Freedom: Our Birthright

For the past eighteen years, freedom ministries have been my primary area of ministry. For us, Freedom Ministries are those ministries that help God’s people heal and find freedom from every kind of bondage.

Our cornerstone passage for this ministries is Isaiah 61:1 – a prophetic passage pointing to the coming Messiah. Prophetically, Isaiah declares, “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners,to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair ” (Isa. 61:1-3).

In Luke 4, Jesus read that very passage in the synagogue and declared that the passage was being fulfilled in him. The mending of broken hearts and the setting free of captives is for those in Zion. It is God’s people who need the healing and freedom. Certainly, those outside the covenant need it as well, but God’s first concern is for his children.

Over the past three weeks I have had the privilege of beeing part of three Freedom Weekends. The weekends follow an eight weeks of classes that prepares God’s people to receive their healing and freedom and to maintain it after they are healed and set free. Freedom Weekend is an all day event in which God’s people experience emotional healing from past hurts and experience deliverance from tormenting spirits. These spirit range from fear to shame, from heaviness to arrogance, from lying spirits to condemning spirits, and even from spirits of witchcraft and sexual immorality. The change in these men and women after Jesus ministers to their hearts and souls is remarkable.

Most of the American church is unaware of the spiritual realities that afflict them or are unwilling to wade into these unknown waters. Many simply dismiss the idea as something that occurred in the first century but not today or take the stance that Christians can’t be demonized because the Holy Spirit is in them. However, scripture no where declares that Christians cannot be afflicted by demons. Instead, it offers many warnings about demons and the devil’s schemes against believers. If believers are immune, then these warnings are irrelevant. Certainly not everything we face is demonic. Not everything Jesus faced was demonic but much was and much is.

Typically, on the Sunday following these Freedom Weekends or Freedom Saturdays, most of the participants come together to celebrate and share what God has done for them over the past eight weeks. The recurring story over and over again is trauma as a child that has followed them into their adulthood with tormenting beliefs that they are worthless, alone, unloved, and unlovable. They believe they must protect themselves because no one else will. These individuals are high on control which the damages their relationships and even limits what they will allow God to do in their lives. Many of God’s children are haunted with fear, depression, anxiety, doubts, and recurring thoughts of suicide. They have medicated these wounds with every kind of addiction: drugs, alcohol, sex, food, compulsive shopping, etc. and some have looked into occult places to find solutions.

Many have been to counseling, asked for prayer multiple times, and shared their struggle with their churches – only to be rejected. If not rejected, they have been sent to counselors who have not found a solution for them either because demonic spirits are at the root. When we send our people to professional counselors outside the church, the message may be that Jesus doesn’t have a solution for them. Remember that Paul declares our struggles are not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces arrayed against us (Eph.6:12) and declares that we face strongholds in our lives that can only be dismantled by divine weapons (2 Cor. 10:3-5).

What I get to see every year and over the past three weeks is God’s people truly healed and set free from decades old wounds and affliction. No where does scripture suggest that healing and freedom can only be found after years of professional counseling or drug therapies. There is power in the kingdom of God and it should be wielded on behalf of God’s people. It is always exciting to see what Jesus does on these weekends and even through the eight weeks of classes. Hope is restored to the hopeless. Pain ridden hearts feel the balm of his healing. Freedom is experienced by those who have been in bondage and torment and Jesus is glorified.

The teams that leads these ministries are amazing people who thrive in seeing what only God can do. We (the teams) are all people who also have been broken and in bondage and have been set free. This is not “super-spiritual stuff,” but basic Christianity walked out by those who believe in the power of the cross and the authority of Jesus Christ. It is lead by people who believe that freedom is every believer’s birthright and simply hunger to let others experience what they themselves have received from God.

If you are among the hurting and broken who have not yet been able to gain victory over your wounds and bondage, there is nothing wrong with you. You simply need to be ministered to with divine weapons and the power of the Holy Spirit. Ask the Lord to lead you to that church or those people who simply do what they see Jesus doing in th scriptures. If you don’t know where to go, you can contact me and we will help you find that church or group that can help you is discover your birthright of healing and freedom.