Scratches and Dings

I continue to marvel at the people Jesus pursued.  The twelve would have gone completely unnoticed in the “Who’s Who” of Israel.  Their names would have evaporated from history within a generation or two even in their own tribe and family.  They were ordinary or even less than ordinary fishermen.  How many times had Peter gone fishing without catching anything until Jesus told him where to throw the nets? Others had been tax collectors or political zealots who were known to be assassins from time to time.  In Luke 19 we have another moment when Jesus pursues the unknown and even the hated.


This is a familiar story but still reminds us of something important. Luke recalls that as Jesus entered Jericho, crowds began to gather to see the miracle worker from Galilee. In the midst of that crowd was man named Zacchaeus who was a chief tax collector and was wealthy.  The text states that because he was a short man he climbed a tree so that he could get a glimpse of this controversial Rabbi who had come to his town.


We also need to remind ourselves that tax collectors worked for Rome and since Zaccheaus was wealthy, he had made his money by extorting taxes from his own people.  He was not paid a salary but lived off whatever revenue he took in above the amount that was owed to Rome. He was seen as a collaborator with the enemy and a willing part of the Roman machine that oppressed Israel. We’re told that as Jesus walked through the city, he reached the spot where the diminutive tax collector was sitting in the tree and stopped just for this enemy of Israel.  Remarkably, Jesus called him by name and told him that they would have supper together that evening.


The text says, “All the people saw this and began to mutter, “He has gone to be the guest of a sinner.”  One of the astonishing things about Jesus was that he pursued and apparently preferred the hated, the down-and-outs, the impoverished, and the slandered over the rich and the religious. Not only that but he did not care that his reputation as a holy man took a lot of hits because of the company he kept. Remarkably, the time has come in America where our reputations will take hits because we choose to keep company with Jesus.  I also have to ask myself the question, “How could a perfect, sinless man be so comfortable in the company of prostitutes, tax collectors, drunkards, and the like?


How often have we heard sermons about a Holy God’s inability to tolerate sin?  How often have we been convinced that God despises sin and turns away from those whose lives are stained with the stuff of sin?  And yet Jesus sought out the very people whose lives totally missed the mark and tended to turn away from the religious instead.  In Jesus we see a God who is drawn to the rejected, who loves the unlovable, who truly does befriend the friendless, and who chooses the low-achievers for his team.  Jesus never left a person where he found him but he found them and loved them before they became great people none-the-less.


I still find that we, as God’s people, struggle with the notion that God doesn’t love us all that much or that God can’t use us for significant things because of our terrible pasts, our struggling presents, or our doubtful futures.  And yet we are the very ones Christ pursued.  We are the ones he went home with.  We are the ones he took from unremarkable careers or hated positions and made them leaders in the kingdom of God.  We are the ones he welcomed as they followed him from place to place – a former prostitute with a highly demonic past and nameless disciples who left jobs or, perhaps, were unemployed and had nothing better to do. And yet those and others like them were sent out to preach, heal, and deliver as representatives of the King of Kings.


God wants to do great things through us and yet we feel so unworthy and so incapable. When the Holy Spirit whispers to us about our destiny or opens doors for significant ministry roles how often do we turn those spiritual opportunities down because we don’t have the experience, the spiritual pedigree, or a faith that moves mountains.  Who among the twelve, or the seventy, or the crowds that followed Jesus from town to town had any of that to begin with?


My point is this.  As we follow Jesus through the gospels, we find him pursuing, loving, and spending time with ordinary people who often had huge issues. We find him hanging around former fishermen who seem very slow on the spiritual uptake. We find him hanging out with broken people who are desperately trying to figure out life – divorced people, selfish people, sick people, greedy people, working stiffs, and beggars.  He wasn’t offended.  He didn’t turn away. On the contrary, he embraced those people and made them his friends and even his confidants.  The truth is that Jesus not only loves you but he also likes you.


I think of us as old furniture full of nicks and scrapes and sweat rings where uncle Charlie always put his ice tea glass.  Jesus, as an artisan and restorer of fine furniture, is not annoyed by the nicks or scratches because each one tells a story.  If it’s broken, he will fix it but he loves to bring the pieces back to life, to give them beauty again, and to make then useful without erasing the very things that mark their history.  No craftsman wants to hang around the new, shiny pieces straight from the factory.  They are boring. They have no “character,” no “story,” so to speak.


Don’t avoid the Master and don’t hide the scratches and the dings of life.  He is quite comfortable with those and will gently make them into something beautiful. Enjoy the day.  Be real with Jesus and remember – he really does like to hang out with you…just the way you are.  Be blessed.



John Bevere begins a chapter in his book. Drawing Near, by saying, “The fear of the Lord is the foundation of intimacy with God.”  He goes on to say that the church has lost the “fear of God” and so has lost the presence of God in much of what we do.


That statement launched an hour of great conversation in my Thursday morning men’s group that meets at 6:00 a.m. every week.  It usually takes us 15-20 minutes and at least two cups of coffee for things to get rolling but the idea of the fear of God and what that means seemed to energize us right away.


The truth of Bevere’s statement hinged on the meaning of “fear” for each of us. If we only meant that we shuddered at the voice of God as the Hebrews shuddered at the base of Mt. Sinai, then our fear of the Lord might hinder our intimacy rather than promote it.  As you recall, as God settled on the top of Sinai in smoke and fire and spoke with a thundering voice, the Hebrews began to question having a relationship with this God.


On the morning of the third day there was thunder and lightning, with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast. Everyone in the camp trembled. Then Moses led the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain. Mount Sinai was covered with smoke, because the Lord descended on it in fire. The smoke billowed up from it like smoke from a furnace, the whole mountain trembled violently, and the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder. (Ex. 19:16-19)

When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance and said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die.”

Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.  (Ex. 20:18-20)


In my men’s group we discussed the death of Nadab and Abihu for offering “strange fire” and the death of Uzzah who took hold of the Ark of the Covenant in David’s day. We also got around to Ananias and Saphira who died suddenly in the Jerusalem church for lying to the Holy Spirit.  Each of those events were sobering and if left alone would push us away from the presence of God rather than drawing us in for a moment of intimacy.


On the other hand, in scripture, God also called certain men his friends and often went out of his way to meet with them and even share his heart with them.  Jesus said that he no longer calls us servants but friends and the writer of Hebrews tells us that we can approach God’s throne of grace with boldness in time of need. We are called children of God and are affectionately called “his saints.”  So what do we make of these extreme positions?  On one side it seems that coming into the presence of God is a very fearful and risky thing while on the other side we are invited to “sit in his lap,” so to speak.


Bevere had made the point in his statement that the fear of God was foundational to intimacy.  Fear of God, then, is the beginning point for an intimate relationship, but it is not the end. More than anything, God relates to us as a Father.  Earthly fathers who love their children also seek a balance between respect and familiarity and often have to work to maintain the balance.  We never want our children to tremble when we enter the room, but we also want them to obey us when we get serious. If they do not “fear” us or at least fear our discipline, then they will play in the street whenever they feel like it and place their lives at risk.


We have all had the experience of playing with our children and in the midst of that intimacy (playing promotes intimacy), we find our children being disrespectful or ignoring some hard and fast safety rules that still apply even though we are playing.  In those moments, we have to call a timeout and remind our children that we are not just a playmate but we are still their father. That seems to be the tension in scripture that calls us to a middle ground between the fear of Sinai and the familiarity of “Abba” father.


To lose an awesome respect for God and the mindset that he his still holy can move us to a place of being cavalier about the commands of God.  We can begin to take advantage of his grace and treat him with a bit of disdain.  Not only is that offensive to a holy God but it also begins to place us at risk because we become careless with sin.  In a sense, we begin to play in the street.


Children initially obey fathers out of the fear of discipline. As they grow, they begin to obey out of love and respect which still stand on a foundation of healthy fear that was laid years earlier.  I have often thought that we can’t truly love a person we don’t respect – especially in marriages.  When we are mature that respect is built on the qualities of character of the other person, but when we are children it begins with a healthy fear that keeps us out of the street.


If we forget the holiness and the discipline of God, out intimacy will suffer.  Unrepented sin will creep in and create separation between us and the Father.  We will become careless with his commands, which says something about our hearts for we are told, “If you love me you will keep my commandments.”


As the perfect Father, God seeks a balance between fear (awesome respect for who he is and his authority) and familiarity and comfort in his presence. The Hebrew writer tells us that our God is a consuming fire while at the same time inviting us to approach his throne with absolute confidence.  We can do so because of Christ and his blood that washes away our sin. That sacrifice purchases a positional relationship with the Father, but God wants much more than that. He wants intimacy, friendship, and even playfulness.


However, in the midst of that let’s not forget that he is holy and the creator of the universe.  That balance keeps us in a place where we can enjoy the presence of God.  The more respect we maintain for the Father, the more familiar he can be with us because we will not take advantage of that familiarity or become careless with our lives.  It would seem to be a healthy regimen to regularly reflect not only on the love and grace of God but also his power, authority, and holiness.  Be blessed today.

If you have never read “The Jesus I Never Knew” by Philip Yancey, I really recommend it.  It was written in 1995 but it is as fresh today as it was then.  In his book, Yancey describes the Jesus he met in Sunday School as a child. He was tender, carried little lambs in his arms, and was quite unaffected by the world around him.  He seemed to walk through life with an otherworldly look in his eyes (Hollywood version) being untouched as he moved toward the cross. Yancey later discovered a very different Jesus in the gospels and so wrote his book.


In the second chapter of John, the apostle records the moment when Jesus entered the temple courts in Jerusalem just before the Passover.  As he entered, he found dozens of merchants selling animals to travelers for the sacrifices that would be required for the Passover rituals.  Others were exchanging foreign currencies for money that could be used for those purchases. In a furious rage, Jesus crafted a whip out of rope and drove the merchants from the courtyard while turning over their tables and scattering their money. It must have made quite a scene on those stone floors of the courtyard with tables clanging, sheep bleating in panic, and coins ringing as they rolled across the court of the Gentiles. So much for the passive, lamb-petting Jesus.


His anger was stirred because these people had taken what was sacred and turned it into a merchandising flea market.  You can almost see the coffee cups and multicolored t-shirts with the face of Moses smiling out or the listing of the Ten Commandments on cheap little wooden planks. For the younger crowd, you can imagine graphics of chariots and Egyptian soldiers being swept away by the Red Sea and dozens of booths with the latest C.D.’s produced by the group “Manna” or the  “Holy Tabernacle Choir” or the “Four Fab Pharisees.”   In his anger, Jesus screamed, “How dare you turn my Father’s house into a market and a den of thieves rather than a house of prayer!” It was such a startling moment that it is recorded in all four gospels.  Very few events made it into all four.


I’m not opposed to CD’s.  I have many.  I’m not opposed to stores or churches selling items that enhance study, spiritual growth, books, or worship.  I have it all in my house and office. I’m not opposed to T-shirts that give a witness (I’m just not a t-shirt guy). But we have to guard our hearts in relation to those things.  The Temple was sacred ground.  All those sheep, goats and doves were defiling the ground with their droppings only yards from where the Holy of Holies stood and where the Glory of God had once been so bright that even the priests could not enter.   Passover was sacred and Jesus himself would soon be slaughtered for the very people who had lost the wonder of God’s great deliverance.  The Temple was to be a house of prayer for all nations where they could connect intimately with their God rather than a merchandising convention.


In those days, the Glory of God rarely, if ever, visited the temple.  The great Kingdom of David had become a puppet state of Rome.  The High Priesthood had become political and its influence was bought and sold in the Roman market place of power.The Glory and the Power of Israel had long departed.


It wasn’t that people who traveled a hundred miles for the Passover didn’t need a lamb for the Passover meal or didn’t need to exchange money. It wasn’t that something to enhance their appreciation and understanding of the Passover would have been wrong. It wasn’t that some items to enhance their joy and celebration of God’s great deliverance would have been out of place.  The problem was that these items had actually replaced God in the hearts of his people. The awe and the sacred aura of the season had disappeared.  The fear of God was “old school.”  The temple was no longer the House of the Living God but simply a merchandising warehouse.


Many of us long for the presence of God in our churches on Sunday mornings.  Many of us pray for the move of God’s Spirit or a fresh Pentecost in our midst.  Many of us call for the church in America to rise up in spiritual power and retake America for our King.  But there are many places where the glory of God is not present and the power of His Spirit is not moving – in our churches or even in our hearts.


Have we lost our awe of God?  Have we made church a secular event in our hearts no different from a social organization that does a few good things for the community and shares secret handshakes?  Has church just become a business? If so, we shouldn’t expect God to show up very often except to turn over our tables. Like many things, it’s not so much what we do but rather why we do it that makes it acceptable or unacceptable to Jesus.


Not many things made Jesus angry. Let me encourage you to read through the gospels with a fresh eye as we move toward Christmas (no merchandising going on there). I would even recommend of read of Yancey’s book.  Pay attention to the things that made Jesus smile and the things that made him grit his teeth.  Check your own heart on the matter.  I will try to do the same.  We may discover a Jesus we never knew and we may experience the presence of God in ways we have longed for as well.  He wants to come but he will only come when we realize we are on holy ground.  Be blessed today.

“Jesus is Lord!” How often has that phrase been spoken in the past two thousand years?  It is an amazing theological statement full of implications but it can also be a phrase used so often that it loses its meaning to those who use it most.


We can also say with great accuracy that Jesus not only is Lord but has been Lord and will always be Lord.  The prophet Isaiah was given a great vision in the year that King Uzziah died.  It was a year of uncertainty in Israel.  A good king had died and the few faithful kings that ruled over Israel were typically followed by disastrous years of rule by wicked kings who forced God to send judgment on a rebellious nation. It was a year and a moment when Isaiah needed encouragement.


In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him were seraphs, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.” At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke. “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.” (Isa.6:1-5).


In his moment of need, Isaiah wass given a vision of the throne room of God which exuded the power, the glory, and the might of the one on the throne. This was his God and the one who watched over Israel. It was a reminder that even when the earth or our particular part of the earth is in chaos, there is no chaos or panic in heaven.  At the same time that this vision was meant to reassure Isaiah that “God was still on his throne,”  the sheer glory, power, and holiness of the Lord overwhelmed Isaiah with a sense of his own sinfulness.  Yet God immediately cleansed the prophet so that he could stand in the His presence. He then gave him his prophetic orders.


Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” He said, “Go and tell this people: “ ‘Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving.’ Make the heart of this people calloused; make their ears dull and close their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed.” (Isa.6:8-10).


In John 12, the apostle quotes this passage from Isaiah about Israel but then says, “Isaiah said this because he saw Jesus’ glory and spoke about him” (Jn. 12:41). Isaiah’s vision opens up to us the glory that Jesus had in heaven before he put on flesh and became Son of Man.  He was Lord before the incarnation as well as after.  The word Lord, in both Hebrew and Greek simply means “one who has immense authority and one to whom great respect is due.” It is frequently applied to deity in both languages.


When we speak of Jesus as Lord, we echo his position of great authority and the immense honor due to him.  The N.T. speaks of his great authority over and over.


God put this power to work in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the age to come.  And he has put all things under his feet and has made him the head over all things for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all. (Eph.1:20-23)


Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. (Matt. 28:18)


Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Phil.2:9-11)


As those who are in Christ by faith, we have the immense honor of not only serving the King of Kings and Lords of Lords but of knowing him as a friend and brother. It’s not always easy keeping the balance between friendship and kingship, between reverent awe and familiarity. And yet we have the privilege of doing just that with the one who made Isaiah tremble. It is possible, not because Jesus has been brought down, but because we have been raised up with Him and “seated with Him in the heavenly places (Eph. 2:6).


Three things we should remember today:


1. Jesus is Lord and as such should have our immediate and complete obedience in all things as well as our greatest respect. He isa to be honored above all.


2. Jesus has all authority in heaven and earth and he exercises that power and authority on your behalf. When you enter into seasons of turmoil and chaos in your life, remember Isaiah’s vision of Christ on the throne and remember that although he is the Lord who sits in unspeakable glory, he also knows you by name and watches over you as a friend, a brother, and as the Good Shepherd.


3. You are seated with Christ in heavenly places and you represent the King of Glory with immense authority that has been delegated to you by the King. As his representative (ambassadors) on the earth you are to re-present Jesus and do what he would do in every circumstance of life. Your words carry weight, your prayers carry weight, and your actions carry weight when you are faithfully serving Him. Because you serve a king with great significance you are a person of great significance.


Spend some time today imagining Jesus in all his glory and seeing yourself in that same throne room, sitting at his right hand, as his ambassador and close friend. You are eagerly waiting for your next diplomatic mission. How are you dressed? How do you feel? How do you sit?  How do you walk? How do you speak?  Carry that with you today because that is  who you truly are in Christ – King of Kings and Lord of Lords.



One of the reasons many Christians don’t believe that God speaks to them is that they don’t recognize his voice when they hear it and don’t understand the ways in which the Holy Spirit reveals God’s heart to us.  Paul helps our understanding with the following passages.


The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.  For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man’s spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.  We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us.  This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.  The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Cor. 2:10-14)


 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.  (Rom.  8:16)


 In 1 Corinthians 2, Paul reveals the process through which revelation comes to every follower of Jesus. Paul tells us that the Holy Spirit searches the mind of God and Christ, takes their thoughts or feelings relevant to us, and reveals those thoughts and feelings to our spirit.  Our spirit, then, opens up those thoughts to our conscious mind so that we can perceive the mind and the heart of God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit).  Because of that, we often hear the voice of God as a thought, an impression, a mental picture, a dream, or a vision that rises from our spirit into our consciousness.


Because this “download” from God’s Spirit to ours is experienced in the same way that we experience our own thoughts, we often dismiss a word of revelation from God as something we have intuitively known or discovered ourselves. Nearly every Christian has thought of someone spontaneously whom they had not thought of in days or weeks.  But suddenly, out of the blue, they think of that person and sense that they should give him/her a call.  When they do call, they discover that their friend or acquaintance was in desperate need of prayer or encouragement.  Then, that Christian goes on his way thinking about what a lucky coincidence all of that was.  What that person experienced was a revelation from God.  It was a “word of knowledge” about that friend and a prompting to make the call. God just spoke to that believer through the Holy Spirit but it seemed like an intuitive thought.


Many believers have had premonitions or foreboding thoughts about an event, an accident, or a disaster that they cautiously avoided.  They simply call it a premonition as if something had been floating around in the atmosphere and they had randomly sniffed a whiff of the future. What they actually experienced was a prophetic warning by the Holy Spirit.


Nearly all believers who study the word have had a moment when one scripture pointed to another and then another verse came to mind and suddenly a string of theological dots were connected that seemed like brilliant insight. What that person experienced was the Holy Spirit leading her into all truth and reminding her of things Jesus had said (Jn.14:26).  God had just spoken truth to that individual through the Holy Spirit.


My point is that Christians who don’t believe in the miraculous gifts of the Spirit or God speaking to his people today, have nearly all operated in those gifts themselves and have heard from God on many occasions.   They just call it something else because they have not been trained to expect the voice of God to come to them in a variety of ways.


The scriptures also tell us that God communicates with his people through dreams and visions. If we do not expect God to speak to us in those ways we will simply “write off” those dreams as something produced by our own minds and imagination.


If you, as a believer, have not been open to the voice of God coming to you, God has undoubtedly spoken to you or revealed himself to you on numerous occasions, but you simply did not know it was the Lord.  As a young man, the prophet Samuel heard God’s voice clearly and strongly on several occasions but believed it was a human voice calling to Him.  He finally asked Eli, his spiritual mentor, about the voice and Eli discerned that God Himself had been speaking to the boy.  It was then that Samuel began to recognize the voice of God in his own life.


As we come to expect God’s voice, we will learn that it has qualities that set it apart from our own thoughts.  Often there is a spontaneous quality when God speaks to us.  We simply know that the thoughts we are experiencing are not thoughts that have come from our reservoir of experiences nor are they expressed in ways that are common to us.  God speaks directly to us, not about us.  Dreams from the Father tend to be vivid and unforgettable.  Eventually, those who hear his voice on a regular basis will intuitively know it is God speaking to them as the Father, the Son or the Spirit.In addition to the inner voice of the Spirit, we may also hear from God in other ways as well – angelic visits, the audible voice of God, prophetic words, circumstances, dreams, etc. God desires to speak to his children in a myriad of ways and does so. .


Part of the joy of the Christian life is hearing personally from our heavenly Father in a variety of ways.I want to encourage you to begin to sense all the ways in a day that God has revealed himself to you and to begin to scan your own thoughts when you are in the Word or have been in prayer to sense the Father speaking to you.  Invite him to speak. Then listen.  Write down whatever you are hearing even though it will most likely feel like your own thoughts or imagination.  Tomorrow, I will talk about discerning whether what you hear is from the Lord or another source.

Today I want to start a mini-series about Hearing God.  I will admit that when I first believed God still spoke to his people I listened for a God-like voice in my head.  I assumed his voice would sound like the voice in Cecil B. DeMIlle’s old movie The Ten Commandments with Charleton Heston as Moses – deep, thunderous, mysterious. So I prayed and listened but never heard that voice. I think many Christians who have hoped to hear God speak may have had similar expectations and found themselves giving up on hearing from the creator of the universe.  But take heart.  God does speak to his people through his written word but also apart from it.  If you are uncertain about hearing God, these blog posts over the next few days may be helpful.


Let me tell you quickly why this is important. It is important because God wants to speak to his children personally like any father. The Bible is like letters from a Father to his family.  He gives the family history and writes down guidelines and wisdom for how the family should live and treat one another.  He even tells them some things about himself. But every parent knows that children are unique and have a unique destiny.  A good father will want to speak to that child personally in ways that his child can receive. He will want to speak to that son or daughter and tell them why they are so special.  He will want to speak into their unique destiny or give them counsel for their unique challenges. God is our Father.  He wants to speak to us as a family but also as individuals.


In addition, many of us carry wounds that are kept from healing by lies that the enemy has sown in our hearts.  Just as Christ verbalized words of healing to those he touched on the earth, emotional healing comes when God speaks to us about our wounds. Hearing or experiencing God in some other direct way is the most healing thing I know.  So…please spend some time reflecting on these next few blogs and consider a life of hearing God.


Hearing God


The majority of churches in America teach that God only speaks to us through His written word – the Bible. Many of us have been taught that God spoke directly to his people only in “Bible times.”  We were taught that all that we can now know is God’s general will for our lives from studying his word.  Then, we are left to discern His specific will for us from biblical principles. However, there are times when we need more.  Sometimes we face critical decisions.  Biblical principles can narrow down our options but sometimes we need specific direction. If we cannot hear from God about that situation, we are on our own.  Sometimes we don’t need direction but we certainly need encouragement or the affirmation of a father.  Even Jesus needed to hear, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.”  Sometimes we just need to hear from God the Father or Jesus the Son.  He is pleased to speak to each of his children and express his love to every son and daughter.


The apostles themselves faced a situation in Acts 1:15-26 in which they needed direction from the Lord.  There we find the apostles searching for another man to replace Judas as one of the twelve.  Jesus had given them the qualifications for one who would be an apostle.  In the end, they had two men who met all the qualifications but there was only one position. The will of God that had already been revealed was not sufficient to make this final decision. The apostles prayed and asked God to give them specific revelation for that one unique situation.  The apostles prayed and cast lots and through that process God directed them to the one man whose heart qualified him to be an apostle.  In our own lives there are times we need a little more than biblical principles.  There are times when we need to hear from God about specific needs or situations.  God is longing to speak to us about those things and many other things as well.


The biblical record is that throughout the centuries God has not only revealed His general will to His people through the written word but over and over he has also revealed His specific will to individuals so that they might step into the destiny He had established for them.    God’s heart, as revealed in the Bible, is very clear.  He wants to speak to His people as a group and as individuals and has gone to great lengths to do so. He wants to reveal not only his will but himself to us because knowing him in a personal way is essential for love, intimacy, and friendship.  God has shown himself to us in numerous ways.

  • Through His creation.  (Rom. 1:20; Ps. 19:1-2)
  • Through His prophets. (Heb. 1:1)
  • Through His Son. (Heb. 1:2)
  • Through His written word. (2 Tim. 3:16)
  • Through direct encounters. (Gen. 18; Ex. 3; Ex. 33:7; 1 Sam. 3)
  • Through the casting of lots and fleeces. (Acts 1:26; Judges 6:36-40)
  • Through dreams and visions. (Acts 2:18)
  • Through circumstances. (1 Sam. 14:6-12)
  • Through visitations by angels. (Matt. 1:20; Luke 1:11, 26, 2:13, etc.)
  • Through His people to one another. (1 Cor. 14:26-33)
  • Through the Holy Spirit by prophetic words, words of knowledge, impressions, tongues and interpretation of tongues, etc. (John 16:13; Rom. 8:14,16)
  • And more….


God wants a relationship with you.  He wants intimacy and for that to occur there must be a dialogue where both parties listen and both speak – sharing their hearts with one another. God has gone to great lengths to do so and continues to share his heart, his will, and his ways with those who will listen.