Gospel of Power

Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them: “Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall. If Satan is divided against himself, how can his kingdom stand? I say this because you claim that I drive out demons by Beelzebub. Now if I drive out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your followers drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you. (Luke 11:17-20)


The gospel of Luke gives us insight into the mindset of the Pharisees regarding Jesus. Jesus did not match their preconception of what the Messiah would look like. Jesus was not raised in a noble family; he was not educated at the feet of great Rabbi’s; he had not presented himself to the Sanhedrin or the Pharisees asking for their seal of approval; and he did not covet their favor at all. In fact, rather than courting their support he had confronted them on numerous occasions about their religious hypocrisy. As a result, they rejected him as the Messiah. They did have a major problem, however, in their attempts to discredit Jesus. His miracles were extreme, public, numerous, and undeniable.


Their final ploy was simply to ascribe his miraculous works to the power of Satan. They were most clear about their accusations when Jesus was casting out demons. Jesus’ response was simple. Why would Satan (Beelzebub) cast out his own minions who were doing his work? Wouldn’t that kind of contradiction undermine the kingdom of darkness? And…if demons are only cast out by the power of Satan, then how did they explain their own exorcists who cast out demons?


Ultimately, his response came down to a declaration regarding the kingdom of God. The Jewish leaders were very keen on the Messianic kingdom being established in their own day. They anticipated that it would be a kingdom of politics and military might backed up by the power of God. They had thought that they would all be given positions of power and influence in that kingdom. Jesus’ disdain for them and his disinterest in a political or military solution did not “fit their theology.”


Jesus, however, made a definitive statement about the nature of the kingdom of God as proof that he was a bona fide representative of that kingdom. But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you (Lk.11:20). A mark of the true kingdom was to be supernatural power. It was not power to be used politically or militarily but to destroy the works of the devil. The mark of kingdom would be the preaching of the good news, healing, casting out demons, raising the dead, etc. It still is.


Jesus declared that the kingdom the Pharisees would have ushered in was not the kingdom of God but rather another earthly kingdom devised by men. The question arises – does any view of the kingdom of God that does not claim and demonstrate supernatural power correctly represent God’s kingdom? In his letter to the Galatians, Paul expressed a great concern about the so-called gospel that was being preached. “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned” (Gal.1:6-8)!


Paul’s primary concern in this text was a gospel that included works for salvation and not grace alone. But the warning is not to change or pervert the gospel that was declared by Jesus and taught by the apostles. Throughout his letters, Paul frequently talked about the power of the kingdom of God and demonstrated it time and again. Is a gospel without power, a true gospel at all? Is a miracle drug that is eventually dispensed with only part of the formula, still the solution that was promised or is it something else? The gospel is not only the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus but also the promises attached to what Jesus did. Without those promises the gospel is no good news at all. The forgiveness of sin, rebirth into God’s family, the indwelling Holy Spirit and the power of the Spirit in our lives is all part of the package. To leave out any of those components makes the gospel less than it is meant to be.


In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul wrote, “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms” (Eph.1:17-20).


Wisdom, revelation, spiritual eyes, hope, inheritance, and incomparable power are key words that he prayed over and over again for the church in Ephesus. Without a demonstration of power, Christianity will be viewed, by most, as just another philosophy of life. But…we teach peace and love. So do Eastern religions. The historical fact of Jesus’ resurrection sets us apart but the power of the gospel is what confirms that resurrection. The psalmist declares that God forgives all our sins and heals all our diseases (Ps. 103). When Jesus was questioned about his authority to forgive sins on the earth, he simply healed the man as proof that the man’s sins were forgiven. Matthew records the moment when Jesus said, “For which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Rise and walk’?  But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins’—he then said to the paralytic—‘Rise, pick up your bed and go home’” (Mt.9:5-6). A demonstration of power, governed by love, confirmed the reality of forgiveness.


We need those same demonstrations today. A gospel that preaches forgiveness without demonstrating the goodness of God through the supernatural intervention of his Spirit falls short. The charisms or supernatural, spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit are not just power but expressions of God’s love for people. That is why Paul devoted a whole chapter to love in the middle of his discussion on spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12-14.


I am still frustrated that so many Christian churches today continue to deny, teach against, and even forbid the exercise of spiritual gifts such as healing, deliverance, prophecy, tongues, and so forth. Like the Pharisees, many still argue that the exercise of those gifts is satanic deceptions. The real deception is found in the prohibition of their exercise. Paul declared, “Therefore, my brothers, be eager to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues” (1 Cor.14:39). He also charged, “Do not put out the Spirit’s fire; do not treat prophecies with contempt” (1 Thess.5:19-20).


I am not saying that the churches that deny the full ministry of the Holy Spirit do not love Jesus. I’m not saying that they do not do good. I am saying that they operate with an incomplete gospel because the promises attached to his good news are incomplete. Trying to push back the powers of darkness without the manifest power of the Holy Spirit is like hunting with a gun that is not loaded. That was never the Lord’s intent. Regardless of where you attend church, I hope that you will pursue everything the Spirit promises because those promises validate the resurrection of Jesus and the presence of his kingdom. They are continuing expressions of God’s love in a dark world. But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you (Luke 11:17-20). Be blessed.





The Old Testament is full of types and shadows pointing to greater realities to come. The Passover Lamb of Exodus pointed ahead to Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Moses, who mediated between God and Israel, pointed to Christ as the mediator between God and man. Egypt pictured sin and bondage. The Promise Land of Canaan was a type of salvation – the destination of God’s people and a land flowing with milk and honey which looked ahead to the abundant life that Jesus promises.


The Promise Land, as a foreshadowing of our salvation, is always instructive in the arena of spiritual warfare. Rodney Hogue, in a teaching on deliverance, pointed to the twenty-third chapter of Exodus for some of that instruction.


I will send the hornet ahead of you to drive the Hivites, Canaanites and Hittites out of your way. But I will not drive them out in a single year, because the land would become desolate and the wild animals too numerous for you.     Little by little I will drive them out before you, until you have increased enough to take possession of the land. (Exodus 23:28-30)


Nearly every preacher I have ever heard invites the unbeliever to come to Jesus for peace, the abundant life, and the “easy yoke” of the Savior. These are, indeed, promises made by Jesus to those that would follow him but it is only part of the story. Many come to Jesus with an expectation that as soon as they climb out of the baptistery, life gets easy, blessings flow without measure, and tragedy is always on a far horizon. When “all hell” breaks loose, they wonder what is wrong and where Jesus and all of his peace and blessings went.


We sometimes pitch the Christian life like a 1981 recruiting ad for the Navy that said, “It’s not just a job, it’s an adventure.” Of course, the add showed proud men in crisp, white uniforms standing in long lines, powerful ships launching gleaming fighter planes, and navy seals skirting across the open water in high-powered, high-tech assault vessels.   Everyone looked strong, happy, incredibly competent, and totally unafraid. There, of course, was truth in those images – but it was not all the truth. When those sailors were fighting 40 foot waves in frigid temperatures in mid-ocean and when those seals were cold, hungry, and hugging the ground as enemy fire lit up the night around them, the adventure was not so clean, crisp, or glamorous. The Christian life also launches us into war that is not always so clean, easy, or peaceful.


The account of Israel taking Canaan (the promised land) should alert us to that. First of all, like salvation, the land was given to them by God. It was theirs by grace. But one problem existed; the land was full of hostile tribes who were not ready to give up their parcel of ground. The land had been deeded to the Hebrews, but they had to go take it from enemy hands. God promised victory and promised that he would go ahead of Israel into each battle but they still had to face an enemy who knew how to use a sword and often who had much more battle experience than they did. According to the book of Joshua, it took years and dozens of battles to secure the land and enjoy all of its abundance.


That is a picture of sanctification – the process in which we become more and more like Jesus and walk in more and more of his promises. In one sense, salvation is experienced as an event – the moment a person truly surrenders his or her heart to Jesus. Sanctification, however, is a life long process that often includes some real battles.


The interesting thing about the passage from Exodus 23 is that it points to a “principle of occupation.” God only frees us in areas that we are ready and willing to occupy. Those of us, who are involved in spiritual warfare and deliverance, typically want to free a person from every stronghold and every demon in one sitting. But we also know that driving out a demon may not always be in the best interest of that person and that sometimes, even when we try, we just don’t get it done.


Jesus tells a parable of a man who was demonized and received deliverance (Mt.12:43-45, Luke 11:24-26). The demon stayed away for a bit, but then returned to inspect his former dwelling place. Jesus said that the demon found the “house” clean and in order and so returned and brought seven other demons with him that were even more wicked than the first. The point of the story seems to be that any unoccupied house or territory invites tenants, and the new tenants may be much worse that the former.


In Exodus 23, God promised that he would go before Israel and give them victories over their enemies but would not do all at once. He said that to clear the land that Israel could not occupy and develop would simply turn agricultural fields into wild thickets, where wild animals would take up residence and become too numerous for Israel to manage. As Israel became stronger and more adept at war, God would then give them more of the territory he had promised. In our terms, God may not set us free and give us spiritual territory within us that we are not willing or able to occupy – to fight for, to maintain, and to develop. Hogue pointed out that the grace of God might keep us where we are until we are truly ready to hold onto our freedom or healing.


It is counter-intuitive, but not everyone wants to be healed or set free from sin and demonic oppression. Sometimes, when praying for people, praying over people, or in commanding spirits, the will of the individual is a greater obstacle than the spirit, the sickness, or the situation. Many want to be freed from the painful consequences of sin, but not the sin itself. Others have had their lives defined by an illness or brokenness so long that they have organized their lives around those things. To be healed or set free may be more frightening than inviting to those individuals because it represents the unknown. Israel was enslaved in Egypt, but their lives had become predictable and in some degree manageable. They thought they wanted freedom, but as soon as they faced the unknowns of the wilderness they wanted to go back to what they knew. They were not yet ready to occupy the new territory of freedom.


As we pray for people and minister to them, we may want to take measure of how ready they are to occupy – fight for and maintain – any new territory the Lord gives them. Some simply do not know how to fight and must be taught how to fight and cultivate the new ground that has been given to them. Others may not be sure they want it. We may need to ask the Holy Spirit if that is the situation and what to do about it. We may want to help them explore their hearts and their will in the matter.


I am certain we need to teach people how to fight and maintain freedom before casting out demons, because that demon will eventually return or others will drop be to see if there is unoccupied territory in the heart of a person. That space must be occupied by the things of God and the individual must be willing to fight to guard those things when the day comes. God is willing fight with us and he assures the victory, but we must take up a sword and fight. Let’s be sure that we know how to do that and teach others to do so as well. As Paul said, we have to fight the good fight. After all, it’s not just a job, it’s an adventure!








In my last blog I discussed the need for all Christians to be equipped for spiritual warfare. I then encouraged readers to find books, churches, or ministries that can equip them in the exercise of “divine weapons,” if their church does not provide such training. I want to suggest some resources, but before I do, let me also offer some wisdom.


The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. (I Tim.4:1-3)


Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. (I John 4:1)


Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. (Acts 17:11)


But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you. (Jn.16:13-14)


First of all, not everything written or taught about spiritual warfare is on target. Some are way off target. There are those who would use spiritual gifts for their own promotion and profit and you need to stay away from those individuals (See Acts 8 regarding Simon the sorcerer). There is always truth mixed in with deception, so be cautious. Jesus said that you will know false prophets by their fruit so look at the ministry, it’s emphasis, whether it points to a man or to Jesus, and whether it seems to care more about money and power or people.


Secondly, consider whether what you are being told or taught is based on sound biblical interpretation. Our experience and methodology should line up with scripture. I’m not saying everything you need to know about spiritual warfare is in the Bible. Methodology is often a matter of culture and experience. For instance, we are not told in detail how to lead others to Christ, only that we are to present the good news. Methodology is left up to us.


But we know whether what we are being taught seems to contradict scripture or line up with scripture or the character of scripture. We know in whose name we are to pray and cast out demons. We know that incantations and magic amulets are not consistent with scripture. We know that channeling, angel worship, and speaking to the dead is forbidden in God’s word. We know that all ministry should point people to Jesus and a holy lifestyle. You get the drift. If a teaching is presented with arrogance or the promise of special knowledge or blessings that no one else possesses or embraces new age approaches to healing and revelation, turn off the channel. So, if you are not familiar with an author, church, or ministry… proceed with caution and consider the fruit and the spirit with which the training is presented.


Thirdly, ask the Spirit to lead you into all truth. If something des not resonate with your spirit or if it troubles you, then proceed with caution. I would suggest that you not dismiss something immediately but pray about it more, study more, ask people you trust about it more. Our discomfort may come from our cessationist teaching or our lack of personal experience more than from an unbiblical or untrue teaching.


Also, be willing to receive some teaching without receiving all teaching. An “unbiblical teaching” may not come from a bad or deceptive heart. None of us can teach beyond our best, current understanding or experience and that changes over time. My first response to the “Toronto blessing” of uncontrollable laughter released by the Holy Spirit was one of skepticism and criticism. Then someone pointed out that “joy” is a fruit of the Spirit. Do I accept all things coming out of Toronto? No, but I don’t dismiss all things from that event either.


Jesus told a parable in which a man planted wheat and, while he slept, an enemy planted weeds in the same field. When the wheat grew, so did the weeds. The servants asked it they should dig up the weeds but the master said to wait so that the wheat would not also be pulled up with the weeds. Sometimes, there are weeds mixed in with the wheat, but the wheat us still good. As you read or receive training, be open to receive some things and reserve judgment on others. Spiritual gifts find different expressions in different people. How some express their gifts may just not fit you, but it may not be a false teaching. In summary, test the spirits, check the fruit, and pray for God’s Spirit to lead you into all truth.


Having said that, let me list some books and ministries that have helped me grow in the area of spiritual warfare. Remember, I don’t necessarily accept everything from these teachers nor do I incorporate everything they do into my ministry to others. I consider the scriptures, ask the Spirit to lead, and wait for confirmation in my Spirit before moving ahead with things that just don’t resonate with my spirit. Paul said. “We know in part and we prophecy in part,” (1 Cor.13:9) so don’t hold people to perfection, but rather gauge the heart and spirit of the teacher, as well, in testing the spirits.


Recommended Books Related to Spiritual Warfare:


  • Intercessory Prayer (Dutch Sheets) – This is a must read about the power and purpose of prayer and will motivate you to pray more with greater intensity and endurance.


  • Approaching the Heart of Prophecy (Graham Cooke) – This is a great book on prophetic gifts and how God speaks to us. You must be able to hear God in moments of spiritual warfare.


  • When Heaven Invades Earth (Bill Johnson) – This is a great book to open you up to the supernatural move of God in our lives today.


  • Born to Be Free (Tom Vermillion) – This book is designed to help people find freedom and maintain freedom from the lies and oppression of the enemy and, I think, maintains a healthy balance in doing so. This book includes chapters on hearing God, our identity in Christ, the authority of believers, and deliverance.


  • Deliverance from Evil Spirits – A Practical Manual (Francis MacNutt) – This is an entire book on deliverance and delves into the theology and methodology of deliverance. Good book.


  • The Essential Guide to Healing (Bill Johnson and Randy Clark) – This is a sound book on healing theology and methodology. It will encourage you to go out and pray for supernatural healing.


  • Authority to Heal (Ken Blue) – This is another excellent book on healing and how to pray for healing. It is an older book but has some things to offer more recent books seem to miss.


  • Drawing Near (John Bevere) – This is a great book about intimacy with God and has one of the best chapters on speaking in tongues that I have run across.


  • Freedom in Christ (Neil Anderson) – This book is almost a classic in the deliverance arena and has been around a number of years – but is a good place to start if you are just learning about deliverance.


  • The Handbook for Spiritual Warfare (Ed Murphy) – This is another extensive book on spiritual warfare and deliverance. Good resource book.


  • Shadow Boxing (Henry Malone) – Very readable book on deliverance. Henry Malone Ministries / Vision Life Ministries also trains and ministers in deliverance.


  • Can You Hear Me? Tuning into the God Who Speaks (Brad Jursak) – This is an excellent book on learning to hear God, which is critical in our growth and in spiritual warfare.



Churches with Freedom Ministries:


These are a few churches that I am aware of that offer healing/deliverance ministries that are balanced and healthy. I’m sure there are many more, but these are a few I am aware of. If you know of others, please reply and I will get those posted. It would be great to develop a directory of churches and ministries who bring a balanced and healthy approach to this arena.


Mid-Cities Community Church – Midland, Tx

Bethel Church – Redding, Ca.

Beltway Park Baptist Church – Abilene, Tx

Gateway Church – North Richland Hills, Tx

Trinity Fellowship – Amarillo, Tx


I hope these resources and cautions will be helpful. Blessings.




We fight two battles over the same issue or problem. The initial battle, to get free; and the second battle, to stay free. (Graham Cooke, Qualities of a Spiritual Warrior, p.83, Brilliant Book House)


It’s amazing how many Christians get free from some bondage, only to loose it again in a week or two. When they do, they decide that nothing really happened initially. In their mind, God’s “divine weapons” did not work for them, so they default back to a pre-spiritual warfare mindset and a passive approach to faith and overcoming issues.


A number of believers receive freedom through the ministry of other believers but then loose it shortly. The reason is that very few believers have been taught how to fight. Very few are aware of the authority that they have been given. Very few confront and defeat the enemy when their world is crumbling under his attack. Very few even think in terms of spiritual attack. Instead they think that God is punishing them or ignoring their pain that comes from bad luck or victimization by bad people. Many “defeated” Christians simply take on a victim’s mentality and resent God for not protecting them or blessing them when they have been commanded to fight against the enemy.


Notice the language of the following scriptures:


For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. (2 Cor. 10:3-4)


For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God… (Eph.6:10-13, ESV)


I want you to know how much I am struggling for you and for those at Laodicea, and for all who have not met me personally. (Col.2:1)


Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith ….. (1 Pet.5:8-9)


Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, when you stood your ground in a great contest in the face of suffering. (Heb.10:32)


I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven. (Luke 10:19-20)


Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (Ja.4:7)


These verses contain the language of warfare – war, weapons, struggle, resistance, trample, overcome, suffer, contest, wrestle, demolish, strongholds, stand your ground, etc. Although the ultimate victory has been won and Satan’s legal right to own and dominate believers has been taken away, the enemy still wages an illegal war against God’s people.


He cannot snatch away our salvation but he can harass and afflict us so that we are distracted and ineffective in our assigned mission. We don’t fight to win the victory but to enforce it and most often we have to enforce it in our own lives with the truth of who we are and what Jesus has done. The first volley of any battle must be the declaration of truth over the enemy’s lies followed byn the exercise of faith and authority.


The number of believers that are afflicted by demons without recognizing that they are under spiritual attack or without having any idea what to do about it is significant. The freedom that these believers often experience through the declaration of truth and the exercise of our authority in Christ typically astounds them. But they must learn how to wield their own authority in order to maintain their freedom. The enemy will not give up territory without a few attempts to reclaim it.


I believe that every church in America needs some level of ministry available to help believers find freedom and equip them to keep it while helping others find freedom as well.   Even if it is just a few individuals or couples in a congregation who know who they are in Christ and who have experience in a few facets of spiritual welfare, the difference they can make over several years can be exponentially significant.


Declarations of truth, intercessory prayer, inner healing, deliverance, breaking curses, etc. are all divine weapons that need to be in the arsenal of every congregation and every mature believer. The goal of these ministries must not be to minister deliverance and healing only, but to teach the individuals they minister to how to fight with an expectation that they will maintain their freedom and help others do the same. The church has that mindset in evangelism. After we bring someone to Christ, we believe that they then know enough to lead someone else to Christ and we encourage them to do so. Most churches offer classes to further equip their members in a simple approach to evangelism. We should have the same mindset concerning spiritual warfare.


Even in charismatic churches, those who minister healing and deliverance are often seen as a few elite that everyone comes to for ministry. But every believer walks in the authority of Christ and every believer will have to face the enemy. Some may have more experience than others, but everyone should be equipped for the day-to-day battles that come with living in enemy territory.


If you agree with this perspective but are not in a church that operates in the gifts of the Spirit, healing, and deliverance how do you get trained? Tomorrow I will give you some perspectives on that and recommend some resources. Blessings in Him.



I’ve been reviewing a book by Jonathan Welton entitled The School of the Seers. It is a book about the gift of spiritual discernment and the ability to see into the spiritual realm. I know several people with that gift. It manifests in several ways but from time to time or nearly all the time these individuals can see angels, demons, and other symbolic things in the spiritual realm as if having an open vision. Whether what they see is literal or symbolic of something that is literally operating in the spiritual realm is up for debate but God definitely shows them spiritual realities in real time.


Welton says something interesting about words in the spiritual realm that is worth considering. “On one occasion when I was praying for the sick, I saw something unique about the woman I was about to pray for. Before she told me what illness she was suffering with, I saw spears stuck in her from all directions in the spirit realm. They were about ten feet long and literally stuck out of her in every direction….the woman told me she had anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, Epstein Barr virus, and many other similar ailments…Some of the spears had writing on them which explained what they were and how they had arrived there (such as hate, disappointment, and fear).


We spent some time forgiving individuals who had hurt her, releasing word curses, and dealing with many heart issues. As we processed these issues, the spears were being removed by the Spirit…The Lord gave me an insight into why I see so many swords, spears, and other weapons stuck into people in the Spirit. We see in Ephesians 6:17 that when words are in the hands of the Holy Spirit, those words are the sword of the Holy Spirit, “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” Simply stated, in the spirit, words equal swords – so with our mouths we also wield swords….we can use words in a destructive manner which literally stabs and injures others” (Johnathan Welton, The School of the Seers, p. 85-86, Destiny Image Publishing).


We know that that the tongue has the power of life and death, but most of us still tend to only think of hurtful words causing injury in the natural realm by wounding emotions and battering self-esteem. But what if something literally happens in the spiritual realm that effects us in the natural? In his book, Welton said that when people would approach the woman, they would rake the spears which created tremendous pain in her soul. Because of that, she kept her distance from people. After his prayer, and the spears being removed by the Spirit, her physical illness symptoms disappeared and she was able to hug and connect with other human beings without fear of pain.


What if we saw our words in the spiritual realm either literally wounding people or injecting life and strength into them? What if we saw them as slicing and stabbing like swords or spears of the enemy or as pellets of life-giving water splashing over them, healing old wounds and reviving their souls? Would that temper our words? Would that prompt us to always be dispensers of healing instead of pain? James tells us that fresh water should always flow from our mouths rather than salt water. Fresh water gives life to green plants while salt water brings death.


We did a study on James a few weeks ago and looked at the verse instructing us to resist the devil. Developing a habit of always building others up with our words and speaking blessings over them is a powerful way to wield a sword against the enemy. Speaking over ourselves in the same way is also a powerful sword. Spiritual warfare is primarily done with words because words carry power and authority. We should be aware of that 24/7 not just when commanding demons or commanding healing over a person. Ours should be a lifestyle of speaking life, removing spears, and healing the slashes of the enemies swords in every person we connect with.


Sometimes, people wonder why sinners and broken people were so drawn to Jesus. I believe it is because he always spoke life over them and they were drawn to that source of life. Be blessed today and be a constant source of blessing to those around you just as Jesus would do.










When participating in spiritual warfare, the word of God is essential. It is essential not just for discerning what is “scriptural” or not, although that is important, but scripture is a weapon to use directly against the enemy. When confronting the enemy who is harassing, tempting, or afflicting you or another, the word of God is powerful.


Paul tells us, when speaking about the armor of God, that the word of God is the sword of the Spirit (Eph.6:17). We are also told by the writer of Hebrews that the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two edged sword (Heb.4:12). In the book of Revelation, John describes a vision of Jesus and says, “In his right hand he held seven stars and out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword” (Rev.1:16). That picture of Jesus establishes him as one with great power and authority. His words leave his lips as a sword with power to judge.


In the wilderness temptation recorded in Matthew 4, Satan came to Jesus to tempt him. The devil always shows up when our strength (spiritual, emotional, or physical) is somehow depleted. Satan approached Jesus after forty days of solitude and fasting. His energy levels were low and he had been without the encouragement of friends or family for over a month. Satan, believing Jesus to be extremely vulnerable, came to tempt him as he did the First Adam. Jesus fought back with the sword of the Spirit, the word of God.


Jesus quoted scripture in response to every temptation of the enemy. The words of believers carry authority and power. How else could the commands of God’s people bring healing and deliverance or even raise the dead. In the spiritual realm, our words have substance and weight. But if our words have substance, how much more do the very words of God spoken from our lips.


Again, we are told that the word of God is the sword of the Spirit. I believe when we declare that word with faith and conviction it cuts and bruises the enemy. When we are confronting the enemy, declaring appropriate scripture has a powerful affect that afflicts and torments the enemy.


Declaring the authority of Christ over the enemy is a powerful use of the word.  Scripture is filled with such verses declaring that Jesus has all authority in heaven and earth; that Jesus has a name that is above every name; that Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. etc. In the wilderness temptation Jesus did not give chapter and verse, but simply said, “It is written… We can do the same when confronting unclean spirits.


For example, we might say, “The word of God declares that Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth and I now declare his authority over you.” Or we might say, “ I command you in the name of Jesus, who is declared by the written word of God to be King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and you will obey his commands as I declare them to you.” Or… “It is written that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that he is Lord and now you will bow the knee to his commands as I declare them.”


Declaring scripture strengthens our own faith in the moment while it weakens the enemy and torments him. Demons do not always depart with the first command. If a stronghold exists, you may have to “assault the walls of the enemy’s fortress” more than once with numerous commands. Declaring the word of God over that person or a situation takes big chunks out of the stronghold walls.


Every believer should have a catalogue of scriptures on hand to wield against the enemy: scriptures that declare who Christ is, who we are in Christ, the defeat of Satan, the victory of the church, God’s willingness to heal and set captives free, and scriptures that defeat fear and temptation of every kind. As believers, our words carry authority but the very words of God from our lips, carry even more power and authority with which to defeat and torment the enemy. Make a list, memorize them, and keep them handy.   We live in a dangerous world. Don’t leave home without your sword.


If you have embraced spiritual warfare then one of your favorite verses has to be, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (Ja. 4:7). Sometimes, it really helps to break down verses that are very familiar to us and re-examine them in some depth. So…lets do that with this particular verse.


The Greek word anthisteme is translated resist. It really is a stronger word than that. It means to be hostile toward something or someone, to withstand, and to set yourself against. Resist implies pushing back but this word is more of a mindset of determined hostility that we are to maintain against the enemy. John’s phrase that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil has that flavor. We are to be just as determined.


Too many believers have a casual or compromising attitude toward Satan and toward sin. Too many try to live with one foot in the kingdom and one foot in the world. But as soldiers of Christ, compromise with the enemy is unacceptable. James might read, “Maintain a hostile attitude toward Satan and constantly set yourself against him and he will flee.


Satan is not so much a proper noun as a description. The word translated as Satan is diabalos and literally means slanderer, accuser, or the one who opposes you. One way we resist the devil is to reject his slander and accusations that he brings against us and against others. That happens first in our own minds when he brings accusation and condemnation to our minds in an attempt to create insecurity in our relationship with the Father. He accuses us of being such miserable individuals that even God can’t love us and constantly works to draw us back under the enslaving idea that we must always earn God’s love and favor rather than joyfully living by grace. We also set ourselves against the slanderer when we refuse to be his instruments of accusation and slander against others. Gossip is a serious sin in scripture because it makes us one of Satan’s great tools to spread his slander, accusation, and condemnation against others. Rarely are we more aligned with Satan than when we gossip.


The Greek word pheugo is the word translated as flee. It means to run away, disappear quickly, vanish, or avoid. I like the idea that when I fully understand that Satan is my enemy, maintain a hostile attitude toward him, and when I refuse to place the accusation game then he or his representatives will quickly disappear. In fact, after a while they will avoid you because you torment them instead of them tormenting you.


I need to add that in the context of James 4, a very important phrase precedes this directive to resist the devil. James says first, “Submit yourselves, then, to God” (Ja.4:7). Submit (hypotasso) carries the meaning of willing subjection and submission. It means to submit control, yield to the authority of another, to stand in the ranks, or to be aligned with someone or something. It is the same concept as “taking every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5).


In both the Old and New Testament, a consistent theme is found that declares that God raises up those who humble themselves before him and opposes those who are proud. Submitting ourselves to God is humbling ourselves before him. God promotes those who are humble before him because the humble will use the gifts, power and authority he gives them as he directs rather than for their own purposes. Satan flees from those who have authority in the Kingdom and the humble are given authority. Being humble is not being timid or weak. It is simply being submitted to the Lordship of Jesus.   The more submitted we are in every part of our lives, the more standing we have in the kingdom and the more authority we are granted in the spiritual realm. Then when we maintain a hostile attitude toward the enemy and stand against him he will certainly flee and will often avoid us altogether.


James bookends his statement about resisting Satan with the phrase, “Come near to God and he will come near to you” (Ja.4:8). The progression, then, is to submit to God, resist the devil, and draw near. When we are doing God’s work, which is destroying the works of the devil just as Jesus did, then God will certainly draw near. When God draws near, Satan disappears. The more time we spend in the presence of God, the less often the enemy will come around. No demon wants to be in the presence of the Most High and Holy God.


Today…remember that the devil is not your friend. He is a sworn enemy of God bent on destroying God’s children. Maintain a hostile mindset toward this enemy and everything he represents. Do nothing that brings you into agreement with him. Submit every part of your day to Jesus and every part of who you are. Draw near to God throughout your day and then watch the devil run. Be blessed.





I wanted to give you a little culture correction moment as our culture continually pressures us to turn our backs on biblical truths in the name of Science. I want to share a lengthy quote from Dr. Caroline Leaf, a top neuroscience researcher who, along with many others, is doing cutting edge research on the brain.


We have been living under a myth called the gene myth, which locates the ultimate power over health and mental well-being in the untouchable realm of genes, relegating them to the level of gods. This myth has bound the mental and physical health as well as the peace and happiness of too many people for too long. Almost daily, another headline pops up with the highly fashionable concept of a gene for this or a gene for that. You are an alcoholic or depressed or battle with learning disabilities or whatever. Genes may create an environment within us in which a problem may grow, a predisposition, but they do not produce the problem; we produce it through our choices …


Genes have been made out to be responsible for feelings, spirituality, beliefs, even things like the enjoyment of music – all human behavior, to the extent of determining human affairs, human relation ships, and social problems. In fact, genetic predisposition has become entrenched in popular culture to the extent that phrases like ‘she has good genes’ and ‘he was born that way’ are commonplace. This thinking removes choice and accountability from the equation and is scientifically and spiritually inaccurate. You control your genes, your genes do not control you. Genes may determine physical characteristics but not psychological phenomena.


Outstanding research has been done by Dr. Gail Ironson…at the University of Miami. She found that the most significant factor that made a difference in healing for those with HIV was their choice to believe in a benevolent and loving God. Her study ran over four years…those who did not believe God loved them lost T-cells (powerful cells that attack diseases) three times faster, their viral load increased three times faster, and their stress levels were higher, with damaging amounts of cortisol flowing.


Dr. Ironson summarizes her research by saying, “If you believe God loves you, it’s an enormously protective factor, even more protective than scoring low for depression or high for optimism. A view of a benevolent God is protective. But scoring high on the personalized statement ‘God loves me’ is even stronger.” (Dr. Caroline Leaf, Switch on Your Brain, p.51-52).


The newest research is showing that what we choose to believe and say, altars even our genes and DNA. Renewing our mind with the word of God (Rom.12:12) and coming into alignment with what he says  about us and who we are is even more transforming than many of us ever thought – not just at a spiritual or emotional level but even at the core of who we are physically.


It turns out that mind (what we choose to think and act on) has substance that, like the tongue, truly has the power of life or death. Contrary to culture, the newest science is confirming God’s Word at every turn – not making it irrelevant but more relevant that ever. By the way, Dr. Leaf is a strong believer in Jesus as well as being a brilliant researcher.

Now Elisha was suffering from the illness from which he died. Jehoash king of Israel went down to see him and wept over him. “My father! My father!” he cried. “The chariots and horsemen of Israel!” Elisha said, “Get a bow and some arrows,” and he did so. “Take the bow in your hands,” he said to the king of Israel. When he had taken it, Elisha put his hands on the king’s hands. “Open the east window,” he said, and he opened it. “Shoot!” Elisha said, and he shot. “The Lord’s arrow of victory, the arrow of victory over Aram!” Elisha declared. “You will completely destroy the Arameans at Aphek.” Then he said, “Take the arrows,” and the king took them. Elisha told him, “Strike the ground.” He struck it three times and stopped. The man of God was angry with him and said, “You should have struck the ground five or six times; then you would have defeated Aram and completely destroyed it. But now you will defeat it only three times.” (2 Kings 13:13-19)


This is a unique section of scripture because it is an account of one of the last prophetic declarations of the great prophet Elisha. Elisha was an intern of Elijah and at the departure of Elijah into heaven, Elisha received twice the anointing or spirit that his teacher had walked in. Elisha was a powerful prophet but was not destined to be taken up to heaven in a whirlwind (2 Kings 2:1) as his predecessor was, but would simply die of an undisclosed illness. Jehoash, the king of Israel mentioned in this section, was not a particularly godly king but came to Elisha anyway after hearing of his illness. From the context, we can infer that Jehoash had a concern about going to war against Aram (Syria) and had probably come to inquire of the Lord before going to battle.  Even in the grip of his illness, Elisha heard from the Lord and apparently had a heart for Israel even though the nation had been in rebellion against God during most of Elisha’s tenure.


At the coming of the king, Elisha instructed him to take a bow and some arrows and shoot an arrow out the east window. Elisha placed his hands on the king’s hands to symbolize the promise that God would strengthen Jehoash’s hands in battle. This was a prophetic act symbolizing a military victory over Aram. In a sense it was like Moses raising his staff over the Red Sea symbolizing authority over the waters – God’s authority working through his representative.


After Jehoash fired the arrow, Elisha declared that Jehoash would completely destroy the Arameans in an upcoming battle. He then gave the king a handful of arrows and instructed him to strike the ground with the arrows. The better translation is that he was instructed to shoot the arrows into the ground as he had shot the first arrow through the window. Jehoash shot three arrows into the ground and stopped. Elisha was angry saying that he should have shot more arrows because he established his own destiny with the number of shots. More arrows would have brought more victories for him and for Israel.


At first glance, I’m puzzled by Elisha’s anger. He didn’t tell the king how many arrows to shoot into the ground or clearly why he was doing so. However, the king knew the first arrow was a sign of one victory and could have deduced that more arrows meant more victories. My guess is that he still had arrows in his hand when he stopped shooting. Either his faith or his passion for victory or both fell short.


I wonder how often we stop short of God’s promises either because our faith won’t imagine more or because we are content with a little rather than battling for all that God is willing to give us. I have learned through the years that most prophecies and promises are conditional on our response. If God tells us he will do great things through us, the condition is that we prepare ourselves for great things and risk doing more than we thought we could. If he promises to move mountains do we settle for an anthill because our faith can’t imagine the mountain or because our part in moving that mountain seems too hard or too long?


Jude challenges us to “contend earnestly for the faith” (Jude3). I once thought of that as a call to defend pure doctrine. I’m sure that contending may include teaching the truth in the face of opposition but I have also come to believe that it includes contending for the promises imbedded in our faith. Jacob had to wrestle with an angel for an entire night to get the blessing he was seeking. We need to endure in faith, prayer and action refusing to settle for less than the promise implies – for healing, for a nation, for salvations, or for a marriage. God wants us to shoot until all the arrows are gone.


Sometimes I wonder if God is bored because his children ask and settle for ordinary things rather than the extraordinary. Paul tells us that God is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine (Eph.3:20) and so I’m confident that he wants to do that. A strong man who can bench press 360 pounds wants to be challenged to do that and even more. To ask him to bench only 100 pounds is boring and even insulting. We need to ask for more. We need to ask for the impossible rather than the probable. We need to hear the promise or own true prophecy and then shoot every arrow, launch every prayer, and believe the word until we hold the promise in our hands. Don’t give up, don’t give in, don’t settle. Contend.





Confession is a divine weapon that can have powerful, effects when exercised consistently. We tend to think of confession as the confession of sins either to God or to one another. If you have a catholic background it will summon images of confession to the local priest. Confession can mean that but encompasses much more. According to Strong, the Greek word exomologeo can be translated as: to confess, to agree, to approve, to assure, to promise, to admit, to concede and, judicially, to make a statement, or in the legal sense to bear witness. It also includes making solemn statements of faith.


I think the easiest way to understand the concept of confession is to think of it as agreement with the truths of God. Literally, it means “to say the same as,” to agree with God”, or “to say what God says.”  As I’ve already mentioned, one aspect of confession regards our sins. “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed” (Ja.5:16). “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (1 Jn.1:9). To confess our sins means that we agree with God that what we have done is wrong and that we acknowledge our culpability in the sin.


In Psalm 51, David confesses his adultery with Bathsheba. He makes no excuses and blames no one else for his choice. “Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you are proved right when you speak and justified when you judge” (Ps.51:4). Notice that he takes full responsibility for his actions and declares that God’s standards are right and just. He confesses or agrees with God about what he has done. He agrees in his heart, not just with his words. A sincere confession is always woven in with godly sorrow. Confession of sin is a defensive weapon because a consistent practice of confession gives no place to the enemy to come in because we stand in agreement with God rather than Satan. Confession cancels any legal right Satan would have to oppress us and keeps any barriers from forming in our relationship with God.


There is another side to confession and that is standing in agreement with God about Jesus. To confess Christ is simply to say what God says about him. It is our way of declaring belief and belief is simply a conviction that what God has said about his Son is true. Jesus said, “Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven” (Mt.10:32-33). When we confess Jesus before men we agree with God about Jesus and we say so. We say what he has said.


Declaring who Jesus is will always include a confession that he is our Lord and Savior. That confession declares our alignment and allegiance to Christ and declares not only to men but also to the spirit realm that we serve Jesus. That declaration establishes our authority in the spiritual realm as followers of Jesus and sons and daughters of the king. Just as law enforcement officers have to identify themselves by uniform or announcement before exercising their authority, we need to do the same before exercising authority in spiritual matters. If we do not belong to Jesus, we cannot operate (pray or command) in Jesus name. Our confession of who Jesus is and who he is to us is critical when we stand against the enemy.


Thirdly, confession of who we are in Christ and what he has done for us is a powerful weapon to keep the enemy at bay and to write God’s truth more deeply on our hearts. There is also a prophetic effect when we declare God’s word regarding ourselves, other believers, or our own children and families. Next time I want to really develop this important aspect of confession because it is so powerful and yet so neglected. Be blessed today.