Healing in The Name

One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer—at three in the afternoon. Now a man crippled from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts. When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money. Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!” So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them. Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk” (Acts 3:1-6).


Most of the Christians I know have longed for the gift of healing at one time or another. The idea of imparting supernatural healing to someone who is suffering or dying stirs something in us because Jesus is in us and healing is his nature. Paul tells us to earnestly desire spiritual gifts so it is a good thing to desire that gift and others because it is through those gifts that God wants to manifest his love and grace – both to the church and to the world. So, let’s draw some lessons from this account.


Luke, who wrote the book of Acts, opens the curtain as Peter and John are going up to the temple to pray. In this account we discover that the Jews had set times of prayer throughout the day. In Daniel 6:13, we are told that the prophet regularly prayed three times a day. Peter and John were men of prayer and apparently had a discipline of prayer in their lives which is one major key to receiving spiritual treasures from the Lord. They were going up to the temple at 3:00 which was designated as a time of prayer for the Jews. That time also coincides with the time Jesus died on the cross. You can make your own connection.


On their way, they were accosted by a beggar who strategically had his friends or family bring him to the temple gates just before this designated time of prayer. It was strategic because anyone entering to pray would want to enter the temple in the good graces of God and giving to the poor might just set them up for a blessing. Peter and John lived under a blessing so I’m certain that their motive for healing the man was not that.


Notice that the two apostles were going up for a designated time of prayer. I’m sure they were focused on things they wanted to bring before the Father, getting into the temple on time, and maybe even finding a place in the shade. It is almost certain that there were many other beggars and disabled men and women who had strategically staked out the same area, but the lame man caught Peter and John’s attention. Although these two were set on a mission of their own, they were alert to the possibility that God might want to do something else while they were on their way. I believe that as they learned to be sensitive to God, God would direct them to speak, pray, heal, preach, etc. as he directed. Jesus told us that he only did what he saw the Father doing (Jn.5:19) which is a sensitivity I believe God wants every follower to develop.


I believe many of us (myself certainly included) do not experience what we hope to experience when sharing our faith or praying for healing because we are planting seeds in ground that has not been prepared. We are planting in places where God has not already been working. It’s not wrong to plant in those places, its just not always productive. Jesus sensed God’s leading and involved himself where God had already been working. Peter and John were doing the same thing I believe and sensed that God was directing them to a certain man. When we know God has directed us, we can have faith for a miracle.


In this story, the man was expecting a little financial blessing but God had a greater blessing in mind. Directed by the Spirit, Peter declared healing over the man in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Peter was very specific about the name as if to leave no doubt about the source and authority for the healing. As people began to respond to the miracle, Peter and John were again careful to take no credit for the healing but to point everyone to Jesus. That is also a key to walking in power. As a result of their faith, their prayer life, their sensitivity to God’s leading, their willingness to have their plans disrupted, and their willingness to point others to Jesus through the miracle, God was able to entrust a greater measure of the miraculous gift of healing to them.


Interestingly, they didn’t pray for Jesus to come and heal the lame man as we probably would. Instead, Peter said, “What I have (possess) I give to you. In the name of Jesus….walk.” Peter possessed a gift of healing that resided with him. After all, Jesus told his followers to go, preach, heal, and cast out demons. He told them to do so because he had given them power and authority to do so. That same power and authority is still available to those who have the Spirit of Christ within them today.


I do believe that there are those who have a gift of healing and, like Peter, the gift resides with them. The rest of us can offer prayers of faith for healing at any time. In that moment we might ask for Jesus to come and heal but I also believe that many times the Spirit releases a gift for a given moment that does not reside with us. Many of us get a prophetic word, a word of knowledge, or a spike of faith on occasion that doesn’t seem to be available most of the time. I believe healing can be the same but when it is released for a specific moment, we can command healing just as Peter did. When we occasionally in a gift, it is also likely that we have the gift in seed form that can develop into a gift we can frequently call on if we nurture the gift and risk exercising it as it develops.


If you hunger for a gift or if God has put a desire for a gift on your heart, remember the lessons of Peter and John – a discipline of prayer, a growing sensitivity to the direction of the Lord, a willingness to be detoured or inconvenienced, a willingness to point all eyes to Jesus, and the faith to exercise the gift when you feel directed by God – even if healing does not always occur or a prophetic word is not always on target. We grow in these gifts as we grow in all parts of life. When desiring a gift we should do three simple things: pray, pursue, and practice. If you hunger for a gift, then go for it. See what God does.





I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:16-21


This is one of Paul’s great prayers and praise sessions in scripture. Paul often begins with a teaching that takes his mind to the amazing abundance of God available to his people and then those very thoughts drive him to little pockets of praise throughout his writings. But in these sections we can find spiritual realities that we need to grasp so let’s reflect on this section of his letter to the Ephesians.


Paul had already prayed for a number of things for the church in this letter. Here he prays for two more things: power in our inner man and the capacity to grasp the immensity of the love of Christ. He prays for the church at Ephesus but, by extension, I will apply his prayers to us. He begins by praying that God, out of his superabundant resources, will strengthen our inner being with power. Our inner being contains both our soul and our spirit which need the power or the force of God for strength. We ingest things for physical energy but there is also spiritual energy that sustains us. Moses spent 40 days on Mt. Sinai in the presence of God without food or water. Something in the spiritual realm sustained him in the physical. No doubt we have a part in that. Moses’ part was to stay focused on God and to remain in his presence. Our part is similar. To stay focused on God and to stay in his presence through time in the Word, prayer, and praise. As we do, the Father imparts increasing power to our inner being and I believe even to our physical bodies indirectly.


The second thing Paul prayed in this section was for God to impart power so that we might have faith for Jesus to dwell in our hearts. This suggests that the extent to which Christ dwells in our heart is based on our faith and our faith depends on God’s power to increase it. Of course, we always have our part in this but Romans 12 says, “think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you” (Rom.12:3).


When we come to Christ we have faith, we have the Spirit indwelling us, and we have Jesus dwelling in our hearts through the Spirit. Each of these is given in an initial measure that can be increased and should be increased as we mature in Christ. There is always more and we should always desire more. Paul’s prayer reminds us that God is the one who ultimately enables that increase. He does so when we press in for more – again with more time in prayer, in the Word, constant repentance that continues to align us with God, more obedience, etc.


Paul’s goal for us in that prayer, however, is not power for power’s sake but rather power to comprehend the vastness of Christ’s love for us. Most humans on this planet hunger for love. They look for it in all the wrong places, medicate when they can’t find it, write endless songs about it, and make movies about man’s search for someone to love him. What we are truly looking for is God’s love because it is only the love of the Father that will not fade, will not die, will not wander, and that is given unconditionally.


To truly grasp, comprehend, or get hold of the immensity of Christ’s love for us would solve our insecurities, our search for significance, our fear of abandonment, our fear of the unknown and even our loneliness. When those needs are met we have peace and the world is looking for peace. Paul’s prayer reveals that our grasp of this love must come to us through revelation, an impartation from God, and personal experiences with Jesus. Let me encourage you to pray for those very things for yourself and others who need to find Jesus or grow in him.


It’s easy to read sections of scripture like this and assume that Paul’s wish for us “to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ and to know this love that surpasses knowledge” is simply poetic language that, in reality, is unattainable for broken humans. But, Paul follows that declaration with a reminder that God operates without limitation. Nothing is too hard for him and he can do immeasurably more than anything we could ever ask or imagine.


We often live emotionally and spiritually unsatisfied lives in this world but it is not because God is unwilling or unable to satisfy us. It is usually because we are not really hungry enough to press in or because we keep trying to find the things that satisfy through our own efforts or through sources the world offers us. When those things fail to satisfy us, we blame God for not meeting our needs. Our needs are not met because we keep picking fruit from the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil rather than seeking it from the hand of God. We keep drinking from polluted streams trickling from our culture rather that drinking from God, the very source of life and satisfaction.


We would do well to make Paul’s prayers for the church in Ephesus our own prayers for ourselves and for those we know who need more of God. Let me encourage you to read this great letter and discover what Paul had been praying for the church and then begin to pray those very prayers for yourself until God has given you the revelation you desire. That revelation, if written on your heart, will change your world.




I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. Eph.1:17-19


Ephesians is one of those New Testament letters that holds such a wealth of insight and encouragement that never runs dry for the one who keeps asking God to show him or her more. The few verses quoted above are significant keys to gaining all that God has for us so I thought we might reflect on them this morning.


Paul had a special relationship with the church at Ephesus (see Acts 19-20) and was clearly proud of how they had grown in their faith and love. He told them that he always gave thanks for them in his prayers and then said that he kept asking God to give them the Spirit of wisdom and revelation that they might know him (God) better. From Genesis to Revelation the goal of God has been to accurately reveal himself to his people because to know him is to love him. And yet the failure of many has been to form opinions about God, who he is, and how he works with no real personal revelation of him.


Paul is clear that we can’t know God without wisdom and revelation that comes from the Holy Spirit. Man’s attempt to know God and explain him without this revelation has been catastrophic. It has led to all kinds of false worship that includes the worship of demons. It has led to a worldwide religion that claims that the heart of God is set on slaughtering all those who do not submit immediately. It has led to all kinds of beliefs that God is cruel, uncaring, and detached from the real struggles of mankind. We could go on but each of these distorted views of God comes from those who don’t know him well on a personal level and who don’t understand his purposes.


Paul says that to know him better requires revelation from the Spirit. The flesh always sees God as restrictive and demanding in the same way that children often view their parents that way even though the restrictions and the rules are in the best interest of the child. Children always long for a permissive parent who always lets the child do as he or she pleases without restriction or discipline. Many adults want a permissive God.   Only through the Spirit do we begin to understand the goodness of God’s commands and even his discipline. By revelation we begin to see the activities of God and by wisdom we begin to see their goodness. By revelation we begin to see the heart of God and by wisdom we begin to understand his heart. Left to our own intellect we will miss the mark of knowing an understanding him.


Paul prayed for the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that the Ephesians might know God better. There are two general words in the Greek for “know.” One is gnosis and the other is epignosis. Paul uses the second one here because it denotes experiential knowledge rather than academic knowledge. Without wisdom and revelation our knowledge of God is merely theoretical. With wisdom and revelation we begin to experience God personally and know him in truth not just in theory.


Paul mentioned that he kept on praying for those things on behalf of the church. The implication is that we need to keep on asking for wisdom and revelation from the Spirit if we want to know God in a deeper and more accurate way. Most revelation and wisdom are progressive. God gives us a bit at a time as we can assimilate it so one download doesn’t do it. Sometimes believers get a basic understanding of God but their understanding levels out there and never grows. That is like a child’s view of his or her parents never changing as he or she grows older. The greatest treasure God offers is himself and to truly know him is the greatest prize. We need to keep asking for God to show us more of himself and he is clearly pleased to do so.


The second thing Paul prayed for was that the eyes of their hearts might be enlightened so that they could fully comprehend several things. Again, this enlightenment is the work of the Holy Spirit who reveals the things of God to the deepest part of our thinking and feeling – the heart. Paul prayed that the believers at Ephesus would come to know the hope to which they were called, the riches of their inheritance and the power of God available to those who believe.


Hope keeps us going in dark places because hope expects the light to shine at any moment. Hope prompts us to grab hold of the promises of God with expectancy for our future. The riches that we have in Christ are everything that Jesus has purchased for us with his blood. The more we understand what is available to us the more we can access those “riches” for life on planet earth and for the expansion of the kingdom of God. Those riches may include some material wealth but that would be toward the bottom of the list. More importantly those riches include love, joy, peace, purpose, belonging, wisdom, spiritual gifts, eternal life and so forth. There are many ultra-rich people who would give it all up to possess those things because those things are what they thought wealth and power would get them. In their disappointment they simply keep chasing more wealth and power hoping that more will eventually get them what we all have freely in Christ.


Thirdly, Paul wanted the church and us to grasp how much power rests in the hands of the Lord who is more than willing to exercise it on our behalf. There is no need to feel afraid, powerless, helpless, and insecure for our Father has unlimited power and resources to release on our behalf. We are not victims nor orphans but sons and daughters of the Most High God. Knowing that truth in your heart lets you sleep at night no matter what.


Getting hold of those truths and planting them deep in your heart is the key that unlocks the peace and provision of heaven but it comes through the Spirit of wisdom and revelation…so ask for it and keep asking because there is no end to what God has for us in himself.

The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. 1 Cor.2:14


This blog is essentially dedicated to expressions of power in the life of the church and the preaching of the gospel. When we think of “power evangelism” we think of men and women coming to Christ after a dramatic healing, prophetic word, or deliverance. Those are certainly legitimate expressions of power and usually accompanied the preaching of the gospel throughout the New Testament. But there is also another kind of power that needs to be displayed in the day to day grind of bringing someone we know and love to the cross when he or she seems to be almost inoculated against belief.


In Paul’s statement above, he clearly states that a man without the Spirit cannot understand the things that come from the Spirit. He doesn’t say that the man without the Spirit is stubborn or chooses not to understand; he says that man cannot understand. In his second letter to the church at Corinth, Paul adds to that thought. “And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God” (2 Cor.4:3-4). So Paul tells us that without the operation of the Spirit a man cannot even understand spiritual things because the devil has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe.


Before a man or woman can truly come to the Lord, he or she must experience a paradigm shift in their view of the world, of themselves, or of God. That shift in thinking is called repentance. Dutch Sheets makes an interesting observation about this shift in a person’s worldview. “The perspective of unbelievers is distorted. People run from the pursuit of a God who is desiring to save them from destruction. Those of us who know him realize we love God because he first loved us. When sinners, however, hear of a loving God who wants only their best and died to provide it, they often see instead only the promise of loss and a lack of fulfillment” (Intercessory Prayer, p.171).


For some, the shift in perspective about God comes through a dramatic moment of healing, near death experiences, or some other encounter with Jesus that, like Saul on the way to Damascus,   jars the individual into a different view of Jesus. But what about all the rest? Two things need to happen. First of all, the veil or their distorted view of God needs to be removed and a revelation of Jesus needs to penetrate the heart of the unbeliever. When we talk people into a salvation prayer there is often no revelation and, therefore, no real change of mind – no genuine repentance – so their walk with the Lord is short-lived.


Power evangelism needs to be exercised in many cases through powerful prayers specifically targeting the strongholds (false beliefs and distorted views including pride, self-sufficiency, fear, distrust, unworthiness, etc.) of those we are trying to reach. Arguments, pressure, guilt, fear, and even logical presentations of the gospel will rarely bring about a lifting of the veil and the revelation needed for true repentance. The answer is found in God’s divine weapons spoken of in 2 Corinthians 10. These weapons have divine power to bring down strongholds, silence the enemy, and direct the power of the Spirit to release revelation and faith.


There are times when our prayers need to look like spiritual warfare in which we command and bind the enemy in a person’s life, call on angels to keep the enemy at bay, declare God’s word over that person, ask the Spirit to hover over that individual to release revelation and birth faith, and ask Jesus to orchestrate encounters that will bring about a change of mind and heart. That is where the work and the wrestling need to be done rather than in the natural realm where we tend to use pressure and persuasion. There is tremendous power in prayer and battles for souls are fought and won in that realm because our struggle is not against flesh and blood. That kind of prayer is also power evangelism.


Before sharing our faith, we usually need to till the soil of a person’s heart so that the word might take root. That tilling will be done through powerful and persistent prayers that bring the resources of heaven to bear on that person and his or her heart. Often we have prayed for God to save someone but have not truly entered into the battle ourselves with our persistent and specific prayers. Remember, God will do more things with us than for us. Join in and see what God does for those you are trying to reach.



When his disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray, he began with a relatively revolutionary idea – Our Father in heaven. For the most part, Jewish theological thought viewed God as the one whose name should not be spoken and whose presence in the Holy of Holies was as dangerous as it was glorious. He was seen as the Holy Judge of all the earth and the destroyer of the enemies of Israel. He was the thunder and flame on Sinai and the earthquake swallowing up the sons of Korah.


But Jesus spoke to the Father in familiar and intimate terms and encouraged every believer to do the same. That must have been a difficult paradigm shift for many. It still is. One of the great hindrances to receiving the promises and the power of the Holy Spirit is our view of God. When we ask God for healing, deliverance, favor, provision, and protection we often ask with a minimal expectation – more of a hope than a confident request. That presents a real dilemma when we know that whatever we ask for, believing that we have received it, will be ours (see Mark 11:24).  We hope he will answer our petitions, but we are not always confident that he will and that is a formula for few answered prayers.


Many of us have a difficult time believing that our Heavenly Father is willing, able, and eager to bless us, heal us, and deliver us from the power of the enemy. We still view him as a God who keeps careful records and who weighs our good moments against our bad to see if we have earned enough points to merit an answered prayer. We see him as a Father whose love is conditional, who is beyond understanding, and who may well visit pain and suffering on us to “perfect our spirituality.


So we pray, hoping for the best but not really expecting it. When we are sick we pray for healing but wonder if God actually wants us to be ill so that our faith in suffering glorifies him, purifies our soul, or has a purpose beyond our understanding. When we live with emotional pain and brokenness from our own bad choices we may see God as the Father who sternly remarks, “You made your bed, now you can lie in it.” Myriads of believers simply view their Heavenly Father as a distant replica of an earthly father who made promises he couldn’t keep, whose primary emotion was anger, or who was loving one day while distant and unpredictable the next.


When we have a mixed view of our Heavenly Father it is difficult to pray with faith or to pray at all. But prayer is the very thing that opens the valve so that the promises and the power of heaven can flow to us and through us. If we view God as distant, angry, or conditional then we will not pray at all (there’s no point in asking) or we will pray as if we have to convince, coerce, or nag God into blessing us.


So how do we understand this God who seems angry and vengeful in the Old Testament but is called “Abba” in the New Testament? John goes so far as to say that God is love and God is light. The key is Jesus. No matter how we understand the Old Testament or what kind of father we had on earth, Jesus clearly stated that when we have seen him we have seen the Father in heaven (see Jn.14:9).  If you want to know how much you are loved by the Father, look at the cross. If you want to know how God will deal with your sinful past, look at the Samaritan woman of John 4 and the woman caught in adultery in John 8. Ask yourself how many times Jesus turned down people who came to him for healing and how he dealt with Peter after Peter denied and abandoned Jesus in his hour of suffering.


According to Hebrews, Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory (the part of God’s goodness we can see) and the exact representation of the Father’s being (Heb. 1:3). When you see the heart of Jesus toward the broken and the suffering you see the heart of the Father. When you see the compassion of Christ toward the spiritually clueless you see the Father. When you see the anger and frustration of Jesus toward those who would deny the healing of God for the sick or who would drive sinners away rather than embrace them, you have seen the Father as well. The cross has allowed the love of God to overpower the judgment of God. And God is glad.


When you pray for the power of heaven to be released on your behalf, remember that the heart of the Father toward you is the same as the heart of Jesus. As loving fathers and mothers, we are not always so different from our heavenly Father. I always want the best for my children. When they were young and tumbled off their bikes, I ran to pick them up and bandaged their wounds. When they were afraid I comforted them. When they were confused I taught them. When they were in danger I protected them. When they laughed I laughed with them and when they did wrong I corrected them. All those things were motivated by love and, like most parents, I would have died to save my children.


Our heavenly Father did just that and is much more the loving Father and Mother than we could ever hope to be. When you pray, you can be certain that your Father in heaven is hearing and acting on your behalf. We can’t always know why we don’t see some prayers answered. There are mysteries yet to be understood. But we can always know the heart of our Heavenly Father toward us. If you have seen Jesus, you have seen the Father. If you have seen the cross you have seen his heart for you. Reflect on Jesus and his heart before you offer your next prayer. God is soooooooo for you!



On a personal note I want to apologize for missing my last two regular blogs. My goal is to post a blog each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday but I got to enjoy the inside view of hospital room for five days last week and finally said goodbye to a gall bladder that had been with me for decades. The skies look exceptionally blue and the sun exceptionally bright after being in a hospital room for nearly a week. I few more days at home and then I can get back to the office and a couple of weeks after that I can start playing bad golf again.  My apologies, however, for missing those blogs. The upside is that I’ve had some time to pick up some new reading and I hope that the surgery also cured my slice.


I’ve been looking at a little book or booklet by Graham Cooke entitled “Crafted Prayer.” I like Cooke because he challenges my programmed thinking on things and then I usually end up agreeing with him. In this book he gives us a definition of prayer that is almost counter-intuitive for most believers. How would you define prayer? Most of us have defined prayer as taking a laundry list of needs and concerns to the Father, lifting them up with passion and persistence, and then trying to persuade God to see things our way. Of course, we always throw in a “ Thy Will Be Done” in order to keep from sounding selfish or presumptuous.


Cooke defines it this way: “Prayer is finding out what God wants to do and asking him to do it.” My automatic response to that is, “Well, why ask him to do what he wants to do because he will probably do what he wants to do anyway! I pray to get God to do what I want to do!” That’s honest but the truth comes out that I’m praying to get God to do things my way rather than joining him in what he wants to do.


Remember when Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can only do what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does” (Jn.5:19-20). That sounds a lot like Cooke’s definition of prayer. His approach is to pray about a situation by asking the Father what he wants to do and then waiting to hear or sense what it is the Father has already determined to do. Then as we pray into that, our prayers release the power and will of the Father into the situation. Remember that our Father wants to do things with us and not just for us.


In addition, it is sometimes important not just to know what God wants to do but how he wants to do it. Naaman, the leper, came to Elisha in search of healing (2 Kings 5). It wasn’t enough for those who loved Naaman to know that God was willing to heal him but they needed to know how God wanted to go about that. In Naaman’s case, seven big dips in the Jordan did the trick. Think of how often Jesus healed people in unique ways: mud on the eyes, spit in the eyes, spit in the ears, in the midst of crowds, leading people to private places, with a word or with a touch. Jesus did not use formulas but healing seemed to be crafted to the needs of the person or to the needs of those near the person. I don’t know that Jesus always knew the “why of the Father” but he knew the what and the how.


The power of Cooke’s definition is that it fits what Jesus modeled for us. It forces us to believe that God is already aware of every issue and already has a solution that is in the best interest of his children. Once we hear from the Lord about what he wants to do, then we know with certainty that we are praying according to his will. Then the only question is when will God pull the trigger on the answer that we are totally assured of.


This approach to prayer challenges us but consider it. If you want to pursue the concept I would encourage you to get Cooke’s book from Brilliant Books at $7.00. Be blessed in Him today and for a start simply ask the Father what he wants you to pray about, wait on the Lord, and then pray for whatever comes to mind that is consistent with the written Word.


See how it feels.


We have just spent my last four blogs looking at Ezekiel in the Valley of Dry Bones. I want to connect that text with prayer. The apostle Paul tells us, “For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope” (Rom.15:4, ESV).   In other words, when we study Old Testament scriptures, they have been included so that we might learn something significant for ourselves and our spiritual life. What we learned from Ezekiel 37 is that the Word of God has power to produce life even when it is declared by human tongues.


Too often we have defined prayer as simply asking God to do things we cannot do but there is more. Prayer is also a time for praise and worship, a time for sharing the thoughts of our hearts, a time for asking God what is on his heart, and a time for joining the Father in accomplishing his will by making declarations of faith and authority over people and situations that need his touch.


What is dead or dying in your personal universe? I want to encourage you as part of your prayer life to begin to declare the Word of God over that situation using the very words of Ezekiel crafted to fit your prayer. For instance, let’s say you have a son and daughter-in-law whose marriage is on the verge of failure. You might begin to pray and declare, “Dry bones of Ben and Marie’s marriage… hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to this marriage: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will restore love and life to your marriage and make it live again. I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord. This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come from the four winds, O Spirit , and breathe into this dying marriage, that it may live.”


Ezekiel tells us that after his declaration of God’s word over the desolation of the valley the following was the result. “So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army.” Praying and declaring the very word of God over a person or a situation is very powerful. Sometimes results come in a moment but in most instances persistence will be needed.


I want to quote from Dutch Sheets book, Intercessory Prayer, to make this point. “ John Killinger tells about an interesting method used in the past to break a wild steed by harnessing it to a burro. The powerful steed would take off across the range, twisting and bucking, causing the burro to be tossed about wildly. What a sight. The steed would run away, pulling the burro alongside, and they would drop out of sight – sometimes for days. Then they would return, with the proud little burro in charge. The steed had worn himself our, fighting the presence of the burro. When he became too tired to fight anymore, the burro assumed the position of leader. And that’s the way it is many times with prayer. Victory goes to the persistent, not to the angry; to the dedicated, not to those who can provide great demonstrations of emotion and energy. We need committed, determined, systematic prayer, not once on a while fireworks.” It’s not that righteous anger and fireworks aren’t appropriate at times, but consistent, faith-filled, dedicated, on-target prayer wins the battle more often.


I sense that there are a few who read this blog that have given up on a situation of “dry bones” close to them. I want to encourage you to begin again. You know what God’s will is for the situation, so begin to pray and declare God’s word over that situation believing that when God’s word goes forth it fulfills its purpose. Believe. Declare. Persist. We are often thrilled at the exploits of men of faith in the Old Testament as they waded into battle and won great victories against overwhelming odds – David and Goliath, Gideon, Jonathan and his armor bearer, and so forth. These were furious fights that lasted for a few hours or a day. But many other battles (probably most) were won by laying siege to a city, cutting off supply lines, and attacking one section of wall day after day in strategic intervals until it crumbled. Persistent, systematic prayer cuts off the supply lines of the enemy and brings down walls that a furious fight for a few hours can’t topple. Begin again and be blessed in Him.




The hand of the Lord was upon me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” I said, “O Sovereign Lord, you alone know.” … Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them…Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’ ” So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army. (Ezek. 37:1-10)


I want to take a few more lessons from Ezekiel’s valley of dry bones before moving on. This is about God giving life to those things that are dead by all natural measures. In the beginning of Ezekiel’s account, God took him out and led him back and forth through the scene of desolation and then asked him if those bones could live again. Ezekiel had viewed the impossibility from every angle and undoubtedly the natural man would have given these bones no chance to live again. Even acknowledging the sovereignty of God, the natural man would have concluded that if God had wanted these bones to dance again, he would not have let them die in the first place. Death seemed to herald God’s final verdict because, after all, it is given to man once to die and then the judgment. No resurrection. No reincarnation. When a thing dies, it’s time to bury it and move on. It would have been easy for Ezekiel’s reason to come into agreement with that view and if it had, his answer to the Lord’s question would have been, “No way, Jose.”


But Ezekiel did not let the natural man rule the day. In essence his response was, “God, if you want these bones to live again they will because nothing is impossible for you and my faith comes into agreement with that truth rather than what is possible or impossible in the natural.” That is the always the mindset of faith and the mindset that brings victory over the impossible.


Secondly, Ezekiel was told to prophecy over the bones and they would come to life. As he began to prophesy he saw something amazing – bones twitched, moved, and reattached while muscles and flesh formed over the bones. Nothing happened until he began to declare God’s word over the situation and, as he declared it, God’s power was release. Amazing stuff started to happen. I’m certain that Ezekiel’s heart raced and his faith soared. But then it stopped. Everything looked good but when Ezekiel had finished prophesying there was still no life in the bodies. How often have we prayed, gotten excited about something that looked like progress, only to watch it stall out so we decided that our prayer was not going to be answered after all.


However, God told Ezekiel to continue to prophesy but with a different twist. He was no longer commanding bones but the Spirit himself to come and breathe life into these corpses. Sometimes the answer to prayer is a process rather than an event and as the process unfolds we may need to pray or declare with a different emphasis. If we have prayed for God to make an unbelieving husband into a great man of God, our first prayers and declaration must be for the Spirit to birth faith in the man or for the man to have an undeniable encounter with Jesus. After he has come to faith, our prayers or declarations need to change. Salvation is no longer the issue but growth, discipleship, and sanctification.


We need to be sensitive to the process and to ask God what we should be praying for or declaring in the present. Hearing from God in those moments is critical because we may be unaware of the new believer’s greatest need for growth while we pray for something that we perceive as the greatest need. When Ezekiel didn’t see the bones jumping to their feet, he didn’t give up nor did he start declaring what he thought was needed, but waited on the Lord to tell him what was next.


As he declared Part 2 of the prophecy, those bodies began to breathe and stood up as mighty army. God then gave his reasons for raising the dead. “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: O my people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel. Then you, my people, will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and bring you up from them. I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken, and I have done it, declares the Lord” (Ezek.37:12-14).


Just because something or someone seems dead and beyond all hope, it doesn’t mean that God is through with the person, the marriage, or the situation. It is in those moments that God shows himself to be the true and living God. Do not come into agreement with unbelief. Do not stop praying and declaring life over someone or something. Keep going, even when progress seems to stall out or ground seems to be lost, and ask God how you need to be praying or what you need to be declaring in at moment of the process. After all, dead bones can live again – just ask Lazarus and, by the way… Jesus.



“Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.’ ” So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them…Ezek. 37


When asking God to breathe life into a situation, a relationship, or a disease riddled body we must always remember that our faith and action will play a part. God had already decided to raise this army of dry bones from the valley floor but would wait on Ezekiel to declare his word before the power flowed. Notice that Ezekiel was not declaring his own word or his own will but the will and the word of God.


Our first step in changing an impossible situation is to make sure that what we are asking is aligned with the will of God. Are we praying something or declaring something that has his stamp of approval on it? You would think that principle is a given but I have known Christians who were praying for things far removed from the will of God. For instance, I met with a woman once who was frustrated with God because he hadn’t answered a long time prayer for her “boyfriend” to leave his wife and children to marry her. I’ve met with a Christian whose greatest desire was for a former spouse to die and burn in hell. I’m not sure that follower of Jesus prayed for that particular outcome but I know she hoped for that outcome because she told me so in no uncertain terms. I believe she had prayed for it.


Our first assessment should be whether the thing we are praying for or declaring lines up with the will of God as revealed in scripture. We can always pray, declare and command for the sake of someone’s salvation because we know that God desires that all men should be saved. We can always pray, declare, or command on behalf of a failing marriage, a person in bondage to an addiction, a nation that needs to turn back to God, or for a woman not to choose abortion because we know God’s constant heart on those matters. We already have his unchanging word on the matter. Other issues may be a little trickier so we simply need a “rhema” or direct word from God on the issue. Ezekiel didn’t get his command to prophesy over dry bones from the Torah but from a direct word from the Lord.


The key is in praying, prophesying, or declaring the word of God over the issue. God said, “So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it” (Isa.55:11). When God’s word goes forth it fulfills its purpose. In the case of Ezekiel, God’s word was placed on Ezekiel’s lips and he sent it forth by declaring God’s word over an entire valley of dry bones. Jeremiah experienced the same dynamic. “Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “Now, I have put my words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant” (Jer.1:9-10). Jeremiah would build and tear down nations by declaring God’s word over them. As I said before, God loaded the gun but his prophets pointed the gun at the target and pulled the trigger which released the power of the Holy Spirit into the very situation God was willing to effect on the earth.


Those patterns of how God works in the earth were given for our learning. Just as Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and a host of others in scripture declared God’s word over a matter, we are to do the same. When God’s word goes forth from our lips, it also fulfills its purpose. That is how we speak life over dead things that God wants to make live again. That is how we tear down strongholds and set people free. The desired result is not always immediate. It takes years to build some things as each prayer and declaration adds a brick and months or years to tear down other things. At times we are laying siege to the enemy and every prayer, declaration, or command releases more of the power of God into the situation we are dealing with. When enough spiritual artillery has pounded the walls of a demonic stronghold, the wall will fall like the walls of Jericho. God wants to build up and tear down and he wants to use us to do both. He uses us by placing his words on our lips so that we might send forth the words of God that in due time will fulfill their purpose.


Next Blog: More lessons from dry bones.


Now Elisha was suffering from the illness from which he died. Jehoash king of Israel went down to see him and wept over him. “My father! My father!” he cried. “The chariots and horsemen of Israel!” Elisha said, “Get a bow and some arrows,” and he did so. “Take the bow in your hands,” he said to the king of Israel. When he had taken it, Elisha put his hands on the king’s hands. “Open the east window,” he said, and he opened it. “Shoot!” Elisha said, and he shot. “The Lord’s arrow of victory, the arrow of victory over Aram!” Elisha declared. “You will completely destroy the Arameans at Aphek.” Then he said, “Take the arrows,” and the king took them. Elisha told him, “Strike the ground.” He struck it three times and stopped. The man of God was angry with him and said, “You should have struck the ground five or six times; then you would have defeated Aram and completely destroyed it. But now you will defeat it only three times.” (2 Kings 13:13-19)


This is a unique section of scripture because it is an account of one of the last prophetic declarations of the great prophet Elisha. Elisha was an intern of Elijah and at the departure of Elijah into heaven, Elisha received twice the anointing or spirit that his teacher had walked in. Elisha was a powerful prophet but was not destined to be taken up to heaven in a whirlwind (2 Kings 2:1) as his predecessor was, but would simply die of an undisclosed illness. Jehoash, the king of Israel mentioned in this section, was not a particularly godly king but came to Elisha anyway after hearing of his illness. From the context, we can infer that Jehoash had a concern about going to war against Aram (Syria) and had probably come to inquire of the Lord before going to battle.  Even in the grip of his illness, Elisha heard from the Lord and apparently had a heart for Israel even though the nation had been in rebellion against God during most of Elisha’s tenure.


At the coming of the king, Elisha instructed him to take a bow and some arrows and shoot an arrow out the east window. Elisha placed his hands on the king’s hands to symbolize the promise that God would strengthen Jehoash’s hands in battle. This was a prophetic act symbolizing a military victory over Aram. In a sense it was like Moses raising his staff over the Red Sea symbolizing authority over the waters – God’s authority working through his representative.


After Jehoash fired the arrow, Elisha declared that Jehoash would completely destroy the Arameans in an upcoming battle. He then gave the king a handful of arrows and instructed him to strike the ground with the arrows. The better translation is that he was instructed to shoot the arrows into the ground as he had shot the first arrow through the window. Jehoash shot three arrows into the ground and stopped. Elisha was angry saying that he should have shot more arrows because he established his own destiny with the number of shots. More arrows would have brought more victories for him and for Israel.


At first glance, I’m puzzled by Elisha’s anger. He didn’t tell the king how many arrows to shoot into the ground or clearly why he was doing so. However, the king knew the first arrow was a sign of one victory and could have deduced that more arrows meant more victories. My guess is that he still had arrows in his hand when he stopped shooting. Either his faith or his passion for victory or both fell short.


I wonder how often we stop short of God’s promises either because our faith won’t imagine more or because we are content with a little rather than battling for all that God is willing to give us. I have learned through the years that most prophecies and promises are conditional on our response. If God tells us he will do great things through us, the condition is that we prepare ourselves for great things and risk doing more than we thought we could. If he promises to move mountains do we settle for an anthill because our faith can’t imagine the mountain or because our part in moving that mountain seems too hard or too long?


Jude challenges us to “contend earnestly for the faith” (Jude3). I once thought of that as a call to defend pure doctrine. I’m sure that contending may include teaching the truth in the face of opposition but I have also come to believe that it includes contending for the promises imbedded in our faith. Jacob had to wrestle with an angel for an entire night to get the blessing he was seeking. We need to endure in faith, prayer and action refusing to settle for less than the promise implies – for healing, for a nation, for salvations, or for a marriage. God wants us to shoot until all the arrows are gone.


Sometimes I wonder if God is bored because his children ask and settle for ordinary things rather than the extraordinary. Paul tells us that God is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine (Eph.3:20) and so I’m confident that he wants to do that. A strong man who can bench press 360 pounds wants to be challenged to do that and even more. To ask him to bench only 100 pounds is boring and even insulting. We need to ask for more. We need to ask for the impossible rather than the probable. We need to hear the promise or own true prophecy and then shoot every arrow, launch every prayer, and believe the word until we hold the promise in our hands. Don’t give up, don’t give in, don’t settle. Contend.