The God of Reconciliation

God has a heart for reconciliation. The word doesn’t appear that often in scripture, but when it does it is profound.

For if, when we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! Not only is this so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. Romans 5:10-11.

His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. Ephesians 2:15-18

All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God… 2 Corinthians 5:18-20

To reconcile means to restore a relationship by recreating a state of harmony that existed before. Jesus died that we might be reconciled to God. In order for reconciliation to be on the table, we had to have once been in a state of harmony with God and then that state had to be ruptured so we were then alienated. This, of course, takes us back to the Garden when Adam and Eve were in a perfect relationship with God until sin caused Adam and Eve to be driven from the Garden and from the physical presence of God.

Suddenly, in an act of rebellion, man found himself at odds with God. Where intimacy and peace had reigned before…tension, animosity, distrust, distance, and alienation became the norm in man’s relationship with God. Like the prodigal son, we turned our backs on the goodness of our Father and chose to go our own way, even to the point off denying the existence of God or giving our hearts to other “gods.” God didn’t leave us, we left him. He had every right to write us off and never give us another thought, but our God has persistently pursued reconciliation with us even at the cost of his Son. It is the nature if God to reconcile if at all possible.

God hates division. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, gentleness, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Those qualities are the fruit of the Spirit that arise from the nature of God. It is his desire that our relationship with him reflect those qualities. It is also his desire that those qualities reflect our relationships with other people. God is always working toward reconciliation and restoration of relationships. He is serious about us doing the same.
since Covid, we have had a noticeable uptick in funerals in our community…many of them for relatively young people. But what I have noticed is how many have died alienated from those they should be closest to.

Some have been suicides, others overdoses, others “wildfire” cancers in relatively young men and women that took them in weeks or few months rather than years, others car wrecks, and so forth. All unexpected. When death has come, and reconciliation has not occurred, it leaves the survivors with guilt, regret, and anger as well as grief. That is not God’s will for his people.

Jesus taught, “You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, ‘Raca,’ is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell. Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.” (Mt.5:21-24).

Notice that God is so concerned about us reconciling our differences with others that he instructed us to reconcile our relationships before even attempting to worship. If our hearts are full of unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, blaming, or pride, it will hinder our prayers and our worship. He instructs us to make every effort to reconcile damaged relationships as a top priority in life. We cannot control how the other person responds to our efforts to restore harmony to the relationship, but God wants to make sure that we have made a genuine effort to do so.

God wants us to extend to others what he has extended us. He has offered peace and reconciliation to us through his Son and wants us to have the same heart toward those who have wounded us. He also wants what is best for us and will bring the greatest blessing. As I have watched the tears roll and seen the regret at numerous funerals where alienated family members never resolved their relationship, I know however much effort it took to reconcile would have been worth it. If we are going to be godly or godlike, we must be reconcilers. It is much easier to do that at the beginning of a hurt rather than after years of resentment and bitterness. Let me encourage you. If you have broken relationships and have not tried in good faith to reconcile, do so. It is God’s will for you and you will be blessed because of it. Pray for wisdom, pray for courage, pray for peace and reach out.



In Amos 3:3, the prophet asks the question, “Shall two walk together unless they are agreed?”  The idea is that you cannot walk with someone unless you are going in the same direction.  Another perspective is that if we are in agreement with someone, we are walking with that person in one form or another. In addition, if we come into agreement with someone, we may well grant them influence or even authority over us.

For instance, if an abusive parent finally convinces a child that he or she is weak and worthless, and the child has come into agreement with their evaluation, that agreement will rule that child’s life for years to come.  The parent’s evaluation will continue to control the child even into his or her adult years. When Adam and Eve came into agreement with Satan’s view of God in the Garden, they submitted their “worldview“ to him.  Once they submitted, he was able to continue to direct their steps because he directed their view of reality.  

We keep encountering believers whose lives are in shambles because they have come into agreement with Satan in significant parts of their beliefs. Although they believe that Jesus is the Son of God who died for their sins, they do not agree with God in other significant issues.  Sometimes they know what God says about a matter but continue in the sin because it gives them pleasure.  That is simple rebellion. If we live in rebellion we are certainly walking with Satan. 

Others simply decide they can’t help themselves, continue to sin, and hope to cash in on God’s grace.  To believe we “cannot help ourselves” is also a belief that God cannot help us or won’t help us. That is simple unbelief that denies the character and the word of God.  Satan constantly whispers that God will not or cannot provide for us, protect us, or deliver us. He whispers that God is always angry and displeased with us like an abusive father.  If God delays an answer to prayer, the enemy whispers that the answer will never come because God cannot be counted on.  He constantly reminds us of our failures and weaknesses and paints us as defective people unworthy of God’s love, God’s blessings, or God’s use of us in significant ways.  The question is whether or not we will agree with these lies. If we do not constantly monitor these lies, they will grow like weeds in the garden until they begin to choke out every desirable plant…or in this case, God’s truth.

Agreement gives the enemy a great deal of legal access to our lives for control, torment, and oppression.  Jesus said that the truth will set us free. The corollary is that lies will keep us in bondage. Any unbelief regarding the character of God and his promises, constitutes agreement with Satan and gives the enemy a right to stay, even when commanded to leave, because we are “walking together.”

From time to time, we see demonized believers seek deliverance without success.  The demon may clearly manifest or the evidence of demonization is abundant, but when commanded to leave, the spirit stays.  The believer may be tormented or oppressed and sincerely wants deliverance, but nothing exits. In some cases, it is because the believer does not truly want to give up the particular sin that the demon promotes in their life. He or she wants the sin but not the consequence. Their desire to hold onto the sin is their agreement with the enemy.  

At other times, we may find the believer has fallen into agreement with the enemy about God’s “indifference” toward them or his “unwillingness to answer their prayer” or that he is the one visiting sickness or torment on them.  In these cases, more discipleship is often needed before deliverance can be affective. Part of our transformation comes from the renewing of our minds (Rom. 12:2) … which means we align our thinking with God’s truth rather than Satan’s lies. These individuals must commit to give more authority to God’s word than to their own emotions or the lies of the enemy which they may have been subjected to for decades.  We always want a quick fix for those who come to us in pain and oppression, but that is not always in their best interest.

Part of our problem in the contemporary church is that we get people saved but then fail to disciple them so that they can stand against the attacks of the enemy.  We fail to firmly ground them in the truths of scripture. Because of that, they continue to be double-minded people who agree with God on some things while agreeing with Satan about other things…more out of ignorance than rebellion.

The word of God is the sword of the Spirit and we have not taught God’s people how to fight. We have not taught them who they are in Jesus and have not equipped them to stand in the authority they have.  When the enemy shows up, they don’t understand and when they are afflicted, they feel as if God has abandoned them or is angry with them.  Just as Israel had to learn to fight to enter their promised land, we need to learn to fight to secure the promises God has given to us. God has a purpose for this conflict. Fighting and hardship makes us strong. Wise gardeners put fans in green houses because the young plants need the wind to blow against them to strengthen their stems and root systems.  Otherwise, they will not survive when placed outside the greenhouse.

Agreement is a huge issue in the spiritual realm.  It defines whose team you are on.  All of us need to check our thinking regularly to see if we have come into agreement with Satan in any areas of our mind or behavior.  If that agreement continues, it becomes an open door for the enemy.  Paul commands us in 2 Corinthians 10:5 to tear down every enemy stronghold of thought within us and take every thought captive to make it obedient to Jesus.  That simply means that any thoughts or beliefs bouncing around in our heads that are not aligned with the commands, perspectives, motives, and choices of Christ must be discarded.  The goal of every believer should be that every thought we have, every word we speak, and every belief we hold will be totally aligned with the Word of God. Be careful about your agreement.

The current resurgence of anti-Semitism and the outpouring of hate towards Israel should not surprise us.  Since the days of Abraham, God has promised to bless the world through the descendants of the patriarch.  Though Jewish scholars, scientists, and artists have blessed the world in many ways, the primary blessing would be the Messiah coming into the world through Jewish bloodlines.

It is clear from scripture that Satan, although not fully aware of God’s plan has been threatened by the thought of a savior or redeemer coming into the through Israel.  If he cannot reign in heaven, he certainly wants to reign on the earth.  The first coming of Messiah and the return of Messiah are ultimate threats to his “kingdom” here on this planet and his future. 

We know of at least four attempts Satan made to derail God’s promise of blessing.  I believe he incited Pharoah to order all the Hebrew sons killed in the days of Moses.  I believe he incited Hamon in the days of Esther to have all the Jews destroyed in Persia. I believe he prompted Herod to have all the Israeli boys under two years of age killed in the vicinity of Bethlehem at the time of Jesus’ birth.  I believe he drove Hitler to kill millions of Jews during the second world war and I believe he is inciting the Arab nations to “wipe Israel off the face of the earth” in this season. All of this is an attempt to somehow delay or cancel the return of Christ and the ultimate defeat of Satan.

God promised Abraham, “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Gen. 12:2-3).  Scripture is clear that anyone who truly hates Israel is probably under demonic influence and is subject to the curse God declared over those who would curse Abraham and his descendants.

As Christians, especially, we should be a source of blessing to Israel.  This does not mean that we have to approve of everything Israel does.  I don’t approve of everything America, my church, my family, or even myself do, but my heart is still with all of these. Our spiritual roots are in Israel.  Paul reminds us that we, as wild shoots, have been grafted into Israel (Rom. 11:27).   We may also have to be reminded that Jesus was (or is) Jewish as well. Prophecies regarding the return of Christ center on Jerusalem.  In Revelation 20, John speaks of the nations of the earth surrounding Jerusalem to destroy it in the end times, and God describes Jerusalem as “the city he loves.” Romans 11 strongly suggest that God is not done with national Israel and, in the end, many Jews will come to faith in Jesus.

In the New Testament, we are often told that the world (the systems of the world) will hate us because it hates Jesus.  It hates Jesus because it is still under the influence of Satan who still wants to see Israel destroyed thinking that the return of the King will somehow be thwarted if Israel is destroyed. The world-wide uprising against Jews is evidence that Satan still has a hold on much of this planet.  Satan hates what God loves and the world loves what God hates.  In the same way that the “world” hates Jesus and his followers it will also hate his chosen people. 

As followers of Jesus and as “spiritual Jews,” we must pray for and stand with Israel. Those who bless Abraham will be blessed.  I hope during this season of war and protests against Israel that our hearts will be conditioned by the Spirit and not by the tide of events or the propaganda we see on television. I hope you will pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Ps. 122:6) and that God will use this season to open Jewish and even Arab eyes to the true Messiah. 

Well…it’s nearly Thanksgiving so it seems appropriate to say a little about giving thanks. As children, some of us were taught to always say “thank you” for any gift or courtesy. Apparently, not everyone was taught that bit of etiquette, but God certainly wants his children to say, “Thank you.”

Paul wrote. “Rejoice always,  pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Th 5:16–19). Three directives are set out here for God’s people – rejoice, pray, and give thanks. The directives point to a lifestyle, not just an occasional moment of rejoicing, praying, or being thankful. Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in all circumstances.

Interestingly, these are also keys for mental health. At a recent conference in South Africa, a breakout session on mental health emphasized that the practice of “intentional gratitude” was a bedrock of mental health. The idea of intentional gratitude is the art of learning to look for things in your life for which you can be grateful and then expressing gratitude for those things on a daily or even hourly basis.

I have met with many, many people through the years who, at least from my perspective, had significant things to be thankful for, but had become focused on one issue in their life that was not what they wanted it to be. That negative focus on the “one thing” created a kind of tunnel vision that kept them from recognizing all the other good things in their life. As a result of their constantly negative focus, they became depressed, bitter and resentful. They typically took offense at God for not answering that one prayer and took no notice of the thousands of others prayers he had answered.

Without doubt, some of the “unanswered prayers ” were related to real tragedies – the death of a child, a divorce, a longing for marriage that had never been fulfilled, the loss of a business, a crippling disease that had yet to be healed, and so forth. These are real things that impact individuals and families. But God has never promised us passage through this life that does not include loss, pain, and trouble. He simply says that he will walk with us through the valley of the shadow of death.

The truth is that we must accept that we may experience deep pain and disappointment in this world. The promise that God will wipe away all tears is for the next world. But intentional gratitude will alleviate much of the pain in this world that may be self-imposed. Thanksgiving is a spiritual discipline that keeps us from losing our balance and that keeps us from forgetting that we are loved by God. If we practice that discipline between the hard seasons, we can remember to look for his love and blessing even as we stand beside a grave. That is what gives us hope.

I have heard this verse misquoted and, I believe, misunderstood. Some say we should thank God for all circumstances. But, he says in all circumstances. The difference is significant. If I thank God for my cancer or for the death of my child, I am saying these things come from him. If I thank him in that circumstance, I am thanking him that he is with me, shall sustain me, and will bring me into a place of comfort once again. That is my hope. Because of Jesus, he shall turn my mourning into dancing.

I believe our ultimate question is whether God loves us or not. Every blessing, every encouragement, every meal, every healing, every person who cares about us is an expression of God’s love. If we evaluate his love on the basis of one tragedy, disappointment, or loss, then we miss the reality that he is still loving us and caring for us in a myriad other ways.

Giving thanks in all circumstances is a key to mental, spiritual, and relational health. As we come into this season of Thanksgiving, we may want to begin to be more intentional about perceiving his love and acknowledging it through prayers of thanksgiving to him…for the big things and well as the smaller things of life. It is his will for us in Christ Jesus and his will always brings a blessing.

For the past eighteen years, freedom ministries have been my primary area of ministry. For us, Freedom Ministries are those ministries that help God’s people heal and find freedom from every kind of bondage.

Our cornerstone passage for this ministries is Isaiah 61:1 – a prophetic passage pointing to the coming Messiah. Prophetically, Isaiah declares, “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners,to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair ” (Isa. 61:1-3).

In Luke 4, Jesus read that very passage in the synagogue and declared that the passage was being fulfilled in him. The mending of broken hearts and the setting free of captives is for those in Zion. It is God’s people who need the healing and freedom. Certainly, those outside the covenant need it as well, but God’s first concern is for his children.

Over the past three weeks I have had the privilege of beeing part of three Freedom Weekends. The weekends follow an eight weeks of classes that prepares God’s people to receive their healing and freedom and to maintain it after they are healed and set free. Freedom Weekend is an all day event in which God’s people experience emotional healing from past hurts and experience deliverance from tormenting spirits. These spirit range from fear to shame, from heaviness to arrogance, from lying spirits to condemning spirits, and even from spirits of witchcraft and sexual immorality. The change in these men and women after Jesus ministers to their hearts and souls is remarkable.

Most of the American church is unaware of the spiritual realities that afflict them or are unwilling to wade into these unknown waters. Many simply dismiss the idea as something that occurred in the first century but not today or take the stance that Christians can’t be demonized because the Holy Spirit is in them. However, scripture no where declares that Christians cannot be afflicted by demons. Instead, it offers many warnings about demons and the devil’s schemes against believers. If believers are immune, then these warnings are irrelevant. Certainly not everything we face is demonic. Not everything Jesus faced was demonic but much was and much is.

Typically, on the Sunday following these Freedom Weekends or Freedom Saturdays, most of the participants come together to celebrate and share what God has done for them over the past eight weeks. The recurring story over and over again is trauma as a child that has followed them into their adulthood with tormenting beliefs that they are worthless, alone, unloved, and unlovable. They believe they must protect themselves because no one else will. These individuals are high on control which the damages their relationships and even limits what they will allow God to do in their lives. Many of God’s children are haunted with fear, depression, anxiety, doubts, and recurring thoughts of suicide. They have medicated these wounds with every kind of addiction: drugs, alcohol, sex, food, compulsive shopping, etc. and some have looked into occult places to find solutions.

Many have been to counseling, asked for prayer multiple times, and shared their struggle with their churches – only to be rejected. If not rejected, they have been sent to counselors who have not found a solution for them either because demonic spirits are at the root. When we send our people to professional counselors outside the church, the message may be that Jesus doesn’t have a solution for them. Remember that Paul declares our struggles are not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces arrayed against us (Eph.6:12) and declares that we face strongholds in our lives that can only be dismantled by divine weapons (2 Cor. 10:3-5).

What I get to see every year and over the past three weeks is God’s people truly healed and set free from decades old wounds and affliction. No where does scripture suggest that healing and freedom can only be found after years of professional counseling or drug therapies. There is power in the kingdom of God and it should be wielded on behalf of God’s people. It is always exciting to see what Jesus does on these weekends and even through the eight weeks of classes. Hope is restored to the hopeless. Pain ridden hearts feel the balm of his healing. Freedom is experienced by those who have been in bondage and torment and Jesus is glorified.

The teams that leads these ministries are amazing people who thrive in seeing what only God can do. We (the teams) are all people who also have been broken and in bondage and have been set free. This is not “super-spiritual stuff,” but basic Christianity walked out by those who believe in the power of the cross and the authority of Jesus Christ. It is lead by people who believe that freedom is every believer’s birthright and simply hunger to let others experience what they themselves have received from God.

If you are among the hurting and broken who have not yet been able to gain victory over your wounds and bondage, there is nothing wrong with you. You simply need to be ministered to with divine weapons and the power of the Holy Spirit. Ask the Lord to lead you to that church or those people who simply do what they see Jesus doing in th scriptures. If you don’t know where to go, you can contact me and we will help you find that church or group that can help you is discover your birthright of healing and freedom.

The spiritual realm frequently interacts with the natural realm. 0ne effects the other. Throughout scripture, we see the spiritual realms impacting the natural realm as demonic spirits clearly afflict humans through temptation and even “possession.” In the book of Daniel, we are told that demonic principalities sometime rule over nations. influencing them to follow the ways of Satan. Angels clearly impact the lives of individuals throughout the Bible…protecting them, delivering messages, leading them out of prisons, and executing God’s judgments at times. James even warns us to be careful how we treat strangers because some of those we interact with may be angels operating in the form of men. In the other direction, prayers, praise and commands in the natural realm move things in the spiritual realms.

More often than we are aware, we experience spiritual atmospheres in the natural realm that are generated by the presence of spiritual beings we cannot see. Christians often talk about feeling the “presence of God” or the “presence of the Holy Spirit” in a church service, conference, or small group setting. Angels often are present in churches during worship and contribute to an atmosphere of peace, praise and expectation. It is also true that demonic spirits can produce an atmosphere of fear, anger, heaviness, hopelessness, distrust, and oppression in other settings.

Several years ago, we received a request from a lady who attended another church asking us to pray for her and her family. She had remarried a good man and her teenage son from her previous marriage lived with them. He and his “stepfather” had gotten along well for the first year or two of their marriage, but after moving into a new home (new to them) the relationship became combative and even physically violent between the son and stepfather. The woman’s husband travelled with his job, so was gone from time to time. The atmosphere in the house was such that she had put a dead bolt on her bedroom door and kept it locked out of fear that her son would try to hurt her or even kill ear with the stepfather away.

She invited us over while the son was at a school event and her husband was out of town. As we asked about her experiences, she noted the agitation and anger had only become apparent after they moved into their current house. She also noted that if they were traveling as a family, the son and husband got along as they had in the beginning, but as soon as they pulled into the driveway, the anger and agitation erupted again. This woman did not attend a church that talked about the spiritual realm and certainly not about demons, so she made no connection between the anger and violence in her home and the spiritual realm.

Several of our team members had gifts of discernment so they immediately sensed the presence of a spirit of anger and violence in the house. We prayed over the house, commanded the spirit to leave and never return and went on our way. She said she never told her husband or son that we had prayed over the house, but their relationship quickly returned to what it had been in the beginning. In that case, prayer and commands in the authority of Jesus changed the spiritual atmosphere of the home.

There are times we will feel the atmosphere of a home, neighborhood, city, or church. Sometimes, these places will feel peaceful or full of life if the Spirit of God is present. If there is a strong demonic presence, it will feel dark, heavy, evil, foreboding, or angry. I have visited several cities where witchcraft was openly practiced and on a clear day, the sun seemed dim in those cities as if there were cloud cover when there was none. Those atmospheres affect not just the sky but the people who live there as well. The people themselves reflect the spiritual atmosphere of their city.

In Mark 4, Jesus told his disciples to get in a boat and head across the sea of Galilee to the region gf the Gadarenes. As they made their way across, a great storm suddenly blew up. Jesus was asleep in the boat while the disciples were in full panic mode. Remember, they were crossing the sea to encounter a totally demonized man who lived among the tombs, whom Jesus would set free. The disciples shook Jesus awake and announced that they were all about to die. Jesus rebuked the storm and it ceased immediately.

Many commentators believe that the storm had been stirred by demonic forces and, in essence, Jesus had commanded the demons to cease their activity. They were attempting to keep Jesus from setting the man who lived in the tombs free from demonic bondage. If this is true, Jesus discerned the demonic atmosphere charging the storm and by his commands, changed the atmosphere.

Other things can change the spiritual atmosphere of a location as well. We are told that when an evil spirit would torment King Saul, David would play a harp, and the spirit would stop the torment. Psalm 149:6 instructs God’s people to enter into battle with the praise of God in their mouths. We are also told that God inhabits the praises of his people. Praise attracts the presence of God and the presence of God disperses the enemy. Prayer also attracts his presence and praying out loud for the presence and power of the Lord to overcome the enemy can also shift the atmosphere of a home, room, church, business, etc.

Many people are affected by spiritual atmospheres without being aware of what is going on. They simply find themselves feeling hopeless, depressed, agitated, angry, or fearful for “no apparent reason.” There may be an atmosphere of conflict in a home or business where couples or kids or employees seem to fight incessantly for no good reason. These individuals or families should act intentionally to change the atmosphere of the home or business. Praying out loud, playing praise music in the background all day and night, an audio Bible being played, or direct commands for spirits to leave (or all the above) can change the atmosphere instantly or over a few weeks.

Paul told us that we should not be unaware of the devil’s schemes and negative or toxic spiritual atmospheres can certainly be one of those strategies to bring down individuals, families, businesses and even churches. When you feel the presence of God, stay there, When you feel or see the evidence of demonic activity, take action to change it.

At the risk of sounding elderly, this is going to be one of those “when I was a kid” blogs. When I look at the current cultural and political landscape, I cannot help but be somewhat astonished at the accelerated cultural collapse of values I see and our nation’s passive acceptance of them.

When I was a kid and even a college student, I remember that every presidential candidate was somewhat scrutinized to see if he and his family were church members somewhere. The idea behind that was a need for biblical morality (even feigned) among our leaders. When JFK was running for president there was concern that he was Catholic and that he might be taking direction from the Pope. That was somewhat absurd, but the fear reflected how important we thought faith affiliations were.

Fast forward to 2023. Now it seems that if a presidential candidate has some actual faith and commitment to biblical values, he or she is considered radical and dangerous. It almost disqualifies them from leadership. How have we come to a place in a nation built on Christian commitment, to the place where a commitment to biblical truth disqualifies you from leading a nation, a university, a major corporation or major media outlet?

It wasn’t that many years ago when homosexuality was against the law in many states because it was considered sin and a perversion. I’m not in favor of jailing gay people, but the value that homosexuality was a deviation from healthy, normative reality was based on biblical standards. Now we have gay pride month..not just a day, but a month. In addition, we have transgenderism being championed in many of our schools and in the media. Now if you object to same sex marriage or transgenderism for children you are labeled as perverse. We are in such a place that some are seriously arguing that pedophilia should also be considered an acceptable alternate lifestyle. Millions of abortions are not just allowed but celebrated.

Recently, there have been serious attempts to make biblical preaching that doesn’t agree with “cultural norms” illegal under the category of “hate speech.” Preachers who presented homosexuality and same sex marriage as sin, have already been arrested in Canada for hate speech and if we stay on our current political and social track in America, we will se that soon here.

In past decades in the U.S, it was comfortable, acceptable, and even advisable to speak out for God, the church, and biblical standards of morality. To do less made you suspect as a political leader, a teacher, or a business man. People wondered if you had integrity in your business dealings if you were not clearly a Christian. I’m not naive enough to believe that all those who professed Christianity really lived it or even believed it. But biblical standards were at lease promoted to be the correct standard for living. Nearly all of that has been erased in our cultural landscape at this point.

What I truly wonder is whether the average American has given up those values or if the average American is simply remaining quiet because of the fear of man. It truly seems that a very small percentage of people in America are calling the shots for everyone else who doesn’t want be labeled as “a hater” or “perverse” by this truly small number of media, political, or educational “elites.”

I am encouraged that there seems to be some who are now speaking up against “wokeism” and the cultural tyranny of these few elitists. But all of us who believe in biblical or at least traditional values better begins to speak up. In past decades, it was acceptable and comfortable to be a Christian. Now, in many places and settings in America it is no longer comfortable and speaking up will cost you your job and will certainly cost you the praise of men..

I was reading in the book of Acts this morning and felt that the apostles prayer for their little group who were being persecuted by the religious and political elite of their time, must become our prayer now in this “new normal” in which we find ourselves. Peter and John had just been warned by the authorities to no longer preach or minister in the name of Jesus at risk of imprisonment. When they reported the threat to the church in Jerusalem, the church prayed a prayer we should begin to pray daily.

“On their release, Peter and John went back to their own people and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them. When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. “Sovereign Lord,” they said, “you made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and everything in them. You spoke by the Holy Spirit through the mouth of your servant, our father David: “ ‘Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the Lord and against his Anointed One.’

Indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to conspire against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed. They did what your power and will had decided beforehand should happen. Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly” (Ac 4:23–31).

If power and boldness do not mark the church in the coming months and years, this nation that was once a beacon of light will slide into darkness. Much if what God will do with this nation is up to us, In Deuteronomy 28, God marked out two paths for Israel. One was a path of extreme blessing if they would be careful to follow the commands of the Lord. The other was a path of cursing, loss, poverty, and oppression if they failed to follow his commands. I believe America is at that crossroads. What we decide to believe, to do, and speak has never been more crucial; I am praying for boldness. I hope you will as well.

Have you ever felt “less than” because you didn’t find the connection with God in a certain environment that other people did?  Maybe it was a worship night at your church where, afterwards, you heard others talk about how thick the presence of God was…but you didn’t feel it.  Maybe it was a night of prayer in which many talked about how close they felt to God as they “pressed in”… but you didn’t.  Maybe it was a winter retreat in which everyone got up to experience God in the sunrise, but you just found yourself wishing you weren’t so cold.  It wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy the worship, the prayer, or even the sunrise but you didn’t feel as connected to God as the others did in those moments, so you begin to doubt your own spirituality.

Well, take heart.  Not everyone connects with God in the same way.  In fact, a great deal of study has gone into the subject of how we best connect with God and those who did the studies have determined that there are a least nine different ways in which people best connect or feel closest to God.  These are usually called primary pathways or sacred pathways to God. These findings actually should not surprise us.  Afterall, God has made us all to be unique.  He has given us different gifts, temperaments, and experiences with which to fulfill his unique purposes for us, so why would we expect to all experience him in the same way? Gary Thomas suggests nine sacred pathways. Let me briefly list these as a sampler of what I am talking about.

The naturalist feels most connected to God when he or she steps outside and observes God’s creation.  These are the “let’s watch the sunrise folks.”  Whether mountains, deserts, beaches, lakes, rivers, city parks, or a flower garden in their own backyard, they seem to see and hear God best in those environments.

The sensate experiences God though their five senses.  They feel connected by majestic music, sacred architecture, sacred art, communion, candle light services, etc.  These symbols stir their spirits to sense the presence and grandeur of God. God made us with five senses so we must be able to experience him through those as well as other ways.

The traditionalist loves traditional forms of worship including liturgical readings, historic rituals, keeping to church calendars and holy days. They feel the presence of God when they align themselves with centuries of faith through these traditions and hundred-year-old hymns.  Praise bands and light shows do not connect them to God in the same way.

The ascetic finds God most clearly in simplicity and solitude.  These men and women probably tend to be introverts who process their faith more internally than externally.  They gravitate toward traditional spiritual disciplines such as fasting, prayer vigils, and solitude.  They find God best in silence rather than in a sanctuary of spirited worshippers.

The activist meets God best in the midst of battle.  It is in confronting the enemy or injustice or poverty that God seems most real, immanent, and exciting. These folks campaign for change, become evangelists, pray in front of abortion centers, and so forth.  

The caregiver feels closest to God when meeting the needs of the poor, the sick, and the oppressed.  Mother Theresa comes to mind. These individuals feel closest to God when serving others. They often are the first to sign up for service projects. They may gravitate toward the medical field, social services, or even first responders.  They feel most connected to God when they are there for others in crisis.

The enthusiast loves the excitement and celebration of faith.  They love conferences where they are challenged to take risks…missions, prayers for healing others, sharing a prophetic word, etc.  They love creative and contemporary forms of worship and wake up every morning hoping that God will perform a miracle that day in them or through them.

The contemplative is marked by emotional attachment and abandonment to God. Perhaps, more than any other, these individuals seek a personal relationship with God through extended quiet times, extended periods of seeking his presence or hearing him. They like to show their love for God through secret acts of devotion, anonymous gifts of charity, or private worship just for God.

The learner discovers God through study.  His or her spirit is stirred when they discover new truths about God. These are individuals who want to get through with the worship so they can discover more of God in the sermon.  Bible study is the center of their devotional life. They want to talk theology with friends and always have a new book feeding their hunger to discover more about the Father.

These pathways are not exhaustive but demonstrate that we all connect best with God in different ways.  We often connect in several ways.  This doesn’t mean that if worship is not my high point of the day, that I don’t need to worship. We are commanded to do so.  We are commanded to serve the poor, study the word, be still before God, etc.  But, when we don’t experience the presence of God in one setting like others do, we don’t have to feel less spiritual or less acceptable to God.  

A caution:  we are all human.  We tend to think that our primary pathway to God should be everyone else’s primary pathway as well.  If we are not careful, we may judge them as less spiritual than we are, but that would be a mistake.  God has given each a different role in the body, different gifts, and different personalities.  Each is valid, each is valuable.  When you find your primary pathway(s) to God, put yourself in that place more often.  Don’t discount your pathway because it is not the pathway most celebrated in your church or the pathway of other believers you admire.  Rest in the fact that it is part of how God made you and seek him on that pathway on a regular basis.

I try to stay away from politics because a political party won’t save us and political stands often splinter the body of Christ.  However, many believers are choosing political values over biblical values.  When we stand before God, and we will, he will not ask us about political affiliation but how faithful we were to his word and how we stood for biblical truth in the face of social pressure.

Adam and Eve compromised the commands of God by coming into agreement with Satan. The devil presents objections to God’s truth that always sound reasonable to an unrenewed mind that is ruled by the flesh.  The flesh wants to submit to no one.  It wants to be in charge or, at least, wants no one else in charge.  The Old Testament says that during the period of the judges, there was no king in Israel and every man did that which was right in in own heart. Remember, these were unregenerated hearts and “no king” meant that they were often not held accountable for their actions.  That is what the flesh wants and that is what Satan peddles. You can be like God and the master of your own destiny.  Do your own thing.  Follow your heart.  Do it your way. Follow your own truth.

I was in China a few years ago ministering to underground church pastors and members.  I was having lunch with a young pastor in Hong Kong and asked him what the condition of the church was in China at that time.  Of course, people were coming to Jesus by the thousands and even hundreds of thousands and most Chinese believers are willing to go to prison or even die for their faith.  He said, however, there was a lot of division among church leaders.  I asked why and he said, “There is just something in every Chinese man that wants to be emperor.”  In other words, there is something even in these church leaders that wants to be in charge and call the shots while being unanswerable to anyone.

We have to guard against that dynamic in each of us.  Paul says in Romans 7, “So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members” (Rom. 7:21-23).  In other words, even among the saved there is still a fallen nature warring against our redeemed nature.

In 2 Corinthians 10, Paul declares, “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Cor. 10:2-5).  Because we still have a natural man warring against our spiritual man and because the tempter is frequently whispering lies in our mind, we have thoughts that are not obedient to Christ.  Therefore, we must take those thoughts captive and bring them into alignment with the Word of God. 

The Word is the only unchanging standard in this world.  It is unchanging because 

God us unchanging.  We must stay true to his word without compromise, even though some of the world’s arguments seem to make sense…to our unrenewed mind.  I am still astonished that many churches, Christian schools and universities are buying into the worldly arguments that homosexuality is an accepted lifestyle to Jesus or that abortion for any reason is a godly value.  They are buying into arguments that transgenderism or the effort to do away with gender differences altogether is somehow compassionate and righteous and that those who speak against that cultural view are haters. Scripture says that God made them male and female and no other genders are mentioned.  Churches and educational institutions who adopt cultural views in these areas seem to believe that God needs to be informed by our “science” and “progressive thinking” in these areas.  The Word must inform culture; culture cannot inform the Word. 

We have, perhaps, the most consequential election in the history of the United States coming up.  Ultimately, it will be a decision by the nations to either return to God’s values and standards or to continue to depart from them. We should not be voting on personalities or even our pocket books, but on values.  We must inform ourselves of what God says about the issues at hand and vote for those who best reflect his standards.

Paul is very clear when he writes, “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap destruction, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life” (Gal. 5:6-7).  That is true not only for individuals but also for nations. When November of next year rolls around, we must not listen to the voice of culture or our fallen nature or the voice of the enemy.  We must listen to the voice of God.  The future of this nation depends on it…not just for us but for our children and grandchildren.  

Some of the issues we will need to have an informed biblical view of are going to be abortion, same sex marriage, homosexuality, transgenderism, globalism (a one world government), holding criminals accountable, the state having authority over children rather than their parents, and so forth.  As these political platforms are presented, please find out what God says about the issues.  Remember, at first glance the issue may sound right because our natural man gravitates toward those positions, but determine to represent God rather than the world.  So much depends on us doing so.

But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations. 

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance. (Ps. 33:11-12). 

Back in 1970, a little book came out entitled The Late, Great, Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey.  It was viewed by many as the ultimate blueprint of the end times.  Of course, the beginning of the countdown to the return of Christ was the establishment of Israel in 1948.  Lindsey took all kinds of Old Testament prophecies as well as the book of Revelation and some prophetic statements by Christ in the gospels to connect nations, leaders, and world events to a seven-year tribulation of terrible plagues and natural disasters on the earth. 

Then, either before or in the middle of this great tribulation, the rapture of the church would occur when Jesus would evacuate every believer from the face of the earth to avoid what was coming.  Then, after the tribulation Christ would return to begin a thousand-year reign on the earth during which Satan would be bound and then released for a final confrontation. Then would come the end of time when Christ would destroy all his enemies and the eternal heaven would be ushered in on a renewed earth.

This book had a profound impact on the church in the coming decades.  Lindsey was not the first to develop this theology but he was the first to popularize it in such a way.  For me, the discouraging part of this view of the end times was that all of the earth would plunge into an inevitable spiritual darkness that no efforts of the church could forestall.  It suggested that no matter how hard the church prayed or evangelized, this inevitable triumph of darkness over light would transpire until things were so bad that Jesus “raptured” every believer from the face of the earth.

As a result, an attitude developed that any great efforts of the church at redeeming nations and cultures were doomed to fail.  Some believers simply took on the notion that we could no longer be world changers, but simply needed to bunker in until Jesus returned.  That mindset still exists in many believers today. I believe that some of this theology crept into churches to the extent that Christians began to pull back and isolate themselves from our culture with the sense that our involvement could actually make no difference. We handed over politics, education, science, and the arts to relative unbelievers – an expanded version of separation of church and state. 

This separation has become a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Someone prophesied that culture would continue to inevitably deteriorate in spite of our best efforts and so Christians abandoned it.  Because we withdrew from these cultural playing fields, of course it is deteriorating.  My objection to this view is that it inadvertently presents the power of Christ and his church to be insufficient to withstand the power of evil for decades while billions of people that Jesus died for are funneled into hell.  

And yet, Jesus demonstrated his power over evil through preaching, healing, and deliverance during his entire ministry on the earth.  His greatest demonstration of power came through the resurrection. He then sent his Spirit to empower believers to do what he had been doing.  Jesus himself declared that the gates of hell would not prevail against his church.  We are also told in Isaiah, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this” (Isa.9:6-7). 

This prophetic passage declares that the increase of his government will have no end.  In other words, his kingdom will continue to advance until the end of the age.  Jesus stands for victory rather than defeat. He taught us to pray…thy kingdom come…on earth as it is in heaven.  There is no place for a sense of inevitable failure, defeat or impotence in the kingdom of God.  Every election cycle, it feels like many Christians believe that their involvement in the political process is either futile or unbiblical…because they refuse to vote.  It seems that many believing parents discourage their children from academia or politics or involvement in the arts because those systems have been heavily infiltrated by the enemy.  

The questions is whether we should withdraw or retake those influential systems of culture for the kingdom of God?  To do so will require a theology of victory rather than defeat, power rather than weakness, and engagement rather than abandonment.  That is the Spirit of Christ. No matter how the end times roll out, we should remain committed to taking back the world from the enemy until Jesus appears again. God commanded Adam and Eve to subdue the earth for his purposes. That command was restated in the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. We may want to begin right here in America to reclaim what belongs to God.