The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Cor. 10:-4-5
When the Apostle Paul spoke of divine weapons, he said that they had power to demolish or tear down strongholds. He goes on to say that with God’s power we demolish arguments and pretensions that set themselves up against the knowledge of God. He then counsels us to take our thoughts captive, submitting them wholly to Christ. Paul’s emphasis in this passage is on our thought life.
Somewhere deep within us lay powerful belief systems. Some are aligned with God’s truth and others are contrary to God’s truth. These belief systems shape the way we perceive reality. They are about the stuff that life is made of. Is there a God? What is he like? Can God be trusted? Does he care about me? Who am I? Do I matter? Why do I exist?
These core beliefs are usually established through life experiences rather than teaching. We believe many things that have been deposited in our intellect through teaching. But we also believe things in a deeper part of our being that scripture calls “the heart.” Those beliefs in our heart that align with God’s truth got there by revelation. Those beliefs contrary to God’s truth were usually planted as we drew some conclusion about life, God, or ourselves because of a traumatic experience. These beliefs usually trump the things we have been taught.
Strongholds, then, are belief systems deep within us that are contrary to God’s truth. Satan works to establish and reinforce beliefs that are not aligned with God. Notice that these strongholds are active – arguing against God’s revealed truth and making arrogant, deceptive claims (pretension) that deny the sovereignty and the goodness of God. As demons are assigned to reinforce these lies, these belief systems become spiritual strongholds.
God’s divine weapons have power to demolish these strongholds and to bring our thoughts into a surrendered relationship to Jesus, who is truth. Secular tools and techniques for interior alteration and healing, by their very nature, fall short of tearing down these strongholds that limit our ability to fully experience God. It takes spiritual power to penetrate spiritual fortifications. Paul clearly states that our real battles are not fought against flesh and blood but waged in the spiritual realm, with God’s power and his weapons.
When the church depends on the strategies of the world for healing and transformation, it fails God’s people. The power of God expressed through revelation, prayer, declarations, spiritual authority, deliverance and a host of spiritual gifts have divine power to bring down the enemy and the fortifications he has built. Too often believers run to the world first for help and turn to God only as a last resort. We must take Paul’s teaching to heart. We must always run to God and his arsenal of divine weapons first because that is where real power, healing and freedom truly reside for every need of man.