
Jesus said on several occasions that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.  To truly love God, our minds and hearts must be aligned with his truth.  Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (Jn.14:15). We won’t keep a commandment that we don’t agree with…at least not consistently.  

Most of us are in the process of alignment.  We consistently obey Jesus in some areas but not in others. At our best, we begin to think or respond in a certain way, then think about what Jesus would want and, after some internal debate, surrender to him.  That is a good step, but the renewed mind goes to what Jesus would want first, without having to reason our way to that conclusion. When our mind and heart are both aligned with God’s Spirit, then we are truly renewed.  

The mind is renewed by constant time in the Word and in meditation on the Word. The Greek word translated meditation, is the idea of “chewing on something for a while.”  We need not just mindlessly read the Bible, but also  think about what we have read.  Discuss it with other believers.  Read or listen to someone else’s thoughts on the passage, etc.  As we do so, what seemed to be counterintuitive at one time, now seems to make perfect sense because we are training out minds with Kingdom logic, rather than worldly wisdom. If our mind is not renewed, we will not be transformed.  Paul declared, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Rom. 12:2).  

Along with the mind, our hearts need to be renewed as well. God’s truth can find its way to our heart in many ways, but the most powerful way is through revelation, when God’s Spirit bears witness with our spirit about his truth so that the life-giving Word of God replaces a lie that has affected us for years (Rom. 8:16). The lies of Satan are deadly but the truth of Jesus Christ gives life.  Adam bit on Satan’s lie in the Garden and death entered into the world. But when Jesus touched the dead, the dead breathed again. When Jesus touches a lie, he drains it of its deadly poison and breathes his healing truth into a wound that was releasing its toxin into our life. “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words (rhema)  I have spoken to you are spirit andthey are life “ (Jn.6:63).

There are two general words in the Greek language that describe a word from the Lord.  One is logos and the other is rhema.  Typically, logos refers to the written word of God revealed to the prophets and penned by them as well.  Rhema is typically a spoken word of God that give fresh revelation to an individual.  It may be a revealed application of the written word or simply a direct world to a person through the Spirit.  We need both logos and rhema.

I believe the written logos is most needed to renew the mind while the spoken rhema is most effective at changing the heart.  Logos makes sure that rhema is consistent with the will of God and keeps us from spinning off into theological space.  It also is a way we experience God directly which increases our faith.  Paul said, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word (rhema) of God. “  Truthfully, I am more transformed By a genuine experience with God than by a sermon or daily Bible reading.  The experience needs to be tested by the written word, but the spoken word or experience with God opens my heart up to a greater level and expands my mind to a deeper understanding of the written Word.

Churches that preach about God, but rarely experience him are not greatly transformative.  Churches that are mostly experience and little Word are prone to theological error and can be more “fleshly” than those churches who deny the Spirit.

Jesus declared, ”The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words (rhema) I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life” (Jn.6:63).  We need the words of Jesus…both written and those heard in our spirit.   

Let’s read the Word, let’s listen to good sermons, let’s read good books to help us understand the Lord more…but then let’s listen for his rhema.  Let Jesus speak to you about his Word, your plans, your hurts, your disappointments and even your successes.  When Jesus speaks your heart is transformed.   

When both our minds and hearts are renewed, we will commune with God in greater ways than we have ever known. That should be our truest and highest goal for living.