
In my past few blogs I have been looking through John’s writings to get a better grasp on Jesus since John was closest to him.  In John 2, the young apostle records the wedding in Cana of Galilee at which Jesus turns water into wine at the request of his mother. John records many things that he believers are symbolic.  Symbols are one reality that point to a greater reality.   A menu at a restaurant is a reality that points to a greater reality – the food waiting in the kitchen to be prepared and served. They symbol by itself is not the blessing, it simply points to the blessing.  A few bites of the menu itself should convince you of that.


When Jesus turned water into wine, that miracle pointed to a greater reality. The host of the wedding feast also added that the wine Jesus created (though the host did not know its source) was the best wine that had been served at the feast.  Interestingly, Jesus only speaks of wine about four or five other times in the gospels.


One statement was primarily about Jewish religious leaders in the context of “whatever God does is never good enough for you.” To them, Jesus said, “For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, ‘He has a demon.’ The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and “sinners.” ’ (Lk.7:33-34).


He mentions wine again in the story of the Good Samaritan who anointed the injured man’s wounds with wine and oil. But the most famous of Jesus’ teachings, where wine was involved, is reported in several of the gospels.  I’ll quote from Luke.


He told them this parable: “No one tears a patch from a new garment and sews it on an old one. If he does, he will have torn the new garment, and the patch from the new will not match the old. And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the new wine will burst the skins, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, new wine must be poured into new wineskins. And no one after drinking old wine wants the new, for he says, ‘The old is better.’ ” (Lk.5:36-39).


Jesus is using a familiar symbol of new wine and wineskins to make a spiritual point. As new wine continues to ferment it expands.  If it is placed in an old wine skin that has lost its flexibility and can’t be stretched it will rupture as the new wine pushes outward. He also mentions our human preference for the familiar – the taste of things we have always known.


The question is, “What does the wine symbolize in his parable?”  There are numerous thoughts about that question.  It may be that the ultimate answer is that Jesus is the new wine or the Holy Spirit is the new wine.  I think both of those would be great answers and accurate in many ways.  One other related answer might simply be the New Covenant which encompasses all of the above.  The most profound connection of wine to Jesus in the New Testament is at the last supper where Jesus takes the “cup of blessing,” which is one of several cups of wine in the Jewish Passover ritual, and says to his disciples, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood which is poured out for you” (Lk.22:20).


Interestingly, John gives by far the most extensive treatment of the last hours that Jesus spent with his disciples in the upper room where they took Passover together. He never mentions those famous words that both Luke and Paul quote in their writings. But what John does mention starting in Chapter 13 is a kingdom ruled by love and service, a fresh revelation of the Father through the person of Jesus Christ, the amazing ministry of the Holy Spirit, fruit born out of a connection with Jesus rather than a written law, and the unity of all believers through Christ.  All of these were to emerge as a result of Christ’s death on the cross.  In a very real sense, these things are the heart or the substance of the New Covenant.


If Jesus had the new covenant in mind when he spoke of new wine in fresh wine skins, then he was saying that the New Covenant and it’s manifestations was going to be such a drastic departure from the old that familiar ways of thinking and approaching God would have to be discarded.  To receive the new revelations of salvation, love, service, power, transformation, unity, and so forth that were part of the new mix being poured out by heaven, an openness to a new move of God would have to be maintained.


On the day of Pentecost, this new wine was poured out on Jerusalem.  Those who were open to a fresh move of God and who were willing to be stretched were filled with the promises of the New Covenant. As a result, the church was birthed full of love and generosity, power and miracles flowed into the streets of Jerusalem through these new wineskins, Jesus was declared with boldness, and unity was the mark of believers.


Here is the thing.  God still has much that he wants to pour into his people. “And he said to them, “Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old” (Mt.13:52).  There is always new treasure that God wants to give his people.  Much of that treasure will be deposited in us by the Holy Spirit (fruit, revelation, spiritual gifts, etc.), but some will be external experiences of God’s power and presence as well as love and joy experienced with our spiritual family.


The caution of the parable was not just for the guardians of the Old Covenant, but was also for those of us who live this side of the cross. We will limit God and the wine he wants to continually pour into his house if we become rigid in our ways believing that there is no more truth to be mined from the scriptures, no new ways that God will manifest himself to his people, or no new strategies for evangelizing the planet.  History confirms that every fresh move of God, every revival, and every awakening becomes crystalized into “the only way God works” by the second generation after his last fresh move. It’s easy for us to enjoy the old wine.


However, in heaven there is always more.  Ask for it.  Seek it.  Be open to “the more” that God has for you.  The old wineskins around you may frown and issue warnings about seeking more of God and his Spirit but keep yourself “stretchable” and ask for more of the Father’s gifts and treasures.  It is his pleasure to give if it is your pleasure to receive.

He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. (Jn.1:13-10).


Another section from the first chapter of John’s gospel gives us another insight into Jesus and our response to him. John begins with an amazing thought.  The very creator of the world walked across the face of his creation unrecognized by the very people made in his image.  This is even more amazing when you think of who and what did recognize him.


In a sense, the natural world recognized him because it responded to his commands.  Water, trees, wind, withered hands, and fish darting about in the Sea of Galilee all bowed to his commands.  Even the demons ran to him calling his name and begging for mercy.  Satan himself acknowledged who he was by the very temptations he offered in the wilderness.  And yet man, the one made in the image of God and the one for whom Christ came to give himself as a sacrifice, was blind to his identity. Even “his own”- the Jews who searched the Torah for every fleeting clue about Messiah and who longed for his coming – missed him.  They not only missed him but also eventually killed him.


How could that be? How could they miss the one who taught with authority and performed one undeniable miracle after another? For the most part, I believe they missed him because of their preconceived notions about what he would do and what he would look like. They made the mistake of assuming that God was like them and that Messiah would come as they imagined.


In their world, Messiah would come on a notable day – a feast day or a high Sabbath full of symbolic significance.  Undoubtedly he would be born into a family of high standing with wealth, education and influence. Reputable Rabbi’s probably wondered which of them would have the privilege of schooling the young Messiah in their advanced understanding of the Torah.  Without question he would give honor to the religious elite of Israel, the Sanhedrin, and, perhaps, ask for their seal of approval as he began to reveal himself publically. Of course, he also would be political as they were and beat the Romans at their own game of governmental intrigues and, eventually, military might to overthrow the oppressors.  As this new “reign of David” was established, these honored leaders of Israel would be given influential cabinet posts and governorships. I’m fairly certain they looked for all of those things as signs of the true Messiah in addition to his miracles. They waited for a Messiah made in their image and when he did not fit their mold they were blind to his presence.


Jesus disappointed them.  He came into the world as an unknown, born in a stable rather than a noble house.  Instead of a family of standing he came questionably into the world from the womb of a backwater girl swearing she had never been with a man. He studied at the feet of some nameless Rabbi and never once asked the Sanhedrin for it’s blessing.  He was apolitical and never attempted to raise an army.  He didn’t gather Jewish nobility around him but coarse fisherman and former tax collectors.  He even let women follow him around including one former prostitute.  He didn’t seek wealth or honor the wealthy.  Instead, he warned of the toxic dangers of wealth. When they demanded signs to prove who he was, he shrugged them off.  In the mind of the Sanhedrin, the High Priest, and the Pharisees, Jesus was no Messiah.  He was a scandal.


It is easy to criticize them on this side of the cross and, perhaps, we should.  After all, not all were blind, not all missed him.  Many did believe and became born- again sons and daughters of God.  And yet how often do we miss God because we already have him all figured out?  How often do we miss his answers to our prayers because we are looking for him to respond as we would respond if we had his power?  How often do we ascribe new moves and manifestations of the Spirit to the devil because we have never seen God work that way before?


If we learn anything from John it should be that God can move among his own while his own totally miss what he is doing.  I’m certainly not saying that everything that manifests in the church or that claims to be from God is from God. We must test the spirits.  But I am saying that we should be open to God doing new things, even greater things than we have ever seen him do and not to dismiss these things quickly because they don’t fit out preconceptions.  I’m saying this because in these last days I believe God will do some amazing things not recorded on the pages of the gospels. They won’t be out of character for God, they will just be new.  Prayer, discernment, and the evaluation of the fruit of a thing will be needed. It takes a while to see the fruit.  Sometimes it takes a while to hear from God.  We should not be gullible but neither should we be hasty.


In our own lives we should be open to God’s creativity and fresh ways of showing himself to us. Even God must get tired of routine.  Look at the miracles of Messiah – no formulas there.  A little mud here, some spit there, and a finger in the ear.  Maybe God likes variety as much as we do.  Whenever he comes or however he moves, we don’t want to miss him.  We want to receive everything he has for his people. Be open today and see if you experience the Father in fresh and surprising ways. Then be open again tomorrow.




In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him.     He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. (Jn.1:3-13)


I wanted to spend a little more time on John’s theology of Jesus in chapter one of his gospel.  I love the phrase, “In him was life and that life was the light of men.”  In the writings of John, the term “life” or “eternal life” speaks more about quality than duration.  For him, eternal life is the quality of life a man has in connection with the Father rather than eternal existence.  Those who find themselves in torment will have a never-ending existence but John would not call that “life.”


When he looked at Jesus, he saw something that he had never seen before.  He saw a quality of life that he had never imagined. It was a life in close and intimate fellowship with the Father.  There were qualities evident in the life of Jesus that had not been seen since Adam walked in the Garden.  Think of the things people saw in Jesus that arrested their attention.


The most obvious was the power available to him because of his relationship with Jehovah. As Jesus touched the lame, the blind, the lepers, and even the dead they were instantly returned to health and life. Demons were driven from their victims with a single command. Jesus tore at a few fish and a handful of bread and fed thousands. He commanded storms, walked on water, and changed water into the best wine at the wedding.


He also taught as no one had ever taught before.  He taught with the authority of one who knows, rather than one who speculates. Instead of quoting great Rabbi’s he spoke what the Father was giving him at the moment.


He exuded a security and a peace that is available only to those who know the heart of the Father and know the love the Father has for them. Jesus himself said that he gave peace, but it was not like the peace the world gives. Jesus had three years to save the world but never seems in a hurry, never worried about his next meal, and never spent a moment concerned about the approval of men.


He prayed in such a way that his disciples, who had heard thousands of Jewish prayers while growing up, felt like they had never heard anyone pray before.  They asked, “Lord, teach us to pray.”


Jesus also dispensed love and grace in ways that no one had seen before either. Moved with compassion, he touched broken lives with his love and grace in a way that invited people to trade in their old way of life, full of sin and brokenness, for a new life where grace and forgiveness ran deeper than the river of sin that had been gushing through their lives.


Those who saw Jesus saw that life and that life was the light of men.  If you’ve ever been lost in the dark you know how welcome a light is.  Suddenly, that light gives direction and hope. Suddenly you know in which direction you should be walking or driving and the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness are chased away.


The life Jesus modeled shows us that there is something else, something more, something worth pursuing with all of our hearts. It also gives us hope that there is a heart in heaven from which all of that flows.  The life we see in Jesus echoes the atmosphere of heaven.  In that life we sense that there truly is a place filled with love, peace, and security.  A city where sickness, death, and the demonic have no power and no place.


The life people saw in Jesus was a light directing them, calling them, and filling them with hope.  The amazing thing is that his life is available to us. As the Holy Spirit conforms us to the image of Jesus Christ, our lives should begin to emit that same life and hope to those still walking in darkness.  Paul said that, as believers, we should shine like stars in a dark sky.  I marvel at the men and women who centuries ago ventured out on seemingly endless seas in tiny boats with only a hand-held sextant and a basic compass to tell them where they were and where they were going. Sometimes they were driven by storms for days never seeing land or a single star to give them a heading.  When the clouds broke and the night sky was clear, they found hope and direction from those lights shining in the darkness.


My hope is that we (myself included) will pray harder and press-in harder to know the life that John saw in Christ so that others may see Jesus in us and that life, then, can be a light for them giving direction and hope. Remember, you are the light of the world.



In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. (Jn.1:1-5).

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. (Jn.1:14).


The apostle John was a bit of a mystic.  He loved the symbolic nuances of scripture and liked to peel the theological onion to find deeper and deeper meanings and truth in God’s word.  He was also the closest to Jesus of all the apostles. He was the one leaning on the Lord at the last supper and the one to whom Jesus revealed his betrayer. He was also the one apostle who stood beneath the cross watching life ebb from the creator of the universe. When the Holy Spirit began to download truths about Jesus that were to be recorded in the gospels, John received the most theological of the downloads that give us insight not only into what Jesus did and said but who he was beyond being the Son of Man.


In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Greek word translated as “the Word” in this text is “logos” and carries several related meanings.  It means an expression, a statement, a revelation, wisdom, the external expression of an internal thought, and so forth. If you think about it, Jesus is the visible expression of everything God thinks about us. He is a three dimensional revelation of the mind of the Father towards his creation. Jesus himself said that whoever has seen him has seen the Father (Jn.14:9).


If Jesus is the revelation of God and the expression of the heart and mind of Jehovah, then God surprises us. Who would have thought that the God who led Israel out of Egypt was also humble and gentle? Who would have thought that the God surrounded by Seraphim would be comfortable in the presence of sinners and that they could be comfortable in his presence?  But if Jesus shows us the Father,  then it is true. Who would have thought that the creator of the universe would be willing to sweat, thirst, and suffer mosquito bites for the sake of the spiritually dense (that’s all of us)?  Who would have thought that God Almighty would be moved with compassion so often when he saw hapless crowds or the blind and the lame?  Who would have thought that the high and holy God would be willing to attend weddings and turn water into wine or dance at bar mitzvahs? More than that, who would have believed the God who was a consuming fire on Sinai would have allowed ruthless men to brutalize him and drive nails through his feet for the sake of a fallen race? But there he is.


God surprises us and we are no more surprised than when we see him in Jesus.  Remember his thoughts toward you expressed in the life and heart of Jesus when you pray today.  Remember what lengths he went to so that you could have that conversation.  When you pray for sick loved ones, remember God’s heart for the suffering expressed through every command to “be healed.” Remember and take comfort and encouragement because you have seen the mind of the Father towards you. His name is Jesus.