safe when you are in charge and telling everyone around you what to do. It is the source of worry that Jesus counsels against in Matthew 6.  It robs us of joy, of relationships, and eventually our health.  We often give into it, medicate it, and excuse it because we don’t know what else to do.


The phrase “Don’t be afraid” or “Fear not” is sprinkled throughout the scriptures. If fear were not so prevalent in the human race, God would not have said it so often.  Our first look at fear came immediately after Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden.  They covered themselves and hid.  They were clearly afraid because they were suddenly aware of their nakedness and clearly believed at some level that the love and care of their father had been suddenly removed.  They feared punishment and the prospect of becoming orphans in a dangerous world.


Our current epidemic of fear is based on the same assumptions.  Somewhere in our lives, we had an experience that left us believing that either there is no God and we are on our own in a dangerous world or that God exists, but he is angry or detached, or powerless and we are still on our own in a world that wants to hurt us.   The spirit of fear and an orphan spirit always work together.  One whispers that no one cares for us or is looking out for us and the other prompts us to worry, seek control, and live with a generalized fear (anxiety) that disaster and loss is always in the pipeline.


God speaks to that over and over and the cure is simply faith that God will never leave us nor forsake us (Heb. 13:5). When Moses encountered God at the burning bush, Moses was afraid to return to Egypt. He made every excuse possible for his unwillingness to obey God’s call. God’s consistent answer was that He would go with Moses. God’s presence would ensure his protection and provision. He promised the same to Israel and he promises the same to us.  There are hundreds of such promises in the Bible. The question is whether we will believe them.


Anxiety gets down to what we truly believe about God. Do we believe that he exists? Do we believe that he is good and that he cares about us?  Do we believe that he is willing to involve himself in our lives as our daily bread?  Do we believe he is powerful so that he cam provide our every need and overcome the enemy’s attacks in our life?


We could list all kinds of reasons that we might find it hard to overcome our human experiences and trust God when we have never met anyone else who would not eventually let us down.  But the truth is that we must come to believe God if we are going to live without fear.  That is where a spirit of fear operates.  He whispers that God can’t be trusted.  He whispers that God was there for us in the past but we can’t count on him in the future.  He whispers that God is there for other believers but not for us because we are too defective, too perverse, and too unbelieving.  He simply whispers that, like others, when we need God the most, he won’t be there for us. Not only that but he pervades the airwaves.  The news and the talk shows are full of fear that we are always on the edge of extinction and catastrophe.  When we watch or listen to the pundits, we absorb the fear from our environment. We feel as if the problem is so big or so pervasive that even God can’t deliver us.


So…how do we come to believe God…not just at an intellectual level but in our hearts as well?  How do come to believe that he exists, he loves us, he wants to be actively involved in every second of our lives, and that he is an all-powerful Father who wants the best for us? How do we come to believe that when we have experienced trauma, loss, and betrayal in this life more than once and wonder where was this powerful, loving God when I lost my spouse or my child or contracted MS? I will share some thoughts on all of that in my next blog.