The past few days have been filled with the news about the shootings at Ft. Hood as a tragic accumulation of school shootings and shootings on military bases continues to mount. Every spokesperson for the military or the school districts decry the violence and promise to do more to protect our children and our men and women in uniform. Everyone has their theory about why these shootings continue. Some will cry for more gun control while others will blame poverty or discriminatory polices in the U.S. Some will blame our heavy- handed ways overseas. The common denominator is that everyone is shocked, everyone is stumped, and everyone exudes a kind of helplessness about the situation.
But over the past 20 years the same people have worked tirelessly to get God, his Word, prayer, and the gospel out of the public schools and out of the military. They seem to relate these tragedies to the failure of laws, policies, politics, or sometimes parenting. No doubt, each of these contributes but the problem is not a failure in those arenas but in the spiritual arena of this nation.
Most of our powerful policy makers in Washington and even in higher education subscribe to humanism and the idea that all men are basically good. They believe that mankind does not need a God to rise above the failings of human nature or society. They simply need the right education, the right philosophy, the right economic programs, and the right guidance from government. They often believe that conservative parents and religious institutions simply get in the way. The truly see God as the enemy. So…let’s get rid of God and his influence and see how well we are doing.
The truth is that good does reside in each man because each man was made in the image of God. Traces of God’s goodness still exist even in those who have not been made a new creation. However, our fallen dominates that “goodness” until the Holy Spirit quickens the spirit of man so that man once again begins to be governed by God. The psalmist tells us that a fool says in his heart that there is no God. The apostle Paul tells us that without God the thinking (the philosophies) of men is futile and their hearts are darkened. Claiming to be wise we become fools. (See Rom.1:21-22). The very thing that can push back against the evil that prompts these tragedies has been removed or is being removed from our schools, our military, our courthouses, and our culture. Those things that were once called evil are now called good (same sex marriage, drunkenness, false religion, addictive substances, abortion, sex outside of marriage, etc.). At the same time righteousness is called bigotry, hate, ignorance, and evil.
I was visiting with an amazing brother last night that served as a counselor immediately following the Columbine shootings. He visited with those who witnessed the killings and those who were shot and recovering in hospitals. He said that one after another, when he asked the students to describe what they had seen, they kept describing the scene as “satan pointing a gun and shooting.” There were no promptings for that remark. What they saw was evil dominating and directing young men to perform satanic acts of murder. Only the power of God can push back against the reality of evil. As a nation, we have asked God to step off the playing field and without him we will lose the game in ways we never imagined.
It’s not too late. There are still many believers who hold up the name of Jesus and pray with power against evil. But when leaders fail, the people suffer. Strong, unwavering believers must step into the arenas of politics and law (and media) to open our classrooms, our military, and our courthouses to the presence of God once again. More than that, our churches must rise up and push back against the enemy through prayer, righteousness, and evangelism all governed by love. The down side of free will is that God allows us to experience the consequences of what we ask for. America voted for our current leaders who disdain the Creator of the Universe. Not all of those in authority are unbelievers. I know that there are a number of committed Christians in congress, but the believers are outnumbered.
Gun laws, giving false religions deference over Christianity, forbidding men and women to pray in the name of Jesus in the military, the promotion of abortion, turning our children over to be raised by government agencies, and removing creationism from education will not slow the rate of these tragedies. They will increase because only Christ and his Spirit can reverse the power of darkness on this planet because only Christ and his Spirit can overcome the fallen nature of man. There is no other way. Please pray for the families of those who lost loved ones at Ft. Hood and pray for a nation to turn back to the one who made us strong and gave us victories in our past. Do it for your children.