Signs of the Times

Much is being said and written currently about the “end times” when Jesus will return and history as we know it will grind to afinal and sudden stop. In Matthew 24, his disciples asked Jesus what the signs would be when the “end” would come that he had foretold along with the destruction of the Temple. Jesus responded by saying that the day or hour of his coming was known only to the Father…not even the angels know. However, he said we should be able discern the season and know when these things are at hand. He warns us to be alert and not caught off guard at his coming,

Several decades ago I determined not to spend too much time sorting out the end times. If we live everyday as if Jesus is coming back we will be in a good place at his return. I decided that because it was a season when many people (prophets, preachers and authors) were trying to determine the day and the time of his return, even though Jesus said it couldn’t be known. Each prediction was spread across headlines and each time the prediction failed to materialize, it seemed the church lost more credibility with the unchurched. On top of that, I was watching people I knew pour all their energy into “discerning the headlines,” rather than serving God or sharing the gospel. It appeared to be a great distraction.

However, in the past few years I have reconsidered. I have begun spending a little more time thinking about the season of his return as I see clear prophetic lines being crossed. I certainly believe we are in the season. I think three major prophetic markers point to the return of Jesus.

The first occurred in 1948 when Israel became a nation again and then in 1967 when Jerusalem was returned to control of Israel. When Jesus returns he will not place his foot down on the White House lawn, but in Israel and, specifically, in Jerusalem. That prophetic line has been crossed. If you are not aware, the Jews had no homeland for 2000 years. They were scattered all over the world which was God’s pronounced judgment if Israel would not turn their hearts back to him and if they rejected Messiah. In 70 A.D., Rome destroyed the Temple and banished Jews from Jerusalem. However, the prophets also foretold, over and over, that, in the end times, God would gather the Jews once again in Israel As I mentioned, that historically unlikely event took place in 1948.

A second major prophetic line is found in 2 Thessalonians. Here Paul declares, “Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God” (2 These. 2:3-4, emphasis added).

The word translated rebellion in this text is apostasia which can be translated apostasy or the “falling away.” Most scholars believe this is a “falling away” that occurs in the church. This word can also mean abandonment or rebellion. In the past few decades we have seen that occur in the western church. Many have abandoned the faith but more destructive are those who have continued to declare that they are true followers of Christ while compromising with the world and bending scripture to embrace their own standards rather than God’s.

Where the Bible clearly declares that practicing homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord, a number of main line denominations have embraced it as an acceptable lifestyle even among church leaders. Other churches no longer defend the inerrancy of scripture and others no longer maintain that Jesus is the only way to heaven. Other “churches” celebrate abortion for any cause and seemingly few churches clearly speak out against sin anymore. There is a clear movement, even among “Christians” to form a new world or universal religion that takes the “best of all religions” and combines their tenets into one faith. Clearly, there is a great apostasy or “falling away” occurring now

The third prophetic line is also mentioned in Paul’s comments above. The “man of lawlessness” (the anti-Christ) will set himself up in God’e temple, proclaiming himself to be God. There may be two ways to understand this. If the church is the “temple” Paul is referring to, then some individual man ascend to prominence and have influence over the church…perhaps, in a universal religion scenario. More likely, however, the temple here is the temple in Jerusalem.

Of course, there is no temple in Jerusalem at this moment. The last temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 a.d. But fear not, the orthodox Jews are on the brink of building a third temple in Jerusalem. They have everything they need to do just that. This will be the third prophetic line that will announce that Jesus will be coming soon. Just so you don’t get too comfortable, that Temple can be built in months rather than years.

All of this is to say that we are definitely in the season of his return if not absolutely on the brink. This should motivate us to do several things:

First of all, let’s examine our faith to see if we have given into cultural pressure and deception and watered down the word of God in our own lives. God is unchanging and his word is unchanging. Cultural “evolution” nor agenda driven “science” does not change his standards of righteousness or judgment.

Secondly, we must evaluate our love for God. How seriously do we take obedience in our own lives. Jesus said, “If you love me you will keep my commands.” How many commands do we “exempt” ourselves from because they don’t conform to our preferences? Who have we not forgiven? Who do we continue to judge? How compromised are our relationships? What addictions do we rationalize and what “idols” are we devoted to more than Jesus?

Thirdly, if there is someone you need to share the gospel with or whose salvation you need to be praying for…I wouldn’t delay. C.S.Lewis put it this way. “When the author steps onto the stage, the play is over.” In other words, when Jesus returns, the opportunity to say “yes” to him will have passed.

We are in a crazy world where everything seems out of control. Unwelcome changes seem to happen at light speed. But we, like the sons of Issachar should understand the times and press into our Savior more than ever. Jesus says there will be great deception in the last days so that even the elect might be led astray. Get into the Word. Stay connected to a Bible believing church. Stay connected to a group of serious believers who will pray for one another and look out for one another in these last days. We certainly want to be ready for his return and be unashamed at his coming.