Weapons of War

At our church we are kicking off the winter round of Free Indeed which is the core of our Freedom Ministries.  It is an eight-week study of the transforming power of the gospel of the kingdom of heaven, who we are as followers of Jesus, and spiritual weapons that bring healing and freedom from the oppression of the enemy.  It’s followed by an experiential weekend of healing and deliverance.  We typically have sixty to eighty participants each time we offer Free Indeed. The curriculum used in Free Indeed was the core material from which Born to Be Free was written.


One of our key texts in the study is from Paul’s second letter to the Corinthian church.


For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (2 Cor.10:3-6)


As we start off a new year I would like to spend several blog entries exploring this important passage.  Paul begins with a statement that simply assumes that Christians live in a state of war. Of course, this echoes his letter to the Ephesians in which he says that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of darkness against which we must take a stand.  In that text he suggests that we need to put on the armor of God every day because we exist in a state of war.


I’ve often mentioned the fact that Adam turned over the dominion God had given him to Satan but with the coming of the second Adam, the Messiah, the kingdom of God was re-established on the earth with a mandate to take back everything that had been stolen by the enemy.   The blood of Christ cancelled any legal claim that the enemy had on the earth so the only thing left was to forcibly evict him from the property.  When Jesus launched his own invasion of the earth, war broke out. We push back the lines of darkness primarily by rescuing captives and establishing the kingdom of God in their hearts.


Of course, Satan does not simply sit and watch his kingdom dissolve. He fights back.  The gates of hell will not prevail against Christ and his church but the enemy doesn’t go away quietly.  In this war, Satan engages every believer on an individual basis in an attempt to kill, steal and destroy.  Some days we hardly sense any interference from the enemy while on other days we experience a full-scale assault against us, our family, and the culture in which we live.  Make no mistake, you have parachuted into enemy territory and he is not only giving up ground grudgingly but is often trying to retake ground he has lost – even in your life.


To ignore the fact that, as a believer, you are at war is perilous.  At the beginning of World War II, certain European nations believed that they had made peace or were in a neutral position with Germany. They simply woke up one day to hear the roar of Nazi tanks in the city streets and the click of hobnail boots on their sidewalks. In there desire to avoid war they ignored the realities around them and rather than mobilize for war they simply woke up as prisoners of the Third Reich.


Paul, then, wants us all to know that we exist in a state if war and should live as soldiers who train, prepare, arm themselves, and take ground or defend ground as it is needed.  The most important things he says, however, is that the weapons of this world are ineffective against spiritual forces.  Jesus has made divine weapons available to us and those weapons are empowered by the same power that raised Jesus from the dead.

The church, in recent years, has too often tried to accomplish Christ’s mission on the earth with worldly weapons. The core of the mission is stated in Luke 4 which is quoted from Isaiah 61.  The mission is to preach good news, heal broken hearts, and set captives free. Many churches have accepted the mission but have armed themselves poorly to accomplish it.


First of all, it requires the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach good news” (Isa.61:1). A huge chunk of the church has maintained a very limited view of the Holy Spirit and of his anointing on God’s people. In fact, much of the church has adopted a view that desires the Holy Spirit to act in the context of the ordinary rather than the extraordinary or the miraculous.  Instead of going to war with assault rifles and tanks, the church goes to war with BB guns.


In addition, in a effort to fulfill Christ’s mission of healing broken hearts and setting people free from bondage, the church has run to the self-help section of the bookstore and brought into the church weapons of the world – psychology, twelve-step programs, and counselors trained in secular schools.  Each of these offers a level of help and because there is some improvement the church has assumed that “some improvement” is God’s best. In many cases we have simply tried to anoint the weapons of the world with a prayer and some bible verses but that hardly does it.


Divine weapons require working from an entirely different paradigm and require very different strategies. The New Testament does not paint a picture of people coming to Christ and achieving “some improvement.”  What we see is rebirth, radical transformation, and new creations. That goes way beyond “some improvement.”  Divine weapons can take you there. Weapons of the world can only take you part of the way.


In my next blog we will begin to discuss the concept of strongholds and how divine weapons bring down the enemy even when he has maintained a strong position in the past.  Be blessed and remember that He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world!



If you have never read “The Jesus I Never Knew” by Philip Yancey, I really recommend it.  It was written in 1995 but it is as fresh today as it was then.  In his book, Yancey describes the Jesus he met in Sunday School as a child. He was tender, carried little lambs in his arms, and was quite unaffected by the world around him.  He seemed to walk through life with an otherworldly look in his eyes (Hollywood version) being untouched as he moved toward the cross. Yancey later discovered a very different Jesus in the gospels and so wrote his book.


In the second chapter of John, the apostle records the moment when Jesus entered the temple courts in Jerusalem just before the Passover.  As he entered, he found dozens of merchants selling animals to travelers for the sacrifices that would be required for the Passover rituals.  Others were exchanging foreign currencies for money that could be used for those purchases. In a furious rage, Jesus crafted a whip out of rope and drove the merchants from the courtyard while turning over their tables and scattering their money. It must have made quite a scene on those stone floors of the courtyard with tables clanging, sheep bleating in panic, and coins ringing as they rolled across the court of the Gentiles. So much for the passive, lamb-petting Jesus.


His anger was stirred because these people had taken what was sacred and turned it into a merchandising flea market.  You can almost see the coffee cups and multicolored t-shirts with the face of Moses smiling out or the listing of the Ten Commandments on cheap little wooden planks. For the younger crowd, you can imagine graphics of chariots and Egyptian soldiers being swept away by the Red Sea and dozens of booths with the latest C.D.’s produced by the group “Manna” or the  “Holy Tabernacle Choir” or the “Four Fab Pharisees.”   In his anger, Jesus screamed, “How dare you turn my Father’s house into a market and a den of thieves rather than a house of prayer!” It was such a startling moment that it is recorded in all four gospels.  Very few events made it into all four.


I’m not opposed to CD’s.  I have many.  I’m not opposed to stores or churches selling items that enhance study, spiritual growth, books, or worship.  I have it all in my house and office. I’m not opposed to T-shirts that give a witness (I’m just not a t-shirt guy). But we have to guard our hearts in relation to those things.  The Temple was sacred ground.  All those sheep, goats and doves were defiling the ground with their droppings only yards from where the Holy of Holies stood and where the Glory of God had once been so bright that even the priests could not enter.   Passover was sacred and Jesus himself would soon be slaughtered for the very people who had lost the wonder of God’s great deliverance.  The Temple was to be a house of prayer for all nations where they could connect intimately with their God rather than a merchandising convention.


In those days, the Glory of God rarely, if ever, visited the temple.  The great Kingdom of David had become a puppet state of Rome.  The High Priesthood had become political and its influence was bought and sold in the Roman market place of power.The Glory and the Power of Israel had long departed.


It wasn’t that people who traveled a hundred miles for the Passover didn’t need a lamb for the Passover meal or didn’t need to exchange money. It wasn’t that something to enhance their appreciation and understanding of the Passover would have been wrong. It wasn’t that some items to enhance their joy and celebration of God’s great deliverance would have been out of place.  The problem was that these items had actually replaced God in the hearts of his people. The awe and the sacred aura of the season had disappeared.  The fear of God was “old school.”  The temple was no longer the House of the Living God but simply a merchandising warehouse.


Many of us long for the presence of God in our churches on Sunday mornings.  Many of us pray for the move of God’s Spirit or a fresh Pentecost in our midst.  Many of us call for the church in America to rise up in spiritual power and retake America for our King.  But there are many places where the glory of God is not present and the power of His Spirit is not moving – in our churches or even in our hearts.


Have we lost our awe of God?  Have we made church a secular event in our hearts no different from a social organization that does a few good things for the community and shares secret handshakes?  Has church just become a business? If so, we shouldn’t expect God to show up very often except to turn over our tables. Like many things, it’s not so much what we do but rather why we do it that makes it acceptable or unacceptable to Jesus.


Not many things made Jesus angry. Let me encourage you to read through the gospels with a fresh eye as we move toward Christmas (no merchandising going on there). I would even recommend of read of Yancey’s book.  Pay attention to the things that made Jesus smile and the things that made him grit his teeth.  Check your own heart on the matter.  I will try to do the same.  We may discover a Jesus we never knew and we may experience the presence of God in ways we have longed for as well.  He wants to come but he will only come when we realize we are on holy ground.  Be blessed today.

In my past few blogs I have been looking through John’s writings to get a better grasp on Jesus since John was closest to him.  In John 2, the young apostle records the wedding in Cana of Galilee at which Jesus turns water into wine at the request of his mother. John records many things that he believers are symbolic.  Symbols are one reality that point to a greater reality.   A menu at a restaurant is a reality that points to a greater reality – the food waiting in the kitchen to be prepared and served. They symbol by itself is not the blessing, it simply points to the blessing.  A few bites of the menu itself should convince you of that.


When Jesus turned water into wine, that miracle pointed to a greater reality. The host of the wedding feast also added that the wine Jesus created (though the host did not know its source) was the best wine that had been served at the feast.  Interestingly, Jesus only speaks of wine about four or five other times in the gospels.


One statement was primarily about Jewish religious leaders in the context of “whatever God does is never good enough for you.” To them, Jesus said, “For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, ‘He has a demon.’ The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and “sinners.” ’ (Lk.7:33-34).


He mentions wine again in the story of the Good Samaritan who anointed the injured man’s wounds with wine and oil. But the most famous of Jesus’ teachings, where wine was involved, is reported in several of the gospels.  I’ll quote from Luke.


He told them this parable: “No one tears a patch from a new garment and sews it on an old one. If he does, he will have torn the new garment, and the patch from the new will not match the old. And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the new wine will burst the skins, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, new wine must be poured into new wineskins. And no one after drinking old wine wants the new, for he says, ‘The old is better.’ ” (Lk.5:36-39).


Jesus is using a familiar symbol of new wine and wineskins to make a spiritual point. As new wine continues to ferment it expands.  If it is placed in an old wine skin that has lost its flexibility and can’t be stretched it will rupture as the new wine pushes outward. He also mentions our human preference for the familiar – the taste of things we have always known.


The question is, “What does the wine symbolize in his parable?”  There are numerous thoughts about that question.  It may be that the ultimate answer is that Jesus is the new wine or the Holy Spirit is the new wine.  I think both of those would be great answers and accurate in many ways.  One other related answer might simply be the New Covenant which encompasses all of the above.  The most profound connection of wine to Jesus in the New Testament is at the last supper where Jesus takes the “cup of blessing,” which is one of several cups of wine in the Jewish Passover ritual, and says to his disciples, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood which is poured out for you” (Lk.22:20).


Interestingly, John gives by far the most extensive treatment of the last hours that Jesus spent with his disciples in the upper room where they took Passover together. He never mentions those famous words that both Luke and Paul quote in their writings. But what John does mention starting in Chapter 13 is a kingdom ruled by love and service, a fresh revelation of the Father through the person of Jesus Christ, the amazing ministry of the Holy Spirit, fruit born out of a connection with Jesus rather than a written law, and the unity of all believers through Christ.  All of these were to emerge as a result of Christ’s death on the cross.  In a very real sense, these things are the heart or the substance of the New Covenant.


If Jesus had the new covenant in mind when he spoke of new wine in fresh wine skins, then he was saying that the New Covenant and it’s manifestations was going to be such a drastic departure from the old that familiar ways of thinking and approaching God would have to be discarded.  To receive the new revelations of salvation, love, service, power, transformation, unity, and so forth that were part of the new mix being poured out by heaven, an openness to a new move of God would have to be maintained.


On the day of Pentecost, this new wine was poured out on Jerusalem.  Those who were open to a fresh move of God and who were willing to be stretched were filled with the promises of the New Covenant. As a result, the church was birthed full of love and generosity, power and miracles flowed into the streets of Jerusalem through these new wineskins, Jesus was declared with boldness, and unity was the mark of believers.


Here is the thing.  God still has much that he wants to pour into his people. “And he said to them, “Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old” (Mt.13:52).  There is always new treasure that God wants to give his people.  Much of that treasure will be deposited in us by the Holy Spirit (fruit, revelation, spiritual gifts, etc.), but some will be external experiences of God’s power and presence as well as love and joy experienced with our spiritual family.


The caution of the parable was not just for the guardians of the Old Covenant, but was also for those of us who live this side of the cross. We will limit God and the wine he wants to continually pour into his house if we become rigid in our ways believing that there is no more truth to be mined from the scriptures, no new ways that God will manifest himself to his people, or no new strategies for evangelizing the planet.  History confirms that every fresh move of God, every revival, and every awakening becomes crystalized into “the only way God works” by the second generation after his last fresh move. It’s easy for us to enjoy the old wine.


However, in heaven there is always more.  Ask for it.  Seek it.  Be open to “the more” that God has for you.  The old wineskins around you may frown and issue warnings about seeking more of God and his Spirit but keep yourself “stretchable” and ask for more of the Father’s gifts and treasures.  It is his pleasure to give if it is your pleasure to receive.

For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. (2 Tim.1:6-7)


Timothy was a young man who, like many of us, tended to discount his gifts, his ability and his influence.  By nature he apparently was loving and gentle and was much more comfortable standing in the shadows than being center stage.  You can imagine traveling with Paul who was bold to a fault and didn’t mind picking a fight with anyone (even Peter) when a principle of faith was on the line. I’m guessing that Timothy’s temperament was so opposite from Paul’s that Paul’s faith, boldness, miracles, and even his academics fueled a great sense of inadequacy in Timothy.


Most of us have felt that inadequacy when we have been around men and women who are world-shakers with “over-the-top” spiritual gifts. As much as possible, I pursue a greater understanding of the Holy Spirit and a greater anointing by going to conferences that are being led some of God’s “generals” in the faith.  It’s a dangerous pursuit because although I may receive the fresh word or revelation I was looking for and although I jumped in line for every impartation, I often go home feeling so spiritually inadequate that I want to check in my Bible and turn every ministry responsibility over to anyone that will take it. After a day or two of hearing their teaching, their insights, their testimonies, and then watching them minister in their gifts, I often crawl back home feeling like a totally inadequate servant of God.


That’s why Paul tells us never to compare ourselves to others because we will end up thinking too much or too little of ourselves. By the grace of God I usually recover in a few days and get on with being who God made me to be for the moment with a vision for more.  But, I can absolutely identify with Timothy.  Paul had to encourage him at times to speak with authority, to stir up the spiritual gifts that had been deposited in him, to step up in his leadership roles, and, at times, to not give into fear.


An amplified translation of the verse above might read, “Timothy, quit standing in the shadows. Quit holding back. Get busy exercising and developing the spiritual gift that was imparted to you through my hands. Step up and use it because God has not given you a spirit of fear or cowardice but of power – the same power that created the universe and that raised Jesus from the dead.  He has also given you a spirit of love and any spiritual gift exercised out of love for God’s people is powerful and life changing. And remember, He has also given you a spirit of sound thinking and self-discipline so don’t let your emotions rule you – especially doubt and fear.”


In Timothy’s case, his fear may not have been the fear of man and much as the fear of inadequacy. I think that form of fear restrains most of us and keeps us from becoming world-shakers ourselves.  We forget that spiritual gifts, like muscles and skills, must be developed and to be developed they have to be exercised.  Too many of us sit back and pray that God will give us a fully developed gift of healing, prophecy, leadership, teaching, worship, etc. and as soon as we feel that anointing settle on us we’ll get out there and start using that gift to change the world. God usually doesn’t operate in that way. To do so would be like giving a nine-year old the keys to a 650 horsepower Shelby Cobra and telling them to take it for a spin whenever he feels like it. Not a good idea.


If you have the Spirit of God in you, then you should have dreams of doing great things in the Kingdom of God because that greatness is in your spiritual DNA. If you have the dream, there is a good chance the Spirit is revealing your potential future and that the gifts are already in you for that destiny.  But they must be exercised, coated with love, and used with wisdom to produce their greatest fruit.


So, let me encourage you.  Stop standing in the shadows being held back by the fear of inadequacy because it is God who makes us adequate.  Let your sound mind rule your emotions and step out.  Fan into flame the gifts that are in you. Start exercising them today.  Don’t worry about making mistakes. You’re growing.  You’re practicing.  It’s always good to go to conferences, read another book, or ask for another impartation.  It’s always good to go after “more,” but God won’t give us more if we are not using what we already have.  And remember, the power that spoke worlds into existence and raised Jesus from the dead is literally resting in you waiting to be activated for those who will not give into fear.




If you were to categorize religious history in the United States in the 20th-21st century, you might divide churches into two categories:  Word and Spirit.  The “word” churches would be those who were committed to basing everything they did on careful biblical exegesis. They would emphasize Bible study as a primary duty of every believer and would bring an academic approach to their study with strict guidelines for interpretation. Every experience would be lined up against scripture and if that experience was not seen on the pages of the Bible in the correct dispensation, it would likely be discarded as unbiblical which means it was not of God.


Then there would be the “Spirit” churches that emphasize experiences with the Holy Spirit above strict interpretations of scripture. As  “word” churches seek after an increase in biblical knowledge, “Spirit” churches tend to seek after more experiences with God. “Word” churches emphasize truth, while “Spirit” churches emphasize power. Neither camp trusts one another to a great degree.  “Word” churches see “Spirit” churches as poor students of the Bible who are subject to emotionalism and subjective experiences (deception) that often do not line up with what they see in scripture. “Spirit” churches tend to view the “word” camp as being tied to intellectualism and a powerless faith because they are not Spirit-filled.


So who has it right?  Which of these approaches is correct?  I think they are both flying airplanes with one wing or at least one wing much shorter than the other which is usually not a good idea. I believe that committed believers should be seeking to know God’s word intimately while at the same time seeking Spirit driven experiences with him.  I believe we should go after both truth and the power of God with all of our hearts.


Experiences must be measured against biblical truth.  Does the experience violate any biblical principles, the character of God, or any clear commands?  If it does, jettison it.  But truth without experience is a two-dimensional walk with God rather than a three-dimensional walk.  Experiences inform us of a fresh and relevant way to understand scripture and make us aware of how God is manifesting himself in this season of history.


Experience without a template of solid biblical truth is like playing in an NFL football game with no rules, no game plan, and no sidelines.  The outcome is probably painful chaos. But biblical truth without experiencing a supernatural God is like filling blackboards with X’s and O’s while never going out on the field to see if your game plan actually works.  It’s like running the ball without the added dimension of passing. To win you have to know the rules, have a plan, use all your options, and play the game. The rules give you structure while playing the game will give you a new understanding of how and when the rules actually apply and a modified game plan for the second half.


Scripture emphasizes both. As you read the gospels you recognize how often Jesus quotes the Torah and uses the words, “It is written.”  He was totally committed to the idea that the written word of God was essential and eternal. But, he also knew that while  the Father would never contradict his word, he would often contradict man’s understanding of his word.  How often did experience give believers the capacity to understand the actual meaning of those written passages?


For instance, Joel 2:28-29 was, for the most part, indiscernible to Torah scholars until Pentecost.  It was the supernatural experiences of Pentecost that gave meaning and understanding to Joel’s prophecy – the written word. The experience informed the meaning of the scriptures in a new but very biblical way.  When Philip encountered the Ethiopian treasurer in Acts 8, the man was pouring over Messianic passages in Isaiah but could not understand the meaning.  It was only after men had experienced the death, the burial, and the resurrection of the Christ that those passages took on meaning. In the shadow of those experiences, Philip could fully explain the passages.


Jesus taught about healing, faith, and deliverance over and over as he preached the gospel of the kingdom while his disciples listened and watched. But when he sent them out alone to do the same, they returned with a much deeper understanding of the teachings they had received. Even with the Spirit of God in him, Peter never understood the biblical texts that spoke of all nations coming to God. Only after he experienced God through a vision of unclean animals being set before him and only after he experienced a “new thing” not “seen” in scripture before – Gentiles speaking in tongues (Acts 10) – did he understood that those passages referred to the Gentiles and that God was accepting all men in Christ.


Charismatic believers need the written word to establish parameters around experiences but evangelical believers need supernatural experiences to truly understand the passages regarding the ministry and power of the Holy Spirit. Surely if we can trust the Spirit to lead us into all truth, we should not only understand that truth as proper biblical interpretation but also as true experiences with God that give us deeper and more accurate understanding of the scriptures.


Paul, at one time will warn us not to go beyond that which is written (1Cor.4:6) while at another time will warn of those who have a form of godliness but deny the power of that godliness (2Tim. 3:5).  He will applaud the Bereans who searched the scriptures daily to test Paul’s teachings (Acts 17:11) while also commanding us to eagerly desire supernatural spiritual gifts – especially prophecy (1Cor.14:1) and not to forbid speaking in tongues (1Cor.14:39).  Word and Spirit seem to be bound together as a necessary duo for fully understanding God’s will and God’s ways.


Serious study along with a pursuit of supernatural experiences with God seem to be the two-winged biblical pattern for truly knowing God as we trust the Spirit to lead us in both arenas. Study without experiencing God risks becoming Pharisees who only thought they understood the scriptures.  Spirit without the Word creates energy without form and direction which produces either nothing of value  or an unpredictable explosion.  I encourage you to go after both Word and Spirit relentlessly.  You will never truly know one without the other.





In his book, The Days of His Presence, Francis Fragipane has a thought provoking section on the nature of times and seasons in the Bible.  This particular section discusses the kind of period that the Greeks referred to as a kairos.  According to Frangipane, this kind of season followed long, flat periods of history where very little changed in the world but suddenly the world was overtaken by incredible shifts and transformations in nations, knowledge, and faith which often included sweeping religious reforms and spiritual activity.


For instance, between Malachi and Matthew, there were approximately three hundred years of silence when little or no revelation occurred in Israel. But suddenly the coming of Messiah that had been foretold since the Days of Adam swept in and the power of God rocked the world of those who witnessed it.  Paul tells us that in the “fullness of time (kairos) God sent forth his Son.”  The idea of a “fullness of time” suggests that God had been storing up events to be released on the earth that would alter the course of nations and individuals.


Kairos seasons do not always happen in days or weeks or even months.  Sometimes they happen over a period of years or decades.   But relative to history, these events seem to catch us off guard and explode onto the scene.  Noah preached for 120 years while God was putting everything in place to release a cataclysmic kairos when in the fullness of time he released the flood.  For those who had not heard God, it seemed to come out of nowhere.  Israel was in Egypt for 450 years while God arranged the chessboard so that in the fullness of time Moses would arise, plagues would be released, and a nation of over a million people would walk into the wilderness.  After that, world empires would arise, seem invulnerable for centuries, and then suddenly fall in a matter of hours or days as God had shown his prophets.


These kairos moments are orchestrated by God for centuries while he puts every piece in place until the fullness of time. When that time comes, the changes are so sweeping and so universal that it seems that the whole world has tipped off its axis. God often speaks of “shaking the world” or “shaking a nation.”  That is the feeling when kairos is released.  To those in the center of the storm, everything feels like chaos, but to the director of the storm everything is being realigned for his purposes. Those who are closest to the Lord in such times can fall asleep in the boat even while water is breaking over the bow.


Frangipane makes the case that we have been in a kairos season for a century. Technology and knowledge has exploded across the globe. Two world wars have come and gone. The nuclear age has been ushered in and great nations have risen and fallen – some seemingly overnight like the USSR.  The Holy Spirit has always given revelation to man and manifested in miracles but now the church is moving in evangelism, healing, miracles, and revelation in ways not seen since the book of Acts.


This is consistent with biblical history.  In each kairos, God revealed himself in new ways and manifested his power through his people. The enemy too rose up in unprecedented ways in response. Of course, God always wins but during these kairos events spiritual activity seems to ramp up exponentially as it did in the gospels.


As you view the activity of God around the globe, we see millions of Chinese coming to faith in an avowed atheist nation.  Million have come to faith in Africa in the past few decades. Korean churches are bursting at the seams. Every mission report or campaign outlines miracles from radical conversions to radical healings (including raising people from the dead), along with miracles of protection and provision, dreams and visions, and thousands coming to Jesus in a day.


Of course, the cynical among us can reject the reports and videos and write it all off as demonic deception or emotionalism.  But the same believers will proclaim that we are certainly in the last days.  If we are finally coming to the end of the last days, then this is certainly a kairos and God is moving in the fullness of time. In those seasons God had always moved in power and done epic things through his people.


I believe today is no different.  I have personally seen the healings, deliverance, radical conversions, and miracles of provision and protection.  I have been told on numerous occasions by trustworthy people who have been eyewitnesses to Jesus appearing to Muslims and entire families renouncing Islam and coming to faith.  I have heard from trustworthy people who have seen with their own eyes the dead being raised in the name of Jesus and entire villages coming to faith as a result.  All of this sounds amazing and almost beyond belief but did it not happen in the book of Acts in the fullness of time?  Why must we doubt that God would use the miraculous power of heaven to bring in a great harvest now at the end of this season?


If you have been taught to reject or doubt the gifts of the Spirit and the power of God, I hope you will not sit cynically on the sideline while God is inviting you to play in the greatest game ever played.  If you can’t bring yourself to trust believers who talk about such things, then honestly ask God to show you his power if he is indeed manifesting in such ways today.  But when you see it, don’t return to the bench. Get in the game with all your heart.


Think about it, in these kairos moments, doctrines and orthodoxy never won the day. They were important and faithfulness and truth were keys to God moving on behalf of his people.  But power won the day. Pharaoh did not surrender to doctrine but to manifest power. The Torah never convinced Nebuchadnezzar, but three men emerging from a fiery furnace and another walking out of a lion’s den convinced him that there was one God. Even Jesus said, “If you don’t believe me, believe the works I do.”  This is a time, a kairos, when we must not be suspicious of the move of God but embrace it because the miracles themselves reveal God to us and to those who need him desperately.  Remember, to reject what God is doing, is, in part, to reject him.


In the spiritual realm, authority is paramount. Those of us in Christ live under grace but the rest of creation, seen and unseen, operates under law.  Law operates on the basis of authority and the power to enforce that authority.  That is one of the reasons that the Spirit has gone to such great links to assure us of the authority of Christ.


And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Go therefore and make disciples of all nations … (Mt.28:18-19)


God put this power to work in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the age to come. (Eph.1:20-21)


Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, proclaiming, “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Messiah, for the accuser of our comrades has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. (Rev.12:10)


While Jesus has all authority we often forget that the Word of God has authority as well. The Bible not only contains truth and principles for living but edicts from the King.  Prophetic statements and commands are not just insights into the future or words to live by but they must come to pass because the King has declared them.  Those who stand in opposition to the word of God stand in opposition to the power and authority of heaven.


The phrase “It is written” is repeated throughout scripture and it carries the weight of “this is what the king has declared so it must be carried our or fulfilled.” When the Hebrew writer declares that the Word of God is “living and active” (Heb.4:12) he is saying that the word of God is not just ink on a page but that the Spirit of God and the powers of heaven move to activate that word in our lives and in the earth.  Paul says that the word of God is the sword of the Spirit and is part of the armor God has given us to stand against the enemy (Eph.6).  Most of the armor named is defensive and protective but the sword is an offensive weapon as well.  The Word of God is to be used as a weapon to not only protect us against the enemy but to take ground from the enemy as well.


When Satan confronted Jesus in the wilderness at the end of his forty-day fast, Jesus rebuffed each temptation with scripture and began each response with,“It is written. “  Jesus not only was aligning himself with the Father but was activating the word of God by declaring it against the enemy.  Jesus did not get into a dialogue with the devil but simply declared the word of God over the temptation and the situation. Matthew ends the account by telling us that the devil left and angels came and ministered to Jesus.  Remember, Jesus was operating as Son of Man rather than Son of God. When we declare the word with authority over the enemy or a work of the enemy, we can expect the enemy to leave and angels to minister.


I believe deliverance is more effective when our commands for the enemy to leave are prefaced with the word of God.  “It is written, ‘I have given you authority to tread on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing will hurt you’”(Lk.10:18).  “It is written, ‘Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord’” (Phil.2:10).  “ It is written, ‘these signs will accompany those who have believed: in my Name they will cast out demons’” (Mt.16:17) and so forth.


The word of God has authority.  Heaven will move to backup the edicts of the King with his power.  As you read through the gospels, Jesus spoke God’s word from the Old Testament over and over with authority.  You can sense from the passages that Jesus was absolutely convinced that if it was written it would surely come to pass and if it was written that was the place to take your stand. His example challenges us to know the Word and believe the Word as well. It is on the Word that we can stand and by the Word that we take ground, for it is written, “Man does not live by bread alone but be every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”  Every command, every directive, every promise that we stand has come from the Kings mouth and that word will surely fulfill its purpose.


Every believer’s birthright in the Kingdom of God is freedom and healing–both physical and emotional. Scripture emphatically declares that Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted and to set captives free from every form of bondage (Isa.61). If that is true then …

  • Why are so many Christians still in bondage to anger, addictions, depression, and relational brokenness?
  • Why do destructive behaviors devastate Christian families from generation to generation?
  • Why do so many Christian marriages end in divorce even after dozens of sessions with Christian counselors and therapists?
  • Why do so many Christians experience minimal life transformation after coming to Christ?

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you possess a birthright of healing and freedom that far too many Christians have yet to experience. Too many of us have accepted the idea that the power we see on every page of the New Testament faded away centuries ago.  Yet Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.  The Spirit in us is the same Spirit that brooded over the face of the waters in Genesis, that empowered the prophets, and that rested on Jesus.  He has not changed and He is a Spirit of power. Jesus did not die on the cross so that we could merely manage crippling and destructive issues in our lives, but so that each of us could be set free from bondage and brokenness. The promise is this: “So if the Son sets you free, then you will be free indeed” (John 8:36).  Don’t settle or live with a sense of resignation in the face of pain and brokenness. Go after everything Jesus paid for.